LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Interesting article from a month ago with details of the confessions that D want suppressed. Including his wife and mother, this adds up to at least 30 confessions. :oops:

I cannot see how any defence can get around this. They need to do a plea deal, clearly.

Link and extract below.

"The biggest piece of new information News 8 learned from a court filing is the sheer number of people Allen has confessed to while being held in jail awaiting trial.

According to the prosecution, he’s confessed to 16 guards, eight inmates, a warden, Indiana State Police officers, and mental health personnel.

“It’s really as if this man is just going on and talking to anyone who is listening and making incriminating statements,” said Kevin Greenlee, a co-host of the Murder Sheet Podcast.

In a court filing, Allen’s defense team argued that his confessions were a violation of his constitutional rights because they were coerced out of him.

The prosecution is fighting against that idea in a recent court filing.

“They’re basically arguing that therefore these statements should be allowed to remain in because they don’t meet the conditions that would basically be violating his rights,” said Aine Cain, a co-host of the Murder Sheet Podcast.

Also at issue in these dueling court filings is how many of the confessions should be allowed to be shown to a jury."

In at least one of those confessions, he said he shot them, according to the inmate who "heard" him say it.
In at least one of those confessions, he said he shot them, according to the inmate who "heard" him say it.
Yeah and I bet it came after he wanted to withdraw his confessions, however, good chance the inmate will like BUT all should be recorded...... Right?
Yeah or someone was planting seeds back then to get someone in trouble or back up their O theory, like yeah a member of SOME LE agency or whoever as even to this day we do not know there was a BIT of similarity from that to how the girls were. found.

How could one of the killers have released something no one has seen yet today or had seen back then? Of L & A??
Search party that found them leaked quite a few bits of info. Family may have too. I remember from the funeral that It was reported Libby had a scarf round her neck, for example. Who do you mean by "killers"? There is only RA. Do you mean him?
All that's possible but one has to add to it then someone was looking at the pics posted by this "O" for some reason and also knew of or had heard about how the girls are found. And that's IF they even are truly similarly posed. That's a bigger stretch...

I too don't believe in multiple killers. I see it as a single man and that's RA. I don't exclude possibilities but it all fits as a one man crime to me and he is good for it. It was his fantasy or sick plan and his alone. He MAY have come to find out about their presence there or about them, etc. in other ways but he did the crimes by his lonesome in my opinion.
Yeah, one out of thirty. Well he certainly tried to, based on his ejected bullet found at the scene. So they are the rantings of a mad killer.
That's another good possibility. Personally I think he likely started with confessions with wrong facts to try to make his ones that were true with correct facts less believable as he hung himself and he knew it and his attys told him so.
Has anything been reported about Judge Gull addressing the motion for her to recuse? It's ominously quiet.
I don't think it is ominously quiet. I am guessing she is catching up on other cases load and working on her decision and I hope she got to take at least a day or two's breather. And i'm guessing as usual the D is on vacation and slacking since yet again they had deadlines and hearings and trial put off. Jmo.

I for one am actually fine with the quiet in this case right now. Also fine with defense continuing to not do their job in a way as this is going to also show as part of the record one day. They called the halt with the motion to recuse (actually it is something different but can't think of the name right now, but is to take her off the case) but they halted trial prior to that with their dropping the speedy trial request because as always they weren't prepared.

Not much CAN go on right now with hearings or decisions and so yeah, it is quiet. If I have that correct. So the defense claims anyhow. I'm no expert. On the other hand neither are they LMAO.
Search party that found them leaked quite a few bits of info. Family may have too. I remember from the funeral that It was reported Libby had a scarf round her neck, for example. Who do you mean by "killers"? There is only RA. Do you mean him?

One of the hinky things about this is that the police were sure there was more than one person involved. Then after arresting Allen it suddenly became just one person.
One of the hinky things about this is that the police were sure there was more than one person involved. Then after arresting Allen it suddenly became just one person.
NO they were NOT. Remember Carter was it, I don't doubt you are in this room right now (paraphrasing), live in Delphi or near (paraphrasing) and the way you left those girls are not the way they are today etc. Quit changing facts. This was at a PC with many of LE and state and local.

Who was it, Leave by or whoever that said in a depo he thought more than one or some such.

It certainly has NOT been said throughout that police thought it to be more than one. EVER. They were looking for BG in Libby's video. Period.
What did the other 29 say? You and I don't know.
Presumably the other 29 gave correct facts but you are right, we don't know. It could have been as simple as "I did it" or describing the whole thing from bridge to crime scene and aftermath (eg when he spoke to the mental health advocate.)

Also, there was another involved in the catfishing (KK) but prosecution don't want that mentioned at trial. Not sure why that is unless because KK has an appeal of sentence, I believe.
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This has some interesting facts. Eg. The girls weren't sexually assaulted. However, surely making them undress would be sexual assault of itself, wouldn't it? I guess they mean they weren't physically sexually assaulted perhaps? So I find that comment very strange.

Richard Allen reportedly made ‘confessions’ to inmates, guards; attorneys say he was in ‘state of psychosis’

Matt Christy
2 months ago
CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. — Richard Allen reportedly made “incriminating statements to both inmates and guards” during his time in prison awaiting his double-murder trial. His attorneys want these so-called “confessions” suppressed due to claiming Allen was “in a state of psychosis.”
Allen is accused of killing 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi in February 2017. The high-profile murder trial is currently scheduled to begin on May 13.
Abby Williams and Libby German

13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German. (Credit: Family)
Previous reports have detailed how Allen reportedly admitted to killing the girls during a prison phone call to his wife, but his attorneys have repeatedly claimed Allen was under physical and mental duress at the time and his statements couldn’t be trusted.
But this wasn’t the only time Allen made “incriminating statements.” A new filing reveals that Allen also reportedly made further “confessions” to guards and inmates during his stay at Westville Correction Facility.
Allen’s attorneys are pushing for these “confessions” to be suppressed, however, stating in their latest motion that the poor conditions Allen was kept in compounded his deteriorating mental health state. The defense attorneys said these so-called “confessions” were the result of “psychological and mental coercion illegally directed against the Defendant” and therefore were “involuntarily given.”
Allen’s attorneys said their client was kept on “suicide watch” during the majority of his stay at Westville prison and that he was exposed to “some of the harshest conditions that even the most heinous of convicted offenders have not endured.”
It should be noted that a judge felt that Allen was being treated better than most inmates during his stay at Westville.

The Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office also previously pushed back against claims of Allen’s mental health duress by stating that Allen didn’t begin acting strangely — such as eating paper — until after his alleged confession to his wife.


Left: Richard Allen a year or two before his arrest: Right: Richard Allen on April 4, 2023
Allen’s attorneys go on to claim that inmates were stationed outside Allen’s door to spy on him and keep logs of all his actions, statements and behaviors. The attorneys say at some point these prisoners were pulled and replaced by guards.
The allegedly poor conditions he was kept in exacerbated Allen’s mental health conditions, according to his attorneys. According to them, Allen has “battled depression throughout most of his adult life.”
During his stay in prison, the attorneys claim Allen’s medications were administered “in a less than consistent fashion” as well. The attorneys also further pushed their claim of inmates and prison guards being in the prison tied to Odinism. This claim is tied into the attorneys’ alternative cult killing theory.

Due to all of these compounding factors, Allen’s attorneys argued that any “confessions” their client made were not voluntary due to the toll his captivity had on his mental health.

“Already suffering from a bona fide mental health disorder, and then having been cut off from the moral support of his wife, mother, and daughter, Allen was weakened to the point where he slipped into a state of psychosis plagued with grossly disorganized, delusional, paranoid and highly dysfunctional behavior. These behaviors were manifested through verbal confessions that he may have been drugged, verbal confessions to the double homicide (inconsistent with known facts about the crime scene) periods of not sleeping for days, paranoia, stripping off his clothes, drinking toilet water, covering himself with and eating his own feces, and many other socially unacceptable behaviors.”
Bradley Rozzi, attorney for Richard Allen
According to Allen’s attorneys, one of these reported “confessions” includes Allen telling an inmate that he molested Abby and Libby before shooting them in the back. The attorneys point out how this isn’t supported by the autopsy of the victims; the girls’ cause of death being related to a “sharp object”, not gunshot wounds.
Allen also reportedly expressed sorrow to another inmate over “molesting Abby, Libby and others which he specifically named.” Again the attorneys pointed out the alleged falsities of this “confession” by stating the autopsy of the girls was “absence of any evidence” that either of the girls were sexually assaulted near or before their deaths.
If Special Judge Fran Gull approves the motion to suppress, any so-called confessions made by Allen during his time in prison would not be able to be presented as evidence during his trial.
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Presumably the other 29 gave correct facts but you are right, we don't know. It could have been as simple as "I did it" or describing the whole thing from bridge to crime scene and aftermath (eg when he spoke to the mental health advocate.)

Also, there was another involved in the catfishing (KK) but prosecution don't want that mentioned at trial. Not sure why that is unless because KK has an appeal of sentence, I believe.
You know, all that the D tries to keep out almost shows RA's guilt itself. If Libby's video clearly isn't RA then why want it out? If nothing was found re the search warrant, then why need it tossed? Etc., etc., etc. Their sheer desperation to get everything excluded/kept out, confessions too, says a LOT right there.

I don't know what to do or think with the KK thing any longer. My thought is that they think it will only muddy the water and it is better to just focus on the killer RA. Watching the Daybell closing I was amazed how Lindsey Blake could parent a nightmare of people and mess of events down to something that was still long and involved but also clear and concise by leaving out all the extra one could go sideways with. I wouldn't have been able to do it. And she did it and made it easy to follow even though still a lot, not dwelling on the other players too much other than how they believed Chad 100 percent.

KK also has been back and forth, first pleading, then acting like he was going to withdraw it and not be cooperative and so forth. I think he may be a wild card to a point. Mel P was some type of issue or so it seemed at Lori's trial and never ended up testifying and I think intended to worry them about putting her on the stand but did end up testifying at Chad's... I think or can only surmise some further assurance or deal was reached. I also think she was NOT going to go against Lori but maybe came to terms with going against Chad. I have no idea just guesses...

I don't think he was part of the murders (KK). I do lean to RA did this himself. However, it is too uncanny that KK had arranged a meeting with Libby at the very same place around the same time. These girls naively fell into or were playing with fire sadly. I find it a huge reach to believe they just happened to go to the trails and RA just happened to be there and this was all happenstance when considering the KK planned meeting...

I'm glad this is quiet at the moment as I am sick to death of it all. Not ever sick to death of wanting justice for the girls and being upset the family has to continue going through this b.s. and wanting that over with but sick to death and almost bored with the antics that are almost becoming predictable. Right now I don't doubt defense is on vacation doing nothing and come October the same sh*t will go on again or as we near it.

Of course to be fair, Gull needs to rule on whether she removes self or not but even so I'll bet they are not in their offices going through discovery. I should be fair though because maybe they are hard at work but only in doing drafts 10 through 1000 of a Franks Memo.

Back to work today and had hoped the DP decision would come in on Daybell. Please post it if so, I do check things on breaks. Personally I hope to heck he gets it even though "execution" of such is not easy these days even if they do get it but he deserves it and it still sends a message imo. If he doesn't he still will get at least three life terms. A big WIN either way with his guilty verdicts on all charges.

I can't wait until we see such verdicts in this case but who knows when the heck it will ever get there.

Daybell was tried in something like 31 court days. B & R need to get a clue. That case was FAR more convoluted than this one and involved THREE murders at SEPARATE times and a defense was given.
This has some interesting facts. Eg. The girls weren't sexually assaulted. However, surely making them undress would be sexual assault of itself, wouldn't it? I guess they mean they weren't physically sexually assaulted perhaps? So I find that comment very strange.

Richard Allen reportedly made ‘confessions’ to inmates, guards; attorneys say he was in ‘state of psychosis’

Matt Christy
2 months ago
CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. — Richard Allen reportedly made “incriminating statements to both inmates and guards” during his time in prison awaiting his double-murder trial. His attorneys want these so-called “confessions” suppressed due to claiming Allen was “in a state of psychosis.”
Allen is accused of killing 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi in February 2017. The high-profile murder trial is currently scheduled to begin on May 13.
Abby Williams and Libby German

13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German. (Credit: Family)
Previous reports have detailed how Allen reportedly admitted to killing the girls during a prison phone call to his wife, but his attorneys have repeatedly claimed Allen was under physical and mental duress at the time and his statements couldn’t be trusted.
But this wasn’t the only time Allen made “incriminating statements.” A new filing reveals that Allen also reportedly made further “confessions” to guards and inmates during his stay at Westville Correction Facility.
Allen’s attorneys are pushing for these “confessions” to be suppressed, however, stating in their latest motion that the poor conditions Allen was kept in compounded his deteriorating mental health state. The defense attorneys said these so-called “confessions” were the result of “psychological and mental coercion illegally directed against the Defendant” and therefore were “involuntarily given.”
Allen’s attorneys said their client was kept on “suicide watch” during the majority of his stay at Westville prison and that he was exposed to “some of the harshest conditions that even the most heinous of convicted offenders have not endured.”
It should be noted that a judge felt that Allen was being treated better than most inmates during his stay at Westville.

The Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office also previously pushed back against claims of Allen’s mental health duress by stating that Allen didn’t begin acting strangely — such as eating paper — until after his alleged confession to his wife.


Left: Richard Allen a year or two before his arrest: Right: Richard Allen on April 4, 2023
Allen’s attorneys go on to claim that inmates were stationed outside Allen’s door to spy on him and keep logs of all his actions, statements and behaviors. The attorneys say at some point these prisoners were pulled and replaced by guards.
The allegedly poor conditions he was kept in exacerbated Allen’s mental health conditions, according to his attorneys. According to them, Allen has “battled depression throughout most of his adult life.”
During his stay in prison, the attorneys claim Allen’s medications were administered “in a less than consistent fashion” as well. The attorneys also further pushed their claim of inmates and prison guards being in the prison tied to Odinism. This claim is tied into the attorneys’ alternative cult killing theory.

Due to all of these compounding factors, Allen’s attorneys argued that any “confessions” their client made were not voluntary due to the toll his captivity had on his mental health.

According to Allen’s attorneys, one of these reported “confessions” includes Allen telling an inmate that he molested Abby and Libby before shooting them in the back. The attorneys point out how this isn’t supported by the autopsy of the victims; the girls’ cause of death being related to a “sharp object”, not gunshot wounds.
Allen also reportedly expressed sorrow to another inmate over “molesting Abby, Libby and others which he specifically named.” Again the attorneys pointed out the alleged falsities of this “confession” by stating the autopsy of the girls was “absence of any evidence” that either of the girls were sexually assaulted near or before their deaths.
If Special Judge Fran Gull approves the motion to suppress, any so-called confessions made by Allen during his time in prison would not be able to be presented as evidence during his trial.
Yes, forcing them to undress could and should be considered sexual assault.
What did the other 29 say? You and I don't know.
Probably the truth I guess. Not sure if we will ever know if the D have their way, unless it leaks.

So according to the D, he has had problems most of his adult life.

"The allegedly poor conditions he was kept in exacerbated Allen’s mental health conditions, according to his attorneys. According to them, Allen has “battled depression throughout most of his adult life.”

"Allen’s attorneys argued that any “confessions” their client made were not voluntary due to the toll his captivity had on his mental health."
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Probably the truth I guess. Not sure if we will ever know if the D have their way, unless it leaks.

So according to the D, he has had problems most of his adult life.

"The allegedly poor conditions he was kept in exacerbated Allen’s mental health conditions, according to his attorneys. According to them, Allen has “battled depression throughout most of his adult life.”

"Allen’s attorneys argued that any “confessions” their client made were not voluntary due to the toll his captivity had on his mental health."
Isn't this basically admitting he did it and blaming his poor childhood? Sure sounds like it to me

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