LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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It has been two weeks since his last one, I looked for one last Sunday and found none then came to find out he'd went to Delphi which I did link above. So he has a lot of docs to cover although he saw them as they came, he hasn't been on to cover with us.
Of course had the hearings went on, he'd have been there but of course as we know defense again got all canceled.

Still, INTERESTING. I haven't seen anyone do a video in recent times in Delphi. Gray Huges did one a few months back but his focus wasn't the same or what he checked, etc.

The ODINS have a tattoo place lol.

Reuben looked good....

Distance of witness four was interesting... He also went to CVS lol.
I bet their business in Odin tats have increased LOL.

Is Tom going to attend court I wonder?

Court is back on today right? Or is it a public holiday there? It is our schools' half term holiday here and a public bank holiday today. Roads and motorways with many vehicles towing caravans heading west last Friday pm and Saturday am with massive tailbacks at main roundabout. (Whitsun holiday) Had to make a few detours over the weekend to avoid them all. Busy week for tourists all getting in my way as I come up my lane.
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I bet their business in Odin tats have increased LOL.

Is Tom going to attend court I wonder?

Court is back on today right? Or is it a public holiday there? It is our schools' half term holiday here and a public bank holiday today. Roads and motorways with many vehicles towing caravans heading west last Friday pm and Saturday am with massive tailbacks at main roundabout. (Whitsun holiday) Had to make a few detours over the weekend to avoid them all. Busy week for tourists all getting in my way as I come up my lane.
It is a holiday and state offices. banks and basically all M to F daytime businesses are definitely closed. I work today since retail but I do get double pay so I'm fine with that although staying past closing last night and having to be back at 7:30 today BITES. Sitting here tired as heck in the dark knowing I have to be ready to go in a bit over two hours and out the door. Groan. Yeah it also is what most would consider the official start of summer season where campers start going, school is out or close, graduation is happening or close (next weekend for some), etc. It is a holiday that was changed years ago so that it would always be a three day weekend with the Monday off. I cannot believe how MANY were shopping the last two days. Nice weather too and one would think they'd be outside, camping, or BBQing, etc. and not shopping lol. Of course it is also that last time to probably grab your garden plants and flowers and so on. I mean they still can after this weekend but will be about at the point where when gone they will be gone. A lot of kids are still in school for a bit after this or up to another week. I always have felt school should be out on Memorial Day weekend and not back in until the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend but generally most that works on only one end and if they want to take as many do more days off during the school year, they have to have enough in the rest of the year and a shortened summer break a bit at one end or the other. Then there are also the makeup days each year for sn*w days where school is called off in winter.

My daughter and her hub chose to run to the Cities yesterday, they have the three days off as do most work places and I'm like what....? I mean they have a camper, they have a boat but that's what they did lol. Shopping. Not sure if we will be busy today or not but I assume so as the first days of the holiday weekend have been and leading up to of course was as people shopped who WERE going to do something for the weekend ahead of time. It is simply our busy time of year.

yeah the O tattoo place was kind of a chuckle. I wonder if it existed BEFORE this defense of Os... Hard to know sometimes when Tom is being humorous lol but it's one thing I like is his unique sense of humor.

Well he was headed there to attend all these hearings which were scheduled only to have them of course all called off so my guess is if it remains with no cameras when it finally does come to trial that he may well attend the trial for us all. He hasn't said so but then he never told us he was going to show up for all these hearings either and it is anyone's guess whether this trial will go off in October either or five more years down the line... Lol five years from now we'd probably be looking at the 99th FM in the case... :D
adding I was also thinking Daybell was back on today but that is BECAUSE I was forgetting the holiday which is today. Since I work it like every week (generally Saturday through the following Wed) it just seems when tired like a normal Monday to me even though I should have known as been talking of the holiday weekend and working it.
Hey @Tresir BH's son is the one that knew Abby is that right? Just noticing what I think is defense smoke and mirrors again in filings watching a bit of Tom before I really have to speed to get ready and go.
How can an internet sleuth email a pic on BH's SM that mimicked the way A & L were found allegedly when the public did not know the crime scene or how found...

Listening to a bit of Tom's before I have to run. He did not say this it is something I am wondering.

Also in other filings the D has mixed D has mixed up the years of 2017 and 2023 numerous times. Dates are HUGE in court filings. Totally. You are saying something happened six years ago or six years later with all the mixed up dates and totally different take if someone is reading such and does not realize the mistake. Mistakes actually. Plural.
How can an internet sleuth email a pic on BH's SM that mimicked the way A & L were found allegedly when the public did not know the crime scene or how found...

Listening to a bit of Tom's before I have to run. He did not say this it is something I am wondering.

Also in other filings the D has mixed D has mixed up the years of 2017 and 2023 numerous times. Dates are HUGE in court filings. Totally. You are saying something happened six years ago or six years later with all the mixed up dates and totally different take if someone is reading such and does not realize the mistake. Mistakes actually. Plural.
Supposedly BH's FB had a post that was similar to the crime scene. I don't know how anyone would know that unless one of the searchers or LE or First Responders knew what the scene looked like and talked or took a picture and leaked it. Did the families know what the CS was like for instance?

I mean everyone knows now because of the leaks by the defence right, but hopefully the pictures themselves can be kept off the net.
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Supposedly BH's FB had a post that was similar to the crime scene. I don't know how anyone would know that unless one of the searchers or LE or First Responders knew what the scene looked like and talked or took a picture and leaked it. Did the families know what the CS was like for instance?

I mean everyone knows now because of the leaks by the defence right, but hopefully the pictures themselves can be kept off the net.
That is exactly MY POINT. How are people saying look, it's like how Abby and Libby were found when we never had any clue how they were found and STILL don't have total details to this day.

Now I suppose other people were searching when the girls were found and some NON cops may have glimpsed them at that point. And SOMEONE who was part of that started searching area people, FB accounts, etc. and came upon this pic but that's all a bit too convenient and very far fetched.

The entire O thing back when and now seems almost like someone wanted it to become a thing and them to become implicated or one or some of them...
That is exactly MY POINT. How are people saying look, it's like how Abby and Libby were found when we never had any clue how they were found and STILL don't have total details to this day.

Now I suppose other people were searching when the girls were found and some NON cops may have glimpsed them at that point. And SOMEONE who was part of that started searching area people, FB accounts, etc. and came upon this pic but that's all a bit too convenient and very far fetched.

The entire O thing back when and now seems almost like someone wanted it to become a thing and them to become implicated or one or some of them...

When the photos were released by the dumbass who stole them, some people who didn't put them up on the internet drew stick figures of how the bodies were placed and the sticks were arranged on top of them.
So allegedly one of the defense attorneys called Gull a very "rude" word.

Seems to be a common them of many asking as some of us do here just what the defense has been doing for the last year and one half...???

Also Lebrato allegedly said and I sure haven't heard it here, and even though agreeing with some things with the defense or at least as to Allen in some things, said Rozzi is aggressive (interest, not Baldwin but Rozzi) and also said (unlike this D who can't commit to how much time to stall case I'm sure) he would only need five to seven days max to try this case and he was the TEMPORARY attorney. Anyone else heard this?

The allegedlys I can't confirm but guessing they can be, I just don't know where people know this from. Kind of shoots these two in the foot for claims.

Also allegedly Baldwin had another case he tried to get Gull thrown off of.

I'm not saying such is fact, but it may be able to be confirmed, I just am not going to get to do that and is interesting info I've not heard here...
When the photos were released by the dumbass who stole them, some people who didn't put them up on the internet drew stick figures of how the bodies were placed and the sticks were arranged on top of them.
THIS was back WHEN though before anyone would know even the dumbass who was a part of B & R's corrupt plan. So you're not following or are not up on it.
So allegedly one of the defense attorneys called Gull a very "rude" word.

Seems to be a common them of many asking as some of us do here just what the defense has been doing for the last year and one half...???

Also Lebrato allegedly said and I sure haven't heard it here, and even though agreeing with some things with the defense or at least as to Allen in some things, said Rozzi is aggressive (interest, not Baldwin but Rozzi) and also said (unlike this D who can't commit to how much time to stall case I'm sure) he would only need five to seven days max to try this case and he was the TEMPORARY attorney. Anyone else heard this?

The allegedlys I can't confirm but guessing they can be, I just don't know where people know this from. Kind of shoots these two in the foot for claims.

Also allegedly Baldwin had another case he tried to get Gull thrown off of.

I'm not saying such is fact, but it may be able to be confirmed, I just am not going to get to do that and is interesting info I've not heard here...
Am wondering if some of this has come from this May interview with Lebrato. One thing he says is he could defend RA in 3-7 days.

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Am wondering if some of this has come from this May interview with Lebrato. One thing he says is he could defend RA in 3-7 days.

Interesting to say the least. A lot of takeaways one of which is would be hard put to find a better judge than Gull and how he, etc. have a good working relationship with judges, prosecutors, etc. in Allen County. MOST DO this and most are this way in cases, B & R are the problem and exception in my opinion. Sounds like they've not encountered much like this nor even worked together before or some such. Seems to be he'd go for a strong but simple defense unlike the two who are destroying chances imo with all their overboard ridiculous filings and stunts and the O thing. OF course he admits to not having seen ALL discovery by a long shot. I have seen it said or asked what he is doing going around talking on news shows, etc. though too. Just to give other opinions on both sides of things. There's more of note but little time here. For one how he claims to not even have known of the case or that Delphi was in IN or something on that order, as all he hadles are murder cases and has been digging out since Covid. Paraphrasing all I am to the best of my recollection having watched it quickly.

Yeah B & R's big to do of not knowing how many days they'd need was or putting an ending to it was a big ridiculous thing because imo what they wanted was an excuse to stop the speedy trial, get a delay and not look to the public like as always, they weren't prepared at all to try a SINGLE motion even, much less ready for trial. Imo.
This was in 2017 when the BH FB post was out there, way before the Baldwin leak. They weren't even on the case till 2022 were they?
Exactly. He's entirely mixed up on this point. How could that leak have anything to do with such. It's almost like B & R constantly mixing up in recent filings the year 2017 and 2023 or whatever it was. Had it wrong many a time. HUGE difference. More absolute negligence and sloppiness or intentional...?
Interesting article from a month ago with details of the confessions that D want suppressed. Including his wife and mother, this adds up to at least 30 confessions. :oops:

I cannot see how any defence can get around this. They need to do a plea deal, clearly.

Link and extract below.

"The biggest piece of new information News 8 learned from a court filing is the sheer number of people Allen has confessed to while being held in jail awaiting trial.

According to the prosecution, he’s confessed to 16 guards, eight inmates, a warden, Indiana State Police officers, and mental health personnel.

“It’s really as if this man is just going on and talking to anyone who is listening and making incriminating statements,” said Kevin Greenlee, a co-host of the Murder Sheet Podcast.

In a court filing, Allen’s defense team argued that his confessions were a violation of his constitutional rights because they were coerced out of him.

The prosecution is fighting against that idea in a recent court filing.

“They’re basically arguing that therefore these statements should be allowed to remain in because they don’t meet the conditions that would basically be violating his rights,” said Aine Cain, a co-host of the Murder Sheet Podcast.

Also at issue in these dueling court filings is how many of the confessions should be allowed to be shown to a jury."
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Interesting article from a month ago with details of the confessions that D want suppressed. Including his wife and mother, this adds up to at least 30 confessions. :oops:

I cannot see how any defence can get around this. They need to do a plea deal, clearly.

Link and extract below.

"The biggest piece of new information News 8 learned from a court filing is the sheer number of people Allen has confessed to while being held in jail awaiting trial.

According to the prosecution, he’s confessed to 16 guards, eight inmates, a warden, Indiana State Police officers, and mental health personnel.

“It’s really as if this man is just going on and talking to anyone who is listening and making incriminating statements,” said Kevin Greenlee, a co-host of the Murder Sheet Podcast.

In a court filing, Allen’s defense team argued that his confessions were a violation of his constitutional rights because they were coerced out of him.

The prosecution is fighting against that idea in a recent court filing.

“They’re basically arguing that therefore these statements should be allowed to remain in because they don’t meet the conditions that would basically be violating his rights,” said Aine Cain, a co-host of the Murder Sheet Podcast.

Also at issue in these dueling court filings is how many of the confessions should be allowed to be shown to a jury."
Yeah and it is his right to confess and plead guilty if he so wants to and not be stopped by defense which I suspect they had him turn it around and the confessions then changed. Jmo.

It's quite the leap for defense to claim 30 minimum confessions were all coerced. Somehow though I don't think they'd argue all were. The ones with facts they claim don't match I'm sure they want in... Hey maybe let them all in and the dates and let the public and more so the jury decides...

I suspect they changed after the big uproar and his defense attys knowing their failures to be there for him causing such confessions and scrambling to figure out what to do about it.

All jmo.
This case is not the attention one of the moment plus sure defense is on vacation lol.

I actually only came in to point something out or wouldn't have even bothered right now. Daybell just went to jury watch after 31 days of trial. Daybell has SEVERAL murders, charges, is convoluted and a tough one to tie together all. There is NO reason at all Delplhi should take any longer o even AS long and the defense excuses have become ridiculous and are simply to explain not being prepared as always nor doing their job. Imo.

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