CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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I listed three things. :chair:

She got there by someone putting her there, she didn't put herself there. Barry is the suspect and had the motive and Barry had the time.

I think far more than DNA matters. What clothing was she in or what remnants were found? Any bedding? Can TOXICOLOGY find anything still?? LIke animal tranquilizer?

I have a theory with all of this that I haven't voiced yet that I am not sold on but something keeps making it pop into my head. And the key of it is that she was moved and he wanted her found and found somewhere so unrelated to what has been suggested or surmised.... That's the summary of it but I don't have time to go into my reasoning right now and am still mulling it over. On the other hand, I've long thought he took her in another direction that night and it is hard to let go of that... However, both could be true...

I don't put a ton of store into this but someone I watch on occasion and who knows a lot and has sources says her bones were not like they were scattered by animals but more like the body was kicked intentionally and they fanned out in that way or some such. Do NOT take that as fact but it's interesting. It is also interesting they were searching for someone else in this area but it wasn't the first time which may have well be known...

I don't know. I have two thoughts and one of them is correct as to when Barry put her there, back when or more recently...

Barry is responsible for her murder though. I will never waver on that. Imo.

I listed three things :chair:

Nimrod*, do you really think "Somebody" dug a shallow grave to put her in. Keen sleuthing my friend.


*I couldn't care less that Nimrod is a nice town in Oregon.
I listed three things. :chair:
I agree with her. You and Tresir are so stuck on the DNA thing that has been checked out and reached its end long ago and long before on here. Sorry but have little patience for that subject. Been there, done that, hate how wrong some people have it and how Eytan fake played it and got people to buy it.

HOWEVER if you mean DNA on SM's bones that would mean someone handled or moved her bones would it not? I mean where are you expecting they would find DNA? Or on something with her which we don't even know if anything was? Like a blanket or sheet for instance...? Clothing?

Tell me what BM's DNA found on items would prove?

On her bones, now that would be a different story...
She got there by someone putting her there, she didn't put herself there. Barry is the suspect and had the motive and Barry had the time.

I think far more than DNA matters. What clothing was she in or what remnants were found? Any bedding? Can TOXICOLOGY find anything still?? LIke animal tranquilizer?

I have a theory with all of this that I haven't voiced yet that I am not sold on but something keeps making it pop into my head. And the key of it is that she was moved and he wanted her found and found somewhere so unrelated to what has been suggested or surmised.... That's the summary of it but I don't have time to go into my reasoning right now and am still mulling it over. On the other hand, I've long thought he took her in another direction that night and it is hard to let go of that... However, both could be true...

I don't put a ton of store into this but someone I watch on occasion and who knows a lot and has sources says her bones were not like they were scattered by animals but more like the body was kicked intentionally and they fanned out in that way or some such. Do NOT take that as fact but it's interesting. It is also interesting they were searching for someone else in this area but it wasn't the first time which may have well be known...

I don't know. I have two thoughts and one of them is correct as to when Barry put her there, back when or more recently...

Barry is responsible for her murder though. I will never waver on that. Imo.
I think we are both on the possibility that might not have been the original place she was buried.
I listed three things :chair:

Nimrod*, do you really think "Somebody" dug a shallow grave to put her in. Keen sleuthing my friend.


*I couldn't care less that Nimrod is a nice town in Oregon.
I am entirely missing whatever point you are making with the shallow grave? What do you mean? Explain yourself dodo. :gavel: NOW. I am about out of time.

I never mentioned shallow grave in my post either. Show me where I did?

And what do you mean about "somebody"? You are making zero sense. No clue as to what you are talking about.
I am entirely missing whatever point you are making with the shallow grave? What do you mean? Explain yourself dodo. :gavel: NOW. I am about out of time.

I never mentioned shallow grave in my post either. Show me where I did?

And what do you mean about "somebody"? You are making zero sense. No clue as to what you are talking about.
but he's making his usual type of sense, isn't he? :teehee:
I think we are both on the possibility that might not have been the original place she was buried.
Yeah I am open to either/torn on it. I have long thought he took her in another direction far enough that night so that is hard to let go of HOWEVER this would be so up his alley to ensure she finally gets found and be sure it is somewhere and in a way completely different of what has been suggested, thought, etc. It's all just a bit too uncanny for me...

I don't go farfetched too much but my most farfetched thought is they set him up... It's a farfetched fantasy but man how I would love that!! Before she was even found there has been much speculation through the years that he had moved her at least once if not twice... Did they get him to worry they were onto where she was and knew he'd move her again if he worried such...? And he did and they were watching...? THIS is my farfetched DREAM, not reality. I'd LOVE IT. All would.

All things considered I find it eerily quiet on the front of Iris, Barry and the girls. Oh I know she spoke up but I found it slow and also lacking her usual way with it...
Killed her Saturday then went into cover up mode, clean up mode and disposal mode. He had PLENTY of time for Moffat and it fits what I have thought MANY a time back when even, that he went an opposite direction then came back and did the Broomsfield thing/alibi acting as though he left her sleeping Sunday morning and that she went missing on Sunday and got the alarm raised only then intentionally. I'll add he KNEW the daughters would be reaching out to her on Mother's Day and get no answer.

He did not take his truck he took hers or the one of the girls (believe one was there) and his phone was either home or on airplane mode, I'd have to refresh to recall the hours of that.

Iris's whole thing that they never looked or felt she was south is such b.s., no one knew where she was or where he would have put her/taken her body. I have always felt it most likely it was in another direction than Broomsfield as he had the TIME but could have been mountain, lake, dump, you name it.

Like I said too, there are a few who feel he killed her on Friday. I used to go back and forth on this before the arrest and AA because we didn't know some things, but never have I believed she took a bike ride and went missing Sunday.

I thought I saw the other day that you followed this case from the beginning which surprised me but then when I got time to try to actually catch up on posts yesterday, I did not see one I thought i'd seen saying that which is not unusual when I miss days of posts and go back, somehow I miss some. So just asking are you new to it or you have followed throughout? Have you read the AA etc. and followed the case after his arrest and so forth?

In all lightness, I hope you don't think JL dumped her in Moffat. I'm pretty sure that one can be ruled out. :D

I am starting to entertain that BM moved her. It settled on me last night or was it the night before that it is exactly what he did for a few reasons I don't have the time to go into. HOWEVER it is also a perfect fit that he put her there the very night/wee morning hours of her murder... I am open to either on that one...
Yes I did follow it early on as I was following Delphi and many thought of him for that so I did check it out and follow the case, but not for very long. Then I heard about the arrest and thought that was it and didn't follow again for some time until I picked up on this thread only recently and learnt about his dismissal with prejudice. That in itself interested me because I had never come across that before. Have you? Then, of course, her remains were found, which ramped up the interest factor for me yet again.
Killed her Saturday then went into cover up mode, clean up mode and disposal mode. He had PLENTY of time for Moffat and it fits what I have thought MANY a time back when even, that he went an opposite direction then came back and did the Broomsfield thing/alibi acting as though he left her sleeping Sunday morning and that she went missing on Sunday and got the alarm raised only then intentionally. I'll add he KNEW the daughters would be reaching out to her on Mother's Day and get no answer.

He did not take his truck he took hers or the one of the girls (believe one was there) and his phone was either home or on airplane mode, I'd have to refresh to recall the hours of that.

Iris's whole thing that they never looked or felt she was south is such b.s., no one knew where she was or where he would have put her/taken her body. I have always felt it most likely it was in another direction than Broomsfield as he had the TIME but could have been mountain, lake, dump, you name it.

Like I said too, there are a few who feel he killed her on Friday. I used to go back and forth on this before the arrest and AA because we didn't know some things, but never have I believed she took a bike ride and went missing Sunday.

I thought I saw the other day that you followed this case from the beginning which surprised me but then when I got time to try to actually catch up on posts yesterday, I did not see one I thought i'd seen saying that which is not unusual when I miss days of posts and go back, somehow I miss some. So just asking are you new to it or you have followed throughout? Have you read the AA etc. and followed the case after his arrest and so forth?

In all lightness, I hope you don't think JL dumped her in Moffat. I'm pretty sure that one can be ruled out. :D

I am starting to entertain that BM moved her. It settled on me last night or was it the night before that it is exactly what he did for a few reasons I don't have the time to go into. HOWEVER it is also a perfect fit that he put her there the very night/wee morning hours of her murder... I am open to either on that one...
You know that LE kept on saying they knew where she was but it was difficult to retrieve her or some such and needed to await the snow melting. Was it some old mine or something? Perhaps she was put there or somewhere like that and then moved to Moffat later.
I didn't think so. Glad I'm not losing it. I have no idea what he was getting at or was talking about.
He did mention 3 things. I am also currently asking " how did she get there " and was she moved. Cause of death will be important and possible DNA from her removal/ burial ( think LISK and hair/DNA on the burlap and Daybell/Vallow DNA on the tape.)

'how did she get there, what was the cause of death and is there any DNA in her burial that can help the case.'
Yes I did follow it early on as I was following Delphi and many thought of him for that so I did check it out and follow the case, but not for very long. Then I heard about the arrest and thought that was it and didn't follow again for some time until I picked up on this thread only recently and learnt about his dismissal with prejudice. That in itself interested me because I had never come across that before. Have you? Then, of course, her remains were found, which ramped up the interest factor for me yet again.
Dropping charges leaving the ability to refile charges at a later date, while not common, it's far from uncommon.
He did mention 3 things. I am also currently asking " how did she get there " and was she moved. Cause of death will be important and possible DNA from her removal/ burial ( think LISK and hair/DNA on the burlap and Daybell/Vallow DNA on the tape.)

'how did she get there, what was the cause of death and is there any DNA in her burial that can help the case.'
It wasn't the 3 things that didn't make sense.

It was a post or two down from that one, I think
Yes I did follow it early on as I was following Delphi and many thought of him for that so I did check it out and follow the case, but not for very long. Then I heard about the arrest and thought that was it and didn't follow again for some time until I picked up on this thread only recently and learnt about his dismissal with prejudice. That in itself interested me because I had never come across that before. Have you? Then, of course, her remains were found, which ramped up the interest factor for me yet again.
Okay. So people talking of it/him for Delphi brought you to it. That helps me understand some as that wouldn't be from day one most likely with this case as it unfolded, not that you couldn't have went back and looked of course. And you aren't a video or YT type and this case got huge on there. Retired NYPD officers launched their YT channels off of it and got involved, etc.

Just trying to understand. And you've never read the AA right?

Did you see BM's video plea at the time as the case was fresh and unfolding or later? Because it I do believe makes a difference as well as his nephew's words and such... And more so as things unfolded...

Anyhow, it gives me a bit better idea of you with it. I absorbed it and lived it, this case, but my memory isn't great with all the facts this long later. I admit it. But with many I am very welll up on as well.

It's kind of like Daybell, there can be so much for so long and when you follow more than one and then there's a gap and quiet, etc... I also had time when it began and then my life changed and so forth.

One thing I do always know though in any case is my theory, who I decide the perp is, etc. and IF I forget every detail that got me there, I know that I am there for good reason as that's how I do it... For Barry the pendulum swung all the way to the right in time and then off the chart.

Anyhow, thanks for answering so I understand better.

As far as seeing a case dismissed with prejudice? I know of it and believe I have sen it but not with a murder case but years and years ago I worked for attorneys so I've known for a long, long time (since my 20s) what i t means. I do though no surprise have to check and remind self of which can be filed, is it the "with" prejudice" o r"without". I always think the opposite.

You do know the prosecution dropped the case right? One reason being the judge barred their experts. It was not dismissed due to DNA.

A fun fact if we can call it that since you seem to be kind of stuck on JL is you do know Barry deleted texts and phone stuff from something like the 5th of May through the 9th right? Now why would you do that... And considering what could be recovered and found were not good for him...
You know that LE kept on saying they knew where she was but it was difficult to retrieve her or some such and needed to await the snow melting. Was it some old mine or something? Perhaps she was put there or somewhere like that and then moved to Moffat later.
That's kind of where my mind has been going just in the last day or two. Don't get me wrong I've always thought his moving her was a possibility, a strong one, even before she was found but I also strongly felt he of course buried her/disposed of her somewhere that night/early morn.

Let me start by saying there were and are major politics going on in that area. I can give arguments both ways on Linda Stanley but she unseated someone and a retired NYPD guy pushed for her on YT and due to this case for one reason he pushed her over what was going on there. THEN she got elected and he had her on his show wihich is part of the thing used against her now...

I could go down that whole thing with you but I am going to guess you don't know any of that?


This judge too let me tell you.... Okay don't need to go there either right now.

To your post, I think things were going on and forces coming down and so forth politically, i can give you a whole earful about CO and Barry's law firm too before I even knew who SM or BM were. Another sidetrack that would be.

YES she said around or at dismissal time that they needed or wanted her body, felt they knew where it was under deep snow cover, etc. that would take forever to melt and hard to access.

I do not know if they really knew or felt they did or this was just something she claimed but clearly forces were against her and them (prosecution and who knows if even her staff wasn't the other school/old school etc.) I honestly don't know but what am starting to think of and ponder and I may be wrong is they knew if they felt (or did know) were SM was that Barry would move her...

And here she is in a place and so shallow and so different than so many supposed.... And they found her randomly on some search for another??? I have a thorough opinion of Barry and I can see him doing it, oh I will make this go away for once and for all, bury her shallow, kick the bones around, ensure she gets found to put all this stuff to rest... I don't typically go that far out there with things but this is BARRY, a man who cast a false ballot for his missing wife... HE NEEDS this to go away and he wanted to thumb the nose and have her found somewhere so different than speculated. And he moved her.

I am not sure at all at this out there speculation of mine but in this case.... Well...

Personally I hope he was set up and they knew he'd move her.

On the other hand, I can also easily believe and it would be my first thought and thought back when that he took her in some opposite direction in the hours of time he had and dumped her and then created the Broomfield alibi.

I don't know, I really don't but I know he is responsible for her demise with every fiber in me. Imho.
He did mention 3 things. I am also currently asking " how did she get there " and was she moved. Cause of death will be important and possible DNA from her removal/ burial ( think LISK and hair/DNA on the burlap and Daybell/Vallow DNA on the tape.)

'how did she get there, what was the cause of death and is there any DNA in her burial that can help the case.'
IF Barry moved her at this late date and not some time back, I think we can count on it will be as clean as can be unless something planted to give any indication other than him. IF he put her there at the TIME I am hoping to heck there is a sheet, she was in the wrong clothing for his story, etc. It truly depends on when he placed her there I think as to how smart he was and knowing what to remove/do over these years.

It has lone been accepted and a theory long before even his arrest that he took another vehicle that ngiht/early morn to dispose of her. The AA only helped confirm such thoughts. SM's was there as you know as you have went into the glove box thing and so was one of the daughter's. I don't think we are even sure what else, work trucks, he was a firefighter and maybe had access to the FD trucks who knows but for me, he took one of the family's other vehicles.

Do you know that the bobcat GPS shut off at a certain time on that date?? That THREE dogs alerted? Separately? Etc.?

I know you aren't a video type (that used to be me and now I wonder how I ever lived without it) but here is Linda, she isn't the deepest but she always has GOOD POINTS and it is fairly short, less than 1/2 hour and recent and she followed it from the start and makes some good points.

Dropping charges leaving the ability to refile charges at a later date, while not common, it's far from uncommon.
I've seen it albeit rarely in lesser cases than murder. Murder isn't generally charged unless they feel they have enough as there is no statute of limitation and so as we know many wait for a body, a stronger case and so forth and when charged they feel it is the best they have or are likely to get.

Off the top of my head to be fair, I can't think of one with murder. There probably have been rarely but I can't name one. Do any come to mind for you?
I've seen it albeit rarely in lesser cases than murder. Murder isn't generally charged unless they feel they have enough as there is no statute of limitation and so as we know many wait for a body, a stronger case and so forth and when charged they feel it is the best they have or are likely to get.

Off the top of my head to be fair, I can't think of one with murder. There probably have been rarely but I can't name one. Do any come to mind for you?
My county alone had done it twice in my memory. Both murder.

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