MO LISA IRWIN: Missing from Kansas City, MO - 3 Oct 2011 - Age 10 months

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Lisa was last seen at her home in the 3600 block of North Lister Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri on October 3, 2011. Her mother, Deborah Bradley, put her to bed in her crib with her pacifier, blanket and some toys.

Deborah last saw her daughter at either 6:40 or 10:30 p.m. (Accounts differ.) That evening, she was also caring for the Lisa's two older half-brothers, who were asleep in another room. She later admitted she'd been drinking wine that night and had gotten drunk. She was also taking prescription medication for anxiety.

Lisa's father, Jeremy Irwin, an electrician, came home from work at approximately 4:00 the next morning and they discovered Lisa was gone. Several lights in the house were on, Lisa's bedroom window was open, the front door was unlocked and three cellular phones were reportedly missing.

Lisa's parents called 911 to report her disappearance shortly at 4:00 a.m. An extensive search of the immediate area turned up no sign of the baby.

Authorities stated Lisa's mother and father were less than cooperative with the investigation, something Deborah and Jeremy denied. They were engaged to be married at the time of Lisa's disappearance, although Deborah was still legally married to another man, and had a six-year-old son by him.

Deborah and her husband had been separated for about four years by 2010, and he was serving in the Army. Her husband stated he didn't believe Deborah would have harmed Lisa or been involved in her disappearance.

Three different witnesses saw a man walking down the road about three miles from Lisa's home at approximately 4:00 a.m. that night, carrying a baby dressed only in a diaper. It's unclear whether the sightings are connected to Lisa's case.

Authorities haven't named any suspects in the child's disappearance. Her parents have stated they believe she was abducted from her home late on October 3 or early on October 4, possibly by a person who wanted to raise a baby. Lisa's case remains unsolved.

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Lisa has a birthmark on her right outer thigh. Two of her bottom teeth had erupted by the time of her disappearance, and she had a small bug bite under her left ear. Her nickname is Pumpkin Pie. She was last known to be wearing purple pants and a purple shirt with kittens on it.

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When I've walked cranky babies at night, nobody ever thought to ask to give me a ride. Why would they when they are just walking through a neighborhood and going into a yard that they might belong to? The sighting on Randoph, the guy did ask and that one makes much more sense to ask since they were walking out in the middle basically nowhere. Why would they ask in a subdivision when the person is walking into a yard?

We also haven't heard exactly what the husband describe what he saw and only her. How do we know that he didn't describe an actual baby to LE?
In what way did they describe him carrying the baby? I always pictured it as the way you would hold an infant, but now that I have a granddaughter about Lisa‘s age when she went missing, I realize that the baby was probably being held against a shoulder and looking around since the baby was woke up. Right? So it would be easy to tell there was a baby because there’s two heads. Am I thinking straight on this one?
I'm not questioning why the husband didn't call the police himself, I'm questioning why call the police, period.
Oh, I see. Yeah, get that now too. Maybe there was something “hinky” about it. Or maybe the couple are known to be quick on the draw to call the police and that’s why the police didn’t act on it right away.
I remember when I was married and my ex always wanted me to pick up the phone and make his phone calls. And my boss’s husband is the same way. I don’t know if he knows how to even call somebody because always has his wife do it. Maybe that’s what this guy was doing.
I live in that world, too. Home and work. :sigh:
In what way did they describe him carrying the baby? I always pictured it as the way you would hold an infant, but now that I have a granddaughter about Lisa‘s age when she went missing, I realize that the baby was probably being held against a shoulder and looking around since the baby was woke up. Right? So it would be easy to tell there was a baby because there’s two heads. Am I thinking straight on this one?
yes. Whether awake or asleep there would be two heads showing under the very bright street light that was right there.
Oh, I see. Yeah, get that now too. Maybe there was something “hinky” about it. Or maybe the couple are known to be quick on the draw to call the police and that’s why the police didn’t act on it right away.
The way I understand it, the husband had wanted to call the police that night and it wasn't until sometime after they'd heard of Lisa's abduction that they called the police.
Anyway, that's precisely what I'm wanting to know- from them; what was hinky?
Oh, I see. Yeah, get that now too. Maybe there was something “hinky” about it. Or maybe the couple are known to be quick on the draw to call the police and that’s why the police didn’t act on it right away.
But notice how she was not concerned enough to call and neither was he. It's like it was just a part of their conversation of "if" they should. Evidently they decided not to.
The way I understand it, the husband had wanted to call the police that night and it wasn't until sometime after they'd heard of Lisa's abduction that they called the police.
Anyway, that's precisely what I'm wanting to know- from them; what was hinky?
Probably because it was unusual AND there had been a rash of car break ins, so people were looking out. How coincidental that most of those stopped after Jersey left, eh?

I don't think they actually did CALL police. They told them when they were canvassing the area that morning when asked if they might have seen anything that night.
The neighbor witness also described the baby wearing a diaper, so pretty sure they saw an actual baby since I don't know anything else that you carry that wears a diaper.
The way it is described how he was carrying a baby seems more like he might have been trying to shield her features from being seen by people that he saw outside (the husband).
the discrepancy on where MW was living could also be explained that she very well might have been semi staying at several places overlapping each other. I know people that allow other's to stay with them but do not let them stay there when they aren't going to be home. Something simalar this could easily come into play, especially when dealing with meth heads. She very well might have stayed a few nights at one house, then at another for a bit, then back.
In the blogpost linked below, info is that Jersey was staying at the Watson's while they were out of town and so if that's true, it appears to me it was either Tanko the Chelsea witnesses saw or someone who knew Tanko was staying at the Watson's, although, I also think it could have been someone unassociated with Tanko or the Watson house.
In the blogpost linked below, info is that Jersey was staying at the Watson's while they were out of town and so if that's true, it appears to me it was either Tanko the Chelsea witnesses saw or someone who knew Tanko was staying at the Watson's, although, I also think it could have been someone unassociated with Tanko or the Watson house.
My question that if he was staying there, did he have actual permission to do so or only to water the yard?

Chances are great that it was Tanko they saw since it went directly into Watson's yard and the water that had been on late that evening was turned off by 11pm, which was only an hour(ish) from the time the neighbor saw a man carrying a baby into Denny's yard.
In the blogpost linked below, info is that Jersey was staying at the Watson's while they were out of town and so if that's true, it appears to me it was either Tanko the Chelsea witnesses saw or someone who knew Tanko was staying at the Watson's, although, I also think it could have been someone unassociated with Tanko or the Watson house.
Sounds very much to me like he did not have access to the inside of the home.

Later in the day, Jersey asked Teri for some ice for his cooler for his alcohol. I am not clear why, since he was staying at Denny's house, he did not get ice there.
The neighbor witness also described the baby wearing a diaper, so pretty sure they saw an actual baby since I don't know anything else that you carry that wears a diaper.
How cold was it that night? Did Deborah say she laid Lisa down with just a diaper on that night?
How cold was it that night? Did Deborah say she laid Lisa down with just a diaper on that night?
It was chilly that night, but nice enough that many of us had our windows open all night (that was a very common statement from neighbors). It was glorious weather during the day. We went tent camping that weekend and nobody was cold at night at all. Definitely not actually cold.

I think it was said she was put down in a tshirt and shorts.
I guess take it what you will with what she was in when put down. If you believe DB was so drunk and accidently killed her, then it's also very possible she doesn't remember what she put her down in.

Also, some pants might have the appearance of a diaper OR a diaper might have been poking up over the shorts and diaper is the only description that has been released.

Regardless, seeing anything being carried and you are describing it as wearing a diaper, it has to be a baby, right? I think common sense can prevail on this one.
Has anyone but me listened to episode five, the interview with Tanko? If so, what did you think about his comment about somebody selling baby Lisa.
My question that if he was staying there, did he have actual permission to do so or only to water the yard?

Chances are great that it was Tanko they saw since it went directly into Watson's yard and the water that had been on late that evening was turned off by 11pm, which was only an hour(ish) from the time the neighbor saw a man carrying a baby into Denny's yard.
Need I remind you all I've heard the wife say is comes from that one very brief newsclip?
With all due respect, I need to hear what all she said and hear it for myself.

As for whether he had actual permission to stay there, I don't know and btw, I'm not positive where that came from although it seems to me it likely came from the ice lady, lol.
Sounds very much to me like he did not have access to the inside of the home.

Later in the day, Jersey asked Teri for some ice for his cooler for his alcohol. I am not clear why, since he was staying at Denny's house, he did not get ice there.
Well maybe he didn't have persmission to go into the home, much less, stay there overnight but I never said I believe he did, I said if it's true...
How cold was it that night? Did Deborah say she laid Lisa down with just a diaper on that night?
In that one early-on interview, she spoke briefly about readying her for bed and so I think it's safe to assume she wearing more than just a diaper.
I remember in one newsclip, the reporter said she was wearing something with kitten's.

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