It should have been and so I think it was, I just don't know how or to what extent.
I'm looking forward to the trial to possibly learn more about that, although I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually changes his plea and then there is no trial
Yeah, but to my knowledge, the technology's existed years before the bodies were discovered.
Well, the vehicle owner address and the ping were both in Massapequa...
No, it seemed to me that the initial calls from the burner phones weren't traced but now I think surely they were but that he only used them while in Midtown.
Yeah, I don't know. We had years where this investigation was not a top priority to put it lightly and seemed to have interference and other obstacles by chain of command for another. I'd have to look at the years but seems to fit that period of time if I recall.
I don't know, honestly, but I know they remarked on it in the PC I believe. If it did exist it perhaps wasn't as reliable and has come to a point where it is far superior to that. Plus who would they have compared it to? And again it could play into my first paragraph here where the vehicle wasn't apparently investigated, the ogre like man, etc. nor was anything even a priority or so it seems.
To your third answer, yes, but how would they correlate the vehicle to the ping? Isn't that what you first said? I'm not arguing, I'm just not getting you. So they could relate it to that vehicle at that time in Massapequa rather than any other vehicle there? How so? I'm just not getting what you mean is all.
To the fourth, the whole burner phone thing I'm not even going to claim to understand it all. Burner phones are untrackable right? Somewhat. I can't wrap my head around it all but I'm guessing they found numbers right in some of the victim's records that called them? And in something like a tower dump or numbers from a certain area they found repeated numbers? I honestly am beyond on getting these things. But I do know at the simplest part of the answer with just about all of these things here, they WEREN'T working hard on this case and there was obstruction. It was not a priority. And technology changed. Plus no one was a go getter because they weren't pushed to do an excellent job on it and put to work on it solely, etc.
They would also need a start point, I mean you just can't go tracing someone's calls without warrants, etc. or a suspect again with enough cause.
Finally, the last commissioner or sheriff or whoever the heck he was refused fed help, etc. The feds can do a lot that the county can't. Phones and tech are a specialty aren't they? They can "cross lines" locals can't. I don't mean they are crossing lines but they have powers to do things locals can't if it fits the fed laws where it allows it.
At the PC it was clearly stated that the feds could get to the truck in SC but the local guy did not have that power. Again the first one refused their help and once that help finally came in, it was not long and BINGO. It was made a priority not only with a dedicated full time task force but with members who could do such things and did them.
I don't know and I haven't worded things right but I am not getting what you mean exactly in some either. I do agree this is going to be interesting to find out all and more answers to these things and I think this is going to be ongoing for a long time and of interest to get all these answers and FAR MORE. No way did he only murder four people imo. (Counting the 4th as they have it I think just weren't quite to charging it yet).