LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Got confusing and agreed with the right thing but wrong person I think. Definitely a year out from his acting out. Never bought it to being with (me I mean).

Daybell is the hot one right now. All kids and victims deserve attention. This one is unfortunately on pause and in the same old same old. JJ, Tylee and Tammy have deserved justice for a long damned time. As do Libby and Abby but that case is moving, this one is not. So when little time, it is easy to pick where to put the rare moment of time towards. Read is also in trial but I have trouble picking that one over those of innocent children as to where to spend the not enough minutes I have. Daybell wins out. On that note, QUITE the day today on it.
My comments/answers were the smaller font LOL. I think.
A link by WRTV of some family photos of the girls.

Wow, was this well worth a look. Many I've never seen and what this case is ALL about, not the man who took these young lives!

MORE focus needs to always be on such and the victims better represented! It is so clear here the love, the life, and the age they were at and coming into being young women.

It all becomes never about them though from almost the minute an arrest is made. Any victim. For most people it is and becomes about JUSTICE for the victims and wanting the perp prosecuted. However, then defense comes in and makes it all about the defendant and the system as well and about poor them, their rights, their innocence, etc. Fine but so ALL that way these days, it becomes their show and NOT about the lives in this case, of two young girls, brutally murdered.

Like in this one it has become the B & R with sidekick MW circus (and more). And has been for months on end. Sickening.

RIP girls. Many see through it all and justice is coming. I would hope and pray and do.
Did someone say it's slow in here?
b/c ... I guess ... this Friday night doc dump might be your fault. ;)

Links below if you'd like to start the latest Delphi case homework.

Gull sets hearing for Safekeeping Order.

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Tom will cover all on Sunday. Catching up on Daybell, Soto and all others.

And he covers both sides. That's how I found out about the motion for admitting the statements RA made to the psych. Or state actor or whatever. I certainly did not see it here. Pretty sure I was the first to mention it or it woudln't have been.

Anyhow, there's time here, this one is not in trial. Daybell is active as heck and in trial.

GREAT juror interview from Lori's tonight for anyone following that case.

Back to work for me tomorrow. Long days off that were not days off by a long shot. Packed n a TON of work. Have a good week one and all.
You got that right. However this one is too I suspect but that one a lot of the awful details are known. In this one only the ones the defense has claimed or shared are known. So not as hard that way thus far.

That's an open and shut case. We disagree with the evidentiary value of some of the stuff.
State's Motion to Dismiss the Defense's Motion to Suppress
(suppress RA's statements while incarcerated)

State's Response to the Defense's 4th Motion for Franks Hearing

Adobe Acrobat
Defense 2nd Verified Motion to Disqualify Judge (this appears to be a 40 pager)

2024 5/17 Motion Disqualify.pdf.pdf

Richard Allen Affidavit accompanying the above Motion:

Affidavit in Support of Motion to Disqualify
Woah! Someone has been busy. Thanks for posting. Hopefully over the next couple of months all these will be dealt with so there doesn't have to be any more postponements.
That's an open and shut case. We disagree with the evidentiary value of some of the stuff.
Well normally going by what you judge by in most, it isn't as almost all of it is circumstantial which you generally have issues with. It is also a hell of a lot more complicated than this one. It is far from open and shut. It is to most of us, a jury is not up on the case when they come in so not sure what you mean or why that one is in your opinion.

I take it you mean evidentiary value in this one and not in Daybell? Like the bullet/casing, a ton of confessions, his placing himself there, etc.? Yeah if you think none of that has huge value we do disagree. I cannot WAIT to hear about RA's day and what his wife said about it, etc.
Woah! Someone has been busy. Thanks for posting. Hopefully over the next couple of months all these will be dealt with so there doesn't have to be any more postponements.
Hopefully I will get to read comments from anyone here who reads them. I won't be learning more about them otherwise until Sunday night when Tom will go through them. It is the two ways I keep up plus I just don't have it in me to read more of the defense ones. Tried, more than once, done with such.

He also always has all filings, prosecution and defense and is where I find out there have been others which does not always happen here. This time though I do see there are both. However, more than one there has not been when both are up. Not that it is anyone's duty to provide anything and if they want to provide at times just one side and ignore others, certainly up to them, I simply don't count on it any longer that all have been provided but I can count on it there.

And yes let's get the rulings done pronto and not even a couple of months down the line. Schedule a hearing if necessary and rule. And defense start organizing and reading all and preparing, it is past time.

Part of me does not see this case going anywhere for YEARS. That's what I'm starting to think. Of course some judges let that happen, good chance it won't here so I still have hope it won't be ten years down the road.

Also if anyone doesn't think there are some politics going on here, I'd beg to differ.

Defense starts Monday in Daybell. That should be interesting. I'd think. I think the P has nailed the case and I also think Chad will get the DP other hand if there is a juror that has problems handg it down.

RA imo should be facing the DP. Not that I agree it is worth it in most cases since then requirements change and such are harder. I do think if he was B & R would be off it woudln't they? They aren't private paid nor death qualified are they? IN May have different rules on it, no idea but I know they have the DP. It is by lethal injection there pretty sure.

This case other than staying up with what will maybe be some firework and/or ridiculous filings (think the first O thing) is going to go into limbo somewhat for me. It is not on my first burner, but my back burner, I'll check, I will stay up with Tom, etc. Not going to rehash old videos or other supposed suspects. Although this D would have been smarter to have hit on one of those rather than Os IMHO however they needed something OUT THERE after their client's confessions.

Anyone else notice it is hardly EVEN being talked of out there any longer.... Where it was overboard talked of forever... Silence pretty much. I think it is because the chain has had to shut down and if it came about again, well let's just say some would be CAUGHT.

All jmo and not trying to include you Tresir, in any opinion of mine, I just jumped off here to an overall post of thoughts. Back to the grindstone today and we have been SO BUSY we all should get double the breaks that's how overboard it has been. It is the weekend days so I am positive it will be insanely busy, the last few have been, that time of year.
Defense 2nd Verified Motion to Disqualify Judge (this appears to be a 40 pager)

2024 5/17 Motion Disqualify.pdf.pdf

Richard Allen Affidavit accompanying the above Motion:

Affidavit in Support of Motion to Disqualify

A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, but this Motion to Disqualify Judge Gull precludes JG from conducting any other business than considering/responding to this DQ motion.

Defense's Motion to continue (re: ALL MATTERS):…
As the Court is aware, at the time Richard Allen petitions this Court
for change of venue from the judge, this Court will be "without
jurisdiction to do anything other than rule on the motion." Lucas V.
State, 249 Ind. 637, 648 (S.Ct.1968), citing Weer V. State, 37 N.E.2d
537 (1941).

Not sure Judge Gull can dodge this 2nd DQ motion. (actually 3rd if you count Hennessey's and 4th if you count Wieneke's)
IMO, it will quickly escalate (back) to the Supreme Court if Judge Gull does not immediately recuse.

40 pages? Won't be reading that any time soon. Or ever. :thud: Tom will sure be busy before his next show tomorrow though.

Going back to the ISC won't be any big surprise and in fact more like predictable and same old same old.

I'd hope aside from doing all these things the D is actually getting on top of this case and the paperwork. One day the fact they never have is going to catch up with them and they aren't going to get more breaks.

FORTY pages on THIS. Smdh.

ISC never removed her the first time, granted they never followed the process they SHOULD have and requested recusal BEFORE going to the ISC and now they have. So that was a sheer messed up deal and waste of time as they don't follow understood legal process and what you do FIRST before doing such.

I'm kind of glad I am bored with this at the moment. Not with justice for Abby and Libby, just with the case and defense.

Same old, same old, same old. Tiresome in fact.
State's Motion to Dismiss the Defense's Motion to Suppress
(suppress RA's statements while incarcerated)

State's Response to the Defense's 4th Motion for Franks Hearing

Adobe Acrobat
State is basically saying that D has not given enough info on which statements are to be suppressed and who the state actors are who D allege coerced the confessions. If D are saying the confessions were coerced, that is a serious accusation and more info is needed IAW rules that they quote.

On the 4th F motion I will come back and update after reading.

Ok the State is saying similar about this 4th F motion as it has stated before on the 3 previous apparently. The D have not met the burden warranted by a motion to suppress and have additionally misunderstood the phone ping information.
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A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, but this Motion to Disqualify Judge Gull precludes JG from conducting any other business than considering/responding to this DQ motion.

Defense's Motion to continue (re: ALL MATTERS):…

Not sure Judge Gull can dodge this 2nd DQ motion. (actually 3rd if you count Hennessey's and 4th if you count Wieneke's)
IMO, it will quickly escalate (back) to the Supreme Court if Judge Gull does not immediately recuse.

I don't believe she will recuse. I think she is likely to address and probably refute the allegations made. I have not read this 40 pager yet but will see what is being said about it.
Ok this seems to be about the Psychologist for RA who has been deposed but it has not been completed so D want it continued till June. In fact D want everything scheduled for 21 May to be continued as they don't seem to be ready. No surprise there. Normal D BS imo.

In one of the documents it mentions that RA has gone back to Wabash Correctional and D are saying that makes it difficult for him to read and approve stuff. BS excuses still I see.

I have decided I am going to save reading the 40 pager until we have Gull's response. I think it will make more sense to me that way.
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Posting this as a reminder that P requested the Physchologist report so that is why D are delaying IMO. Also the 24 pager must have now morphed into the 40 pager.

From the link -

"Normally, anything said to a psychologist is covered under doctor-patient confidentiality and cannot be repeated.

The filing cites a law with a specific exception to that rule: “A psychologist licensed under this article may not disclose any information acquired from persons with whom the psychologist has dealt in a professional capacity, except under the following circumstances: Trials for homicide when the disclosure relates directly to the fact or immediate circumstances of said homicide.”

In previous filings, the prosecution has said that Allen has confessed to murdering the teen girls to multiple people over a period of time.

The filing Wednesday appears to be adding another person to that list, this time in the form of a psychologist who has evaluated Allen.

Also Wednesday, Allen’s attorneys filed a motion asking Special Judge Fran Gull to strike comments from the record that she made about them during her ruling finding the attorney’s not in contempt of court.

In that ruling, the judge from Allen County said she found Allen’s attorneys to be sloppy, negligent, and incompetent because of the leak of crime scene photos that came from their office. Those are the statements the defense team now wants taken out of the record in this case. The defense attorneys say the comments are gratuitous and demeaning, and illustrate bias by Gull against them, which they claim is another reason Gull should recuse herself from the case.

On Tuesday, the defense team said they were going to electronically file a 24-page motion asking for Gull to be removed. That would be the second time they’ve filed a motion like that. As of Wednesday night, the defense has not filed that motion.

Also on Tuesday, the judge pushed back the start of the trial at the defense attorney’s request for more time. The trial is now set for Oct. 14 through Nov. 15.

(Oh yes "gratuitous and demeanig", I remember now.)
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