LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The down the hill is going to kill him in a voice comparison IF they use the one I heard some months back. It was DEAD ON. I've thought many COULD have been through the years but I've never ever felt such an exact HIT.

IMO what else is it they wanted it out for? Well PERHAPS some of the additional photos of him we can't see but I think it's the voice. I'm telling you it was NAILED. And they've probably got more examples than what I saw and it was a dead on match/ringer! It's here, I linked it back some time ago but could never figure out how to go back and find it. Not good at searching the threads. And I posted more than one over time but THAT one, oh my... Ever since I've had no doubts, not that I ever had many but since that, yes, if that is played oh boy...
Another thing, these days it is about couldn't you have done this or that and any D can come up with all sorts of sh*t.

Re the endless questions about the bullet, it had me thinking of other crime scenes, searches, etc... t'he day the kids were found in Daybell. Did the play or show every last close up of every little bit of Tylee being taken and put in or on whatever... How about the LISK searches in the home, more than one... I don't doubt they recorded but were they getting every single thing taken, tossed in the house, put into a bag, etc... There IS a photo of the bullet or cartridge embedded in the ground, more than one I think, and that's the big thing, dated, etc. There were was there were in LISK, Daybell, several LE present AND from different agencies... State, local, etc.

If I'm a juror I am going to get all o that when weighing it and I'm going to come out on that side. NO ONE then was thinking about anything how many years later or a man named RA who just happened to place himself there. The bullet/cartridge WAS THERE. He WAS THERE.
So just started listening to Tom's for tonight. So the Hollister blue jeans had to be Abby's and were in the creek if I have it right... And so Abby also was nude or mostly was at some point. More to come... Just started...
I have to stop and say something that was on my mind of reading all today's things earlier...

We can get so enured, is that the word, and focused on a case, and it isn't OUR family member but I could not help but first with crime scene photos but even these articles of clothing detailed, how absolutely brutal and fresh this will be for the family again... They dropped two girls off who had their next day and whole life in front of them and would have been home for supper, and now the entire world is hearing about a pair of underwear, colors of a sock or two, bras, jeans, and even aside from the world, how fresh and awful this will make it all for the families and I will bet they did not know ALL of this EITHER before trial... Although I would also not be surprised they knew more than we did. If a family is trusted and sure not to be involved and has not leaked, they may have shared some more with them than the public... I doubt all though in a case like this.

In reading these intensely personal things and the talk of pics of the awful injuries and more, and we haven't even seen the pics and I never want to honestly, it really hits home I think to us, and just makes it so much more apparent (and brings things back too) what this is doing to the families of the girls. They've also been on a roller coaster of a case for years and even more so the last few, and the trial is going to be a culmination of that and then the sweating of a verdict...

It takes a real toll. Ups and downs each day, worries, stress, and having to get through another and in their case for possibly a month!

It also puts things in perspective that if jurors are committed jurors and they realize this, a month is a hardship for them but it's nothing compared to what the families have endured or have had to, and they will realize that and gladly give that month of their time.

I'm saying a prayer for them tonight. I have more than once before but not for awhile and it just hits in reading some of this tonight how awful for them. Yet again. I'm sure they are glad to finally BE here with trial not delayed again but it gives a new hard time and a wait to see the results and HOPING and PRAYING nothing goes wrong and justice results.

I'd like to say I'm praying for RA and his family but not so easy there. I am praying the truth is told and justice results and the right result comes. It's really as far as I can go with that. And I'm certainly no relative of any victim so grace and kudos to the families if they can do more than that. I couldn't.

I am praying for them thoughtoo to he point of in whatever the truth is, that the truth wins and justice results, whatever that may be.

But even before today, I'm all about the families of the girls. And the girls. And whether one thinks guilty or not, it has been the RA show for long enough. Victims and their families get LOST in such.

But just think about it, from banana pancakes and I'll be okay grandma to years of HE77 and now sitting in a courtroom hearing horrid details. This is beyond painful and personal to them. And to us, and yes even to me, it gets like that, it is focus on the crime and the case... ANd unfortunately the defendant and his attys.

Enough from me, I'm not going to catch up on Tom anytime soon. Last day tomorrow before my "weekend" but it is my earliest start this "week" and I've already cut myself down to very few hours of sleep.

I really just wanted to say take a moment to think about the girls' families and these things they are seeing and hearing and the rest of the world is as well. And pray they get justice.
I'm not sure what I think of her drawing a picture of a picture and more so with this one, copying RA's confessions and trying to even mimic his signature and handwriting seems a bit much. Clearly they're not able to take copies or provide copies to the public or take photos I guess of all the documents it would seem...

On another note, this is the only confession so far I see mentioned in this review of evidence filed (but I haven't finished all posts here yet from today either). I'd guess it's because most of the confessions we have heard of were giving verbally, recorded I'm sure on the phone as with his mom and wife, etc.

I've seen some comments already that this doesn't contain details only the murderer would know and want to shake people lol as of course they're not all submitted into evidence in written form or at this time even yet.

Even today, and I've seen quite a bit of it, but not all yet, this case has not reached the bigger things yet as to testimony. Imo.
I am pretty impressed that they went to the trouble to go to a Special Judge to get around the ban to be able to show us this. It is damning to RA, that's for sure.
I am pretty impressed that they went to the trouble to go to a Special Judge to get around the ban to be able to show us this. It is damning to RA, that's for sure.
That's a good point, they did argue or fight for access...

I do think the trying to duplicate his writing and signature a bit over the top when they could have just identified the form used and repeated what he said on it, but whatever, I guess. No harm, no foul.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, if publicly accessible and should be, then copies should be able to be obtained and paid for... One would think...

Aside from all that, YES it is damning to RA, no doubt. It is a clear confession and it doesn't seem unclear, addled, or forced, with him even adding he hoped to be able to tell the families how sorry he is.

I can't quite figure out what this is. Didn't it say access to evidence filed? Yet clearly it isn't everything and/or they've only shared this so far out of all that they accessed. When was this confession brought up in court or filed? You know, like they did with the evidence bags, they entered them with a witness, identified basically, but have not had them opened yet...

Are these things that were used in some of the pretrial motions and arguments against? Perhaps? Beats me. It's less than clear.

You called the stick figure recreation Draconian or perhaps you meant what reporters are reduced to due to Gull's stringent rules. I do find this trying to recreate RA's handwriting a bit odd as well. However, what else can they do...

I don't understand this either, if it is and should be publicly accessible, then copies should also be able to be obtained.

This whole case and IN itself I guess, and that's not meant to be offensive to anyhow, I say similar about ID and others, and knock my own for many a thing like low bond, and the way it has been handled, is alien to me but the sealing and such is becoming ridiculously common.

Then one gets a case like Soto in FL who has sunshine laws and major open records.

In our case, many a time I had my sister go down and get anything filed and copies throughout the years. It actually bothered the detective, etc. at first when he realized because a few times we know what had been filed before we were informed a day or two later. I had worked for attys. in my life and knew the public access. I gather most people don't know they can do this and he was surprised we knew. Actually my family did not know but I did. This was during the case. You cannot access most online even today in many states, you have to physically go to the 'Clerk of Court's Office but the "general" rule in most states and most places, or USED to be, is these are public records. Once filed, they are public. Even DURING a case process.

Not sure what these are here but I am guessing they are things that have been filed during the process and pretrial motions and such or entered into evidence as exhibits for those hearings. Not much context was given unless I missed it. I feel like or think I read most links last night but entirely possible I missed the further explanation, and the explanation of why they had to fight for accesss to begin with...
Full of s***.
LMAO, I was nowhere NEAR that as a thought but I was on thoughts of things like SOL just trying to read around the remarks and interpret the context. The D is definitely FOS, if I start using it some I will remember it lol. Not sure what is meant by that Gull is but I can go with that opinion of her by others. I don't agree in all cases but she definitely is with regard to this ridiculous order of no recorders, etc.

I also loved you using the word Draconian, I get the word totally, but it is one I'd never think to use myself. :D

Well my earliest day this week and dragging as it's my 5th in a row and a back to back. Didn't get up with hours to spare. I also am not caught up on even Tom but did read I think most all here, and the links. Have the next two off as per my norm but not sure how much I will be able to go and catch up on him or just keep up on the new day tomorrow and tomorrow night. Friday I have plans with some of my family who I don't see nearly enough so the day is taken and is not an off and home day for me and then back to work. Also of course going into holiday mode at work where things even though slowing on some sides of things pick up totally on the other side as to hours, etc. at least until the New Year.

As to news and reporting yeah this is an election year and this trial is taking place in the month leading up to, and there are as always a lot of local and state as well, elections. As one org said a week or two ago, they are bent on covering this even though they have all that political stuff to cover and this just adds on for them.

Just some general observations and thoughts this morning. It is dark as can get yet I am to get moving. Sigh... And will only get worse through the upcoming season/winter... I may volunteer for all nights, I wonder if it would fly... They don't work like that even though many would prefer early shifts, far more of them.

We have had answers to some questions in this trial we've had for a long time, but I am waiting for it to get into the more major stuff also. We are not even close to yet recorded interviews of RA and so much more.
Well, haven't had time to watch Tom's in full but watching some of yesterday's this morning, and he is covering that they covered a lot of what was seen in autopsy like what Abby was wearing underneath the sweatshirt, injuries, etc. Nothing I read in accounts yesterday or links went into any of this. Also a lot about evidence collection that it seems they did very well overall, etc.

It's not a knock, but reporters can never go like line by line, note by note, etc. and cover it all and that's where people like him come in. Especially when reporters can't keyboard notes, tweet, etc.

It's a real disservice the way this coverage has to be handled and the luck of getting in. It gives wrong impressions. I've been wondering where Abby's clothing went and am getting a few answers now but not all yet, among other things. And evidence collection a ton of it was done and done well and I haven't seen that covered either. There was a ton yesterday and yet some thought there wasn't any that's because none of this that I saw was covered and I've barely begun his coverage of yesterday, won't get far, and then will be another day behind tonight.

And we are BARELY into the meat of this case yet.
For instance many items were taken to Putnamville instead of Lafayette? Why? Because they have a drying room where it dries items and prevents them from decaying, degrading, etc...

Where is THAT news about the efforts made here?? The sheer numbers of spots and evidence and swabs and the chain there? There's a ton of it.
Lol, Tom's note to self was Rozzi gets easily agitated like a child. Hey, we always hear more about Baldwin.

Kind of interesting the objections and questions to Olehy... Who keeps answering not that I'm aware of and it gets suggested he is asking the wrong person... Who wouldn't be aware of some of these answers... Hmmm...

Far, far more detailed and question by question almost...

I've seen some good reporting and links, said as much last night, but it's not the same by a long shot. And can't be. And believe me it is not covering it all. It's like when a trial IS live and one doesn' actually watch, but assumes they know from the synopsis by traditional reporters, it is NOT the same.
Tom has found his groove I think. He seems to have about every single question and answer down pat. He looks tired, I'd swear he's 15 years older, he gave up eating, stayed in court on break, and life is consisting of standing in line. Alarm went off as a reminder to ideally go to bed by 5:45 (seriously). This is far more detailed. Every question, every answer.

One thing I want to note that I've heard more than once is the ones attending CANNOT always hear all the answers... Have heard that from others as well over these first few days..

I guess the 4+ mill only went towards certain things....

None of what I am hearing did I read in anything yesterday.

While we can't hear it, I'd say Olehy is one heck of a witness and perhaps Tom can keep up because his answers are short and to the point. Can't hear them but I'd say it's a battle and I wouldn't say Rozzi is winning by a long shot. And easily irritated I gather lol.
More on there is a microphone but apparently were told it is so the court reporter can hear not for amplification to everyone else yet they had someone at the right distance sitting up straight and they could hear perfectly and he felt amplified where often they can't hear. If anyone wants to hear his further comments on that, they can go watch him.

But anyhow I can't help but give a really dumb question as it's funny really. So Rozzi asks about time of death and determining and Olehy says an imprecise science, etc. (I am guessing though we are going to get more of this from witnesses that know more about such stuff). Then Rozzi asks him if the girls were killed between the 13th and he time they were found on the 14th. Well DUH. I get no impression at all this was sarcasm by the D atty, not per Tom, what it was was a stupid question. And again he's easily agitated like a child per observations...

The testimony yesterday is not getting any dents from the D. What is coming out is the efforts put in and all the collecton of evidence, chain of, how preserved, and more.

Their show/big attempts aren't quite flying.. You can tell he is trying to open doors like about the sticks, etc., not working. IMO because it's b.s. with nothing at all behind it.

And I'm barely STARTED on Tom's coverage of yesterday... And getting a far better picture of exactly what was going on, the vibe, question by question, etc... Every response to every question.

Of course, the ones that could be HEARD.
I'm sorry but idiot. Insect activity in February?? Give me a break. Or critter activity when it was at least down to 34 that night... I have to laugh. So many go down this path that don't know sh*t about rural life. In so many cases. And if there had been such in less than 24 hours that would mean what exactly? NOTHING. And of course there wasn't. If a deer came close, curious, is the most I could picture. Stupid questions.

JMO of course. Did they die between the 13th and when found on the 14th, well DUH.

This is AT the D, and not anything otherwise.
And again after more watching Tom has sure found the groove. If he doesn't have every single question and answer, I'd not know because it sure the heck seems like he does or most, other than the ones they can't hear the answers to which again, is ridiculous that those in the courtroom can't...

The trial is being held in Delphi, but the exhibits are at the Allen County Courthouse in Fort Wayne.
Though there were literally thousands of pages of pretrial exhibits to view Tuesday, there were a few notable items that were not included, which 13News expected to see.
The autopsy reports of Abby and Libby were not available, along with emails from Indiana State Police Supt. Doug Carter that included updates to the FBI in the early days of the investigation.
Also not included was a report from Steve Mullins, an investigator for the state who was the chief of the Delphi Police Department at the time of the murders. We learned in pretrial hearings that the report detailed interactions Mullins had with a possible suspect.
The state objected to the defense entering that report, claiming it was hearsay.
I'm sorry but idiot. Insect activity in February?? Give me a break. Or critter activity when it was at least down to 34 that night... I have to laugh. So many go down this path that don't know sh*t about rural life. In so many cases. And if there had been such in less than 24 hours that would mean what exactly? NOTHING. And of course there wasn't. If a deer came close, curious, is the most I could picture. Stupid questions.

JMO of course. Did they die between the 13th and when found on the 14th, well DUH.

This is AT the D, and not anything otherwise.
Aren't flies somewhat active in the winter? I mean I can see predators not being there.

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