CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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Nobody has said either way, so you or I could be right about this. I'd think the prosecution would say it was different DNA if it was.
Why would the prosecution say that? The defense knows. Why wouldn't they be the ones screaming about it being all a match. That would make much more sense than the prosecution saying that. They are already trying to try it through the media.
Interesting. That pic also shows how hidden a body would be unless someone was specifically walking there and looking.

I heard a week or two ago, can't verify but it makes sense, that it was her chemo port that gave them an indication of who it might be. Again, I can't verify but it makes sense. ID by dental records makes sense but that would take a hot minute or so. Sadly she was due I think to get her port out that Monday...This was in our world a QUICK turnaround and ID and something had to have them looking to SM when they were there on another case entirely.
The remains were scattered so I don't think her chemo port would still be in situ. Is it made of plastic, metal or glass usually? There were some bones missing reported in other articles IIRC.

ETA I googled. They are pretty big, I didn't realise.

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Well LE has her murdered on Saturday and he had a ton of time until his run to Broomfield Sunday. I personally don't think he'd stage the bike and helmet until after he disposed of her for obvious reasons. I think his one turn to the other direction is when he ditched he helmet. I think he disposed of her in the dark but I'm not sold that she immediately was taken to Moffat and in fact the more I think of it the last few days the more I think she was moved BUT I am also okay with he dispoed of her there right from the start. My reasons would take another post.

There is another school of thought out thereby some that she died Friday. They believe it was Barry on the phone with JL and claim the bikini picture is a match taken to a pic in Mexico. How do you like that as food for thought?

I used to wonder not because of that as it wasn't said then if she died Friday or Saturday but I've always known and believed it was not Sunday and there was no bike ride. NOTHING can shake me or MOST people from that and that includes LE, reporters and more, almost no one believes that. You are free to of course.

I myself believe as LE does that it was Saturday now and have for some time. I think he then went into coverup mode AND was the one friending men on her FB, etc. and probably trying to find out who Jeff was. I think all the truck telematics, phone in airplane mode and so much more expose him. The AA spells a lot of it out.

There are also people out there who have spent countless hours taking the truck stuff, phone stuff, and far more and put them all together as to time frame that would be worthy of a court exhibit. This and more are the things you will never see in news print.

Barry had this planned. There is just too much. Girls gone, marriage over, fake trip with Broomfield last minute and more. I REALLY want to reread the AA but that isn't going to happen any time soon.

AFter Cuz watched the show I linked he came back and said that was enough, he as a juror would convict Barry. The DNA evidence bothers him of course as it does you but just hearing the facts in that show did it and she wasn't even the one with the MOST and it was't even the AA. THere are a LOT of good ones out there who have invested a lot of time and effort.

Anyone can say anything they like and Iris and Barry can go on til the cows come home but nothing and no one will change my opinion that Barry Morphew murdered his wife. EVER. Not in this case. Now how and no way. I could be convinced he had someone else involved or something on that order but NOT that he is innocent.

I would for sure not be an impartial juror on this one, ya think lol?
Well if it was him it would have to have been Saturday as he reportedly left at 5 am on the Sunday. But when did he go to Moffat with the body and bury it? On the Saturday? The pic being one from Mexico would be easy to prove as it would be dated. But she may have sent an old pic of herself anyway instead so that doesn't mean anything. Her remains should hopefully have some evidence of COD and how long she has been there.
What if the DNA is all the same profile?
It isn't. I've heard that but can't go find it and confirm it for you right now. It would be nice if you could trust me on that but that's up to you.

It would be HUGE if it was, even though not that of the rapist or any felon, simply because someone else's DNA was found on three items including her bike and helmet and all matched. If it was Iris would be parading it fully and loudly, you KNOW this. The bike and helmet DNA is hardly brought up or mentioned except, forgive me, but by people like you who don't know better than that. It is the glove box DNA they have TRIED to make a big deal of. Think about it, the vehicle is not even said to be part of what happened by Barry, the bike is and the bike ride. If the bike or helmet had it they'd key in much harder on those as they'd think it more significant since her bike and helmet were found away from home as IF she was on a bike ride and that would in their opinion corroborate Barry's made up story far more than the glove box would. They would trumpet it loudly but they have not.

Believe me the next time I hear it, i will come link it but already have put up shows where it is accepted and known it isn't the same (the DNA).

Also, I am not going to keep answering this repeat question. I dare say you have more time than I do if you need further confirmation to go find it. I haven't even caught up on the thread, much less all case threads and as you know I get no time at all for the basement, etc. No offense intended, just saying there is confirmation out there but I simply can't put it on my list of things to spend my little free time doing. I'd like to reread the AA too to be fresh on it again but that isn't going to happen any time soon either.
Nobody has said either way, so you or I could be right about this. I'd think the prosecution would say it was different DNA if it was.
No, the defense would be screaming it if it were. Iris would be using her bull horn but NO, the only issue they made of any of the DNA was the glove box DNA.

As for the prosecution, they HAVE addressed it all.

Have you read the AA?? Because there is something in there that I can't recall with specificity BUT I believe someone can't be excluded on at least one of the other DNA profiles and it is a family member. I'm not going to go further as my memory may not be correct and perhaps it was with something else but again, it isn't the same. All DNA has been run and exhausted as to what they can come up with from it.
Why would the prosecution say that? The defense knows. Why wouldn't they be the ones screaming about it being all a match. That would make much more sense than the prosecution saying that. They are already trying to try it through the media.
Yep plus Barry would have said it on Dr. Phil AND Good Morning America! Or was it the Today show... :thinking:
They clearly wouldn't leave it purposely but the LISK is a good example. His wife's hair plus his DNA caught him.
Right but that is transfer DNA a lot harder to avoid leaving. Touch DNA would only take wearing gloves and clothing right? I't put a lot more store in hair and even fibers than touch DNA which is so commonplace I think this newer DNA thing may actually be more of a hindrance than help in solving cases.
The remains were scattered so I don't think her chemo port would still be in situ. Is it made of plastic, metal or glass usually? There were some bones missing reported in other articles IIRC.

ETA I googled. They are pretty big, I didn't realise.

I don't know and I also don't know it to be fact, I just saw someone say it and it made good sense imo. Whether intact or not, found at the scene or evidence there had been one would point to SM out of other missing persons. Again I can't confirm it as a fact, just feel it made sense and it sounded as if the person got it from a news source, I simply don't have enough time these days to go confirm anything much myself. I do however want to make it clear that I don't know it to be fact as I don't want to start rumors. Whatever the case is, if searching for someone else, they lit onto the fact pretty quick this was SM and confirmation came in just days.
Well if it was him it would have to have been Saturday as he reportedly left at 5 am on the Sunday. But when did he go to Moffat with the body and bury it? On the Saturday? The pic being one from Mexico would be easy to prove as it would be dated. But she may have sent an old pic of herself anyway instead so that doesn't mean anything. Her remains should hopefully have some evidence of COD and how long she has been there.
Killed her Saturday then went into cover up mode, clean up mode and disposal mode. He had PLENTY of time for Moffat and it fits what I have thought MANY a time back when even, that he went an opposite direction then came back and did the Broomsfield thing/alibi acting as though he left her sleeping Sunday morning and that she went missing on Sunday and got the alarm raised only then intentionally. I'll add he KNEW the daughters would be reaching out to her on Mother's Day and get no answer.

He did not take his truck he took hers or the one of the girls (believe one was there) and his phone was either home or on airplane mode, I'd have to refresh to recall the hours of that.

Iris's whole thing that they never looked or felt she was south is such b.s., no one knew where she was or where he would have put her/taken her body. I have always felt it most likely it was in another direction than Broomsfield as he had the TIME but could have been mountain, lake, dump, you name it.

Like I said too, there are a few who feel he killed her on Friday. I used to go back and forth on this before the arrest and AA because we didn't know some things, but never have I believed she took a bike ride and went missing Sunday.

I thought I saw the other day that you followed this case from the beginning which surprised me but then when I got time to try to actually catch up on posts yesterday, I did not see one I thought i'd seen saying that which is not unusual when I miss days of posts and go back, somehow I miss some. So just asking are you new to it or you have followed throughout? Have you read the AA etc. and followed the case after his arrest and so forth?

In all lightness, I hope you don't think JL dumped her in Moffat. I'm pretty sure that one can be ruled out. :D

I am starting to entertain that BM moved her. It settled on me last night or was it the night before that it is exactly what he did for a few reasons I don't have the time to go into. HOWEVER it is also a perfect fit that he put her there the very night/wee morning hours of her murder... I am open to either on that one...
Killed her Saturday then went into cover up mode, clean up mode and disposal mode. He had PLENTY of time for Moffat and it fits what I have thought MANY a time back when even, that he went an opposite direction then came back and did the Broomsfield thing/alibi acting as though he left her sleeping Sunday morning and that she went missing on Sunday and got the alarm raised only then intentionally. I'll add he KNEW the daughters would be reaching out to her on Mother's Day and get no answer.

He did not take his truck he took hers or the one of the girls (believe one was there) and his phone was either home or on airplane mode, I'd have to refresh to recall the hours of that.

Iris's whole thing that they never looked or felt she was south is such b.s., no one knew where she was or where he would have put her/taken her body. I have always felt it most likely it was in another direction than Broomsfield as he had the TIME but could have been mountain, lake, dump, you name it.

Like I said too, there are a few who feel he killed her on Friday. I used to go back and forth on this before the arrest and AA because we didn't know some things, but never have I believed she took a bike ride and went missing Sunday.

I thought I saw the other day that you followed this case from the beginning which surprised me but then when I got time to try to actually catch up on posts yesterday, I did not see one I thought i'd seen saying that which is not unusual when I miss days of posts and go back, somehow I miss some. So just asking are you new to it or you have followed throughout? Have you read the AA etc. and followed the case after his arrest and so forth?

In all lightness, I hope you don't think JL dumped her in Moffat. I'm pretty sure that one can be ruled out. :D

I am starting to entertain that BM moved her. It settled on me last night or was it the night before that it is exactly what he did for a few reasons I don't have the time to go into. HOWEVER it is also a perfect fit that he put her there the very night/wee morning hours of her murder... I am open to either on that one...
I believe one of the girl's vehicles, the one that was there, had no tracking ability. He could have easily took it and left his phone elsewhere.
Well if it was him it would have to have been Saturday as he reportedly left at 5 am on the Sunday. But when did he go to Moffat with the body and bury it? On the Saturday? The pic being one from Mexico would be easy to prove as it would be dated. But she may have sent an old pic of herself anyway instead so that doesn't mean anything. Her remains should hopefully have some evidence of COD and how long she has been there.
Yes SM could have sent an old pic or a current pic. The issue is if that was no a LIVE current sunbathing pic of her it isn't really proof of life on Saturday at that time... A few I watch/out there who have done a LOT with this case think she was killed Friday and it was Barry on her phone with JL... And that cops are wrong on that part in the AA or it being a "that day" photo... I don't know. I don't believe that, I think all was most likely Saturday BUT I think the entire week/weekend was no picnic at the Morphews...
I believe one of the girl's vehicles, the one that was there, had no tracking ability. He could have easily took it and left his phone elsewhere.
Yeah I am digging hard in my memory but I believe the girl's vehicle was Suzanne's old one, not that that matters but he had at minimum two other vehicles he could use. SM's and the daughter's. He was clearly messing with his trucks GPS or telematics but couldn't figure it out apparently or changed his mind but he may have been able to do it with SM's and yes, it is talked for sure that the daughter's didn't have such.

You know, it is always the more mundane details that we don['t know and I wish we did. HOW did the trip of the daughters come about, who put things and dates in place, where were they, who played this sh*t, and played them and so on. Why were they running late that day... To be fair, SM probably also wanted them not around while she and BM she hoped reached a civil end to their marriage and had a discussion but knew it wouldn't likely be that easy and clearly it wasn't.

Something I don't really share is BM is my ex. And SM could be me in some ways. Not lifestyles, money or anything like that. Just her hope and belief always to end things civilly, go along for years, hope he gets better, but she is dealing with someone who is not going to do that. BM from almost the start I could see right through. That may be bias of course but let me tell you it is flat out instinct too. I know it, have seen it, have lived it. He has repeatedly confirmed it if I thought perhaps I am wrong and should be more fair. I identified with this case in sooo many ways I won't go into. Again, not the lifestyle or anything else, but the things at the core of it and the type SM was married to and the type she was. It quickly became my top case I followed because of that and at a time I was going through what I was and really seeing mine as what he really is and that is STILL going on. SM was dealing with, if she did not just appease and ever dared stand up to him, a type that was never going to let her win even a small thing. He is crude and rude but it is far more than that. I need to leave it at that.

I think any woman out there who has ever dealt with such recognizes him/type and what he is. And every detail that came out just confirmed it. Using the girls against her. So many things...

No, I would not be selected as a juror on his case.
The biggest questions are how did she get there, what was the cause of death and is there any DNA in her burial that can help the case.
Why is dna the only thing that is important here? You realize there are far more things besides dna that are viable evidence, right? DNA can also be left from very innocent people for various reasons, depending on what the source was and where it was found, or very importantly, where it wasn't found in lots of cases.
Why is dna the only thing that is important here? You realize there are far more things besides dna that are viable evidence, right? DNA can also be left from very innocent people for various reasons, depending on what the source was and where it was found, or very importantly, where it wasn't found in lots of cases.

I listed three things. :chair:
The biggest questions are how did she get there, what was the cause of death and is there any DNA in her burial that can help the case.
She got there by someone putting her there, she didn't put herself there. Barry is the suspect and had the motive and Barry had the time.

I think far more than DNA matters. What clothing was she in or what remnants were found? Any bedding? Can TOXICOLOGY find anything still?? LIke animal tranquilizer?

I have a theory with all of this that I haven't voiced yet that I am not sold on but something keeps making it pop into my head. And the key of it is that she was moved and he wanted her found and found somewhere so unrelated to what has been suggested or surmised.... That's the summary of it but I don't have time to go into my reasoning right now and am still mulling it over. On the other hand, I've long thought he took her in another direction that night and it is hard to let go of that... However, both could be true...

I don't put a ton of store into this but someone I watch on occasion and who knows a lot and has sources says her bones were not like they were scattered by animals but more like the body was kicked intentionally and they fanned out in that way or some such. Do NOT take that as fact but it's interesting. It is also interesting they were searching for someone else in this area but it wasn't the first time which may have well be known...

I don't know. I have two thoughts and one of them is correct as to when Barry put her there, back when or more recently...

Barry is responsible for her murder though. I will never waver on that. Imo.

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