LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Yeah, right before an election they picked up a guy.
they picked up a guy who placed himself there years before any election and they collected a bullet that was found at the crime scene many years ago and long before any election.

so there is no way that remarks washes or is believable, it adds up not at all.

what DID perhaps happen is a new push at that time and a look back over everything and all tips.
I was unaware of it. So I can't judge the situation. Just the B.S. that I see going on.
The election is not related. RA placed himself there many years ago and the bullet (his) was found there many years ago. Thinking those two tings which are a large part of the case is related to an election many years later makes no sense at all. Emu has been nicely told this many times.

There are a few unfortuntate things that I'm not tickled about either. Doolin's lost recording for one. Calling such intentional though is also questionable, I'm sure they'd prefer to have it by far. The prosecution.

I'm not sure what I think of her drawing a picture of a picture and more so with this one, copying RA's confessions and trying to even mimic his signature and handwriting seems a bit much. Clearly they're not able to take copies or provide copies to the public or take photos I guess of all the documents it would seem...

On another note, this is the only confession so far I see mentioned in this review of evidence filed (but I haven't finished all posts here yet from today either). I'd guess it's because most of the confessions we have heard of were giving verbally, recorded I'm sure on the phone as with his mom and wife, etc.

I've seen some comments already that this doesn't contain details only the murderer would know and want to shake people lol as of course they're not all submitted into evidence in written form or at this time even yet.

Even today, and I've seen quite a bit of it, but not all yet, this case has not reached the bigger things yet as to testimony. Imo.
One commentor said the wording looks more like a ransom note than a confession.
Meaning what exactly? It's a request for an interview to confess to killing the girls. Do kidnappers request interviews? Not following that one at all. Also do they say in their ransom notes they want to apologize to the families?

You lost me on this one.
It would make sense the daughter not being there if she was due to testify.
Well she wasn't not allowed during all the hearings first of all, and chose not to attend in support of him as the wife and mother did.

However, that raises a point that had not occurred to me. NOT ALL trials do they sequester witnesses. And that's something all reporters have failed to tell us, IF there is a sequestration order. One side or both generally have to request one, at least in our state, OR the normal way is to not sequester if no such request of the judge. I sure don't recall one from either side...

So she possibly could be there even IF she is going to be a witness, we'd have to know if there's a sequestration order but I would say again she chose not to be during all hearings when no such order exists.

Now there MAY be one and if there is, unless I missed it, the public was never told of such. It would then also make sense why the families went first because they can then be in the courtroom. I think they'd start with them first anyhow as they are more character witnesses, they don't have evidence but can only tell o that morning, day, not being able to find them, Kelsi dropping off, things like that. The daughter if called can't avoid testifying, I suppose the wife can with spousal privilege. Grandma can't, if they even need her for anything... I'm pretty SURE though they can play interviews of Kathy I'd think if she gave them willingly... I don't think we've seen a single defense attempt to get such blocked though and that's interesting...

Anyhow, does ANYONE here know IF there is a sequestration order?? It's a pretty standard request but in OUR state it has to be requested and agreed to, etc... And I know that from more than just the one trial...

You know for some reason I've always thought his daughter was in high school when this happened...? Yet see people saying lately she was a young adult, maybe 20 or so?
Could have been covered by girl's bodies, clothes, legs, sticks, leaves etc. Once girls' bodies were removed for autopsy then another search took place IMO.
That's exactly what happened. they have said as much. Bodies were removed they then searched the area and with light sources, etc.

Delphi murders: Jurors watch video extracted from Libby German’s phone​

One of the most famous—or infamous—pieces of the Delphi murders puzzle is video taken from Libby German’s phone.

The grainy image of “Bridge Guy” was taken from a video extracted from Libby’s phone. During Tuesday’s testimony, Brian Bunner, a digital forensic expert with Indiana State Police, discussed his efforts to retrieve data from it.

Jurors watched as 43 seconds of video captured from Libby’s phone was played in the courtroom on Tuesday.

The video captured flashes of Abby and Libby along with a man, the “Bridge Guy,” walking in the distance.
I was one who was very curious what else was on that video other than the few seconds that were publicly released. From the link:

The man’s voice is heard commanding the girls, uttering the infamous line “Guys, down the hill.”

Abby, wearing a red shirt, rushes past the phone’s camera, which is pointed toward the ground and shows railroad tracks and a gravel path.

One of the girls, believed to be Libby, is heard responding to the man, telling him something to the effect of “There’s no path down here. We’ve got to go down here.”

They then descend toward the southside bank of Deer Creek. The girls bodies would be found across the creek the very next day, some of their clothes wet.

This was the first time a longer version of the cell phone video had been played in public. The portion showed before court took a break didn’t include “down the hill” audio previously released in the early days of the investigation.
No - they were apparently able to see their families between Saturday midday and Sunday eve. AFAICS.
Well, I was going to say this in my other post but thought I'd see first if it was like a good bye, last time, etc. BUT when they are on a jury and go home nightly, they can see their families, they just are not to talk about it. They are sequestered, cut off from media, etc. but still they are not the ones charged here... And seeing them on their days off I don't see of as a huge deal and it may help them get through too. I wouldn't say it's typical but I don't disagree with it necessarily. From all I've heard they sound like a well picked jury, who are paying attn, asking good questions and their families at least know what case they are on, and where they are and can have contact. I had heard telephone contact etc. would be somewhat supervised so are visits with family as well? I'd say Gull allowed this and has been good as I'd heard from Tom to the jurors. She seems to care about them, the families, etc. but care less about the public (us lol) and the media of any kind, traditional or otherwise.
Let the jury listen and decide about it.
Yep, that's my belief with most things in cases other than if something has no real basis at all being used, like the O thing. Juries can be and should be trusted to take their job seriously and determine what is true, worthwhile, what weight it should carry when all put together and so on. The few that don't take such seriously or have one that doesn't are one offs imo.

Richard Allen confession letter provides no insights into knowledge ‘only a killer would know’​

A confession letter signed by Richard Allen revealed no further insights into the veracity of the prosecution’s claims of Allen confessing to things “only the killer would know” about the Delphi murders.

Richard Allen faces four counts of murder in connection with the vicious killings of teenage girls Abby Williams and Libby German in February 2017 near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi. He was arrested in October 2022 by Indiana State Police.

In opening statements of the high-profile trial, prosecutor Nick McLeland claimed that Allen had confessed to things “only the killer would know” when it came to the grisly murders of Abby and Libby.

Allen’s lawyers have fervently argued against the so-called confessions, stating that their client was under mental anguish and not in his right state of mind. Allen has reportedly made more than 60 confessions, with some of his “confessions” being to things that never happened — such as claiming he killed his grandkids.

The veracity of these confessions will likely prove to be a major point in the Delphi trial in the days ahead as prosecutors previously argued that Allen only began acting strangely after making an initial alleged confession to his wife.

On Tuesday, while Allen sat in court nearly 100 miles away watching the infamous “down the hill” video extracted from Libby’s phone, members of the media viewed hundreds of pages of documents tied to the Delphi murders case at the Allen County courthouse.
It's one confession of many. Yet they already make a deal of it contains no such things but then they bring up the claiming killing his grandkids which I will bet money on either can't be substantiated or came LATER when he wanted to undo he damage his confessions had done and make it seem he had no clue what he was saying...

I'm responding to the article of course, and I know you know that.

And thank you for all the updates. I come home and read them all.

Delphi murders: Jurors watch video extracted from Libby German’s phone​

One of the most famous—or infamous—pieces of the Delphi murders puzzle is video taken from Libby German’s phone.

The grainy image of “Bridge Guy” was taken from a video extracted from Libby’s phone. During Tuesday’s testimony, Brian Bunner, a digital forensic expert with Indiana State Police, discussed his efforts to retrieve data from it.

Jurors watched as 43 seconds of video captured from Libby’s phone was played in the courtroom on Tuesday.

The video captured flashes of Abby and Libby along with a man, the “Bridge Guy,” walking in the distance.
How did it catch flashes of Libby...? Was more shown? With 43 seconds it doesn't sound like it...Or is this a longer stretch of it...?

Apparently Gull ruled at some point on this and allowed it in or at least part of it...

Haven't read this link yet though...

Delphi murders: Jurors watch video extracted from Libby German’s phone​

One of the most famous—or infamous—pieces of the Delphi murders puzzle is video taken from Libby German’s phone.

The grainy image of “Bridge Guy” was taken from a video extracted from Libby’s phone. During Tuesday’s testimony, Brian Bunner, a digital forensic expert with Indiana State Police, discussed his efforts to retrieve data from it.

Jurors watched as 43 seconds of video captured from Libby’s phone was played in the courtroom on Tuesday.

The video captured flashes of Abby and Libby along with a man, the “Bridge Guy,” walking in the distance.
Okay, should have read the link first. It explains the flashes of Libby on it, etc...
Or no, that's Abby. But more was shown than we've seen OR heard on it. I should finish the read first before I comment further lol...
So it was a longer version...

WAs the mention of a gun made because that isn't touched on but Libby saying we can't go down there, we have to this way is new... Was this the whole thing or NOT... Can it be seen or heard when it starts and when it ends I wonder... The recording...

I talso mentions he showed some other pictures from her phone and yet no detail on those...

Delphi murders: Contentious cross examination of investigator marks Day 4 of testimony​

Tuesday’s testimony in the Delphi murders trial included contentious cross examination of the lead crime scene investigator.

Richard Allen faces four counts of murder in connection with the February 2017 deaths of Abby Williams and Libby German near the Monon High Bridge. Indiana State Police announced his arrest in October 2022.

Investigators believe an unspent bullet found at the crime scene was cycled through a gun owned by Allen, linking him to the case.

Tuesday’s session started with additional testimony from Brian Olehy, the lead crime scene investigator on the case. Several key pieces of evidence were brought into court. Each piece was contained within a brown paper bag and was not physically shown to the jury.
The evidence included:

  • Hollister blue jeans
  • Tie dye t-shirt
  • Gray sweatshirt (medium size)
  • Sonoma brand pink underwear
  • Black and purple sock
  • Pink sock
  • Green headscarf
  • Blacked Faded Glory spaghetti strap shirt
  • Converse tennis shoes
  • .40 caliber Smith & Wesson cartridge
  • Collection of strand of material found between fingers on Abby’s right hand
  • Strand from Abby’s left arm
  • Libby’s phone
  • Black Nike tennis shoe under Abby’s body
So this time I read first. This is the most detail I've seen yet about the clothing. A very good article imo compared to many. AND so witnesses at the trail were on the stand today as WELL. the article seems to end being left hanging, is this where court ended, or a break or something?

So a lot more detail about the clothing and yet I'm more confused than ever. So ABby was in both Libby's shirt AND jeans. And yet it was said on a prior day that Libby's clothing was found in the creek inside out. Did I mix it up and it was Abby's clothing...? Could swear they said Libby's, the tie dye shirt, the one shoe I believe... AND the BURNING question, where ARE Abby's clothes? Are they under Libby's on her body and perhaps we won't hear that until we hear from witnesses who took the clothing off like the ME... OR did he take Abby's clothing... Yet there are two bras...

I'm still listening to Tom on yesterday's testimony and I will say he gives a lot more detail on the questions asked by both sides and answers than the articles have given and so I so far am finding a mix of both is good. Reporters just can't do all that unless you are Nate Eaton AND tweeting is allowed or at least keyboarding until you can tweet, etc. And dp lives each night which he did. The same options aren't available here.

I debated tonight whether to just start on his show for tonight but did want to finish yesterday's. I maybe should have just jumped because I am listening to him on yesterday's but reading here on today's and it can be a bit confusing. That's my problem lol.

I may not finish it out, most of where it's gotten to yesterday seems to be the same kinds of questions to the various LE on the stand...

Anyhow, I'd say one of the better articles here but still have a lot of questions... Re the clothing particularly...

I want to know where Abby's clothing was or if It is missing or was on her underneath Libby's...
Wow, another way better than normal article. A lot more detail on all. And more detail on the wtinesses at the trail. Betsy Blair even says it WAS BG. More detail about Libby's phone, more. I'm glad I hit these links of a couple here that were really pretty detailed. I haven't watched Tom tonight as I said but believe he will likely add a lot too as this is some of what he has been waiting for... Not sure how long I have left in me but need to quit yesterday's I think and start on his one from tonight instead...
This is beginning to confuse me now. Why can't the jury view these exhibits instead of them being in brown paper bags?
Same here but my guess is they are introducing it but it will be opened later by someone else, someone bigger, maybe the ME? Or an expert? The seals haven't been broken yet, all has just been entered into evidence...

Just my guess.

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