CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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‘It has been a hard and confusing time’: Barry Morphew’s daughters plead for court to allow their father to visit​

For the first time since their father, Barry Morphew, was arrested for the disappearance and murder of their mother, Suzanne, the couples’ two daughters addressed the court.

“It would be really such a blessing for our dad to be able to be with us,” Mallory Morphew said in a Chaffee County courtroom on Tuesday. “Because of our work schedule and driving over the pass in the winter.”

The Morphew girls live in Gunnison and, per the terms of their father’s bond, he’s had to stay within the bounds of Chaffee County.

Judge Ramsey Lama agreed to that request, modifying the bond to allow Morphew to travel to Gunnison – during daylight hours only. His attorney noted Morphew is being tracked by a GPS monitoring system – and that there have been no issues with that system thus far.

However, the judge’s decision was not uncontested. Suzanne Morphew’s family wrote a letter to the judge stating they do not agree with a bond modification.

Morphew has consistently maintained his innocence in the months following Suzanne’s disappearance and, it seems, he’s also maintained the support of his children. Both girls have attended most court hearings, at times seen mouthing the words “I love you,” and making heart signs with their hands.

“It would be really amazing for us. It has been a hard and confusing time,” Mallory Morphew said Tuesday. “Grief and sadness. We are a family and we need each other. It would be a blessing for us to be a family and be together in the town over.”

“Thank you!” Barry Morphew cried when he heard the judge’s decision to allow him to travel to see his daughters. A deputy walked tissues over to the Morphew girls, who were also in tears.
If he’s guilty, this might be a blessing in disguise. He might start acting suspiciously around them and they might start seeing the red flags.
I love your optimism with that. I have my doubts, I think they have likely seen plenty to raise red flags up to now, I think these girls will keep their heads stuck in the sand no matter what. But maybe, with age and some life experience... I honestly wonder that they don't know or in their hearts know he did it but they will stick by him regardless and say nothing of it. Not that unusual really. I believe that in our case, they know, they have to know, there is no way they don't know but they are going to continue the facade.
Reward increased.

Family offers $200k reward for missing woman’s ‘safe return, no questions asked’

The family of missing Chaffee County woman Suzanne Morphew is now offering a $200,000 reward for her “safe return, no questions asked.”

Noel said Suzanne’s husband put out a reward of $100,000 and a family friend has matched the amount, totaling $200,000 for her safe return.
I accidentally fell on the first page of the thread when I was looking for it. I was just going to go to the last page and then decided to read a few posts. it is interesting in looking at cases and what we knew or didn't know than and do know now.

I picked this one just because I don't think it has ever been said who the friend was (or has it, I don't think so) who put up an awful lot of money. I can't help but wonder now if this was Shoshona's mother... I believe the two knew each other prior to Suzanne's death and I suspect they were seeing each other. There were a lot of things back when and things said in various places...

I'm not saying it is one of them that put up this money but if so, I'd really wonder about involvement... Because it is a huge amount of money and most people (me included) think Barry could offer $100G because he knew she wouldn't be safely returned so I wonder, did the other person who isn't even her husband who also offered such a huge sum of money also know...

I'm NOT saying it was them but I would wonder about whoever it was...
They definitely more than handled the bike and shouldn't have imo. They did note though that the tire or something wasn't working right, seemed to question why it wasn't more damaged and such. They also seem to not outright be believing Barry. Macy's bf knew they were having problems as did Macy so any claims otherwise have been more than dismantled as they also are in SM's text messages.

I don't understand why exactly the detectives came up from underneath the bike and there also seem to be videos that stop... The part about the girls going camping abruptly cuts out when asked where...

I'm not 100 percent clear on it but it seems like they tell Barry the bike was easily seen as they came on it and would be by anyone else as well... I'm not sure what they are indicating but I think saying perhaps it was placed there. He mentions the mountain lion and is the one to bring it up to the officers...

I also don't understand why the video starts out with them calling for her, they then locate the bike (or did they first see it on driving up, again seems some is missing) but then one walks a long way presumably looking for her or anything but never calls her name again. If she had been injured one would think he would... I don't know what it means or if it means anything at all but just mentioning it. It's probably just the first doings of looking for someone... They asked Macy's bf pretty quickly if husband and wife got along... It kind of seems like after they bring the bike up and find the tire isn't working right, etc. or at least after that point maybe because there is a bike, they go into more investigative mode...

Macy's bf and his dad are at the house initially and they seem startled to see the officers have the bike... What I mean by that is they truly seem shocked and I think feel the fact they have the bike but not her means there really is something seriously wrong... I don't mean they knew anything, I mean I don't think they did other than just what they were told, she was on a bike ride and was missing, told by Macy I imagine...

They seem to be telling Barry he can't go up to the house or anyone as they don't want scents confused if they bring dogs in, etc. They seem to switch body cams at times so I'm not sure if this was immediately that day but it seems this is all the first day/night... If so, they went pretty quickly into investigative mode, however, not until after they had handled the bike a lot.

Throughout the camping trip of the girls has been a big debate as to where, who and more... The fact this part is missing from the tape and cuts off right there bothers me. What is the big secret? And they are now adults and this is in trial or headed there... Many YTers and others have found things that they believe indicate they were not as far away as it has seemed they want people to think... I don't mean anything by that either, just that why isn't it just stated? And did Barry encourage this trip, was it last minute, etc.?

Just some observations, I'm sure I'll think of more.
I'm also reading this one in between and trying not to get info in the body cam mixed up with what I am reading in this one. Wow, not sure I will have time. Read the article, a good one and am on about #16 of 90 some exhibits.

The article has me wondering if it is a mistake when they seem to say Barry was doing trash runs on the Saturday. I thought the trash runs were on Sunday once he got to Broomfield...

So I'm also confused if the spy pen had recordings of SM and her BF. That would make it seem Barry used it or SM forgot it was around and voice activated, yet I thought she was the one who had a friend get her one...

She also indicates in her texts with Sheila that she has recordings of all the nasty things (at least for a time) BM did to her that the girls did not know. I wonder where those are...

The pictures of his injuries also stood out to me. While not all are apparent, a few to me are pretty clearly fingernail gouges and scratches most likely... Some time back, i did read the entire affidavit (took days here and there) so I know much of it but still this article and then the bodycams released have more again... It is kind of what started happening in Daybell once the different agencies and court started releasing some info... It just keeps coming...
Oh and it is kind of odd that Barry says SM only just started biking and yet Macy's bf knew where she rode and which trails and then so did Barry and said she rode daily which really makes it sound as if she had been doing it awhile (maybe not forever, but not just starting out). Not sure if it means anything but it makes me think he is doing it to ensure that she could have went off the road or down that embankment...

Then an officer also remarks on one point of the way the bike was and like it seemed backwards or something of what it should be and Barry was quick with maybe it flipped... He seems cool mostly but just subtly maybe lending a narrative... The mountain lion too... I wonder if he was surprised they weren't just going in a direction he wanted...
There is a little side whisper comment amongst cops of what was the thing about 4 in the morning and the cop responded to the other that it was the last time the phone pinged... And they say up here... And I think they said off Poncha tower... You can tell this was meant to be private and not for the ears of Barry, etc. And then a cop immediately yells at someone to please not touch the bike with their hands please... I am guessing that's at Barry...? And then again, "hey guys!" So Barry and someone? Not sure. I'm also guessing with the cops whispering and distracted and it was dark that he then did that... Not sure though... And it is a bit ironic because the first cops had their hands on it a lot when first found and bringing it up...

The cops whisper again and I can't quite catch it other than to say they have suspicions now or so it seems... And are discussing them quietly... Hoping someone else can hear it clearer. The heater out here was loud when I watched it.

I made a few notes. Just finishing them or close. The cops also discuss now privately that this guy named George Davis just showed up at the scene... They then interrupt the talk to yell again and it is at Barry, nicely, hey, where are you guys going... Guessing this is George and Barry then and it was them touching the bike... Hmm... It seems every time the cops are kind of huddled Barry is doing something a ways away in the dark with his friend... At least that is how it struck me.
So the last couple of notes on the body cam one...

The rock wall in the back of the house starting about 21 minutes or so in I think and then being shown again stands out to me... Not sure I realized just how big with boulders, etc. It must just be a different view as I never really noticed it in this year plus in the back I don't think or much...

They take Barry into the house for a bit, not long, to I think get her clothes and turn outside lights on, etc... It is clear they are now in charge of his house and he is taken back out...

The recording ended with the cops whispering again something about shorts and bike shorts and I thought padded shorts... And I think said something about he didn't realize (I think meaning Barry)...

Again if anyone can hear the cops clearer, I'd be interested in knowing.

Also posting all this for the record here and since I haven't had much time lately, thought since I watched it, I could fill some others in if they don't have a chance like I often don't have lately.

That's a wrap on at least the bodycam video. I do suggest watching it though.

Judge moves Barry Morphew murder trial to Cañon City due to “massive” pretrial publicity in Chaffee County​

A judge on Monday moved the murder case against Barry Morphew into Fremont County on the grounds that Morphew could not receive a fair trial in Chaffee County, according to a court order obtained by The Denver Post.

The murder trial, set for May 3, now will take place in Cañon City instead of Salida.

“This is a high profile case in a relatively small county with a small jury pool,” Chaffee County District Court Judge Ramsey Lama wrote in an order Monday night. “The media saturation is high… the pretrial publicity in this case has been so massive, pervasive and prejudicial that the defendant will not receive a fair trial in Chaffee County.”
It should be out of Chaffee and not just for Barry's sake which for some reason at times seems to be the key consideration in this case. I disagree with his freedom to travel to Gunnison and more that has occurred.

Aside from Barry getting a fair shake, rumor is rampant of those he knows and his connections in Chaffee County. I'm not saying it is true or I believe it, but it can't hurt to move it although it is always debatable how much good that does either for him or that connections don't exist between mostly rural neighboring counties. And is it a Fremont judge and jury or a Chaffee judge and a Fremont jury? Also much of the publicity in this case has been online and I somewhat doubt when you look at this map of how small Chaffee is sandwiched between Fremont and Gunnison that Fremont hasn't heard just about as much publicity... They may have a larger jury pool though as is stated for one of the reasons.

All jmo.

One last thing that I forgot about is the first people connected with were Macy's bf, his dad and who may be his sister perhaps? At the beginning... The girl mentions that the Morphews have cameras but the bf says without hesitation they have been out of commission for awhile. I let it go just thinking she noticed cameras but that he was there with Macy and he knew they didn't work. I dismissed it.

I watched that part again though and I'm just not so sure... He did hesitate when asked if the Morphews had problems and then his dad said he could or should tell them. Even then he didn't offer anything much but answered what was asked... Understandable, he is likely being loyal to Macy who likely shared her pain over it in confidence. But what IF she told him the cameras were all of a sudden not working or something and it bothered her... Or she wondered why Barry didn't fix them...

Not saying that's the case but it is hard to say why the girl thought they likely worked but he knew they didn't... Again though it could just be that he was there and she wasn't...

Just wanted to mention it, maybe if anyone watches, it will strike them a certain way... Curious to know.
Here is one by Tyson. Also has the bodycam footage but he discusses and then there are chat comments which can be interesting. Whether you watch or not, go to about 32:25 in it and watch what the officer has to do with the handlebars and wheel to straighten it out... The bike didn't do this with someone on it, nor end up that way...

The first one I posted was just bodycan video, this one has discussion. I think it was clearer to me the bike in this one... The officers decide to touch this bike way too quickly imo though... And then Barry and George did later... Can't go back and change that now but at least how it was found and had to be turned was captured...


Sheriff's body cam video reveals first hours of Suzanne Morphew mystery​

Two Chaffee County Sheriff's deputies discovered the first clue on the side of a hill leading down to a ravine: A mountain bike with twisted handlebars lying on its side, its front tire pointed downward.

"Be sure and call the husband and see what type of bike she has," one of the deputies told dispatch.

Body camera footage obtained by The Gazette reveals the first hours of the investigation into the mystery of Suzanne Morphew's disappearance, a crucial part of the prosecutor's investigation. The footage was presented last August at an evidentiary hearing, but kept under wraps publicly until now.

In another clip, a young man who identified himself as Miles Harden, the boyfriend of one of the Morphews' two daughters, tells deputies he had been searching for Suzanne Morphew in his car and hadn't found her.

Yeah they found the bike, seemed to realize it didn't really fit some things but proceeded to put their hands all over it. And later Barry did as well it seemed.

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