I completely agree that the murders of called "Hookers" "Prostitutes". The worst "Whores". Sorry. Not my vernacular. Has had a very long history of being ignored. I have stated in a documentary I saw about "Richard Cottingham" "The Torso Kiler", The Times Square Killer". He killed sex workers in the 70's. When "Times Square" Was nothing but porn theaters, Porn shops, Peeping shows, Shutter peep shows allowing sex acts, All nude stripping, Even Live sex. I really had no idea all of that went on. That it was legal or allowed. So the best place for sex workers to get customers was "Times Square". The crime rate, Including murder was astronomical. His first two documented victims, At that time, 2 victims. One is still unidentified. Ge killed in motel rooms. But that is when he changed. Very rare. He lived in New Jersey. It is now strongly believed he had victims in New Jersey in the 60's. And they were teens. Not sex workers. Sorry. A Little background. Anyway. LOL. Sex workers, When they were found dead, Usually murdered. The Police referred to them "NHI". "No human involved". So that shows they weren't even treated as a human being. They have been victims of serial killers for different reasons. It is considered a profession. And based on a study of dangerous jobs. It is number one. Gary Ridgeway. Started killing because he got an STD from a sex worker. Arthur Shawcross. Let out early from killing 2 children. Moved and started killing sex workers. Had an excuse for every one. Those are the big ones I can think of right now. They are the ones who sought out sex workers! But it's NEVER their fault. And I've heard "They were hookers. No one would care. They were easy". "She tried to steal my wallet", "After sex she told me she had AIDS". OH COME ON!!! That wasn't any of these 3. But the STD excuse I've heard more than once. Ridgeway was charged with 49. He said "70 sounds about right". After they already took the death penalty off the table because he was going to lead them to undiscovered victims. He enrages me just looking at him. Shawcross, Dead 2008. Cottingham alive. Grey hair, long Grey, Thick Santa beard. I am very glad that society isn't taking LE not doing anything about sex workers being murdered. Shannon, I really hope they aren't doing much because their thinking is they don't have anyone to be accountable to since Mari was murdered. IDC If they couldn't find ANY FAMILY OR FRIENDS! THEY ARE ALL SOMEONE!!!!!
I'm definitely not as up on it or as fresh on it as you but everything you said about NYC it brought back to mind. And it fills in what I think was missing with me. How it always was and has been. I keep saying this is like a THING there and LONG ISLAND itself it seems to be many with a penchant for escorts, sex workers, etc. but you are refreshing me on just how the live sex, peep shows, etc. all were. I knew that but hadn't thought about it or remembered it.
The NHI and all that, not just in NY but definitely in NY. That is EXACTLY how this was treated. BUT it's nothing new. And that chief was clearly a student and then customer of that very culture and that is how he was of LE.
I am glad this is being taken seriously, sex workers or not, but it's taken everything for these families to get any traction or to not have it treated as such. Big power just ignores. And ignores the feds and all else. Everywhere the family/ies turned.
You mention how dangerous of an occupation and I think it should be stated here in this thread that although investigation should be treated every bit as important as someone notable and not a sex worker, it is a trade that no one who has a choice should go into. Money isn't everything. Don't get hooked on bad drugs where you need to. Go flip burgers. I'm serious. There is nothing glamorous about it, even a sugar baby or "high end" escort. Men who frequent such are NOT just average joes whose wife won't give them any sex. I'd say that's the least likely of the customers and even that's a lie. As you mention, more than one seriall killer has targeted such for more than one reason imo. One being no one will care, notice and no investigation will result or not much of one. Also because they are easy targets and available. And because they think they are the lowest of the low and bad women. Other reasons like at least in the day they will get in a car or go anywhere with anyone. I am not insulting any of them and not saying there aren't different reasons each is in the trade or came to be but of course it's not safe. I am also not coming down on the victims or victim blaming. I don't mean it that way. I'd just never want anyone to read here and think because we feel they are as worthy as anyone who has been murdered, it certainly doesn't mean it is a wise choice of occupation, far from it.
Killers, even those that aren't serial, prey on the weak and vulnerable. Nowadays the one online you can tell has problems with family, no friends, etc. It has always been that way even before internet, even if not prostitutes.
These girls had families, had sisters, brothers, had homes, etc. And I'm sure most families worried about their profession/lifestyle.
Not enough has been done about this police chief and the lack of further answers. not just with him or anyone who did the same and followed him. And just like not letting the investigation go or being taken seriously, that needs to stay out there and be said and pushed as well.
You also in reminding me of many things just cemented even more in my mind that there is a breed and type that knows each other and these days easier than before. Not all mabye. Crybaby may have been solo but there sure are a lot of bodies and a lot of escort interest etc. around this case and on Long Island.