CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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Not one small place. All of the other places too.
In both shows, the ones that knew of what they were talking about make it clear this is nothing and can be put to bed and the prosecution can make that clear in any case.

'The bike and helmet are even less important in that respect.

@Guess Who Lord knows when I will get time and hard to say who if anyone else will read the AA but if you get to a point where you hit on something about the older daughter, where they somewhat keep it vague but one can tell who is being talked of even though name redacted (they still are, aren't they?). please let me know. There are a few areas I think where things are hinted at. An AA rarely contains everything in detail, that's for trial, but even so, things are in there that hint at more to come on some things.

Anyhow it seems to me one thing was that she could not be excluded as a contributor or some such to some DNA. I COULD be wrong but pretty sure there was something on that order. Not sure of course as usual with trying to recall and unsure with regard to WHAT DNA...

I hope to start rereading it when I get time but that's laughable in hoping I will have time to get far any time soon.
There was DNA of a known rapist in the vehicle. It has to be followed up. How it got there is for LE to find out and piece together now they have the remains too. Personally I don't think it is very funny and does need explaining.

Unless LE resolve it, they won't be able to charge anyone at all IMO.
I am this morning finding posts I missed. This is one of more than a few.

No there was NOT. No match was made, not even close to enough of the required markers were met. The DNA is NOT a match to the rapist and people perpetuate this myth as does the defense. It ISN'T funny I agree that you and others, no offense, put this out there as something it is NOT. You are looking for a rapist whose DNA is not that of the rapist. There may well need to be a thread made for THAT rapist.

It has been explored and it did meet its end.

It is a pathetic example of how someone can successfully make something fact in the news and on the internet these days. Everyone fell for it so bad I began to feel back when it had to be true myself and right around then FOUND the truth of it by more than one who as much as say what happened and how this became "fact". Thank GOD or I might be one adding to this falsehood.
There was DNA of a known rapist in the vehicle. It has to be followed up. How it got there is for LE to find out and piece together now they have the remains too. Personally I don't think it is very funny and does need explaining.

Unless LE resolve it, they won't be able to charge anyone at all IMO.
How so? There was DNA that had not nearly enough markers met for a match. It isn't DNA of the rapist. It has been debunked. Maybe some 5th cousin or something. Lol. Aren't we all 8th cousins?

Love ya, and go with it but quit saying please that this IS the rapist's DNA and for that matter that it is a KNOWN rapist's DNA. That is not true or all markers would match.
Not one small place. All of the other places too.
No. Not the same: Find a place that says it is the same DNA in those places. The only place they say it is a partial match to is on the glove box. They found DNA on the bike and helmet but nowhere reputable can we find where it says it's the same DNA in those places.
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Why would he have had to use her car at all to "forget" it? Wasn't it at the home?
Lol he likely used her car or another to move her. I somehow doubt it was at home all that weekend. If I have it correct, her car was pretty clean, funny no DNA from SM, BM, daughters, etc. but lo and behold...

Now one of Barry's claims is he and SM jumped in the Range Rover and went to Moonlight Pizza. BM claims while he was in line SM took a photo of him and sent it to the girls. No such thing was found. More lies perpetuated by the gross Iris Eytan and BM. IF they did go in this vehicle, then hmm, where is the pizza place pic and DNA in the vehicle. No foundation at all to defense stories. In fact, Iris shut up about it at a point when she had been hammering the happy and rosy picture, it was like someone told her uhm you may want to back away from that story.

I for one still debate between the 8th and 9th as to date of death... That's another subject but let's go to Barry's pizza story and where is their DNA or any proof f pic etc.?
No. Not the same: Find a place that says it is the same DNA in those places. The only place they say it is a partial match to is on the glove box. They found DNA on the bike and helmet but nowhere can set find where it says it's the same DNA in those places.
It isn't the same. And let's remember SM was on a bike ride (eyeroll) not in her garaged vehicle which would then have to be re-garaged. Per BM himself she was on a bike ride.
Partial match means 1 out of the four DNA locations was matched. There is no such thing as a partial DNA match IMO. It is a match or it isn't.

This whole convo is beginning to remind me of the Abbott and Costello "Who's on first?" sketch.

It isn't a match.
She probably had the keys on her.
And then he took vehicle back to her home and put it in the garage? They had a security system and cams, how did he know they weren't working? How did he get on their property, car? Or did he get her on the road and then find her vehicle with her and take it back? Was there DNA on a garage door opener in her car? It is all ludicrous plus BM places her on her bike not in her vehicle.

And this isn't a rapist DNA match.
Listen or not, she has Martin on, one person who knows this case inside out. Give it ten minutes, 15 and then keep watching if you like. I think you will want to.

Almost all of these people have put a ton into records, etc. and even went there.

He is in another state where they don't have jurisdiction. They could have just got a surreptitious one though.
Good Lord. Do you mean some 4th cousin of the DNA guy? It is NOT a match to the rapist. Let's say (reach) it is some distant relative, how does that put a rapist in Suzanne's vehicle? It doesn't. It puts some distant relation in it no? And that's IF that is even truth.

No offense but not even sure what you are following.
Thanks, I'm listening to that now. I'm almost halfway through, and I'll say there is A LOT of evidence against him. It's all circumstantial, but for me, enough to convict if it wasn't for the unexplained DNA.
Looking back at missed posts.

Yes, there is a TON and the one I gave you to watch isn't even the one with the most but knew it would be a good coverage/overview. I felt you'd like her too, she does a good job, researches, knows her stuff, etc.

I'd also suggest you read the AA. It isn't dull.

The DNA is the only kink in this case, it is ALL Barry and for me it isn't even a kink.
Everybody says a partial match like it's nothing. How many people have been convicted on this amount of DNA? Other than calling it "partial" nobody is saying if it's enough to convict someone or not. They had enough to trace it to a guy who's a rapist who immediately hired a lawyer.
No further comment. I think I've responded already. If I was a rapist I'd hire an atty too. But the DNA in her vehicle is not that of a know rapist. Psheesh.
That's kind of the point. If they were wrong, then the investigation was headed in the wrong direction. Which means they're ignoring exculpatory evidence. It seems to me that they were hell bent on convicting Barry to the point of keeping exculpatory evidence away from the defense. That's awfully hinky to me.
But it was Barry who lied and kept leading them to the area. Mountain lion. Bike. Pizza. Veggie soup. Steak (on one plate yeah uh huh). Abductor. Assuming they want ransom. Fake reward and video. Mountain lion again to Tyson. Don't look here. I think one has to think of whether LE is hell bent OR IF Barry raised the alarm bells. Trash runs all over Broomfield. On and on and on.

LE had no more reason to think Moffat than El Paso, Aspen, etc. They start in the center of it as I've heard from 1,000 at least LE and work their way out. In this case, the could never leave the home, the area, the family, etc. SM lived no high risk lifestyle. He77 Barry moved her away from famly and to remote CO.
Who carries their car keys on a bike ride from their home? How would this person even know where she lived? Why would this person even be getting into her car? That still makes absolutely no sense.
It's ludicrous and those are only half the questions to be asked to show it makes no sense. There is no timing of this DNA. Plus per Barry they were just in the vehicle to Moonlight Pizza. Someone comes in on is fake job day and just knew kids were gone, Barry wouild be gone on an unplanned job his workers didn't even know about until last minute, etc.? Wowza. He knew security cams weren't working so leisurely re garaged the vehicle.

LOL everyone is lucky I have NO TIME because I could go on.

Barry with his date night, steak,pizza, hike you name it in rosy marriage per him w/no problems in their marriage. That was soooo stupid to even attempt because shortly here came the TON of evidence it was not a happy marriage and everything was crumbling on Barry. Financially, marriage, he was no even LICENSED to be working in CO and I'd still like to know why the company he subbed for had him doing so... Something weird there. Could go into their fake nonprofit... And on and on but lucky for all, I can't. No time.
It's ludicrous and those are only half the questions to be asked to show it makes no sense. There is no timing of this DNA. Plus per Barry they were just in the vehicle to Moonlight Pizza. Someone comes in on is fake job day and just knew kids were gone, Barry wouild be gone on an unplanned job his workers didn't even know about until last minute, etc.? Wowza. He knew security cams weren't working so leisurely re garaged the vehicle.

LOL everyone is lucky I have NO TIME because I could go on.

Barry with his date night, steak,pizza, hike you name it in rosy marriage per him w/no problems in their marriage. That was soooo stupid to even attempt because shortly here came the TON of evidence it was not a happy marriage and everything was crumbling on Barry. Financially, marriage, he was no even LICENSED to be working in CO and I'd still like to know why the company he subbed for had him doing so... Something weird there. Could go into their fake nonprofit... And on and on but lucky for all, I can't. No time.
The contractor probably didn't care if he was licensed in the state or not. Most of them, the most they are concerned about is getting a w-9 and work comp and liability insurance certificates. That is, if they even ask for those things. I've never had a GC on a job ask for licensing. The only places that have asked for it is if MY company is pulling a permit. I can't recall one ever asking for me to provide a license.
I don't think it's strange at all to carry keys on a bike ride. Did she have a fanny pack that's missing? I agree about it making little sense. However, give me an alternative that does make sense as to how the DNA got there.
She did not go on a bike ride. She was DEAD by then. Even if she had there is NO hint she took her; vehicle, per Barry she left from the house. It was only Macy's bf saying where she would go BEFORE they found the bike and on certain rides, she would take the bike in the vehicle, not on this one. Vehicle never moved from all known.

Same bf said Suzanne rode afternoons totally at odds with BArry saying she rode in the morning. As do others.

Have you seen the bf's interview? Daughter's bf? Not an interview really, he was just first at the home with his dad when cops arrived. Girls and Barry couldn't get there yet s he went. This is at outset of report of missing, nothing known yet. See where he was asked how their marriage was and his hesitation and then his dad telling him to tell them what he knew/the truth?

A house key would make more sense than a vehicle key since she didn't have her vehicle but even then, there was NO BIKE RIDE. Suzanne wasn't breathing on Mother's Day. THIS is widely accepted.

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