LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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News broken by wrtv @ 3.26 pm yesterday. I feel the D knew all along they weren't prepared and have just been stringing the families along. Now they have to wait another 5 months because of the time D have wasted on a ridiculous theory.

On another note, RA, with hair, sure looks much younger and more and more like young BG.

News broken by wrtv @ 3.26 pm yesterday. I feel the D knew all along they weren't prepared and have just been stringing the families along. Now they have to wait another 5 months because of the time D have wasted on a ridiculous theory.

On another note, RA, with hair, sure looks much younger and more and more like young BG.

Or, it could have something to do with the prosecution holding evidence back for a long time.
From the WRTV link posted by @Imamazed (thankyou).

ALLEN COUNTY — The jury trial of Richard Allen in the Delphi Murders case has been continued.

In court on Tuesday, May 7, Special Judge Fran Gull decided the jury trial schedule for May 13-31 will now take place in October.

The trial will now take place in Carroll County from October 14 - November 15.

The defense contended that they want a 15-day guarantee to present their side, but were not granted a guarantee.

Gull cited a jury rule when discussing the trial length, saying when she summoned the jury, it required her to set dates. Adding more time to the previous trial dates is something she couldn't do.

The pre-trial hearing was confrontational in nature, according to WRTV reporter Kaitlyn Kendall, who was in the court room.

At one point during discussions, Allen's defense attorney Brad Rozzi told Gull "you don't know anything about this case."

Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland said he is frustrated and is ready to go.

Both sides will return to court from May 21-23 in Carroll County to discuss multiple additional motions, including a new motion to dismiss Gull from the case.

Prior to Allen's motion for a speedy trial, leading to the May dates, the trial was originally scheduled to take place from October 15-31, 2024.

Allen is charged with murder in the 2017 deaths of Abby Williams and Libby German.

This is a developing story.
I cannot see how these attorneys can get Judge Gull thrown off the case when it has already been decided unanimously by a higher court that she should stay. WTH are they playing at?

The original anticipated murder trial was only two weeks 15-31 October.

Latest diary dates -

21-23rd May - additional motions inc motion to dismiss Judge Gull

25-? Jun - M.Westerman jury trial

14 Oct - 15 Nov Delphi murder trial

(Let me know if I have made any errors in the above dates and details.)
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Here is an account of what went on at court yesterday. From Reddit.

Coppyng the text directly into this post in case anything happens with the link, we will still have the narrative.

May 7, 2024 Hearing Summary -

To start, family members were there. The victim’s families along with Kathy and RA’s mom. Defense team entered first. Jennifer Auger included. Rozzi asked the judge what they were there for today. He asks if they would be hearing on time limits/restraints and the limine. Gull said yes to both. However, they didn’t get to the state’s motions today. Only the defense’s.

Gull acknowledged Baldwin and Rozzi. Gull said, “Hi, Mrs. Auger. Not sure why you are here? You’re on this case in a limited capacity. Rozzi replies that Auger needs to be working full time with them. Judge said she needs to see a motion and she would grant it – with limits.

Rozzi began discussing time limits. In June 2023, Rozzi himself requested a three-week trial which included jury selection. In October, he also stuck with the three-week trial request. He felt like between the two sides, there was tons of witnesses (200 or so). Unable to accommodate all that in the allotted time frame. Rozzi brought up that there haven’t been many pre-trial hearings. Rozzi wants a full 15 days to defend their client. Gull asked Nick, “Are you ready to go?’ And he replied, “Yes, the state is ready to go and are ready to start on the 16th and be done by the 25th. He mentions lots of chain of custody witnesses. State was satisfied with the scheduled 2 weeks. Rozzi said there is no way that’s possible. Rozzi said, “When we bring in the jury, we can ask them to add more days.” That’s when things got heated. Gull never raised her voice though. She used rules and regulations to cement her points. Gull said she can’t ask the jury to stay extra according to jury rule #4. Rozzi replied, “Well if I don’t get extra days, that violates RA’s sixth amendment right. Rozzi kept asking for as much time as the state. The state has the position that they are the ones who must present evidence because the burden of proof is on them. At this point, Rozzi is getting loud and animated. He did not seem to understand that Gull couldn’t adjust the jury issue. Gull said, “When I gave you all the dates for the speedy trial that you requested, you should’ve said something then.”

Lots of back and forth going on. Mcleland didn’t say a lot during the hearing. The email Gull sent that was included during a recent defense motion was brought up. It wasn’t supposed to be in there and Gull wasn’t happy about it. At this point, Rozzi asked if he could have recess with his client.

After returning from recess, Rozzi was upset. The judge asked him if he was ready to go. He responded by saying he had a problem with the fact that he couldn’t have a private meeting with his client due to two deputies standing in the doorway while he spoke with RA. Bailiff stepped in and told Gull that Rozzi and Allen were welcome to go into his private room. Rozzi was short, snappy and said, “no need of that now”.

Gull came out and made it a point to tell Rozzi that she had, in fact, tried several hundred cases – including the gas explosion in Indiana (Richmond Hill case) and that it included 140 witnesses. She went on to say it only took 20 days. He was mad. Actually, He wanted more than 15 days, but she only agreed to 15. Finally, they asked to dismiss their request for speedy trial. The judge agreed. As they were dropping it, Baldwin stood up and said “I have a motion here asking Gull to recuse herself. Baldwin asked Gull if she would like a copy. She said, “Nope, put it on e-file.” That’s the only time Baldwin spoke today.

Again, Rozzi was animated. Behaved nothing like he did on March 18th. He was loud. He was the only one that was loud today. He told the judge she didn’t know anything about this case and their client being kept in a hole. Then, they started talking about the prosecution wanting the phone calls RA made at both Westville and Wabash!! Incriminating statements.

Rozzi also brought up that the prosecution won’t talk to him over phone. Nic wants a paper trail.

Suppression hearings need to be dealt with. State’s motion in limine will be heard May 21,22, and 23. New trial dates will be from October 14 – November 15. Gull looked at Rozzi and said, “You better be able to get your things done in that time limit. Sounds like these dates will be the final trial dates. NM brought up that the state had the burden of proof, so it is natural they need more time. Nick admitting to scaling back to accommodate.

The tone was thick. State also asked Gull about ruling on the Franks. Gull said, “No, we aren’t ruling on Franks. Will probably will be denied without hearing (attendees’ opinion). Suppression hearings will be on those May dates. Held in Carroll County. The state did request another motion and he told her he would e-file it today. He needs all the admissible remarks made by Allen that were incriminating and wants them sealed when he gets them. She agreed to seal those.

There was a discussion about where Allen will be held for trial. It was a testy conversation. Yesterday, he was held in Allen County. That info was not supposed to be released to the public. – bc of safekeeping. Somehow the news made it out. One news station said they were “tipped off”, so Gull was upset about that and said that it isn’t to happen again because it endangered Richard Allen.

Kathy and RA’s mom were hugging and crying at the end.
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Sorry everyone, I was not able to provide links for my postponement post b/c I was post-interrupted and had to attend to real world emergent issues; I did not return home until about an hour ago.

I hate post-interruptus. Thanks @Imamazed for helping out the thread.
So you still coulnd't provide where you heard it when you did get a moment?

Clearly this was heard in real time by reporters in the courtroom.

I have read backwards most posts (not sure all) just now and B & R had no problem when the trial was set for the October dates initially and never a claim nor argument it was not enough time. Funny how that goes. Now it is a month and that isn't enough still and the ones they just blew off with a not unexpected game next week were about the same length of time as the original October dates which are now in effect again but for longer, basically a month. I was aware they went back to the same date and Gull extended it.

I didn't see any post interrupted. Looked like a complete post to me. Without any link or source.

Hope all is okay as well although world emergent issues could be mosquitos hatched or a flood occurred or war was announced. Lol.

I can see why the judge and the prosecutor are sick to death of these two, I know I am and I imagine the families are and this is very unfair to them. IMO these two won't be ready in October either whether it goes ahead or not. They need to quit wasting their time and everyone else's and DO THEIR JOBS. Another Frank's memo. Another request for recusal. Etc., etc., etc.

I'm not a fan but watching the Daybell trial, defense attorney know his sh*t, law, the case. He gets sickening but he knows his job.

B & R telling the judge she knows nothing about the case? LMAO. THEY DON'T or they avoid it because they can't have any of it shown at trial. The evidence.

Tell me how it is in IN, what are the rules on trial length and if each side should get X amount of time and the other the same etc.? In my state, from what I've seen both attorneys talk and agree and tell the judge this is the amount of time we feel will be needed when asked by the judge. If they needed an exorbitant amount of time, judge would likely ask why and tell them it can be tried in less time if ridiculous. So tell me what the law and rules are as to it? And in how many cases a month would not be enough or even two weeks WITH Saturdays included, etc.?

What a sheer waste yet again of a court's calendar and other cases.

Interesting that this was to be a hearing to decide most of these pretrial things. Panic attack by the D I guess or always their intent.

This entire post is not directed to you, just covering thoughts in one post of most of what I've seen or that has been talked of to save some time.

I for one am not even disappointed, I'm more not surprised. I am at ennui over it all and bored with it. And that's sad. Just more of the same to come for how many more months.

I will say the thought crossed my mind that once trial was over in a couple of weeks, the attorneys GFM might have to end and lol maybe that played in... Mostly kidding but not entirely...

So MW's trial will be first I think I saw in skimming posts backwards.

The whole speedy trial thing was likely a game/ruse and it usually is by defenses in most cases. They weren't ready to begin with and pulled that when they hadn't even been on the case until put back on and they sure weren't up to speed prior.

What I do like is all others were ready and clearly so and if they thought all their filings would throw the trial off track they were wrong. The only two not ready to go are the defense lawyers. ANd it's always been that way.


I'm not stating facts that aren't facts in the actual case, like that someone returned a phone. NOT A FACT.

Have a good one.

A lot to do and Daybell is on. So is Read. This isn't the only case on earth. And right now, what's interesting about it? It just stalled yet again and the same old BS.
guess again? :teehee:
Yeah it just shows the wasted times with courts that are so slow and bogged down that they hadn't even filled the date with other trials, etc. that the defense moved the first time with the request for speedy trial. Just like now these May dates won't be filled. And the problems with our system and this b.s. being allowed. ANd NOW additional time added so I wonder what if anything had to be kicked off that part of the calendar.
News broken by wrtv @ 3.26 pm yesterday. I feel the D knew all along they weren't prepared and have just been stringing the families along. Now they have to wait another 5 months because of the time D have wasted on a ridiculous theory.

On another note, RA, with hair, sure looks much younger and more and more like young BG.

Totally agree on the D because if one thing is clear it is that they have never been prepared nor been doing their job. When they did finally do something it was all wasted rushed time on the FM etc. because they realized IMHO the effects their lack of concern had with confessions going on and a defendant who had hardly had contact from their D.

I saw another post of yours when skimming and coming back up to the first to see since I last was on about another request for recusal. They aren't asking the ISC but asking Gull to recuse herself for the second time. It was denied the first time and likely will again. Other than trying to do an appeal record or just for lack of what else they can do I guess, they did that again blustering.

She GAVE THE TRIAL two MORE WEEKS did she not and they couldn't agree that that was enough time either!

I'm actually bored with this one. I'm not bored at the loss of these girls, the impact on the families and what happened at all, but bored with the b.s. I think any jury will fast become the same with these two if a month or even longer like they apparently want or can't even CLAIM what they need?? I get bored reading a thing from them and the one transcript OMG do I see what the court deals with.

And RA had already been moved to Allen County, that's how last minute. And now they stuck him for another how many months incarcerated before any verdict, these very two who supposedly care so much. Not that he'd get out as I think a jury with the evidence they have we know about AND don't know about will find him guilty.

Yeah his new look is interesting. The eyes.... Tell me something. But just my instinct so it's an interpretation/speculation.

Wouldn't you clean your client up for trial and bring him suits and ties like Prior does for Daybel? And tell him to shave and trim? Guessing they weren't on it like they aren't on anything. OR never figured on going to trial.

JMO of course.
Or, it could have something to do with the prosecution holding evidence back for a long time.
So it is claimed. Although D themselves have admitted to not finding things or looking through things well enough more than one and P has claimed some things have been provided three times over because of such claims. Well I guess if true by October they should have no excuse now should they? What will they use then?
Totally agree on the D because if one thing is clear it is that they have never been prepared nor been doing their job. When they did finally do something it was all wasted rushed time on the FM etc. because they realized IMHO the effects their lack of concern had with confessions going on and a defendant who had hardly had contact from their D.

I saw another post of yours when skimming and coming back up to the first to see since I last was on about another request for recusal. They aren't asking the ISC but asking Gull to recuse herself for the second time. It was denied the first time and likely will again. Other than trying to do an appeal record or just for lack of what else they can do I guess, they did that again blustering.

She GAVE THE TRIAL two MORE WEEKS did she not and they couldn't agree that that was enough time either!

I'm actually bored with this one. I'm not bored at the loss of these girls, the impact on the families and what happened at all, but bored with the b.s. I think any jury will fast become the same with these two if a month or even longer like they apparently want or can't even CLAIM what they need?? I get bored reading a thing from them and the one transcript OMG do I see what the court deals with.

And RA had already been moved to Allen County, that's how last minute. And now they stuck him for another how many months incarcerated before any verdict, these very two who supposedly care so much. Not that he'd get out as I think a jury with the evidence they have we know about AND don't know about will find him guilty.

Yeah his new look is interesting. The eyes.... Tell me something. But just my instinct so it's an interpretation/speculation.

Wouldn't you clean your client up for trial and bring him suits and ties like Prior does for Daybel? And tell him to shave and trim? Guessing they weren't on it like they aren't on anything. OR never figured on going to trial.

JMO of course.
Good point about bringing him some clothes. His wife and mother were there so could have brought them. Rozzi was complaining he couldnt have time with his client without the guards present and the court bailiff offered his office but Rozzi didn't take him up on it.

The GFM is due to end tomorrow so it will be interesting to see if they extend it.

I am very impressed with the post mortem evidence and the phone evidence coming up in the Daybell case. I think technology will be similar here as the times were close ie 2017 versus 2019.

I know they aren't asking the ISC but my point is she is there with full approval of the ISC anyway so she clearly is not going to recuse herself. Why should she? It is R&B f'ing things up IMO. That's why R was so mad at the hearing. They haven't got a defense IMO. Who are they going to be calling? Ghostbusters?

ETA His eyes? They look the same - evil and manic.
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I cannot see how these attorneys can get Judge Gull thrown off the case when it has already been decided unanimously by a higher court that she should stay. WTH are they playing at?

The original anticipated murder trial was only two weeks 15-31 October.

Latest diary dates -

21-23rd May - additional motions inc motion to dismiss Judge Gull

25-? Jun - M.Westerman jury trial

14 Oct - 15 Nov Delphi murder trial

(Let me know if I have made any errors in the above dates and details.)
Yeah she gave it two additional weeks and they still won't say they are okay with it even though GRANTED such.

They just are doing another motion to recuse based on I guess her denying their bs motions and I suppose thinking it is an appeal record since they don't know how to do their job or know their client is guilty, I guess, instead put all their time into such instead of preparing for trial that maybe they know they can't win or haven't prepared for? Imo.

They never had any intent of this going off on Monday in my opinion or their client would be clean shaven or trimmed. Although they do fly by the seat of their respective pants.

Every motion was meant to bog down or delay and it wasn't flying as prosecution is prepared, judge was set to go since they wanted speedy. So they were down to the wire...

Here's the thing--if prosecution had taken up say 14 out of 16 days or whatever it was and defense only got two, NO JURY IS GOING TO BE OKAY with that. It's b.s. to the extreme.

I'm BORED with them and this. Not the case and what matters but what is going on. HOWEVER, there are pending motions that we should be seeing rulings on long before October I'd imagine. Which would have occurred this week but for their game. Again imo.
Here is an account of what went on at court yesterday. From Reddit.

Now that's a worthwhile read and probably the best coverage I've seen. Several things to clip out and point out. For one, the bs because a private room got offered but then no, didn't want it. Too late now. Like heck it was. All a SHOW.

I've said it before and will again, and I never feel this way, I actually feel sorry for RA and now a bit for his wife and mom because they are stuck with these two. And I think they've been played. And RA's clear choice to stay with them has likely ended any change ever of ineffective counsel appeal.

This on site description is far better than any of the news articles and shows he had the chance to talk privately with his client and refused it because his thing he expected the public to see or hear didn't fly or wasn't going to. Just for ONE thing in it.

Mom and wife crying and hugging. I have sympathy but they'd better start bucking up and getting it. IMO.

Daughter moved and is never there. Why is that? Maybe no reason, but perhaps there is.

Oh and ONLY person loud was the D attorney. Gee.
Oh and that NM won't talk to him over phone, wants a paper trail. UHM WHO CAN BLAME HIM and WHY SHOULD THERE NOT BE ONE? Leakers, game players, unethical arses. And yelling that prosecution wants incriminating statements RA made? Uhm why wouldn't they?
NM already knows how many witnesses he is going to call. What about the D? Anyone seen anything?
Yes it was said somewhere in this last week or a filing. Don't recall where. I think 70. Or 50 to 70? Something like that. I think 70 and I recall thinking uhm WHO to make that many?

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