Latest twists in Murdaugh murder mystery: ‘More like ‘Ozark’ every day’
WALTERBORO, SC — Two men who are “cousins” to some of the Walterboro Cowboys, a violent Bloods-affiliated street gang that originated in the so-called “Eastside” of this small city right off I-95, are the latest characters dragged into the
notorious Murdaugh murder mystery — and one said he is being “railroaded.”
Meanwhile, one member of the gang told The Post that “Alex Murdaugh runs half the drugs in this county.”
Last month, the state grand jury indicted two local men — who several Cowboy gang members told The Post are their “cousins,” or close friends — on the same day it levied yet another indictment as Murdaugh, who was
arrested in July for the murders of his wife and son at the family’s hunting lodge in June 2021.
Cowboy “cousins” Jerry Rivers, 39, and his friend Spencer Anwan Roberts, 34, were indicted Aug. 19 on charges that prosecutors say involve possibly being part of Murdaugh’s alleged drug and money laundering pipeline in the Low Country.
Murdaugh now faces a total of 90 charges of financial wrongdoing, including
recent allegations that he was involved in drug distribution and money laundering across several counties here.
Locals speculate that Murdaugh’s alleged drug operation was bigger than anyone realizes.
A Charleston law enforcement source familiar with the case said the Cowboys gang and other local criminals, with their proximity to I-95 — long a conduit for drugs and guns run from Miami to New York — may play a bigger role than anyone on the South Carolina coast.
“There’s still a lot more to come out and a lot more surprises, I’d bet my life on it,” the source said.
The Post travels to South Carolina for an inside look at the latest twists and turns in the Murdaugh murder case.