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Who is the Long Island serial killer? This is a general discussion thread about this terrifying case.

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Below are articles re another unsolved murder that appears could be linked to the LISK.
I can see why the family feels that way and would think LE would be taking a hard look as it certainly could fit. IF he is responsible, it would be his earliest yet known about right? I could see the disposal being different over the years or he refined it OR he ended up in some kind of situation and had to dump her where he did. The fact the other serial killer denied her being one of his seems to indicate it was the work of someone else... Not that serial killers are truthful animals but they want recognition for their own work and crimes IF they are going to confess or admit responsibility...
No, it was a general statement.
so then how did he act to you and others when you were out and about and socializing, etc.? the chauvinist remarks must come from somewhere.

i know you divorced and have no fondness, I'm trying to recall what the deal was and it came up here in this thread because you were talking about manipulation. i know I know the answer but as usual, am at the end of another long work day and just have so much that is always on my mind just to maintain that it isn't coming to me....
Insight from Dennis Rader's daughter (she's a guest in the video below) and other guests, convinces me that surely, the LISK- in some way or another- abused his family.
Also, it's observed that his wife immediately filing for divorce could indicate that there was abuse.

I started to watch this last night and watching a bit more this morning. I watch this channel quite a bit and it isn't new to me nor is Keri (spelling ?) new to me. In fact, I gave her a lot of credit on her insight and knowledge and education since on it and more above somewhere in this thread not all that long ago.

She is saying though at a point in it that someone needed to pick them up, move their things, give them a new life, etc. and she sees where lawsuits will be coming etc. in this case, etc. and there needs to be victim services etc. and more. who are involved and these things need to be done and so forth. Uhm, if there should be or were, first they should be provided to the victims families of those he killed, no? Even then, is this owed and to be provided by the State/Fed etc. to also the families of the SK?

Now I GET the families are blindsided if they truly had no clue. But a right to sue, that they should be set up somewhere and given a new life and so forth? Trauma therapy and all? Should there be resources? Of course. Is it owed to them and should be provided along with swooping them up, taking care of them, setting them up, etc.??? I'm sorry but it sure is not owed to them or for that matter to anyone. If it was, it should be provided to the families of the people he murdered and I'm sure they don't even get such and even then, yes, ideally there should be such provided, but even then it is not the fault of the system who caught him and is prosecuting him, it is the fault of the KILLER. And again first and foremost it should go to the families of the murdered victims.

Are they victims of the same man? I guess so in many ways or cases. Probably. But they're alive and they lived. And they lived with the person and in the case of a wife, she married the person and stayed and her children were raised with him because of it. I get that all sorts of dynamics can go into that, etc. and it's sad to be even stuck in something which many people, myself included, with just even a manipulator or abusive person BUT how is it the State or world owes you for that choice or unfortunate situation...? Or that part of their role should be to pick you and your family up, put you elsewhere and provide a new life, move your stuff, etc.? And that a she said she can see coming in this case, one should be able to sue for it?

She's walking a fine line there of people taking her wrong because the real victims families haven't even had justice and have lived YEARS with this and the effects and had no help or resources and had to deal with real trauma of discarded, mutilated murdered bodies of loved ones (family was unknowing, didn't deal with this) and no answers or justice.

I don't have it in me right now nor the time to explain well what I mean but I take this to mean the family should have been informed, whisked away and set up, their things picked up for them and moved as well by authorities basically and set up somewhere and if not ahead of time then at the time of arrest. That's how it is coming across to me. Huh??? This is an evidence and likely crime scene. You don't inform family, the public, witnesses or ANYONE of an imminent arrest or tip the "him" off in any case like this. Could you bring in or provide info about some services at or just after the time? I guess so, sure, that's not out there for a thought but set them up, get them out, provide paid services, etc.? Maybe to minor children in a family of someone like this. Even then is it owed? Again it is the perp who did this and they are NOT the FOREMOST victims who don't even get such things.

Sorry, maybe I will be able to put it better later. I think a lot of her at times but in these particular remarks, not so much.

On a side note, yes, she is talking of things she is just realizing, etc. and abuse. I haven't gotten through it yet and not sure when I will. And her disorder which she also brings up a lot. I keep thinking she is saying PTSD but it's one letter different than that I think.

I'm not saying any of the above is not the case but I am saying if anyone should be provided anything owed anything or has a right to a lawsuit, it is certainly not the perp's family that was owed something that was not provided free of charge by the local or fed LE. Like a new life or services.
so then how did he act to you and others when you were out and about and socializing, etc.? the chauvinist remarks must come from somewhere.

i know you divorced and have no fondness, I'm trying to recall what the deal was and it came up here in this thread because you were talking about manipulation. i know I know the answer but as usual, am at the end of another long work day and just have so much that is always on my mind just to maintain that it isn't coming to me....
In my presence, he treated me great. Comments he made to the building contractor, the accountant, somebody at a home show, those came back to me. I wasn’t privy to what he said until I was told afterward.
And then she couldn't believe the NY LE wouldn't reach out to her or her dad in prison to get info on what kind of serial killer, etc. this was and to get some info. First of all, her dad needs no attention or to be asked for his "advice" or "thoughts" and they aren't that similar. The male guest on the show went on to say such but without saying it "to her" he said that and more. He said a lot including it has been tried, like talking to other serial killers, etc. to get thoughts, their ways, etc. on other serial killers and it gains them nothing because they are all individual and quite honestly only interested in their own stuff. (Paraphrasing)

WHY would NY in this case contact the daughter of Dennis Rader OR her father about this case? I'm sorry but was she actually offended for him that they didn't contact her father? And I'm sorry but even more so, why would they contact her? About finding THIS killer? Before or after? These comments bothered me as a bit what? Full of it maybe? Not sure how to take it. And she also remarked on her phone blowing up from media wanting to talk to her, needing to shut it off or ignore or some such because everyone wants to talk to her and new things she is experiencing and dealing with re her dad.

I wasn't nuts on how it all came into the Kobherger case either.

I like her, feel for her yet not until recently have a few shows back seen her have I seen her have much to offer and it was about the doll and dolls and such with some really good thoughts.

Just giving an honest opinion which I haven't formed yet totally, this one kind of threw me. As did the lawsuits she expects from Crybaby's family which I feel she thinks they have a right to, and that they should have been given things or provided them by LE. HE did this. They are there to do their job and they have the same access to services or lack of them any of us do or even probably that victim's families do.

If you watch it, listen to the guy after her. He doesn't say she is wrong or direct it at her but he pretty much dismantles her thought they should have called her or her father on this case...
I watched this yesterday and well worth a listen. I had heard some of this already from Grizzly but more is said here by Josh of the Killing Season and the other guy is a retired NYPD sergeant.

Josh Zeman of the Killing Season is believing now we are talking ONE killer for all or most all. Peaches, the Asian and the baby are talked of and they believe they likely have identities/identified. He also believes they've known for some time but didn't release it to not alert Crybaby. The dirty administration of the former chief is also talked about, etc. and flat out obstruction and more.

I've always leaned towards one killer but have entertained more than one but always felt if it was more than one, the two knew each other or workekd together or something on that order at least. It's just too much to believe they weren't related imo.

Anyhow, pretty interesting imo. Do they have a source or are they speculating because he seems to know or feel he does a bit specifically... They think a lot will come out in the next few weeks and talk of "tells" in the press conferences, etc. Pretty certain that Peaches is identified at least.

In that prior episode of Surviving the Survivor, Safarik's info that sexual homicide offenders are usually between 19 and 45 is so very interesting, especially considering that the LISK was 47 when the last of the Gilgo Four was murdered.
Very interesting, too, is their explanation of when, why, and how serial killer's crimes escalate.
I'd previously wondered whether the LISK killed after the last known victim and now that seems unlikely, however, it seems very likely that he did kill before, possibly as early as 1982!
To be clear, I've always suspected the LISK had killed before 2007, that he was likely responsible for all of the victims found along Ocean Parkway, I just hadn't imagined that there could be even more murders before '96.
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And then she couldn't believe the NY LE wouldn't reach out to her or her dad in prison to get info on what kind of serial killer, etc. this was and to get some info. First of all, her dad needs no attention or to be asked for his "advice" or "thoughts" and they aren't that similar. The male guest on the show went on to say such but without saying it "to her" he said that and more. He said a lot including it has been tried, like talking to other serial killers, etc. to get thoughts, their ways, etc. on other serial killers and it gains them nothing because they are all individual and quite honestly only interested in their own stuff. (Paraphrasing)

WHY would NY in this case contact the daughter of Dennis Rader OR her father about this case? I'm sorry but was she actually offended for him that they didn't contact her father? And I'm sorry but even more so, why would they contact her? About finding THIS killer? Before or after? These comments bothered me as a bit what? Full of it maybe? Not sure how to take it. And she also remarked on her phone blowing up from media wanting to talk to her, needing to shut it off or ignore or some such because everyone wants to talk to her and new things she is experiencing and dealing with re her dad.

I wasn't nuts on how it all came into the Kobherger case either.

I like her, feel for her yet not until recently have a few shows back seen her have I seen her have much to offer and it was about the doll and dolls and such with some really good thoughts.

Just giving an honest opinion which I haven't formed yet totally, this one kind of threw me. As did the lawsuits she expects from Crybaby's family which I feel she thinks they have a right to, and that they should have been given things or provided them by LE. HE did this. They are there to do their job and they have the same access to services or lack of them any of us do or even probably that victim's families do.

If you watch it, listen to the guy after her. He doesn't say she is wrong or direct it at her but he pretty much dismantles her thought they should have called her or her father on this case...

She wants something positive to come of her and her father's situation. That's why she's so upset about not being contacted. She'd like to see her father consulting, much like Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.
In that prior episode of Surviving the Survivor, Safarik's info that sexual homicide offenders are usually between 19 and 45 is so very interesting, especially considering that the LISK was 47 when the last of the Gilgo Four was murdered.
Very interesting, too, is their explanation of when, why, and how serial killer's crimes escalate.
I'd previously wondered whether the LISK killed after the last known victim and now that seems unlikely, however, it seems very likely that he did kill before, possibly as early as 1982!
To be clear, I've always suspected the LISK had killed before 2007, that he was likely responsible for all of the victims found along Ocean Parkway, I just hadn't imagined that there could be even more murders before '96.
That is interesting but I wouldn't assume he did none after the last know to us but it's certainly possible. I suppose age slows down the drive and energy some but 47 isn't old and even aside from the sexual aspect where does that need for control, something different, fantasy, etc. go... I almost wonder if they are basing ages on the past... I guess what I mean is nowadays too you have internet porn, torture porn, there is that thing called viagra... Even if not intercourse by rape (NOT sex) it isn't like the sexual drive just disappears at 47 and I doubt the need to control and kill does either does it....? I guess I could see it going into the 50s and while we don't know they seemed to arrest because they were concerned about something and wasn't it said he was still calling and seeking sex workers even now?

I agree 100 percent though that there were earlier murders. I've always thought that and I've always had a leaning towards one killer of most of these victims and now we know of travel and other residences out of state and that really is concerning.

In the Law and Crime one I posted, if you watched it, the one guy talked of that there have been Asian, whatever the word is, of the same types found dead, a number of them. Not on Long Island but in New York... And he wasn't saying that was another killer or that that couldn't have been Rex as well. And while I knew of him having a search for an Asian thing, I hadn't realized it had another specific word in along with it on his web search. That was interesting... And scary as well...
Lori Hellis is saying there was some court thing or some such today and Rex was mandated by a judge to give his DNA now. I gather it was argued by defense OR prosecution has to show cause due to NY law which I also heard I think yesterday does not allow DNA taken on arrest as some states do...

INTERESTING. So they haven't HAD IT or at least not in some sense. We know they had the pizza etc. but can they not take it, we know they can't run it in Codis, does this change that?

I don't have time to keep up. Anyone here who does, I'd say this was a pretty big nugget we want to be aware of. If anyone can look into more, would be great.

I think the surface is barely scratched yet with this man or these cases or the cases that are going to keep coming, and info...
Prosecution had requested a cheek swab. Rex declined. Pros. filed a motion an court. I gather it may just be for the three cases they can use it to have a formal one for the case, formal DNA, rather than just the pizza box. So it may not perhaps be able to be used in others...
Just reinforces their case with chain of custody and cheek swab DNA etc. Shoot. I thought it meant more, like maybe could be used to determine others. Not so sure now. But I am not surprised he refused and had to be ordered...
She is one on one with Taylor and Gilbert families' lawyer.

For one interesting thing, he too finds multiple killers not likely. As he says, and I have often thought, this is one large graveyard of sex workers with many other similarities. Hard to believe as he says. But he does point out no evidence of that, etc.

He is sharing some very interesting calls that took place right up to this year in January.... And it was quite a call. To him and his wife...
Worth a listen. The call played a reporter reporting likely in 2012 on Gilbert and then when it ended, on came a foreboding voice of a man talking of a girl in California climbing out of a window with her cell phone... Their daughter had just went to California dressed in blue, etc. Daughter had flown to Cali that day dressed in blue...


Then in March they had another. THIS YEAR. Before Crybaby's arrest...
These came over their CELL PHONES. And in the March one they were eating at 9 at night and they live somewhere pretty private and the guy says I hope you are enjoying your dinner.... As he says how many people are eating dinner at 9 at night... Also, it again played a reporting of Gilbert first...

In half listening to this, I never expected to hear things like this...

Again this is the attorney for Taylor and Gilbert families. I'm pretty positive this is fact. In case they called the FBI over when their daughter was in Cali. I'm still listening to it...
Another call seconds later in march and a woman's voice after the same pattern before the voice came on saying I hope you are enjoying your PIZZA. They weren't eating pizza. But this sure is now a pizza case (side note)...

They weren't eating pizza and hadn't ordered pizza. Call clicks off. Seconds later doorbell rings and it is Domino's delivering three pizzas. No ****! Again this is an attorney representing two families that is sharing this!!!
His family was terrified. HE called the police and then called Dominos. Dominos said it was a woman who ordered but there was a man in the background telling and directing her what to put on the pizzas. I am NOT making this up. This is WOW info. IF it relates which uhm what's your best guess...???
he asked how they paid and guy said they didn't. they used his number which matched up to his account and address so they delivered it expecting to get paid on delivery.
He managed to record one of them or part of one. They think the woman's voice was a recording and was not a certain "woman" however a woman did call Domino's for real...

I went into this video expecting to hear nothing like this. Wow. Bringing several first hearing thoughts though....

They also had several calls when at the office but ONLY after hours and when his whole family was at the office...

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