FL MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13 *Found Deceased*


Madeline Soto missing: Florida mom begs for daughter's safe return home​

A mother in Orange County is begging for help locating her missing daughter.

Madeline ‘Maddie’ Soto was last seen on Monday, one day after she and her family celebrated her 13th birthday. Maddie’s mother, Jenn Soto, said surveillance video shows Maddie hanging out in a church parking lot on February 26 after being dropped off for school, but she never made it inside.

"I’m trying to hope for the best, but I’m scared for her," said Jenn Soto. "I want her to be okay; I want her to be safe… I don’t want her to come back harmed. I just want her back – whatever that means, I just want her back."

Jenn Soto said sheriff’s deputies are using K9s and a piece of Maddie’s clothing to try to track her scent near Town Loop Boulevard.

According to Jenn Soto, Maddie had never run away before. She said the teen had forgotten her cell phone at home that morning, but that was normal.

As of Wednesday morning, a variety of search teams are out searching for Maddie.

MEDIA - MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13
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Haven't watched yet, no time but know she was looking hard into history of Stephan's life, etc. and planning a show and guessing this is the one.

Thank you! Moved the article to correct thread and deleted here.
No problem. I go through it every time I look up Soto lol. Both cases made big news and were within weeks or a month of each other and I have to think about which is which.
Hmm. You know Gray is doing a lot of shorter ones lately and I think that's a good move on his part. I just can't watch his long ones. I watch Tom's live ones in Delphi but Tom doesn'st spend an hour or more not talking of the care or fund raising. There's nothing wrong with doing so but I watch because I don't have time to keep up on cases.

Anyhow this one from Gray is less than 1/2 hour of which he's done more than a few in this case which I've linked and when I see that I can give sometimes that time.

Well still watching and Gray has his own take on this and I'm not sure I agree but it is interesting and I just shows the very confusing "facts" and "stories" in this case...

I'm not even sure I am following him. For a bit I could, he wonders if she ever was at home at the condo, whether she stayed at grandma's and then gets to did she spend the night at Stephan's but then he says they both claimed he picked her up... He does think Jen Soto naively trusted him and lied for him... But honestly he's a bit all over in this as I listen to it BUT I do think a story was given and lies have been stated by mom for him or some such, etc...

What it does is make It clear nothing adds up that we know.... He says BOTH said in different ways he "picked" her up...

Take a listen. I may have to relisten actually...
Okay. I mean the facts here or lack of them are hard to interpret and there's a lot of reason to speculate to a point. There is a LOT of speculation by Gray here. A LOT. He is speculating Stephan had her elsewhere the night before and stopped by to get her backpack and laptop... Gray is a bit all over the place and this is what he'd come down on others for let me tell you. He points out a few things. I had no idea there was a 9 a.m. reference by Jen Soto. I am going to have to rewatch although it is all a bit out there... But then their stories are (Jen and Stephan's)... Anyone want to watch let me know what you think, I failed to follow by the end.... Clearly Gray is trying to drum up viewers lately or some such and trying the short interest off the wall stuff....?

And YET it is no more off the wall with these unmatching "facts" than anything else I guess....
There is a LOT of speculation by Gray here. A LOT. He is speculating Stephan had her elsewhere the night before and stopped by to get her backpack and laptop... Gray is a bit all over the place and this is what he'd come down on others for let me tell you. He points out a few things. I had no idea there was a 9 a.m. reference by Jen Soto.
Well, from the beginning, Gray's misunderstood what Jenn was referring to re 9am.
When she said she got up at 9, she was referring to what the video showed happened after Madeline was dropped off.

As for where Madeline was the night before, I see no reason to speculate that she hadn't gone home or that she'd slept elsewhere.
Well, from the beginning, Gray's misunderstood what Jenn was referring to re 9am.
When she said she got up at 9, she was referring to what the video showed happened after Madeline was dropped off.

As for where Madeline was the night before, I see no reason to speculate that she hadn't gone home or that she'd slept elsewhere.
Yeah the more I watched of it I found him way off the rails and felt this is to drum up interest, talk and go watch his longer shows.

Not that any of it is impossible but he was a bit all over the place. I thought you said though if not mistake that you watch or like him so I also figured people do and so I'll give his take. And THEN If finished watching it. Maybe it wasn't you but I thought so.

Actually it was a short but real mess of total speculation and kind of wild all over the place stuff and if he is changing it sure didn't serve him to put something like that out if trying to get viewers and do interest over wild speculation.

It isn't that it couldn't be true heck anything could be in almost any case includiing aliens and spaceships lol.

And if he had a point or two he entirely lost them.

It is true this is very confusing and the semantics and statements and times are. "Picked up" is one for sure. It certainly gives an impression he wasn't there that night or morning but picked her up. Mom's 8 a.m. dressing thing is a problem.

You know LE doesn't have to share all but maybe they are in the midst of the same problems and stories but IF they know better I don't see where it would hurt to clear up a couple of these things. WAs Maddie brought home after the birthday party, when and by whom? Simple. Just for starters.

I did find it interesting how close grandma's home was to school versus Jenn's. Why take her home on a school night after a birthday party mom wasn't at and was tired and had to work all day of anyhow... That part did give some food for thought. Had he stayed on track or with one thought...

I mean it makes me recall how Jenn said she checked at mom's office to see if she could have walked to or went there. AS it was near the school. Is the office at grandma's home or both near to the school? Why wouldn't gma just keep her over that night then... That part has some things to think on especially since it seems to purposefully be unclear who owned, lived or was at there, a the party when and who was at Jenn's house overnight and so on and so on.

I mean LE does not HAVE to clear it up IF they even know these answers but if they do, I think they'd be wise to give out some non harmful basics. This Chief isn't going to do that imo even though she said they'd keep updated and share as they can. Or it means they don't know either or can't exclude or include any facts as to whether he was there all night, when Jenn got home, when Maddie got home etc.

There DOES seem to be a lot of questions or confusion over who lived where and with whom even including her family and his family. Gray had a number of his friends on and I know I watched at least three not sure if all four and thee is reason to question this based on what they knew, saw or were told. One said they had only a room or two in a home lived in/owned by her family who lied there as well.

We have no choice but to wait in this one I guess. However, there are a LOT OF questions and things that don't make sense. I can only hope LE isn't as confused and has these answers.
So I had one up from Vinnie from a few days ago which I never finished but hit play to listen to the rest while trying finally to get something done and he had Gray pop up on in a comment with a donation. Not sure why I'd be surprised as he's been on Vinnie recently too. But anyhow, Gray's question was since Jenn clearly said things for Stephen and or him that she did not know to be truth, how can we know Madline ever came home from the party? So same thing about Gray's video I just posted.

An aside: Vinnie just said DNA is not direct evidence. Interesting. Never really though on that before as all or most believe it to be the gold standard.

Another sideways one: This is Vinnie's own fairly new YT channels, not Court TV. I'm not 100 percent liking it yet or him on it. I will wait and see. I don't think he's quite found a spot yet or is like he is when directed on TV I a long held job. Not sure if he has decided how to be or where to go kind of thing... And clearly a bit unfamiliar with it.

I tend to prefer the average YTer but again we will see.

While not impossible, I don't know about her not coming home. I CAN SEE though where we have absolutely no evidence she did and whether he was there overnight or not. I would suggest LE come out and say what won't hurt the case about some of these kinds of details IF they know and are sure because this is the kind of thing that will become wild speculation otherwise. Smart LE would imo.

I did not think him this irresponsible and it seems a bit out there to me and his whole short video I posted here was a bit all over as well. And here he is in Vinnie's chat saying the same. Haven't heard Vinnie's response yet.
It is true this is very confusing and the semantics and statements and times are. "Picked up" is one for sure. It certainly gives an impression he wasn't there that night or morning but picked her up. Mom's 8 a.m. dressing thing is a problem.
You know LE doesn't have to share all but maybe they are in the midst of the same problems and stories but IF they know better I don't see where it would hurt to clear up a couple of these things. WAs Maddie brought home after the birthday party, when and by whom?
Right, "picked up" implies that either he hadn't slept there or he had slept there but was elsewhere prior to taking her to school and so at this point, I think either he had been elsewhere or they lied that he picked her up because he wasn't supposed to have been spending the night.

The way Jennifer explained it, it sounds to me like Madeline was dropped off at home by someone who'd attended the party. Btw, it's not my impression that Sterns attended but regardless, my strongest impression is that she wasn't home very long before she went to bed.

It seems to me that "observed her dressing" is a characterization rather than a statement and so I'd have to know precisely what the officer was told and by whom.
Right, "picked up" implies that either he hadn't slept there or he had slept there but was elsewhere prior to taking her to school and so at this point, I think either he had been elsewhere or they lied that he picked her up because he wasn't supposed to have been spending the night.

The way Jennifer explained it, it sounds to me like Madeline was dropped off at home by someone who'd attended the party. Btw, it's not my impression that Sterns attended but regardless, my strongest impression is that she wasn't home very long before she went to bed.

It seems to me that "observed her dressing" is a characterization rather than a statement and so I'd have to know precisely what the officer was told and by whom.
Yah, it could have been a cover because he shouldn't have been there/been spending the night. That doesn't even have to be a legal thing but if her family, etc. thought she was done with him and she claimed so, then help, support or a family fall out may occur. I think this is a possibility as her mother/gma said she did not know why Jen called him or he was there, etc. almost like she couldn't fathom she would do that. I think she may have even said called him over/picked up too?/ to take her to school. Telemundo I am talking. And that he was not there the night before but then here he was during the night or next morning. I am very much paraphrasinig. To the best of my recollection. Her saying he was not there the night before and was in the morning, she almost gave her impression though that SHE WAS and knew this because she WAS. There's so much confusing in this case that largely relates to where everyone was and when and even who all was there or anywhere.

If Gray hadn't went too a bit everywhere, and sideways, there were a few things that made sense. Just one example, say Maddie stayed the night at grandma's or he picked her up there and she stayed with him, and he was to take her to school or was asked to, of course she may not have her backpack and laptop and they had to stop by to get it.... We need to assume the 8 a.m thing by Jennifer for this is also wrong or she lied for him but was she already dead from he night before just for one.... He tells Jenn yes I said I'd get her to school but she needs her stuff and takes it and of course not known most likely to mom dumps it.... There are so many possibilities here and some interpret the bit by LE to mean she was killed in the home/at home.

I can also make it work that Jenn did see her getting dressed. We haven't been given enough nor know enough in this case imo.

To your other point, since the start of this I have heard Stephan was not at the party and seeming truth he was not and I've heard he was. That like everything for the most part is entirely up for debate. We do not know enough, it seemed with the first PD we were given some stuff and info but with this PD it was handed over to, nothing really but even with the first, there are so many questions. The only things I am sure of as I would think most anyone is is him and his guilt and he had been SA'ing her for years on end. Just about all else is undecided for me as they won't clear things up for us.

I stay with I haven't thrown mom entirely under the bus but she better now be helping every way from Sunday to nail him and if she is not guilty of anything other than denial even with or without an attorney, I feel that is the best she can do for Maddie but herself too. Seek justice for your daugter. And help.

I am not convinced she is innocent though. I'm open.. We don't know enough imo.

The other thing is since this thread has little interest or activity, so not on a lot for new posts, can't recall if we have discussed the DV thing. It was said she died by domestic violence wasn't it? And DV is going to mean someone in he home, family and would bring it down most likely to Jenn or Stephan. and I don't get a lot of time on all is that supposedly this is ruled DV her death is. And DV if only him, her or one or the other with Maddie that night or morning is very likely to only mom or Stephan. I know we can't rule out much because it could be this or that and not enough info but can investigators? I'd sure hope so because one reason they may need to wait to charge him with murder is him claiming mom lost it or did it. They need to close off these possibilities big time as of course defense and Stephan may try that route, that SHE did it. That is why one of the biggest things is who was where and when? Aren't they the all around main questions. Did he pick her up? Did he stay the night? Who was at the bday party? How did she get home, when and by whom. When did Jenn get home? And so on.

It would be nice if they cleared some things up, some basics, IF they know for certain themselves. When not enough is known internet speculaton goes rampant. I get absolutely no feeling they will though or intend to until good and ready, if ever.

If mom is cooperating what do you think the odds are they have her still in contact with him getting some info out of him by seeming to support him or acting as if he can't quit "loving" him or can't believe it to get some answers out of him? Such has crossed my mind. Of course that's IF she is innocent herself.
The other thing is since this thread has little interest or activity, so not on a lot for new posts, can't recall if we have discussed the DV thing. It was said she died by domestic violence wasn't it?
Yeah, and I hadn't been thinking her death was intentional and/or violent... I'm still very surprised by that info.
Yeah, and I hadn't been thinking her death was intentional and/or violent... I'm still very surprised by that info.
You were thinking it as an accident or something? I never thought that. I figured he did it, he intended to and it was planned, at least somewhat planned perhaps at the last minute or something though, hard to say.

Would they say it was DV if him? I guess he is part of the household or IS HE. He's not her stepfather', and is not married to her mom either. They COULD mean mom. I'm not saying shei did it but we truly don't know and NO ONE has yet been charged with her murder....

I keep thinking she told or was pregnant and either thing caused disbelief, anger, panic depending on talking mom or Stephan or both. So I guess I figured violent and intentional although I did allow that she could have simply been quickly shot but not sounding that way with it labeled DV. Strangled? Attacked and beaten to death? Hate those thoughts.

I wonder when more will ever come out.
You were thinking it as an accident or something? I never thought that. I figured he did it, he intended to and it was planned, at least somewhat planned perhaps at the last minute or something though, hard to say.

Would they say it was DV if him? I guess he is part of the household or IS HE. He's not her stepfather', and is not married to her mom either. They COULD mean mom. I'm not saying shei did it but we truly don't know and NO ONE has yet been charged with her murder....

I keep thinking she told or was pregnant and either thing caused disbelief, anger, panic depending on talking mom or Stephan or both. So I guess I figured violent and intentional although I did allow that she could have simply been quickly shot but not sounding that way with it labeled DV. Strangled? Attacked and beaten to death? Hate those thoughts.

I wonder when more will ever come out.
Well I was thinking he may have sedated her and if so, it probably wasn't the first time but that this last time was an overdose.
I must say, I'm thrown by the use of the term- DV- but I think it must be that the sexual abuse is considered as violence and yeah, given their relationship and/or that they lived in the home, "domestic".
But I suppose it could have been intentional on his part for the reason you've suggested...
Heck if I know but like you, I'm very interested to know how and why this happened and more comes out sooner than later!
Okay, I only have a minute and have only seen a few minutes but the Orlando station apparently has more but has been sharing snippets here and there. Imo Telemundo has done similar.

More on and with dad than I've seen most certainly and I've only watched the first couple of minutes. And the news station is "teasing" with more of it t o come.

More of the drips and interview like news does they are going to release apparently in drips and drabs. With her dad and stepmom. So dad got her ashes or his attorney did, and that's interesting that Jenn Soto gave into that... Little time and watched half but not all yet just dropping for others.

To each his own, of course, but for the record, I don't care to watch ^that^ channel.

Like anyone else interested in the case, I'm looking forward to when Stern goes to trial but in the meantime, there doesn't appear to me that there's anything worthwhile to talk about.
To each his own, of course, but for the record, I don't care to watch ^that^ channel.

Like anyone else interested in the case, I'm looking forward to when Stern goes to trial but in the meantime, there doesn't appear to me that there's anything worthwhile to talk about.
Did anyone force you to watch it?

And I agree to a point, I left her solidly back some years ago as imo she went a bit whatever in a few. She milks of course the little bit of news here for a video to be longer than one minute but she truly DOES get the documents, the phone records and does a whole lot others don't. And she is sharing the news from the station that has the interviews with Maddie's dad AND grandma, not yet shown and credits them and spends time checking all their daily updates as THEY tease and are leaking it to make a new show day by day with more from thos interviews, like almost ALL nws does.
She is not my fave and I have not had the time to go look up the station and as she has already done look for every update when I work and whatever and they decide to share it or eek it out to get more views. She is the ONLY one I have seen doingi so and it is news in that this is Maddie's dad, stepmom and supposedly grandma itoo not yet heard which the news station is TEASING with. And I do care what her family has to say and dont' have the time to go find what the news stations links or daily CHANCE of news at what time where they MAY add more of their interviews myself. And that is one thing Plunder does do and is doing so I can go watch hers and know she has checked all their more released clips of the interviews with FAMILY.

So that's my reason. Even before these news interviews, she had phone records and things on the docket in every show. She does pontificate etc. and in this one she related some sh*t to Chris Watts and that sends me off with ANY of them who milked that case. And she was one. I think that played in big time as PART of the reason I quit her back when. But she isn't the worst I've ever seen and she seems to have found a better balance overall. She is not over the edge but not dull and dry like some of the LE ones either who not a ONE goes and gets the court info for but get it from these others when they see it on their shows, etc.

So yes, I get it but my posting it does not mean to have to watch it. It's the only thing out there I see on it and no one else is getting the call logs, following these NEWS teases and snippets coming out from real interviews with family.

So for what it is worth, she isn't my favorite but she shares real docs, is following the "real" news who is the real one teasing and dripping with real family interviews dad's side agreed to I guess. And I'll give her that.

By Sam Martello, WFTV.com and James Tutten, WFTV.comApril 24, 2024 at 6:17 am EDT

KISSIMMEE, Fla. — A pre-trial hearing is scheduled Wednesday for Stephan Sterns.

Investigators consider him the prime suspect in the death of Madeline Soto.

The teenager disappeared in late February and was found dead days later in a wooded area in Saint Cloud.

Sterns is expected in court on charges related to child sex abuse.

There are still no charges for the death of Madeline as law enforcement continues its investigation.

Just days after Sterns spoke exclusively to Channel 9, he was arrested and eventually charged with 60 counts of sexual battery on a child under 12 and lewd or lascivious molestation.

Sterns, the boyfriend of Madeline Soto’s mother, was the last person seen with the 13-year-old.

The jury trial for the sex abuse charges is expected to begin on May 13.

Channel 9 will have a crew inside of the courtroom and will provide updates on Eyewitness News.

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