LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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there would be a great difference in the wound between a box cutter (smooth blade) vs any serrated blade.
I am going by the testimony that it could be either of those weapons. Kohr described the wounds. See upthread.

I think we are getting close to being halfway through the P witnesses now.
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Delphi murders: Phone pings cast doubt on defense’s alternate site killing theory​

Witness testimony continued into Wednesday afternoon as jurors in the high-profile Delphi murders trial heard from an Indiana State Police digital forensics examiner about data extracted from Libby German’s cell phone.

During the fifth day of witness testimony, jurors heard from one of the primary witnesses who spotted “Bridge Guy” on the day the girls went missing. Jurors also saw photographs of the girls’ autopsies and heard from the pathologist who conducted the examination.

After a lunch break, ISP Sgt. Chris Cecil took the stand to speak about cell phone data extracted and linked to Libby German’s cell phone. Libby’s cell phone produced the infamous “down the hill” video and audio clip, which was played in its entirety for jurors on Tuesday.

During previous family testimony, it was noted Abby Williams did not own a cell phone at the time of her death. Libby’s phone ended up being found underneath Abby’s dead body.

Cecil told jurors on Wednesday that police investigators used cell phone towers to ping Libby German’s phone. The girls vanished while walking on the trails near the Monon High Bridge on Feb. 13, 2017. Libby’s sister previously testified to dropping the girls off at the trails at around 1:40 p.m.

Delphi murders: Combative testimony from another ‘Bridge Guy’ witness; pathologist testifies on autopsies​

Day 5 of the Delphi murders trial included testimony from a pathologist and another witness who reported seeing “Bridge Guy.”

Latest ‘Bridge Guy’ witness
During Wednesday’s session, Sarah Carbaugh testified.

Carbaugh described herself as “local as you can get” and said she went to the trail daily to walk her dogs. As a teenager, she used to walk on the Monon High Bridge—although she stopped when she was an adult.

She testified that she saw “Bridge Guy” walking down County Road 300 North by the cemetery around 4 p.m. on Feb. 13 while she was driving by. He was hunched over and plodding along with his hands in his pockets.

“I looked at him but he did not make eye contact with me,” she told the court.

Delphi murders: Judge rules defense team’s metallurgist cannot testify​

The judge in the Delphi murders trial has ruled that the defense team cannot have a metallurgist take the stand and testify against the State’s findings that a bullet cartridge found at the scene matches suspect Richard Allen’s gun.

Attorneys representing Allen had previously asked to bring on Dr. William Tobin as a witness to testify and call into question the State’s theory that the bullet came from Allen’s gun. On Wednesday, Special Judge Fran Gull ruled that Dr. Tobin’s testimony is inadmissible and that he may not take the stand.

“Dr. William Tobin is an expert in the field of metallurgy and has been recognized as an expert in that field by several courts of various jurisdictions,” Judge Gull wrote. “Dr. Tobin is not firearms expert, has had no training in firearms identification, and has never conducted firearms examination.”

Gull – a special judge assigned to the Carroll County case out of Allen County – specifically concluded that Tobin could not testify because he never examined the evidence in this specific case. She wrote that, because of this, his testimony “lacks relevance.”

The final witness called to the stand Wednesday afternoon was Indiana State Police Sgt. Chris Cecil. He says he has examined digital evidence for hundreds of cases during a 20-year law enforcement career.

Cecil volunteered to re-examine Libby’s iPhone 6s. His first written report was in 2019. The phone had been examined several times in 2017 after it was found near the girls' bodies.

Data revealed Abby and Libby each accessed social media accounts on the phone on February 13, 2017.

Data from the Apple Health app said the last time the phone logged movement was at 2:32:39 p.m. on February 13, 2017.

This is a timeline of Libby’s phone interaction from that afternoon.

Feb. 13, 2017
1:38:49 p.m.: phone call to Daddy-o
1:39:08 p.m.: phone was charging
1:39:24 p.m.: Call to Daddy-o ends
1:39:30 p.m.: 2nd interaction with messaging app
1:39:45 p.m.: Snapchat viewing
1:41:44 p.m.: Libby posted picture to Snapchat
1:43:49 p.m.: Posted picture of girls in car to Snapchat
2:05:20 p.m.: Snapchat picture of bridge with no people on it
2:07:20 p.m.: Last time phone was unlocked
2:13:57 p.m.: Video recorded :43 seconds long
2:14:41 p.m.: Libby tried to unlock phone with fingerprint
22:32:26 p.m.: phone likely died
2:33 p.m.: Screen was off
4:06 p.m.: Gets SMS message from Becky Patty (Libby's grandmother) saying, "You need to call me now!!!"
Feb. 14, 2017
4:30 a.m.: 15 to 20 text messages come in at once
No activity after 4:34 a.m.

In a motion filed Wednesday, the defense argues that testimony from Crime scene investigator Brian Olehay in Tuesday's trial is now reason to allow the theory.

The defense states that during his testimony, Olehay indicated that the sticks covering the girls' bodies at the crime scene were an attempt by the killer to conceal the girls.

According to the defense, Allen has a Sixth Amendment right to offer the jury an alternative to Olehay's theory.

"The sticks on the girls appear to be arranged in a pattern/arrangement or (at a minimum) using a person’s own eyeballs, common sense, logic and reason could cause a reasonable person to believe that the sticks were formed into some pattern/arrangement and weren’t being used to conceal the bodies," The defense states.

The defense argues that not providing the jury with an alternate theory would leave the jury with only the explanation of the state. They also argue that it could be confusing for a juror who might believe the arrangement of sticks was intentional.

The defense is also asking to use findings from Dr. Perlmutter, an expert on ritualistic murders who supports the Odinism theory.
Aren't flies somewhat active in the winter? I mean I can see predators not being there.
By the time the girls were killed, they were already heading into sundown or close to it and the temp would have been dropping in my opinion. Even if they were out due to the arm weather and I somewhat doubt it's that instant but even if it was, they'd be dormant or done for in short order again. They'd never be what the D was talking, something that had activity on the girls and been on them for long enough to determine time of death. Those kinds of cases where it has been beneficial are bodies that have been missing for a period of time, not under 24 hours as is the case of the girls, for instance it takes how long to lay and for larvae to develop etc. And I don't think it's only flies either.

There would be NO bug activity at all on these girls imo, and I'm just an average layperson. No way, no how. They are also in the woods, not out in the open at 1 or 2 p.m. on this unusually sunny day. it would be cool and getting cooler fast. The low one witness LE said was 34, that's 2 degrees above freezing and I assume he meant for the 13th but probably the wee hours of the 14th too. Flies would not be active.

As to critters, well, I think the smell of human blood would scare most. Any that would attract to it again it would be cool soon and quickly and so you one is, unable to put it gently, not smelling something rotting like a body a week in the Florida bush, etc. nor is it June. I'm not sure, but I could see a deer possibly being curious but I think they'd be more wary and they are not carnivores.

I just think both questions and follow up on them was ridiculous. I think those girls would have been in perfect condition and I don't mean that in irony, I mean the way they were left is the way they remained and the cool temps would have held things as they were and it wasn't long the next day before they were found...

The things he was asking do not fit bodies found in a 24 hour period in the winter/Feb in the Midwest (do you consider yourself Midwest, I do count IN as Midwest, or part of a five state area anyhow) but could be incorrect. I do know if you get towards southern IN it can be a lot warmer but still we have winters.

These things DO fit and have been used in bodies left a long time or in major heat, humidity, things like that, they don't fit this one.

Anyhow, no, even a few flies buzzed to life that day I doubt they did in that area and at that time and I'm not even sure that would even happen...

They were just dumb questions imo lol.

And not trying to be offensive

Another way to put it is the first unseasonably warm day here and there in the winter and you get outside, how many bugs do you deal with? None in my experience. That wont' happen with one warm day, it isn't season yet. Now they will come to life, dormant ones, inside your home or shed if warm enough... Or sun hitting and warm enough. Some will.

They were also with lights searching was it til like 2 with lights etc. and the next morning back early. It was very few hours animals wouldn't have heard people in the woods, seen light, etc.

And I'm actually explaining too much and not sure why except just wound down my work week and finally can say ahhhhh for a moment and change modes. And then I had a few errands, finally got home to get shoes and all off and relax, and realized I had left my phone at work so that plan ended and back to work I had to go to get it.

I have no doubts neither things, bugs nor critters apply here nor would LE, experts, investigators nor anyone else look for such or expect them to have been present in any capacity.

Kind of like I said to Tesir, a ton of leaves and just ground would go back to being crunchy as the temp cooled again and before it rose the next day (IF the next day was even unseasonably warm still, not sure if we know that). Just because it was in the 50s that day (and I had thought it was 40s but recently heard 50s) nothing is going to be fully thawed in one day and it will be right back to frozen or close to it over the night...

Pretty much my first post on catching up and such always seems to involve my getting lengthy after a work week. This was the one. Sorry.

Anyhow back to your post, even if they did come to life, bug activity is going to have nothing to do with determining time of death re these girls in less than a 24 hour period. And mostly overnight.

The first hard frost finally kills them all off here in the fall/winter. But if they are outside before that even they are barely functioning at low temps, doesn't even have to be freezing. If in the home, flies can just go dormant... Weird things. Lol.

I have no idea what they do if outside. Well I imagine they freeze and die if caught in a frost or if holed up somewhere they for sure go dormant. Speaking flies probably most specifically. Bees go dormant too pretty sure but never heard of bees being used to do with dead bodies. It is always maggots generally, and so on...

I'm sorry that I'm all over the place, I should have just simply said no, it isn't possible in this case, in this length of time, in this month, in the hours from what 4 p.m. to when found the next day. Critters not much different. Bears are in hibernation. Deer wouldn't attract to dead bodies other than maybe curiosity and I think it would scare them off actually. Deer are active mainly around dusk and dawn and they do at times scrounge for food in the winter which is why so many leave some corn up these days, etc. As well as for sn*w breaks. Only during rut does that pattern change as to time for the most part.

I'm just going on for I don't know what reason other than trying to transition. LOL. I need to stop.

The basic answer is between the cool temps, the fact his was mostly overnight and they were found in under 24 hours would limit smell to animals, bugs for the many reasons mentioned would not be an issue, etc. or would not last much past it dropping to 40 even...

They were simply dumb questions that would only relate or be used in totally different kinds of cases exposed to different elements for far longer. That's really the overall point.

I'm just now reading since this morning so I'd bet I am not even on the same subject the rest of you are by now after another full day of trial.

One other thing I'd just add re critters. Clearly no critter took off with them or a part of them (again hate talking about them like that), there was no animal damage to them (I think putting that that way is enough for all to know what I mean) so again what was his point...? No animal attacked them or moved them, that's clear as can be.

I probably should go back and do this over and shorten it. Lol. But in the length, the points are really there. Maybe they were just filling time and trying to get into not trying all means on determination of time of death but at the time he wasn't even asking the right person about time of death... So it could have been just that, filling time, giving the jury things to listen to and think about, or they are just that clueless.

I just found it ridiculous and would have as a juror quite honestly. Picking at nothing that could even be relevant here.

And put too much time into it now lol. I'll move on. I think it's a non-issue. However I may well have laughed or rolled my eyes as a juror or someone in the courtroom watching the trial.

And I'm not saying this to even go at them, they've hit some real points

I dont' know what I am going to do. I've got Tom on from last night yet playing and he has so very much tons more detail on all the questions and answers re the cell phone and so much more and I want to hear it all, but now there's another day and new one I will be behind on...

And I am saying he has basically EVERY single question and answer. He has the objections, all of it. Whatever he's doing, he's got it all... I can't even explain how far beyond anything by any traditional media. He has 65 pages of notes for just yesterday. And major detail. I thought I'd at least be able to get in his show each night but so far, haven't been able to and then I catch up or try to here as well but not sure I'd keep up with his anyhow.

So now this has I guess become a catching up on it all post for me. He seems to have every P question of every witness, every D question of every witness... And the responses. He's hit his figuring out how to do it each day all day I guess. He's no longer trying to go eat at any point during the day, or night, He's writing every time they have a few minutes or a break. while all is fresh. This is like listening to a byplay or reading tweets from Nate of every moment almost what Tom has. Every question, every answer. He's hit his stride and he is already a type that is a bit anal about details. I mean that in an affectionate way.

And yes, I need to stop. Turning into a wandering post where I think I'll just catch up all at once or something.

I saw someone yesterday was it saying they didn't feel there was much or much interesting testimony, etc... Well there's a ton more detail than anything I read...I've seen some very good reporting (not all) but some, but it does not cover all these details... And the phone thing is HUGE. What I'm listening to now from yesterday...

Anyhow, glad we are all here (not me other than blipping in morning or night not part of the day's news) as we have all cared about this one for a LONG time.
They are known to come out on a nice day here.
they wouldn't infest though on bodies or lay larvae or stay alive or active all night in February. the first freezing ends them but they go slow or dormant before the kill off by a hard frost. That just ends the last straggler.

1:00 p.m. - The state's 20th witness is Indiana State Police Sergeant Christopher Cecil, a 20-year law enforcement officer and the commander of the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce.

Cecil reanalyzed Libby's cell phone and SIM card in 2019.

Cecil said that ISP got a Grey Key device in 2019. That allowed them to unlock Apple devices like iPhones. Cecil says that after getting the Grey Key, ISP re-examined Libby's iPhone.

Cecil said they performed a full file extraction to get all of the phones content. That included active and deleted files and metadata.

Cecil said the data was ingested into a program like Cellabrite to make it readable.

Cecil said he performed a detail analysis on Libby's phone data between June 26 and Aug. 21 of 2019.

Cecil said he specifically looked at data from Feb. 13, 2017.

Cecil said his goal was to establish a timeline of how the phone was being used and what was happening in the background.

Cecil said two people were using the phone: Abby and Libby.

The touch ID had 6 fingerprints saved.

Using the phone's health app, Cecil said he determined the girls walked about 700 meters between 1:31 p.m. and 2:08 p.m. on Feb. 13.
Maybe he is trying to get the "brought back to the scene" after midnight to match the 4.33 a.m. phone ping? I think the body temperature of the girls and rigor mortis should determine TOD quite accurately. Maybe today the medical examiner will elaborate. Also, very few insects in February, even here in UK where winters are milder than Indiana. Even if there was, then not enough daylight for that to happen as it was dark by 5 pm and probably only light by about 9pm the next day IMO.
Fro one thing he was asking the wrong guy with all of this and whose job it isn't to do any of these things. These questions for the ME would be different but the animal and insect thing would be ridiculous even to someone who should have a better grasp of TOD. And I saw a bit today on breaks, mostly I had errands to do on breaks so I know some of this was addressed as to estimated time of death by yes, the one/s more whose job it is to have an educated opinion on such.

As to the brought back to the scene, I don't see where they could really go with that even if they could give some doubt re such. Someone still had to take them from there and WHO was the one there? RA. maybe they can prove he was somewhere else later that night but so what? It's still a ridiculous reach and doesn't take RA away from there at the time. Nothing removes him. Not even an O theory.

The same guy, it was LE, state or someone, the D was asking these ridiculous questions to and he said there are a lot of variables as to TOD and I'd say that's true, but again it isn't his field which made it even more ridiculous but I guess in their head the jury might be dumb enough to thinks the guy should know.

As to TOD though, a lot of things I do think make a difference from the tons of cases we've all followed, but there would also be what stomach contents. They had banana pancakes for breakfast, would that play in...

Regardless, testimony is probably past this now and I am a day behind for sure.. I saw SOME things today but nowhere near any full coverage yet and I'm probably now responding to posts you are probably all past and on other subjects by now.

I agree with you on the insects. It may have been a nice day that day in IN but just a rare short day of higher than average temperatures. It is still February, winter, and night still comes. Insects are not anything in this case. And the overall point was really that it was a dumb question.

It was definitely dark by 5 or shortly after and dusk before that, although they may not do DST as we do and I hate. And the temp was cooling hour by hour from earlier than that... Short windows of a rare higher temp day. Sun is starting to get back a bit closer and have jus a tiny bit of heat versus December and especially January but the window wouldn't be long.

I'm sure wherever these responses are falling you are all on other subjects and so I'll move on from insects, etc...
The rainbow is for the girls, maybe?
Curious about what you all watched read but going to have to skip the link for now. I've seen rainbows at times in life that seem they were meant to be and very significant. Was there something like that? Meaning a sign from the girls or for the girls? Please fill me in on it. I've also seen skies clear so many times at the very right moment...
Re the bullet, has anything come out yet about the keepsake bullet from his house matching the ejector marks on the CS bullet?
I don't think so but you are probably more up on the last couple of days than I am but then I've also heard a LOT of questions and answers that no article I read here, even though some good ones, covered... I think the bullet thing is still coming isn't it as well as any expert on that, and a LOT more...

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