CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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That's different because getting the cell phone evidence and other stuff takes time. They already have all that already now right? So why haven't they rearrested him now they have Suzanne's remains if the evidence is so damning?
How long has his been and where was she found and by who? Not by Chaffee. Love ya but why are you acting as if this has been so long and JL is a suspect and more? Are you up on Shosho? And Barry's sick web searches? And I'm sorry but the AA?

It wasn't Chaffee who found her and it was not in a search for her. I'd say it was pretty fricking amazing how quickly she was identified and if it is fact, by dental records which must mean they have a partial skull if not more at least.

What is it any of us know yet about this find that a rearrest would be made? We waited four months in our case for results and were told it could be six months to a year.

And then again, there is jurisdiction. Does Chaffee hand their case to this county AND if so, this county is not up on their case that was a county case in THEIR jurisdiction.

Let's just agree that the defense thing in Delphi is b.s. because in this one, no offense but like JL WAS excluded and he WAS looked at and he WAS found. Yes he deleted stuff but so did Barry. However, JL can't be placed there and Barry was here and lied repeatedly yet you don't question that? Again it is in the AA and that is just the tip of it.

And politics have played in big in this case. That is another subject.

I don't mean any offense at all, and I'm sorry but I'm just saying for instance JL is not even an out there fanciful conspiracy thought. Barry implanted the bike ride seed and we all saw that from the first days confirmed into the first few weeks. Oh and the mountain lion. The abduction. Chipmunks, lions, tigers and bears oh my, then Mallory's turkey, then seeing elk and making cops peanut butter steak or some such...

I still wonder if he manipulated nephew Trevor and Mallory. Of course he likely did... People donated then got mad about the GFM and demanded to know where their money went and to this day never investigated and never answered.

On and on and on.

NOT AT you or anything. Seriously.
Well it didn't stop them before, but maybe her remains have unknown DNA on them? We don't know do we? They had probable cause before so now they have her remains, there must be more probable cause presumably. Why did they release him, for example? Was it something to do with the DNA they withheld from the defence?

This is a new article with an opinion about the remains. Also, the article says BM was released due to prosecutorial misconduct.

I am wondering what that big building is in the photos showing the cops searching.

Barry Morphew was initially arrested and charged with the murder of his wife Suzanne despite there being no body but the charges were later dropped
Cadaver dogs are brought back to the scene where Chaffee County Sheriff's officers, FBI and CBI were searching for Suzanne Morphew in Colorado's officers, FBI and CBI were searching for Suzanne Morphew in Colorado

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Cadaver dogs are brought back to the scene where Chaffee County Sheriff's officers, FBI and CBI were searching for Suzanne Morphew in Colorado
A group of investigators search near where Suzanne Morphew's remains were found in late September's remains were found in late September

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A group of investigators search near where Suzanne Morphew's remains were found in late September.
It doesn't say he was released as you say due to prosecutorial misconduct, it says the case was dismissed due to that. Barry was released from jail on an ankle monitor long before that. And it's not true either, the case was dismissed because the State asked that it be after the judge crippled them with their experts. The same judge that let Barry out on an ankle monitor that would not work in the area he stayed which was next door to those who had talked against him and those people had to file restraining orders against Barry and live in fear. Same just who bought Eytan's b.s. hype that Webex had been hacked, took personal offense at a YTer and used his "power" against actually two in different circumstances, and same judge who sealed the AA for the "sake" of the girls, let Barry travel to Gunnison when requesting more freedom for b.s. reasons, and also did not understand the DNA and bought, as did media, Eytan's b.s. on that as well. I could go on.

Other than that I guess this article answers the questions you've been asking or their talking head does. Or he speculates anyhow like all do.

DM is always colorful but not always accurate.

I pray that her body and things found with it or in the area bring Barry to the place he deserves to be and gives Suzanne the justice she deserves. We will see won't we. I believe he will be. And if not, as it says he will never likely be cleared as the key suspect either, how can he be, there is ample evidence he did it.

This imo is what Barry did and what imo many a killer would do, go the opposite of where they intend to put their alibi and with actually a very logical simple path fitting right in and allowing him to come back home and then head out on the alibi trip after, of course, throwing her bike, etc.
So Barry sold his nearly worthless business TWICE and fooled both parties by using his connections with the church. Of course!

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Yes and I believe there is even info out there that it was more than twice. Barry was/is a crook through and through, dishonest as the day is long. I think there were many reasons or more than a few he got out of IN...

Morgan also went from IN to CO. So interesting, not like the states are next door to each other by a long shot. Wouldn't call it a natural move for both. Mallory chose school there. There is something to the company worked for or subbed under and its reaches I think.

Going into Barry schemes, swindles, fights, lawsuits, threats and more would take a thread of its own. And the money, money, money.
And Barry totally contradicting himself in his knowledge of her having a bf. The dude just can't quit talking!
YES. He was actually trying to get info from the cops if I recall, right? The way I recall it is he knew but he was madly trying to find out who and couldn't ascertain that. If my memory serves.
I appreciate that we think this way, but sometimes getting a lawyer is the best thing to do. I had a detective tell me that if I ever had to defend myself that they would come and handcuff me and then determine what was going on. They said I should probably get a lawyer if that ever happens. They said that law-enforcement doesn’t like it, but it keeps you from saying things that you don’t understand that you said, because in trial, the person that you may have killed to defend yourself has people on their end who will say a different story and you could end up in prison. It’s very complicated. Our court system is far from perfect right now.
Our court system is far from perfect right now.

You got that right. I could't agree more. And it is only going to get worse if something doesn't change, and fast. Too far gone more likely.
Was this his Indiana or Colorado businesses he sold? I don't see what this has to do with Suzanne's disappearance two years later.
It isn't businesses in plural. It was one business and even that is questionable. Was he only selling the name and reputation and client list and connections or equipment too?

Who Barry is isn't relevant? And the whole life that led down this road and them to CO isn't relevant? All that money from business sales yet he had to borrow from SM's dad and was trying to borrow from SM at the end? There is an entire trail with all of it and a constant theme.
and why does Barry constantly state that everything is for his daughter. Doesn't he have two daughters? It's constantly and consistently "daughter" - singular. Weird. It's also not in context that makes the singular appear correct. Most of the time it should include the lives of both daughters.
Perhaps the eldest is self sufficient now but the youngest isn't. What has that got to do with whether he murdered Suzanne or not. Also, what has the sale of his businesses got to do with her murder either?

Did Suzanne have a life insurance policy? Did they have money problems?
What doesn't it have to do with it? The eldest self sufficient? I'd be surprised. These girls are used to a lifestyle they could never afford nor could Barry. This case is as much about money as the other reasons. The first MOVE was to gain control of all by dad and eldest daughter.

IF you think there isn't a money motive here or Barry's ways with money don't play in, you're missing a lot.

Why does it have to be life insurance to have gain? He saved everything divorce would have cost just for one.

As to life insurance, we rarely know in almost any case. That is a problem in this country and our system if you ask me. There should be rules on it and who can take it out on who and verifying with the other party, and the beneficiary changes, etc. and a national databank to check at least for LE.

Did you not read the posts about him after her assets, her money, trying to borrow from her, the moves immediately to take control of all, her inheritance, the homes, and more?

I'm not trying to be harsh and if I sound that way I am sorry, but money was a HUGE part of motive here.
Read the AA and those questions are all resolved. It's his history of being a lying liar that lies about absolutely anything and everything and using his "faith" (instead of attorney status like AM did) to justify why people should believe him. They did and they all got screwed. Now, history is still repeating itself in his consistently lying about anything and much so that it is notated on nearly every page of the AA.

Now for those that think he's innocent AND think only the guilty should have an attorney, wouldn't Barry have benefited greatly by having one and not getting caught in all these lies. Lies that an attorney would keep you from making in the first place.
The man couldn't shut his mouth and stop lying, no doubt. I'm not as fresh on the AA but DID read every bit of it some time back and there is a REASON Barry's nicknames with most include the word "LYING" Not sure how Iris got him to shut up. Good point on his lack of lawyering up and because of it we have lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie after lie.
Barry definitely did this, but I want answers to the DNA damnit!!
Kudos though to you knowing he definitely did this. And to watching a show that covered it and showed you that and that isn't even the best of them or all of it. YES he is guilty. Imo. And in yours. Happy you agree on that part.
They aren't simple in my opinion.
It isn't even what you think it is to begin with. Go, go, go. Start with Lauren Scharf and Nate Eaton. I believe BOTH covered it way back when all were falling for this b.s. Not positive but think so. I've tried but don't have enough time. Problem is it probably isn't headlined in the show it was in of each of theirs, it simply was talked of IN the show and EXPLAINED. To GREAT satisfaction at how off the rails stupid and false this has been made to be. And how judge and news fell for it which made the public fall for it then. Kudos (gag) to Eytan.
@Guess Who Since you are fresh on the AA and I'm not as fresh, does Brad Oswald a very good friend of Barry's from IN ring a bell and his interview with LE? He bought SM'\s vehicle the Range Rover just a short time after she vanished. Long term friend of Barry's. 20 years or so. Interview. Interviewed on 05/17/20 and AND he visited in CO and Barry took him hunting SOUTH of SALIDA in 2019... Oswald is a resident of IN and a deputy sheriff in Hamilton County...

Oswald mentioned an altercation Barry had with a guy at a job in IN. Says Barry is stubborn and hot headed. Feared he lost it with Suzanne. Said he had all night to plan how to get rid of her, etc. Says Barry had big time control over Suzanne. Says BM is very secretive and would never share it if he did do something.

Oh it would be awesome if they could tie Barry to this land/area. Honestly I googled the address when the find of her body was first found and found previously "for sale" info, etc. and I thought knowing Barry and his property purchases and landscaping for new owners etc. a tie might be found in one of those ways but maybe it is an area he hunted and knew instead... Barry is smart enough to turn off his phone, etc. Excellent with a skid loader, fears he killed her and buried her.

One has to wonder what else he shared about Barry that isn't in the AA... An LE buddy of Barry's... Bought SM's Rover...


So you think Barry had 3 people help him? How does that make any sense?

I don't think that DNA is meaningless. The DNA connected to the rapist. The others I don't know anything about. I get my car serviced at the same place all the time. I also Uber. Could one of my Uber passengers have DNA that matches a criminal, probably, but I've taken over 1,000 runs.

Do you think your DNA matches any violent criminals?
I don't think that DNA is meaningless. The DNA connected to the rapist. The others I don't know anything about. I get my car serviced at the same place all the time. I also Uber. Could one of my Uber passengers have DNA that matches a criminal, probably, but I've taken over 1,000 runs.

Do you think your DNA matches any violent criminals?
Again, partial match and match are two different things and yes, I will most definitely be a partial match to a violent criminal as a distant family member is a frequent flyer in the prison system and no telling even further down the line from people I have no idea they even exist.
I don't think that DNA is meaningless. The DNA connected to the rapist. The others I don't know anything about. I get my car serviced at the same place all the time. I also Uber. Could one of my Uber passengers have DNA that matches a criminal, probably, but I've taken over 1,000 runs.

Do you think your DNA matches any violent criminals?
Just reading along as usual. :) I agree with you.

I am of the opinion that unidentified DNA found on a person's personal property takes on a whole new meaning when that person is missing/murdered.

The idea that it's comparable to unidentified DNA in my car (when I'm very much alive) is an apples to oranges comparison. Obviously, since I'm alive there's no possibility DNA in my car belongs to my killer.

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