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Who is the Long Island serial killer? This is a general discussion thread about this terrifying case.

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I don’t think the wife is “with it.” In this case, it’s easier for me to believe she didn’t know what was going on because it seems to me like she’s in another world. Whatever the issue, she’s not a serial killer, so I’ll give her some slack with her poor choices.
I can see that belief because that is how she comes across and shows, poor me, surprised, not with it, what shall i do ow, devastated and if I believed that, I'd maybe go along but hen she makes these money seeking, knowing savvy choices (although they don't fly with some, and not with me) and has shown her temper and more.

What poor choices are you talking of? Filing divorce? Not a poor choice. Hiring attorneys, separate ones for her and her children? Not a poor choice. Don't get me wrong, I think they look like awful choices to those like me BUT it appears to me she well knows what she is doing. That's the problem. She plays this poor woebegone figure but all she is doing shows otherwise. She filed for divorce like within a DAY or something. And immediately it was known he was not going to contest it. This is an instant move by both to protect assets. It is like they discussed what to do if this ever happened. Maybe I'm wrong but the problem is these are facts and it can['t help but make one wonder.

Her hairs were found. He took these victims somewhere. I know, I know she was gone at some times BUT we don't know how long these victims were kept, when they died, etc. or where AND how many there were. Her husband did prostitutes for YEARS ON END.

Have some pride. Separate yourself, pick your children up and make do as best you can. Say even I don't know if he is innocent or guilty but LE did this to our home and liives but just possibly they have a REASON and then it is truly my hub who caused this to our family.

Her attorney's PC was really my tipping point. Oh the woebegone story and such crafted b.s.

MAYBE she is truly just a woman who turned a blind eye, was abused by him in one way or another, emotionally or in a controlling way, etc. but then you'd be a beaten down woman who made poor choices that isn't then BOLDLY yelling and suing, getting attorneys, demanding guns back and threatening LE to sue etc. WHICH is SHE?

Id like to know if CB has any spending money and who put it there and WHERE they got it. I find it pretty sick for the victims that people donate to her and it probably funds him, THEIR killer.

IF I believed her sh*t, I could very much understand people helping her IF she was devastated and has clearly drawn a line and does not support her husband. I don['t think that is the case but if it is, she needs to show that first.

I am not yelling at you, you surely know by now, my emphasis is at her and what I feel it looks like.

As sick as it is, SHE could be their killer. He could have hunted just to bring them home to her/them. SHE was the one into the fantasy world.

Did this woman know nothing of their finances? Was she not able to turn to her family, even now? Her sister has spoken and is a doctor.

My family isn't perfect but I can tell you this, not a one of us would see the other homeless or starving. It doesn't mean it would make for a pleasant situation any of us want but we would see o it a member had basic needs. Of course that doesn't mean she wants that or charity but then she wen right okay with a GFM.

She SHOULD be assisting LE and I get NO impression she has or is. IF he is innocent in her eyes well then just share what you know. Maybe there's an alibi for one of the murders they can prove no? NOPE she lawyered up basically immediately. It is gray and no known but I am pretty sure she didn't share a thing even when this first happened and it SHOULD have been a surprise to her no...?

The divorce, everything, immediately. It is like she and CB had a plan in place for if this ever happened. Sorry but that's how I see it thus far.

Why is she clamoring for the guns or inserting herself? She has a GFM to get her by for quite some time, a roof over her head which I assume is paid for, I am sure a monthly check and probably food benefits for her son and as to her health etc. if truly destitute she would get health benefits.

GUNS are and SHOULD b evidence in a case this huge. And being the weirdo the last I knew had 300 plus and many unregistered, NO they shouldn't be given back and YES it will take years to determine if they play into anything PLUS I doubt we know of all of his victims yet. It could well go on past our lifetimes.

I could go on and on. Sorry. She just isn't sitting right. She is a conundrum, hypocrite, playing two people, SOMEthing. Does she deserve a roof over her head and her kids do too? Yes, we all do in my opinion. She has that. She has a fund if she didn't blow through it. They have attorneys. So stop asking for evidence back!
Here is another informative article from 2016 about the killings. This confirms the four victims died by strangulation. The earlier killers appear to have been dismembered and beheaded in some cases and the body parts disposed of in a different area (Manorville), twenty miles away. There is more info in here including info on the searches and the other victims plus an interesting statement at the end of the article.

Here is another informative article from 2016 about the killings. This confirms the four victims died by strangulation. The earlier killers appear to have been dismembered and beheaded in some cases and the body parts disposed of in a different area (Manorville), twenty miles away. There is more info in here including info on the searches and the other victims plus an interesting statement at the end of the article.

He could have used a gun in much the same way as RA allegedly did in Delphi if we are talking of whether the guns are evidence. And who knows what he did to how many victims over his years.

I assume though you are just more sharing cause of death. Why is it such cases and murders are usually strangulation, of women mostly, a man is almost never strangled. Rage, they want that up close and sick feeling of seeing the fear and the life go out? It is just so sic and demented. And of course they are sex workers. He didn't do this to his wife or daughter, are they always immune for a reason with SKs? Has the real type of SK ever done this to a wife? Is it rage at women, rage at sex workers for some personal reason OR need to feel superior to the female sex worker? Control? Why am I asking as we will never understand minds like this. Some male thing to go for the throat when enraged? BUT none of these women caused the rage, he has some sick need in him to do this to women and sex workers or for the sick thrill and they are just the convenient target who are easy to pick up. SMDH IDK.
He could have used a gun in much the same way as RA allegedly did in Delphi if we are talking of whether the guns are evidence. And who knows what he did to how many victims over his years.

I assume though you are just more sharing cause of death. Why is it such cases and murders are usually strangulation, of women mostly, a man is almost never strangled. Rage, they want that up close and sick feeling of seeing the fear and the life go out? It is just so sic and demented. And of course they are sex workers. He didn't do this to his wife or daughter, are they always immune for a reason with SKs? Has the real type of SK ever done this to a wife? Is it rage at women, rage at sex workers for some personal reason OR need to feel superior to the female sex worker? Control? Why am I asking as we will never understand minds like this. Some male thing to go for the throat when enraged? BUT none of these women caused the rage, he has some sick need in him to do this to women and sex workers or for the sick thrill and they are just the convenient target who are easy to pick up. SMDH IDK.
They are petite too, almost child like to him who is a big ugly ogre of a man. Did he ever live in Manorville? Regarding his wife, apparently she has cancer, so that could be a reason she wants money if it is to pay for treatment or to leave for her kids. I can understand her anger but it is nobody's fault except his.

I posted all the victims details because it sounded like LE were getting ready to possibly charge him with some more murders.
They are petite too, almost child like to him who is a big ugly ogre of a man. Did he ever live in Manorville? Regarding his wife, apparently she has cancer, so that could be a reason she wants money if it is to pay for treatment or to leave for her kids. I can understand her anger but it is nobody's fault except his.

I posted all the victims details because it sounded like LE were getting ready to possibly charge him with some more murders.
I know it won't sound nice but as to her cancer, I am not sure I buy it is what they'd have one believe. Having dealt with what I did and others have as well even more so, I don't want to minimize it but I've also seen people claim or use such, no lie. I am not necessarily buying this is current or an issue and I didn't buy it when her atty. did the big press conference HE called. She may or she may not be treating and one thing that is safe for even defendants and to fight is medical records and no one would have a right to hers. So such a claim couldn't be disproven easily.

Even if she does however, if no income, etc., she would be eligible for coverage and taken care of. Treatment is not going to be refused. I felt just as some use puppies that they were using this. TRUE OR NOT, this is on her husband. I'd like proof he was even carrying insurance on her and him through his individual business? Or that she lost such? I wish cancer on NO ONE but you don't USE it.

As for leaving for her kids, I don't think she has a death sentence either, that has never been said.

I'm not saying it is true of all cancers but it generally is of treatment etc., she has all her hair and she is not emaciated.

Again I feel horrible saying it as I would not wish it on anyone BUT you also don't use it and they are. Her cancer and her issues do not lie at the feet of LE or anyone else nor are they to blame or to pay for it or support her imo. What she can do is what any of us can or try to is go to social services for assistance, she will be accepted or denied and covered or not. If she is terminal or it is that bad, she can get disability, etc. My brother did and it did not take long with a terminal diagnosis unlike other things do. Maybe this woman is on disability, who knows. That's the thing we know nothing. Did she work in her lifetime or during her marriage at all? We don't know sh*t about her or their marriage.
I saw her attorney play the cancer card. Have you seen his presser? What a choreographed, planned press event to get money. He assured people he GFM money does NOT go to him/their attorneys. So donate ahemmm.... The kids' attorney was on as well but he wasn't as obvious as hers, bad enough but hers is a slime imo.

I DO feel for her if she truly is battling cancer. I DO feel for her if she is truly a victim as well. I DO feel for her having a son with disabilities. I DO feel for her finding out he is a serial killer if she didn't know.

BUT we don't know any of this AND I'm sorry that's not an automatic ticket to the think you are special or the things you are doing are okay or that people should donae without some INFO or truth of things first. The city, county, state, nation or the world don't OWE Asa Ellerup. If anyone does, her husband does. And she needs to realize that and be grateful for the help she has gotten and make it last.

What she is DOING is the issue. I'd also point out again she has never ONCE nor has her attorney said ONE WORD about the poor families AND the victims. You can DO THAT without believing he did it. They ARE dead, it is TRUE.

And maybe that's the worst part, that it is poor Asa when the victims and their families have worse, have been through worse and deserve help BEFORE this woman does but she can't see that. Nor do her attorneys. They don't live in the real world, ANY of them. Or they'd GET IT. Yes there are some that fall for it sadly. Where were and are these people with the families that have begged for help and notice through these years???

Yes, it disgusts me. And let me tell you if she can walk and talk and go to court, then uhm she can do something to assist herself and her family. I do not mean she doesn't have cancer or isn't devastated with what just happened in their lives BUT have some PRIDE. Set an example for your kids and not one that involves showing your kids you get lawyers and sue happy ones and you are too to take care of all YOU LIKELY NEVER DID.

Everyone owes Asa and NO ONE else in this SERIAL KILLER matter is a victim, only Asa.

Harsh? Yep I know I am being harsh. They have shut up too do you notice that? Deserved backlash is my bet. On her atty as well.

And I am NOT convinced she was not in the know on any of this at minimum and involved in some at maximum. You'd think she'd wan that CLEAR if not.

Okay. Sorry. Rant over. But she makes it so unfair for others truly in dire straits. She has a LONG ISLAND HOME. A VEGAS CONDO. An UNCONTESTED DIVORCE. Yep, poor, poor Asa.
This link has more information about the victims and sure reads to me like the Manorville and Gilgo Beach victims are linked. The binding and wrapping seem similar. If LE can identify the Jessica Taylor perp, then the Manorvillle and Gilgo Beach victims could likely all be linked. Jessica Taylor, who was 5'3" was last seen at a Manhattan Bus Station 21 Apr 2003. Her body was found in Manorville just days after her disappearance but her head and limbs were not discovered till 7 years later in Gilgo Beach.

Warning - graphic.

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This link has more information about the victims and sure reads to me like the Manorville and Gilgo Beach victims are linked. The binding and wrapping seem similar. If LE can identify the Jessica Taylor perp, then the Manorvillle and Gilgo Beach victims could all be linked. Jessica Taylor, who was 5'3" was last seen at a Manhattan Bus Station.

Warning - graphic.

Many think (or used to anyhow) that they are not and I think a lot of that comes from LE through the years but I have always leaned towards they are. I figured if not, they at least had a copycat or something on that order, they are TOO similar and locale on top of it. Sorry that I don't have time to watch this.

I expect over time CB will come to be know for at least ten to a dozen murders if not more. Or at least suspected of such.

"Ms. Vergata went missing on apparently Feb. 14, 1996,” Tierney said. “She lived on West 45th Street in Manhattan, and was believed to be working as an escort at the time of her disappearance. There was no missing persons complaint filed.”

Tierney added that after the Gilgo Beach Task Force was formed, the FBI was able to identify Vergata as Fire Island Jane Doe, using a DNA swab from a relative.

Tierney declined to comment on any suspects in Karen Vergata’s death, and Rex Heuermann remains charged only with the deaths of Amber Costello, Melissa Barthelemy, and Megan Waterman. He is a prime suspect in the death of Maureen Brainard-Barnes.

He added that they are still investigating the other bodies, incluing Vergata’s.

“This is a confidential investigation, and it’s continuing,” Tierney concluded.

Many think (or used to anyhow) that they are not and I think a lot of that comes from LE through the years but I have always leaned towards they are. I figured if not, they at least had a copycat or something on that order, they are TOO similar and locale on top of it. Sorry that I don't have time to watch this.

I expect over time CB will come to be know for at least ten to a dozen murders if not more. Or at least suspected of such.
There is an article and a couple of videos in this. I haven't watched the videos as I thought they would be gruesome. The article is gruesome enough for me.
I don't think this has been posted before. He stole from his firm according to this lawsuit.

I've heard of it through articles or videos, etc. but it has never been like a focus to remember. I found this part of the DM article worth highlighting too:

Investigators claimed that following Barthelemy's disappearance, taunting phone calls were made to her family where a man described in grim detail how he sexually assaulted and killed her.

The sickening phone calls were used by police after he was first floated as a suspect in March 2022.

According to documents filed in court, investigators that month were looking into the murder of Costello, where a Chevrolet Avalanche was spotted by a witness at the time of the killing.

Following the identification of Heuermann as the owner of a vehicle that matched one seen at the crime scene, cops issued over 300 subpoenas, search warrants and other legal processes to obtain further evidence - including his cellphone records.

Through Heuermann's American Express records, police were able to link him to a Tinder account in which he used a pseudonym, his middle name, Andy. That account was linked to one of his many burner phones.

He was known to go through a slew of burner phones, and as recently as this year he allegedly used one of the phones 'extensively for prostitution-related contacts' including sex workers and massage parlors.

This is one SICK TWISTED INDIVIDUAL imo and it should be kept in mind, These are not his only murders or bad acts. Clearly he couldn't resist. EXTENSIVELY with the prostitution, etc.
I bet he stole from the victims too. He clearly never paid them did he?
I'm curious to know how he treated "workers" that he didn't kill. i assume there are some/many. It says in my previous post he contacted them extensively. Did he pay them? Easily and willingly? How much? For what? I'm no real interested in the details of the sick **** and acts he wanted but i would go towards maybe having a hint of when he let go and killed what he may have put the girls through. WHERE did it occur? Did he try to get them to go home with him? Etc. Etc. Etc. Did he frequent any more than once and was he a "regular" client?

It mentions massage parlors. Similar questions. Did he have a "regular" one? What do they have to say? Was he there morning, noon and night or just Wednesdays at 3? Lol. A creature of habit? Always just wanting one thing and the same girl? Etc. Was he gentle or rough? Did he seem like one of those odd ducks who considered them a gf?

I am going to bet LE has inquired like this.

To your question, yeah, I'd guess he never paid the dead victims unless he did so upfront and then stole it back on death, that seems like a no brainer so I am not sure why you'd wonder that. He would be an idiot to give them $1,000 let's say and then dispose of them with the money on them.

As far as stealing from them, what do you mean/are thinking? Jewelry? Cell phones? To listen to the account of Costello, I guess by her "bf", he somehow convinced them to come with him and without a cell phone, etc. Gilbert had a cell phone but Gilbert was unlikely one of his victims. She was, however, imo a victim of someone.
I'm curious to know how he treated "workers" that he didn't kill. i assume there are some/many. It says in my previous post he contacted them extensively. Did he pay them? Easily and willingly? How much? For what? I'm no real interested in the details of the sick **** and acts he wanted but i would go towards maybe having a hint of when he let go and killed what he may have put the girls through. WHERE did it occur? Did he try to get them to go home with him? Etc. Etc. Etc. Did he frequent any more than once and was he a "regular" client?

It mentions massage parlors. Similar questions. Did he have a "regular" one? What do they have to say? Was he there morning, noon and night or just Wednesdays at 3? Lol. A creature of habit? Always just wanting one thing and the same girl? Etc. Was he gentle or rough? Did he seem like one of those odd ducks who considered them a gf?

I am going to bet LE has inquired like this.

To your question, yeah, I'd guess he never paid the dead victims unless he did so upfront and then stole it back on death, that seems like a no brainer so I am not sure why you'd wonder that. He would be an idiot to give them $1,000 let's say and then dispose of them with the money on them.

As far as stealing from them, what do you mean/are thinking? Jewelry? Cell phones? To listen to the account of Costello, I guess by her "bf", he somehow convinced them to come with him and without a cell phone, etc. Gilbert had a cell phone but Gilbert was unlikely one of his victims. She was, however, imo a victim of someone.
I meant stole their money and jewellery and it stands to reason he did not pay the ones he killed. However, did he use them as a regularl for a year or so then kill them or did he have regulars that he treated ok. Nobody has come forward saying he was a regular AFAWK.

I was looking up his office address and it appears to be a large building that has office desk space to rent. Also the basement is weird and has little cubicles you can rent in the daytime to rest/sleep

Link below re the cubicles. Once loaded, scroll down to view them.

Link to the office space to let.

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I meant stole their money and jewellery and it stands to reason he did not pay the ones he killed. However, did he use them as a regularl for a year or so then kill them or did he have regulars that he treated ok. Nobody has come forward saying he was a regular AFAWK.

I was looking up his office address and it appears to be a large building that has office desk space to rent. Also the basement is weird and has little cubicles you can rent in the daytime to rest/sleep

Link to follow re the cubicles.
Sounds like the type of motel/hotel where they rent rooms by the hour. It would fit this case. In those it isn't to "sleep" for an hour, it is to have sex for an hour, half day, etc. I knew he only rented what I thought to be an office in a building of offices that would though give him a Manhattan address (sounds good) for his business. I don't have time right now to look at the cubicle thing but that is downright weird. So was he/could he have sex workers at work too down in the basement? WEIRD. That basemen par is INTERESTING.

As far as stealing the sex worker's money, I'd think they would have none or little on them. Pimps take it don't they after each uhm "tryst" and Rex had them at least in Amber's case leave all at home, cell phone, etc. I mean I don't know how sex workers operate but it would be way risky to have much cash on them and then be alone with a strange man. Of course their profession is beyond risky to begin with. As far as taking their jewelry, etc. I'd also think they aren't wearing wedding rings, and doubtful they wear pricey jewelry again for the sheer reason of how risky that would be even if they own any.

In other words, in most cases, I doubt there was anything he could take worth much money. However, they are know to take souvenirs so yeah, he could have earrings, necklaces, underwear, etc. I guess that's theft.

I guess I'm not sure what your point is. No sex worker would take her day's cash with her on the next hook up imo. But that's just a guess on my part. If she's smart and used to the scene anyhow, imo.
I don't have a point, I just wondered if he took anything from the victims, like GSK did.

Here's a screen shot of the cubicles.

Screenshot_20230929-154154_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20230929-154149_Samsung Internet.jpg

Here's an interesting article. My boss the serial killer.....

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I meant stole their money and jewellery and it stands to reason he did not pay the ones he killed. However, did he use them as a regularl for a year or so then kill them or did he have regulars that he treated ok. Nobody has come forward saying he was a regular AFAWK.

I was looking up his office address and it appears to be a large building that has office desk space to rent. Also the basement is weird and has little cubicles you can rent in the daytime to rest/sleep

Link beow re the cubicles. Once loaded, scroll down to view them.

Link te office space to let.

those are called office sharing. They have many of those here. There can be multiple companies represented in one place. Also many people that are working in a contract basis use them.

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