CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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I think it will be like Daybell where the kids stand by him despite all the evidence.

Did you notice they found the substance in the bone marrow of the femur? I thought that was amazing after so long and the state the remains were in.
Well both sets of kids are idiots and I hope all stay alive when either of their respective fathers need their money, them to be shut up if and when they ever turn or just another rmurderous "fix" that gives them their thrill. Any if in college may as well quit and go work as grave diggers or landscapers themselves as the brain cells aren't there. I know that isn't a nice remark but what each respective set does to their mother or thinks of her (or doesn't more like it) is beyond comprehension to me. Also in both cases they seem to have some type of sick relationship with their father or sick need to replace the wife for him or some such and to "mother" the offenders as well. Emma and Mallory both particularly, and the rest as well but those two wow. They need some serious psych help and I'm not kidding.

Yes I noted the femur part. I am impressed with it all but irritated to no end with that article. I have no time this morn as am on a 7 a.m. start and read that late last night. I was tired into the max and still am and no time or mood to reread but were they not saying this was known since last fall as to the presence of these substances? And that Barry and team have known since then?

Iris may be the worst example of what she is (I will refrain as I wouldn't stop) that I've ever seen. I truly have to wonder about her daddy issues and childhood except I simply don't care.

Pretty certain i've seen the Denver Gazette before in this case more than once. I will refrain there as well.

Well, again no time. I like to have a few hours before I head to work and today I don't have any. But I have my confirmation of what I've always known. I'd say LE does as well (the ones who care and not the ones tied to the political b.s.) and so do most people sans the idiots. Like these grown "children". Their mothers are rolling in their graves. I hear how close Emma mallegedly was to Tammy and I go really? Seems more like daddy's little minion to me and spy. So does Mallory in this one. Macy I can only wonder as she lived at home and saw the problems big time. I get that all were "kids" and gaslit. So? They aren't any longer and the evidence is overwhelming to where almost no one with a brain believes their respective fathers innocent. Risk of course helps them not at all with her own I am guessing serious issues with men and the need to forgive, condone and acquit all no matter what they do.

I was tired but recall all and my opinion of all. And my sheer disgust.

Suzanne has an army who cares about her. I'd say so does Tammy. They both need one as it doesn't consist of their own children who they gave and did everything for. Neither man/father was the real strength in their lives but was allowed or got away with acting as if they were. The mothers were. The first kid in either family that takes the blinders off and see it all clearly, I say get to safety immediately and surround with support. It won't happen though, the blinders are on with full bottles of Gorilla Glue.

NOTHING will change this for me though. I've got MY answer and confirmation long awaited despite always KNOWING. And while neither mother has justice yet, almost all KNOW who was responsible now for anyone who had doubts. The ones that don't know are the ones who would doubt anything other than a video of the killer killing the person. Imo.

Barry should be behind bars today and before and for the rest of his life, just like where Chad is and is going.

Sh*t I have no time at all. I dont' get many early days, lately about one a week though, generally I am later and closing hours. Don't like the early's. used to get NONE. Earliest about a 9 sometimes an 8. This is a 7 after getting home near 8 last night.
Can't wait to see footage of his arrest.
ME EITHER! I KNOW WHO DID THIS. And now just confirmation beyond. I NEVER go 100 percent but went 99.9 on this one, unheard of. And if there was one i'd go 100 it would be this one. I never say never so never leave not some SLIM ridiculous other possibility but this one is beyond for me. Always has been and now is way beyond.

I don't like the lack of arrest before this came out. However, this seems strategic. I dind't like at first it sounded like the Carrol County ME--what? But the official stuff seems to be CBI. Let's hope. NOT that I can't say a few things about them in another Colorado case...

It's as plain as the nose on anyone's face imo and even further solidified now.

I have my answers. Always will. And backed up now on top of it.

Not sure what that one article was, so Barry KNEW back when there was tranquilizer sh*t in Suzanne after they found her and before these further results and announcement to the public? Meaning they told him... As her not charged hub or for other reasons?

That article I did not like and it kind of threw me a long with his disgusting attorney, and she and her partner ARE. First ran into them in another CO case.

Yeah let's see Barry Morphew on a perp walk with daughters having to blow kisses from afar and making fingers into heart symbols. I cringe for Suzanne and all she dealt with FOR THESE GIRLS.
THIS though changes it. Linda was one always on it and knows the guilty party. Awesome as always with great points.

Watching now.

And here are Lauren and Sarah. Haven't watched it all yet. SHould be in bed. Starting to listen now. Lauren is no longer in news and neither I dont' think is in CO any longer but they keep on this case. Lauren in this case was like a Nate Eaton in Daybell. Love these two.

I repeat these girls are stupid if they remain by dad's side and in belief of him.

Listening to the absolutely dumb comments by his defense attorney per Lauren.

She was still "kidnapped" lol. So yeah someone else chased her and shot her with a tranq gun and then kidnapped her. Duh. They also claim this BAM cocktail was commonly used in Salida. Oh my DUH. Coming from a City Denver Iris. Eyeroll.

Lauren won't quite go out there like Linda does as to STATING who did this entirely but close enough. They are BOTH going to be there they say when this goes back to a courtroom.

The bullet is interesting...

The amount of "stuff" found is interesting as well... Linda said the same...

Questions re grand juries there...
Jeff Puckett interview. RIP. One of the most memorable/important. Told it like it was. If Barry didn't do it, aliens did, etc. The chlorine was sooo overwhelming and he was so ticked this weekend and job were not a legit job, etc.

Interestingly daughters and I guess Barry are having a celebration of life invitation only, her family did not know nor many of her friends, in IN. What are they even doing in IN. I'm sorry. An invite only memorial because I am guessing with autopsy done they are getting the remains, how sad and sick is that and dam* per Iris and their lack of giving a **** about mom/wife throughout better look like they do. That is MY take on it. Even NOW you can tell Lauren and Sarah want to say more than they are.

They are nicer about the girls than I am. I held off for a long, long, long time.

Suzanne's family should have her remains imo and I don't mean BM and girls.

EVERYONE who followed this case from day one knows. Let's not forget the broken door frame to the bedroom.

One thing that sticks with me is the bobcat, the foot prints, the dog.

These "girls" are still a bit on what taught by working for news but they get a bit more relaxed each time from not working for them any longer. Such is the stricture and worry in life. They KNOW who did this. We all do.
Suzanne's birthday. I think when Bowel Movement (BM) my name for this pig was arrested was just before or on Mother's Day. Very fitting. This autopsy release was just shy of her bday and M Day cominigi up in a couple of weeks or less. Hoping and praying for an arrest... Evil pig.
Linda actually loves the DNA stuff and the genetics and so on. This isn't the explanation I heard back when by Lauren Scharf and some major retired cops as to this DNA some keep asking about here but it is part of it. That was SO clear as to what the Judge stupidly fell for and the public as well. So VERY clear. This though is near. If the DNA thing is still a hang up with you listen to this and listen closely. When and IF I ever come across Lauren's or have time to ask her and hope she replays or redoes, I WILL share it. This other DNA is NOT a thing. In the meantime here is Linda.

This is NOT the simple explanation I heard and how dumb the judge was to buy into the defense sh*t but it is close. For those asking and going on about the DNA @Tresir @Cousin Dupree take a hard listen to Linda. it is part of it and was ONLY in the vehicle which was never involved at all to begin with.
She ENDS with how the DNA is ALL a RED HERRING and how the drug cocktail leads back to BM. No sh*t. I have never doubted for one millisecond. Give it a full LISTEN.
She ENDS with how the DNA is ALL a RED HERRING and how the drug cocktail leads back to BM. No sh*t. I have never doubted for one millisecond. Give it a full LISTEN.
Yep. Anybody that had ever even had their vehicle serviced will have stray DNA in it. If the kids had friends riding, their DNA will be in it, both of which seem VERY likely in this case.

Some of those people could have a predator in their lineage. Some of those people might know that relative and some might not have even met that relative.
Yep. Anybody that had ever even had their vehicle serviced will have stray DNA in it. If the kids had friends riding, their DNA will be in it, both of which seem VERY likely in this case.

Some of those people could have a predator in their lineage. Some of those people might know that relative and some might not have even met that relative.
I WISH I could find Lauren Scharf's on this from back when. One day I will or hopefully like Linda right now she will think to put it to rest again. Linda's was good but Lauren's is even more than that that this is a LIE and not a deal AT ALL that defense pulled and dumb llama (judge play on spelling) fell for.

Suzanne's vehicle was NOT involved in this claimed bike ride nor anything else. What Barry her MURDERER used who knows. This DNA was NOT on the bike, was not on the tranquilizer cap, the tranq gun, on anything but only one spot on her vehicle. What they call exculpatory these days has gone to ridiculous.

Linda was good so I had to SHARE IT but again back when Lauren had it so simplified as to this MYTH bought into and there was a YTer before her that stressed it and shared it big time of what a lie it was. AND retired big time homicide cops did as well. STRESSED this is all a lie.

I sit here though and good people here like everywhere bought into it. Tresir asks, emu asks. I know it is NOTHING but don't have those links.

Like I've said there is zilch doubt with me in this case and never had been. Everything is and always has been so obvious as is Barry. He murdered his wife. I guess I should add jmo but I am so positive and always have been I don't feel I should have to lol.

I am upset we don't have a rearrest. Are we going to be all chicken sh*t and shy because of the last? I don't know about changing counties but get it AWAY from the llama. Llamas and mountain lions I mean really. And I've said it in others recently. POLITICS. Interfering with JUSTICE.

For me, I know who did this and now I feel it confirmed big time. I PRAY justice is done on this earth and that "man" has not another free moment on this earth but regardless, he knows or should know almost ALL know what he is and what he did and I hope lives in fear every moment of arrest. It is sooooo not me but I am done with HER girls who apparently are HIS girls only as I am with the kids in Daybell who are not kids. None of them are any longer and some never were.

They now are having a celebration of life or some such OMG give me a break. I am not even going to go down that road I will save all here from doing so. Maybe GMA is going to be there or something and they have new hairdos.

In BOTH cases, strangers and members of the public are way more in support of their mothers than the mother's own children are. I think of my parents and cannot identify as such would never be the case but I think IF my much loved mom and much loved dad something like this occurred and these were the facts or what I was seeing what I'd think or do. NO. Not in either case or many others. Daybell or Morphew would I not be WHAT DID YOU DO?? WHY??? In both YOU WERE THE ONE home ALONE WITH HER.

Actually just recently and I don't like it but I am beginning to wonder about the kids beyond that. In both. I hope it stays at the starting point and stalls there.

Anyhow that other DNA in Morphew is NOTHING. It never has been.
I have a lot to say on this about him, daughters, their "celebration of life" and more but never got here last night, too long doing Delphi, etc. I will save it. However watched this this morn--she isn't my fave but it's short and what say you all about it and whether this is Barry in AZ. Give me a break he doesn't drink, both of them did and so did and do their kids. AZ has come up before, would have to think about it to recall. Anyhow staying closer to the MX border? Lol.

It would be FITING if he was arrested on Mother's Day 2024. So fitting....

Not much time left but how many does one think attended the WAY TOO LATE to care at all Celebration of Life? Iris Eytan, a relative or two of Barrys, a few friends that want to get into the girls' pants. I certainly wouldn't let my adult son or daughter attend with who I'm sure almost all consider a murderer especially with recent results. And living in IN? OMG after he drug her away from there. Although seems he may be in AZ a lot... Whatever.

Your day is coming Barry. And girls, there is NO HOPE FOR YOU. If you haven't woken up by now you may as well toss the towel in. When you marry someone like your dad don't coming crying later. That is if you can cut the weirdo baby girl tie with him.

I WILL NOT apologize. These girls are adults and they have entirely dissed their mother. AND her family. AND her friends. But ya know daddy has the purse strings...


The once-cold Suzanne Morphew investigation has gotten warmer.

According to Linda Stanley, the original prosecutor on the case, new charges that could be potentially filed in the investigation are now on the desk of a new district attorney. Stanley first took on the case in January 2021, only to see it implode with a dismissal 16 months later.

The new eyes on the star-crossed case belong to Anne Kelly of the 12th Judicial District Attorney's Office. The district is in the San Luis Valley area where Morphew’s remains were discovered. She has been consulting on Morphew's murder with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, according to a CBI press release.

Stanley said it was the right thing to do. “There are no jurisdictional issues in the 12th, so they will likely be pursuing any charges in the case,” said Stanley told The Denver Gazette by phone on Wednesday.

Stanley is under investigation by the arm of the Colorado Supreme Court which takes complaints against attorneys, in part for what some complained was her mishandling of the case, but others believe she laid the foundation for the investigation moving forward.

The once-cold Suzanne Morphew investigation has gotten warmer.

According to Linda Stanley, the original prosecutor on the case, new charges that could be potentially filed in the investigation are now on the desk of a new district attorney. Stanley first took on the case in January 2021, only to see it implode with a dismissal 16 months later.

The new eyes on the star-crossed case belong to Anne Kelly of the 12th Judicial District Attorney's Office. The district is in the San Luis Valley area where Morphew’s remains were discovered. She has been consulting on Morphew's murder with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, according to a CBI press release.

Stanley said it was the right thing to do. “There are no jurisdictional issues in the 12th, so they will likely be pursuing any charges in the case,” said Stanley told The Denver Gazette by phone on Wednesday.

Stanley is under investigation by the arm of the Colorado Supreme Court which takes complaints against attorneys, in part for what some complained was her mishandling of the case, but others believe she laid the foundation for the investigation moving forward.
I don't have a problem with Stanley. She was up against b.s. and politics and more from the start and I watched it all and not ONLY in "news". I don't know that this other county is clean either but please yes get it out of Chaffee.

Linda SHOULD have not had things like continuing Ed credits not being kept up that they could go after but she wanted justice for Suzanne and went for it despite a divided and NOT perfect investigation and more, most of which imo are major politics.\

Stanley knows it. Also getting it out of the hands of the llama who seems to be in Denver's pocket and Iris's back pocket is nothing but good. He is either corrupt or an idiot. Of course in Colorado the judges rotate circuits... Not sure in each area which ones...

ARREST this man. Lock your case and GO GET HIM!

Never have I had a case I more strongly know the guilt from early on. I've had a few that are even with such and a match for such. One was another CO case, Frazee (victim Berreth). And the same defense firm was involved. He was convicted but the one just as guilty was given a deal. And again the politics and influence could be seen...

A handful of others in other states. The West boys case (although they don't deserve their last name). More. Never hardly a shadow of a doubt.

Barry killed his wife. In my very strong opinion. He flaunts and he is disgusting and he sued with Iris and I hope this takes that down. He and his daughters, hate to be that way but there comes a limit, are disgusting. His weirdo attorney always has been as well, long before this case.

By Grace Kraemer
Published: May. 11, 2024 at 12:11 AM EDT
|Updated: 7 hours ago

CHAFFEE COUNTY, Colo. (KKTV) - Friday marks four years since the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew. Those who knew her describe as a bubbly, kind woman, wife, and mom to her two children. While some information about her disappearance and murder has been revealed, no one has been brought to justice, leaving one mountain community to hold on to hope.

“We don’t have a lot of crime here. Some breaking into cars, little stuff like that. This was really big,” said Tisha Leewaye, a resident in Salida who knew Suzanne.

“I stopped hiking before sunup in that area actually after it happened,” said Katherine Crociata, another resident in the community.

The Morphew Home in Chaffee County is where this all started. From helping with searches to putting up signs, the community of Salida has never lost sight of the woman at the center of it all.

“We just want to keep her name out there, no matter what... She deserves that. She didn’t deserve what happened to her,” said Leewaye.

11News is learning more about what happened to her. Parts of Suzanne’s remains were found in Moffat, just a few months ago, nearly 50 miles south of where she was last seen.

“I was a little skeptical, because there were some other people in the Creston area who had gone missing and hadn’t been found. It’s a vast landscape, I was skeptical about it. I was surprised that they found her,” said Crociata.

What was found inside her bones though, quickly raised flags for some in the community.

“When the autopsy report came out, it didn’t surprise me. From the said that she was tranquilized. Nobody believed it at first,” said Leewaye.

Suzanne’s autopsy report shows three chemicals that typically make up wildlife tranquilizers were found inside her bones. Court papers obtained by 11News during a civil case show that her husband, Barry Morphew, did at one point have access to tranquilizers but denied ever using them on Suzanne.

This year’s Mother’s Day may come and go for some in the Town of Salida, but for others it’s the first since Suzanne’s remains have been found. It also marks another year closer to justice.

“I know people who knew her. They say that she’s really friendly and very athletic. It’s really a sad loss,” said Crociata.

“I really hope we get some answers soon,” said Alysa Vandenheuvel, a resident of a neighboring town.

" We want justice for Suzanne, that’s what we want our town to be known for,” said Leewaye.

11News did reach out to Barry Morphew’s legal team and are waiting to hear back. Barry is not facing any criminal charges related to the death of Suzanne.

Leewaye is asking the community to come out and support Suzanne on May 11 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Poncha Springs Town Hall.
If he is not recharged and soon I may just have to go there! Kidding--mostly. I hope to hear Sunday night or Monday morning that he was rearrested on Mother's Day and ideally that he was on a bike and fell off it when he heard sirens... Just sayin' murderer liar!

Seriously, bring on the charges and make it in the county she was found in without the woolly Llama. Iris Eytan isn't going anywhere thus far unfortunately but place the case with a judge with some brain cells, not political or under pressure, and who understands things from this century at least in a basic manner.

If I had my way also, her girls would be in rehab of some sort where they learned what denial is and what payment/bribes are to remain in such denial. They know better in other words, by now. Perhaps always have.

I see such a comparison between them and the Daybell children except for a couple of things as to their ways...

In both cases $$$$$$$$ played in.

All jmo.

State lawyer calls Barry Morphew prosecution a “debacle” as disciplinary hearing starts for district attorney​

A two-week disciplinary hearing opened Monday for 11th Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley, the Colorado prosecutor accused of violating professional rules for attorneys when she prosecuted Barry Morphew in the 2020 murder of his wife.

Stanley, the sitting elected district attorney for Chaffee, Custer, Fremont and Park counties, could lose her license to practice law if Presiding Disciplinary Judge Bryon Large and two hearing board members sustain the allegations of professional misconduct. They were levied against her by the state’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, the agency that disciplines Colorado attorneys for violating professional standards.

Stanley is accused of making inappropriate comments to members of the media, failing to capably lead the district attorney’s office and attempting to retaliate against the judge presiding over the Morphew case. State authorities allege that she launched a baseless investigation into the judge’s personal life after a string of unfavorable rulings.

It is highly unusual for a disciplinary case against a sitting elected district attorney to proceed to a public hearing.

Morphew was charged with murder in 2021, a year after his wife, Suzanne Morphew, 49, disappeared from the family’s Chaffee County home on May 10, 2020. Stanley dropped all charges against Morphew in 2022. He has maintained his innocence and is not facing any charges in connection with his wife’s death.

Investigators in September discovered Suzanne Morphew’s body in a shallow grave near Moffat, and a coroner later determined her death to be a homicide, finding she died with a cocktail of animal tranquilizers in her body.

The investigation into Suzanne’s killing is now being handled by 12th Judicial District Attorney Anne Kelly, since her body was found in that jurisdiction. When Stanley prosecuted Barry Morphew in 2021 and 2022, his wife’s body had not been found.

Stanley mishandled the prosecution so severely that she was forced to drop all charges against Morphew in 2022, said Jonathan Blasewitz, an attorney for the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, during an opening statement in court Monday. He called the prosecution a “debacle” that was left in “shambles.”

“This case is about a ship with a captain who never manned the bridge,” Blasewitz said. “Instead of navigating the ship and keeping it on course, the captain was engaged with unethical commentary with members of the media … and the ship that crashed was a first-degree murder case.”

During the trial-like disciplinary hearing at the Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse in downtown Denver, attorneys for the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel are presenting evidence and witness testimony to support the allegations against Stanley. Her attorney, Steve Jensen, is working to defend her.

The evidence will be weighed by a panel of three: Large, Glenwood Springs attorney Sherry Caloia and Melinda Harper, a member of the public. If the board sustains the allegations, it then will determine the sanction, up to disbarment.

Stanley’s defense attorney, Steve Jensen, argued during his opening statement Monday that Stanley’s comments to the media about the Morphew case were innocuous and that she wasn’t a bad leader, but rather did the best she could in a judicial district with very limited staffing and resources. He said the inquiry into the judge was not used to retaliate against him.

The Morphew prosecution was Stanley’s first-ever homicide prosecution in her career, Jensen said.

“She did not neglect her duties,” Jensen said. “She did not lack due diligence. … She provided adequate supervision. There is no basis for those charges.”

Jensen added that an interview that Stanley gave to a Colorado Springs TV news station — which accounts for two of the seven allegations against her — was supposed to be considered “off-the-record.” Stanley believed her comments would not be aired on TV, he said, even though she was wearing a microphone and being recorded.

“The evidence is going to be overwhelming that she emphatically believed this was an off-the-record conversation,” Jensen said.

The two-week hearing is expected to include testimony from John Suthers, a former Colorado attorney general and U.S. attorney for Colorado; former Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett; multiple prosecutors who worked on the Morphew case; and former 11th Judicial District Judge Ramsey Lama, who presided over the case.

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