CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


edited by staff to add media link
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Jay4Justice said Barry arrested last Night.
He shot SM in basement because she asked for divorce. Hid her body at work site. And police have known since searching home. Will be announced later today. She confirmed that she spoke with SM’s best friend this afternoon.
Jay4Justice said Barry arrested last Night.
He shot SM in basement because she asked for divorce. Hid her body at work site. And police have known since searching home. Will be announced later today. She confirmed that she spoke with SM’s best friend this afternoon.

Some of these vloggers/bloggers need to chill with what they're releasing IMO. I enjoy watching podcasts about cases as much as the next person but there's a reason certain info isn't released to the public. Local rumors spreading is going to happen regardless. Bloggers/vloggers who HAVE to get the first scoop are turning out worse than the tabloids.
Jay4Justice said Barry arrested last Night.
He shot SM in basement because she asked for divorce. Hid her body at work site. And police have known since searching home. Will be announced later today. She confirmed that she spoke with SM’s best friend this afternoon.
Wow. Well pretty much the same old story isn't it. Lots of rumors out there about infidelity as well, that will likely come next. From the start, the lack of sharing by LE or confirmation of anything, and the reward going quickly up and hints of "ransom" struck me like someone trying to misdirect the focus of LE but of course we couldn't be sure of that. There were a few other rumors throughout which are not too hard to believe either...
Wow. Well pretty much the same old story isn't it. Lots of rumors out there about infidelity as well, that will likely come next. From the start, the lack of sharing by LE or confirmation of anything, and the reward going quickly up and hints of "ransom" struck me like someone trying to misdirect the focus of LE but of course we couldn't be sure of that. There were a few other rumors throughout which are not too hard to believe either...
Confirmed he is in jail. With 2 others.
<modsnip> Young woman, admitted to helping dispose of body. She may have been a worker of his? Maybe not. Rumor. Another male worker, <modsnip> also helped.
Daughters went home on May 8 and Mom wasn’t there. They contacted police.
Hope police confirm.
It’s said he has mistress.
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Some of these vloggers/bloggers need to chill with what they're releasing IMO. I enjoy watching podcasts about cases as much as the next person but there's a reason certain info isn't released to the public. Local rumors spreading is going to happen regardless. Bloggers/vloggers who HAVE to get the first scoop are turning out worse than the tabloids.

There is another part to that too though and it is the local leaker or friend often who are contacting the podcasters or in the case of Gannon, someone who had access to the legal documents. But yes the podcaster should have a duty as well, however, once someone shares it, that is usually it, whether another person, podcaster, a few friends, etc. And then once the podcaster says it to an audience, it is done for and out everywhere in fairly short order.

I don't know what the answer is but law has not caught up with the internet and are doing nothing illegal if they have a source, just like any media. Some are responsible and some are not.

I would say Colorado LE did pretty good if this is just now starting to be known today IF iin fact it started going down yesterday.
Confirmed he is in jail. With 2 others.
<modsnip> Young woman, admitted to helping dispose of body. She may have been a worker of his? Maybe not. Rumor. Another male worker, <modsnip> also helped.
Daughters went home on May 8 and Mom wasn’t there. They contacted police.
Hope police confirm.
It’s said he has mistress.

WTF?!! If this is true , how could they think they could get away with this? But that's a recurring question when I read stories like this...😥
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Confirmed he is in jail. With 2 others.
<modsnip> Young woman, admitted to helping dispose of body. She may have been a worker of his? Maybe not. Rumor. Another male worker, <modsnip> also helped.
Daughters went home on May 8 and Mom wasn’t there. They contacted police.
Hope police confirm.
It’s said he has mistress.

Gonna need a non-podcast link to this. We shouldn't be posting random people's names until it's been confirmed by LE that they are involved.
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This info was given to Jay not from someone local. It was Suzannes best friend since second grade.
She told Jay4 that LE knew she was shot after search of home, daughters never went back, daughters were not gone camping on Mother’s Day. They got home on the 8th and mom was gone. They contacted LE.
LE held everything close to the vest. Asked relatives not to speak to MSM until they had arrested him but they got the tip or confession on the location of body,
How Suzannes best friend knew, she did not say.
After Barry made personal plea video, everything went dark,
Ok it’s Jayis4justice. She was on live for last two hours.
I found her on YouTube. Video Still there.

That's a podcast. YouTube is not not MSM or LE.

Okay, ya'll can talk about the podcast. That's fine. But any names that have not been released by LE / MSM need to stay out of the conversation.
(I'm going to go back and remove the names.)
Confirmed he is in jail. With 2 others.
<modsnip> Young woman, admitted to helping dispose of body. She may have been a worker of his? Maybe not. Rumor. Another male worker, <modsnip> also helped.
Daughters went home on May 8 and Mom wasn’t there. They contacted police.
Hope police confirm.
It’s said he has mistress.
The classic same old story isn't it? I can't find anything announced yet but people are making comments on the sheriff's page like rot in H at the husband and RIP towards Suzanne. I had seen rumors prior about the basement and the infidelity so i am guessing there has been someone leaking throughout if all of this turns out truth. And WHO helps someone cover something like this up except a KK?
The classic same old story isn't it? I can't find anything announced yet but people are making comments on the sheriff's page like rot in H at the husband and RIP towards Suzanne. I had seen rumors prior about the basement and the infidelity so i am guessing there has been someone leaking throughout if all of this turns out truth. And WHO helps someone cover something like this up except a KK?
KK? Who can forget her??
LE may as well get out if not in front of this as it seems to be already out, then at least as soon as they can before it is old news or is twisted if it is indeed all true and give us the facts they can, imo. If there are arrests, those are hard to keep quiet for very long anyhow.
It also seems as though any statement that this was over being asked for a divorce and not premeditated likely comes from him... I personally suspect there is a financial factor in here as well... Whether life insurance or he is broke or that she had assets protected (some claimed the money came from her side)...

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