LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Defendant's motion for continuance denied in part.

It's confusing, but ... after this order, the D submitted the "Continuance of All Matters" related to the rules that go along with the Motion to Disqualify.

(Roughly: The Judge can conduct no business other than responding to the Motion to DQ.

Unless JG handles the Motion to DQ on Monday ... I'm thinking there's no hearing for Tuesday as planned??

But, honestly - who knows with this case.

It's confusing, but ... after this order, the D submitted the "Continuance of All Matters" related to the rules that go along with the Motion to Disqualify.

(Roughly: The Judge can conduct no business other than responding to the Motion to DQ.

Unless JG handles the Motion to DQ on Monday ... I'm thinking there's no hearing for Tuesday as planned??

But, honestly - who knows with this case.

For some reason D do not want to be at court next week for anything. I think they are hoping Gull is just going to quietly recuse herself. Personally, I don't think that is going to happen and I think D are being petty and vindictive now and have been mad as heck ever since ISC kept Gull in place.

We will see how it plays out, meantime justice is delayed for the families and RA has to spend at least another 5 months in Wabash.

All because of the D's ego. They requested the speedy trial then couldnt cut it and now they want a new judge?

Will be interesting to see who blinks first but it is a ridiculous and unnecessary situation, just because the D weren't ready for the speedy trial they themselves requested. I think they're playing games because they don't have a defence for their client. AJMO.
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Ok it has recently occurred to me that perhaps the D know that RA will be found guilty ( or is guilty based on his confessions ) and that is why they do not seem to be concentrating on defending his case at this trial. The reason I think this, is that they seem to be majorly overly concerned with appeal matters and already have Pro Bono appeal lawyers on the case.

This is also perhaps why they are wanting Gull off the case, because if she doesn't recuse, that will be another possible arrow in the quiver for any subsequent appeal battle.

So maybe they are not useless but have a strategy I just don't follow.

More info... she has lawyered up and that is why the depo cannot be completed ATM.

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State is basically saying that D has not given enough info on which statements are to be suppressed and who the state actors are who D allege coerced the confessions. If D are saying the confessions were coerced, that is a serious accusation and more info is needed IAW rules that they quote.

On the 4th F motion I will come back and update after reading.

Ok the State is saying similar about this 4th F motion as it has stated before on the 3 previous apparently. The D have not met the burden warranted by a motion to suppress and have additionally misunderstood the phone ping information.
I just for no reason went into the link on the motion to disqualify and read for a page and a half, looked at the page count and realized it was the 40 page one already mentioned. No thanks. WAsn't sure if it was the same thing I left off on the other day or not talked of here. Been on REad case the only moments I had yesterday morning and after work and never hit another thread if I recall.

I'd mention this. The ISC basically had to tutor and tell the D that they hadn't pursued the avenues they are supposed to pursue first (like substitution or recall at the local level or even fiixes as to other things) so now they are doing what they should have done a year PLUS more ago. At the same time they are yet AGAIN not prepared and what they do do is repeat the same old things with another FM, another motion to move RA, same old, same old. I read ahead before responding to any. I see AGAIN they are not prepared to argue their own stuff and need time and on dates that they were originally TO TRY THIS CASE. And then some b.s. about not being able to get RA to see filings and approve or whatever first. GIVE ME A BREAK. Always excuses. Hey maybe MW took all their files and they haven't been able to get them back yet and he ran off and they are covering.

THIS IS all so beyond and outrageous it is not even funny although at times I can't help but laugh.

RA and family be prepared for him to be waiting for trial for at least another five years. You picked them. You got 'em. I'd beg for other counsel and mercy for having decided such. They're probably trying to fit in going back to law school in the meantime and trying to hide the fact.


Yesterday I was on Read. Now that defense has put it one heck of a PR public influence campaign. I don't buy it but many have and it is not as crazy as the O thing. And sought delays and other things but it is now in trial but they ARE READY despite doing the other things right up until. And they've been ready in every hearing to argue and so on insofar as I can tell UNLIKE THESE bozos. They file the stuff to try to delay and distract and throw the case off the rails BUT at the same time are not taking every moment as well to prep to try and go through all and be prepared for even an upcoming hearing on things THEY FILED etc. it has happened so often it is beyond obvious. And they were ready and going to try this case? WHAT A JOKE. Like HE77. Well yah sure only if Gull threw EVERY SINGLE THING OUT so they didn't have to prepare for anything LIKE THEY SHOULD BE DOING ALL ALONG AND THROUGHOUT.

They are buffoons. By now they should be ON TOP OF ALL.

I don't care even if all go. However, there should be no getting rid of Gull without getting rid of these clowns. And if anyone on any side is gotten rid of, don't go whining anyone or RA's family that there goes another year or how long.

Yeah I can still laugh at it and them. Sorry as heck however for the families on both sides and even the defendant. And again that's rare for me for someone I feel guilty. He freaking deserves ADEQUATE representation though and he does NOT have it.

Jumping off the post as I do into just an overall catch up.

Hello all.
Also, we can't let this one slide by. Gotta say I am loving the introduction into this of the term "State actors". I could have fun with that one for awhile in a post if was a day off but it isn't.

Let's start with the B rated bunch (or D- and in MW's case an F)... Whoops I am mixing up movies and actors and grades in school and on bar exams... But still was thinking of who are the great actors and who aren't or who really are actors and who aren't.... Yah, all confused. LMAO.


How many now are helping the D? Lol. And they have the GFM on top of it. When will they get on TOP OF IT, what does it TAKE?

You know in some ways if this did go to a different judge, and a good one, it would be interesting to watch as the same sh*t unfolds...Which imo it would, eventually... And then people everywhere could see (and I think most are getting there that were not initially from what I'm seeing out there) who the problem is--what is the common denominator... Hmmm let's see. Gull is gone but now we have the same issues going on down the line, same problems and hmm who is still here that could be the ones not doing their job.... OH LIGHT BULB moment. The defense not doing their JOB.

Yeah hey maybe let's go that route...

Well they bore me on one hand, irritate me sometimes on another but then make me laugh but with the thought of how could anyone thinks this team competent. Too much, too many excuses, too long. I don't care if things are going for you or against you, you still PREP, keep on it and ARE READY!! Not once have they been.
I don't believe she will recuse. I think she is likely to address and probably refute the allegations made. I have not read this 40 pager yet but will see what is being said about it.
if she did and in a few months we saw the same old by the D and now same issues with a new judge would some finally see it? LOL. Hey I'm starting to think let's go that route. Delay RA's trial which I'm sure he and family do not want for another year and maybe he and family will finally see and get what it is they have for attorneys... CHOSEN though so can't really complain...

I also think they are all trying to figure out what to do with their conduit if not shut down well then knowing if they leak and use all the people on that chain/conduit again ALL are going to know... I mean even the YTers who probably loved getting such through the chain are disappointed but didn't like coming near to being part of being in some hot water for it..

Of course they probably have people out doing as much as can on sites and in chats... But for the moment the BIG days are over AS THEY SHOULD BE.
OF COURSE they aren't ready but were ready for trial right, speedy trial on the same dates?


And yeah the excuses. What haven'\t they used.

Absolutely no surprise.

Actually Gull does them favors. You want the incompetents to just give it up but have to deal with those that can't do their job. Unfortunately. I mean Diener wouldn't even take it. She has withstood it.

Not sure who they'd put in but sure let's go for it. ANd see if all of a sudden they are up to par. LOL.

Thought I hit reply to a post but apparently not. Little time, no biggie.

Tom will be on tonight. Well today but I will miss the live. He will have read the oodles of pages and filings thank goodness and cover them. Five days of life reduced to hopefully no longer than 30 minutes on that part of his show anyhow. I get a lot from questions and such and seeing chat and what people out there are thinking... So I always watch all.

I need cheddar cheese! My "egg McMuffin" was with mozzarella yeserday morn although honestly it was every bit as good, just in my head it is to have cheddar"... I can get it at work but don't like to waste short break time doing so. I wait for a day I don't work til close (can't get after close and then when I don't have to work till close I shop after work). That will be tomorrow. Also we don't sell English muffins and about out of them, one left, but we do sell bagels and that will work. Did one on a half of one yesterday with mozz instead of cheddar. Always something and planning ahead per schedule as to what I need as schedule all over the place. So this morn will likely be some of what I made for late night dinner for the week had for breakfast. A hot sausage pasta where a lot of that cheddar went and was used up in. it is my only meal generally, whatever I have in the morn until way more than 10 hours later, at least 15 because I do not eat the minute I get home, but hours later if at all some nights. Sidetracking... Anyhow going to get some and got to start getting moving... Still insanely busy at work. Yesterday was nonstop. Today will likely be close/similar. Then these are the ones I hate, I will work til close tonight after two ten plus hour weekend days and get home late and then can't recall which but then have to be back at 7 or 7i:30 a..m tomorrow after working into the evening tonight. That is one of the hardest things I think, hours all over the place. Not liike a 9 to 5 M trhough Friday where you are attuned to it. Oh well, I like most things but just a couple things like that that I don't. Some longer time there and I can probably change that, others there longer don't close, etc.

Anyhow O/T of case just nearing where I say have a good day everyone and may get a post or two in yet but time to start moving in my last hour to get ready and out of here.
Posting this as a reminder that P requested the Physchologist report so that is why D are delaying IMO. Also the 24 pager must have now morphed into the 40 pager.

From the link -

"Normally, anything said to a psychologist is covered under doctor-patient confidentiality and cannot be repeated.

The filing cites a law with a specific exception to that rule: “A psychologist licensed under this article may not disclose any information acquired from persons with whom the psychologist has dealt in a professional capacity, except under the following circumstances: Trials for homicide when the disclosure relates directly to the fact or immediate circumstances of said homicide.”

In previous filings, the prosecution has said that Allen has confessed to murdering the teen girls to multiple people over a period of time.

The filing Wednesday appears to be adding another person to that list, this time in the form of a psychologist who has evaluated Allen.

Also Wednesday, Allen’s attorneys filed a motion asking Special Judge Fran Gull to strike comments from the record that she made about them during her ruling finding the attorney’s not in contempt of court.

In that ruling, the judge from Allen County said she found Allen’s attorneys to be sloppy, negligent, and incompetent because of the leak of crime scene photos that came from their office. Those are the statements the defense team now wants taken out of the record in this case. The defense attorneys say the comments are gratuitous and demeaning, and illustrate bias by Gull against them, which they claim is another reason Gull should recuse herself from the case.

On Tuesday, the defense team said they were going to electronically file a 24-page motion asking for Gull to be removed. That would be the second time they’ve filed a motion like that. As of Wednesday night, the defense has not filed that motion.

Also on Tuesday, the judge pushed back the start of the trial at the defense attorney’s request for more time. The trial is now set for Oct. 14 through Nov. 15.

(Oh yes "gratuitous and demeanig", I remember now.)
Yep. Wouldn't have even KNOWN about this but for seeing it on Tom. I know I say Tom, Tom, lol but not ALL is shared here by those that link documentsa and updated court filings and one can never assume ALL are provided. Kudos that they take time to do so and we or I don't go seek out or have time, but it isn't always ALL biut selective it seems. And yeah again Tom, I can trust that he covers ALL of them. Which is hoiw I knew of the psych thing. It sure was Not put here or discussed here. And that's enough reason to watch him imo. Doesn't p[ick and choose.
I don't believe she will recuse. I think she is likely to address and probably refute the allegations made. I have not read this 40 pager yet but will see what is being said about it.

IMO - The act of recusing upon request due to "the appearance of bias" is considered an honorable choice under the high standards imposed upon the bench. I tend to think JG will be practical here and recuse herself rather than be removed by the ISC.

Ok it has recently occurred to me that perhaps the D know that RA will be found guilty ( or is guilty based on his confessions ) and that is why they do not seem to be concentrating on defending his case at this trial. The reason I think this, is that they seem to be majorly overly concerned with appeal matters and already have Pro Bono appeal lawyers on the case.

This is also perhaps why they are wanting Gull off the case, because if she doesn't recuse, that will be another possible arrow in the quiver for any subsequent appeal battle.

So maybe they are not useless but have a strategy I just don't follow.
not useless and have strategy? sounds familiar. :geek:

Also, we can't let this one slide by. Gotta say I am loving the introduction into this of the term "State actors". I could have fun with that one for awhile in a post if was a day off but it isn't.

Let's start with the B rated bunch (or D- and in MW's case an F)... Whoops I am mixing up movies and actors and grades in school and on bar exams... But still was thinking of who are the great actors and who aren't or who really are actors and who aren't.... Yah, all confused. LMAO.


How many now are helping the D? Lol. And they have the GFM on top of it. When will they get on TOP OF IT, what does it TAKE?

You know in some ways if this did go to a different judge, and a good one, it would be interesting to watch as the same sh*t unfolds...Which imo it would, eventually... And then people everywhere could see (and I think most are getting there that were not initially from what I'm seeing out there) who the problem is--what is the common denominator... Hmmm let's see. Gull is gone but now we have the same issues going on down the line, same problems and hmm who is still here that could be the ones not doing their job.... OH LIGHT BULB moment. The defense not doing their JOB.

Yeah hey maybe let's go that route...

Well they bore me on one hand, irritate me sometimes on another but then make me laugh but with the thought of how could anyone thinks this team competent. Too much, too many excuses, too long. I don't care if things are going for you or against you, you still PREP, keep on it and ARE READY!! Not once have they been.
There were 6 lawyers on the D team when I last counted 3 for the trial (paid PDs) and 3 pro bono for any possible appeal ) plus the increased $50k Payit.
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I'll wait for the response if she does not recuse. If she decides to recuse, then she would be appearing to admit bias, when I do not believe she is biased. She has been pretty patient with the Chuckle brothers.
The 40 pager gives JG many many opportunities to bow out due to "the appearance of bias" - rather than actual bias. JG can pick one. (or not.)

Judges that recuse are under no obligation to defend themselves as to "the appearance of bias". That's a common, typical and easy graceful out for any judge. No explanations required.

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Seem to be missing some of your post here, from the beginning
I'm commenting on the Lance R. Bloom letter to the Court that was linked in your post I was responding to.
I read it. Those are my comments on it. I believe it's parody and a waste of the Court's time and inappropriate and ... in spite of all of that ... I laughed out loud b/c Lance is Bloomin' hilarious. Funny, but so wrong. JMHO

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