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Who is the Long Island serial killer? This is a general discussion thread about this terrifying case.

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Agreed. She’s the same one I’ve seen in three interviews so far.
Yes about three or four. And looks a bit different each time. Showing maybe her skills with hair and makeup which I have no issue with. First one I saw her on I had to double check on the second that it was her as she looked so different lol. First one was with a YTer and she was I'd say unmade up and more just what any of us look like in our daily life at home, etc. Lol.
I shudder to think how this guy got into the position he was in before he was busted. :holycow:
I agree and sorry to say I think this is not unusual in offices of power at local and higher levels in our country. Absolute criminals are in office. I don't even know how the tide could ever be stemmed. I'm not even talking one side of politics versus another, just that people are running things that should not be and any illusion that they protect us, safeguard us, etc. is false. Not saying all are but the ones that aren't bad are up against this. He ran an entirely corrupt bunch and maybe some weren't but had to follow his orders to keep a job. Just one example in an entire nation.

I think though there is a LOT of politics going on here of one side versus another in NY and behind this case even. And it isn't all about the case, it is about keeping in power and in office or losing power and office. And that's scary.
Same vid I think I posted above. Well worth watching. Burke served four years took over the 2500 member department and look at how he messed up this case. We all know his career ended in disgrace after assaulting a prisoner and conspiring to cover it up.

BUT early in his career he was transferred from a street post due to internal affairs investigating and finding he had an illicit sexual relatinship with a felon in his precinct previously convicted of crimes including prostitution. Burke acknowledged the relationship but claimed he didn't know about the woman's LONG criminal history. Investigators probed others and found at least one other sex worker who had interactions with him and it was said he took her to a motel where she said he just drank beer while she slept. [I'd heard this one before but who believes it.... } Internal Affairs made no findings involving her.

In a separate case Internal Affairs investigated whether he was involved in a prostitution RING. These are allegations he called absolutely false. To be fair Internal Affairs couldn't substantiate it...

Well he was just arrested again so........?
This is so weird. In 2021 they were investigating and honed in on an aging former LE office and were excited about it... They used cell phone data to hone in on an area not far from teh shore. Cheif amon thte resutls was an officer whose initials matched THOSE ON A BELT used to bind a victim. By 2021 excitement grew amongst prosecutors that they were on teh verge of closing the case...
A DA in 2021 pushed officers to get an answer before election... Amongst squabbling decade old tip about vehicle went ignored... What???
Their initial relief and elation at Crybaby's arrest has given way to fingerpointing and deflection as new info has caused national scrutiny on why it took so long to apprehd a suspect. Grizzly of course is going over some articles. As I've said before she i s a very good one to catch up on everything with as she does the work, combs for info, gets court documents too, etc.
Crybaby was still buying burner phones and contacting sex workers as of this year. I truly think we have to let go of the standard age thing here with him... Not saying he was doing the same exact thing or area but I doubt he turned into a choir boy...
I put the following in the serial killer thread but want to put it here too as his daughter (Rader's) has been around this case of Gilfo since it broke up as well. And it's serial killer related of course just as Crybaby's case is. I consider this a MUST WATCH.

I happened on this LIVE last night when it was 70 minutes in which is generally about how long his goes but it went on for a lot longer. So it is long and I haven't seen the first 70 yet but the continuing minutes were worth it. This is a MUST WATCH.

Rader's daughter went to see him for the FIRST time ever and has a lot to say about that and more. She is telling some things about these new cases being looked at etc. or old cases I should say, and she can now share things each day, etc. IF the investigators have.

A LOT of info. He's old and frail but sharp as a tack allegedly. It was very interesting. I am making a note that I HAVE to go back and watch the first 70 minutes. It is long but I think worth it and a must not miss it, must watch.

I can't swear the first 70 minutes are as interesting but I'm guessing they are as the last hour certainly is.

@Mel70 @Cousin Dupree @Regina and others, just taking the recent names that commented in this serial killer thread.

I came across this while on a break at work today. I thought it was new today. I came home to try to find it again to link/share it and find it is six days old. How is it we don't know about this?

The daughter of this missing woman says Heuerman IS the last person she saw her mother with. She knew it on seeing him on TV. This is INTERESTING. Some husband he was and again you can't tell me his wife didn't know he was at least a cheater or suspect it.

Anyhow daughter says she is 100 PERCENT positive. You do have to admit he is memorable. She also says the vehicle was THE SAME. The daughter isn't on here, a friend of the daughter and missing mother is.

Worth watching. Not that long. Just where is most of all of the news on this? !!

Just got up to date on this thread and the Go fund yourself for the wife and kids. WTF ? I agree she is probably protecting assets and I wouldn't be surprised if her lawyer is probably an old associate of her husband. Is there any news from South Carolina? Eg did they search the property there?
No link found to the missing South Carolina woman, Julia Bean.

Your one article says he bought four lots in SC in 2021. I'm confused, he did own a SC property prior to that though didn't he if I recall correctly and these are additional lots in SC? It seems to me that's the case plus it would almost have to be as this woman disappeared in 2017.

I think Crybaby is pretty unforgettable, just his height and size alone AND his look. So in that sense the daughter being 100 percent sure her mother was with him is notable. I note LE doesn't really say it isn't connected so much as thus far they see no connection and to listen to the family friend, she couldn't even get their attention or so it sounds. One of your articles also has LE pointing out the friend was a third party, as if they don't take such reports seriously, as if it is hearsay. Since then though it sounds like they've talked to the woman's daughter. Of note, the daughter also states the vehicle was the same.. Since she was about to graduate when her mom disappeared, I am assuming she was 18 when it happened so not a small child as far as noting things about the man, etc.

The family friend said in the interview I posted that she wants them to and wishes they would search the SC property. I'm pretty sure they did, at least I know I read or heard that some weeks back. If news didn't make an error based on the fact they took the truck from SC. I think I commented they should be doing or have done all searches simultaneously. It's possible the woman and the daughter didn't know this though. She did comment how the LISK thing, etc. wasn't even on their radar as they don't live in NYC. It was seeing Crybaby's pic that supposedly triggered it, plus I imagine hearing he also had a SC connection and property there.

Now on the other side of the coin, where they were was a good hour and a half or so it sounds from where he had property. The only reason to suspect any connection at all is because the daughter says this was solidly HIM with her mother. I don't know but there is no hint her mother was a sex worker which is the victim of choice for him that we know of at least. He is however a cheat and a liar so possible I guess that he was also hitting on other women, saying he was going to marry them, etc. and disappeared them. MAYBE investigators KNOW he was not in SC at the time she disappeared but it appears to me they haven't really looked into it yet...

Yeah, the Go Fund Asa. I am not a fan. Her lawyering up IMMEDIATELY and with whom I find odd. I don't know who donates to things like this but I don't think they are very wise. I'd at least wait for some more answers. This couple was not destitute either. After the victim attorney came out with some bold accusations, her attorney gave a fairly scathing response but of notice, since THEN, he and Asa have been entirely silent after weeks of most news being her and her attorney with his sales speech of everything from her cancer to her cats, never seen such a ploy for sympathy so crafted in my life.

Rader's daughter and the Happy Face one's daughter were in full support of her. Rader's daughter recently said she has to pull back that all she has right now is time for the cases her dad is being newly looked at for. I get their support of her as to being family of a serial killer as she is, BUT they cannot sit and say which they do they know her to be innocent. And said so almost from the start. They CANNOT know that. And WHILE the families of SKs may be victims of a sort, they are LIVING victims, not tortured, hunted stranger victims who never associated themselves with this man or lived with him, etc. They may WELL be victims of him and maybe even in some cases suffered under a SK dad, but it isn't the same. And let's even say they ARE all victims, the dead ones and the familiies, their anger belongs directed at the S who caused 100 percent of everything. Not LE, the county, not over necessary searches, etc. and SUING them for such and blaming them for ALL.

Finally, there is NO indication she thinks her husband guilty and she has NOT split from this man despite divorce filings nor have any of the family necessarily. There has been not ONE word from her about the VICTIMS in this case and their families. It is poor woebegone Asa and I don't buy a word of it thus far. She USES things from what I can see. to play the victim. If she was truly left in a torn apart home and that was it it would be one thing but no, she has an attorney immediately (so do the kids) that came out swinging. AT LE, etc. She is not sitting there with NO HELP and hasn't been from day one. Her attorney is someone that is a very ODD choice and I'd have to look back and will never get the chance but if you get a chance, it seems to me he was in trouble in the past and was it with he was formerly employed with LE or the county or something.... There's something where yes, he'd be the type to go after them but can't quite recall. You know, just like Burke who was and is now again a disgrace, I think he had something similar or maybe even was part of that administration...?

The victim attorney's accusations are strong ones. And I don't actually find them hard to believe, that he had sex workers in the home on countless occasions where she was well aware of it and more.

I recall one instance when asked about her and her claims early on in a press conference where the LE guy didn't exactly react but he kind of barely held his facial expression and words and said she can do what she needs to do, seek whatever recourse she has and moved on to the next question and this is BEFORE the announcement by her atty. etc. Just as they aren't sharing a lot of things, I think until they know, they aren't going there with her. They only said she was known to be out of town for SOME of the murders and that has turned into by news and people, ALL of the murders and they have never said that. I don't think she is cleared by a long shot but I believe they can't go there yet as they don't know or have the evidence either, just as they have not yet charged him with the 4th victim, all of it is still being worked on.

I feel like a heel because it isn't that I know she was involved or anything but the people that have come out and flat out said she wasn't don't know that. The ones donating do not know it is even needed. She blames the cops, etc. instead of her husband. She IS the victim and says not ONE WORD about THE REAL VICTIMS. Slhe plays the woebegone victim and yet she is not some shy flower from the glimpses I've seen. She lawyers up and goes after LE etc when it is her husband who did this to them. I don't like this woman thus far. Sorry. Have I convicted her? No. Does she win my sympathy? No. On a minus and plus scale starting at the zero mark/balanced, she is to the negative side for me. And tipping slowly.

After this arrest, in not too long of a time, every announced presser turned out to be not LE but her attorney, etc. Repeatedly. I don't know if it's some political b.s. in this area using this in a tit for tat or fight for power and destruction of the other side or payback or what, or just attention and $$, etc. for her attorney. OR if it is Asa. But they are just adding a bunch of b.s. to be dealt with or tyring to where the focus by the task force and county should be on the iinvestigation and these murders and the other murders and not having to deal with this CIRCUS SIDE SHOW. I dislike it intensely.

Again they seem to have shut up and faded from what I can tell and I don't think it is because they wanted to or were ordered to. I think it is because although some fell for the sob story, the majority probably saw things like what I say here. OR what the victim attorney said has merit and more stuff will be hitting the fan. Not in favor of them... Guess we will have to wait to see.

Sorry for your several phone screens on this one. You were catching up and I am too so put it all in my one long post of today. I am on day two of a six day stretch. I have a full ten hour plus day today, work the holiday tomorrow and work six in a row total. I have no life. :(
I see Duty Ron has a show and headline that says "no connection" in the SC missing woman case. I am not going to watch it. First I don't have time. Second I used to watch him but unsubscribed awhlle back for a few reasons. First they are generally pretty dull. Second more than a few of these retired big time LE on YT are a bit full of it and while they do have knowledge, sometimes they don't see their own blinders to people and are too sure they see more than everyone else and more. Now Police Off the Cuff is good and DutyR helped get them going but they are better by far.

Anyhow, my guess is DutyRon is just covering the types of info and articles you posted where they say no connection but they really don't say anything is ruled out, they say more so they don't know of one at this time and I have doubts so far it has been looked into in depth. I'm not sure it is connected but just saying that's what they told he news NOW when pressed for an answer is my guess.

He isn't going to add anything imo and in my limited time, I am not tempted to watch it but someone else may want to. Like I said I'm kind of turned off to him.Plus the first 1/2 hour will be saying hello to everyone which there is nothing wrong with but no time and I doubt there will be a new thought or info in it.

He was also slow on the uptake on this arrest and case considering he is retired NYPD. And considering he is one who covered in in the past couple of years. All of them won't quite go there with Burke and his administration, they will to a POINT but not in the way they should... Imho.

I guess he's all right so just mentioning it for anyone with time who wants to check it out. I doubt it will be worthwhile though. I doubt he has insider stuff although who knows...
I put the following in the serial killer thread but want to put it here too as his daughter (Rader's) has been around this case of Gilfo since it broke up as well. And it's serial killer related of course just as Crybaby's case is. I consider this a MUST WATCH.

I happened on this LIVE last night when it was 70 minutes in which is generally about how long his goes but it went on for a lot longer. So it is long and I haven't seen the first 70 yet but the continuing minutes were worth it. This is a MUST WATCH.

Rader's daughter went to see him for the FIRST time ever and has a lot to say about that and more. She is telling some things about these new cases being looked at etc. or old cases I should say, and she can now share things each day, etc. IF the investigators have.

A LOT of info. He's old and frail but sharp as a tack allegedly. It was very interesting. I am making a note that I HAVE to go back and watch the first 70 minutes. It is long but I think worth it and a must not miss it, must watch.

I can't swear the first 70 minutes are as interesting but I'm guessing they are as the last hour certainly is.

@Mel70 @Cousin Dupree @Regina and others, just taking the recent names that commented in this serial killer thread.

Marked to watch later.
Your one article says he bought four lots in SC in 2021. I'm confused, he did own a SC property prior to that though didn't he if I recall correctly and these are additional lots in SC? It seems to me that's the case plus it would almost have to be as this woman disappeared in 2017.

I think Crybaby is pretty unforgettable, just his height and size alone AND his look. So in that sense the daughter being 100 percent sure her mother was with him is notable. I note LE doesn't really say it isn't connected so much as thus far they see no connection and to listen to the family friend, she couldn't even get their attention or so it sounds. One of your articles also has LE pointing out the friend was a third party, as if they don't take such reports seriously, as if it is hearsay. Since then though it sounds like they've talked to the woman's daughter. Of note, the daughter also states the vehicle was the same.. Since she was about to graduate when her mom disappeared, I am assuming she was 18 when it happened so not a small child as far as noting things about the man, etc.

The family friend said in the interview I posted that she wants them to and wishes they would search the SC property. I'm pretty sure they did, at least I know I read or heard that some weeks back. If news didn't make an error based on the fact they took the truck from SC. I think I commented they should be doing or have done all searches simultaneously. It's possible the woman and the daughter didn't know this though. She did comment how the LISK thing, etc. wasn't even on their radar as they don't live in NYC. It was seeing Crybaby's pic that supposedly triggered it, plus I imagine hearing he also had a SC connection and property there.

Now on the other side of the coin, where they were was a good hour and a half or so it sounds from where he had property. The only reason to suspect any connection at all is because the daughter says this was solidly HIM with her mother. I don't know but there is no hint her mother was a sex worker which is the victim of choice for him that we know of at least. He is however a cheat and a liar so possible I guess that he was also hitting on other women, saying he was going to marry them, etc. and disappeared them. MAYBE investigators KNOW he was not in SC at the time she disappeared but it appears to me they haven't really looked into it yet...

Yeah, the Go Fund Asa. I am not a fan. Her lawyering up IMMEDIATELY and with whom I find odd. I don't know who donates to things like this but I don't think they are very wise. I'd at least wait for some more answers. This couple was not destitute either. After the victim attorney came out with some bold accusations, her attorney gave a fairly scathing response but of notice, since THEN, he and Asa have been entirely silent after weeks of most news being her and her attorney with his sales speech of everything from her cancer to her cats, never seen such a ploy for sympathy so crafted in my life.

Rader's daughter and the Happy Face one's daughter were in full support of her. Rader's daughter recently said she has to pull back that all she has right now is time for the cases her dad is being newly looked at for. I get their support of her as to being family of a serial killer as she is, BUT they cannot sit and say which they do they know her to be innocent. And said so almost from the start. They CANNOT know that. And WHILE the families of SKs may be victims of a sort, they are LIVING victims, not tortured, hunted stranger victims who never associated themselves with this man or lived with him, etc. They may WELL be victims of him and maybe even in some cases suffered under a SK dad, but it isn't the same. And let's even say they ARE all victims, the dead ones and the familiies, their anger belongs directed at the S who caused 100 percent of everything. Not LE, the county, not over necessary searches, etc. and SUING them for such and blaming them for ALL.

Finally, there is NO indication she thinks her husband guilty and she has NOT split from this man despite divorce filings nor have any of the family necessarily. There has been not ONE word from her about the VICTIMS in this case and their families. It is poor woebegone Asa and I don't buy a word of it thus far. She USES things from what I can see. to play the victim. If she was truly left in a torn apart home and that was it it would be one thing but no, she has an attorney immediately (so do the kids) that came out swinging. AT LE, etc. She is not sitting there with NO HELP and hasn't been from day one. Her attorney is someone that is a very ODD choice and I'd have to look back and will never get the chance but if you get a chance, it seems to me he was in trouble in the past and was it with he was formerly employed with LE or the county or something.... There's something where yes, he'd be the type to go after them but can't quite recall. You know, just like Burke who was and is now again a disgrace, I think he had something similar or maybe even was part of that administration...?

The victim attorney's accusations are strong ones. And I don't actually find them hard to believe, that he had sex workers in the home on countless occasions where she was well aware of it and more.

I recall one instance when asked about her and her claims early on in a press conference where the LE guy didn't exactly react but he kind of barely held his facial expression and words and said she can do what she needs to do, seek whatever recourse she has and moved on to the next question and this is BEFORE the announcement by her atty. etc. Just as they aren't sharing a lot of things, I think until they know, they aren't going there with her. They only said she was known to be out of town for SOME of the murders and that has turned into by news and people, ALL of the murders and they have never said that. I don't think she is cleared by a long shot but I believe they can't go there yet as they don't know or have the evidence either, just as they have not yet charged him with the 4th victim, all of it is still being worked on.

I feel like a heel because it isn't that I know she was involved or anything but the people that have come out and flat out said she wasn't don't know that. The ones donating do not know it is even needed. She blames the cops, etc. instead of her husband. She IS the victim and says not ONE WORD about THE REAL VICTIMS. Slhe plays the woebegone victim and yet she is not some shy flower from the glimpses I've seen. She lawyers up and goes after LE etc when it is her husband who did this to them. I don't like this woman thus far. Sorry. Have I convicted her? No. Does she win my sympathy? No. On a minus and plus scale starting at the zero mark/balanced, she is to the negative side for me. And tipping slowly.

After this arrest, in not too long of a time, every announced presser turned out to be not LE but her attorney, etc. Repeatedly. I don't know if it's some political b.s. in this area using this in a tit for tat or fight for power and destruction of the other side or payback or what, or just attention and $$, etc. for her attorney. OR if it is Asa. But they are just adding a bunch of b.s. to be dealt with or tyring to where the focus by the task force and county should be on the iinvestigation and these murders and the other murders and not having to deal with this CIRCUS SIDE SHOW. I dislike it intensely.

Again they seem to have shut up and faded from what I can tell and I don't think it is because they wanted to or were ordered to. I think it is because although some fell for the sob story, the majority probably saw things like what I say here. OR what the victim attorney said has merit and more stuff will be hitting the fan. Not in favor of them... Guess we will have to wait to see.

Sorry for your several phone screens on this one. You were catching up and I am too so put it all in my one long post of today. I am on day two of a six day stretch. I have a full ten hour plus day today, work the holiday tomorrow and work six in a row total. I have no life. :(
I saw a map and he owns 3 adjacent lots opposite his brother's property. Not sure if that is all he has.

I also read the Vegas property is a time share.

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