As a comparison, they seized only 15 electronic devices in the Delphi search warrant.
Good point. And that's a family of three. And I'd say say most people including us would have the certain types of tech going back around the same number of years IF we kept things from year one of starting with first computers, later cell phones, etc. At least that's how it went for me. I had a computer and internet a few years before a cell phone, etc.
Rick may have been smarter and gotten rid of sh*t too, but doesn't sound like it necessarily. Hard to say. But that's very few electronic devices versus here in this case or that's not very few, that would be in the ballpark of what I would have and in this one, it's extremely excessive...
Listened halfway to some Police Off the Cuff last night and he pointed out several things in the planning document. I've seen it more than once but haven't overly thought it out or dwelled on each thing but yeah, the suspending the victims would have a hook or at least spot left perhaps in his ceiling for one and this man fixed nothing, got rid of nothing it seems. I think they have TONS of evidence here and they are and will still be going through it for some time to come. We don't know the half of it.
Then it would SEEM we now know he DID take them home and he probably dismembered them there too. There has to be blood in that basement imo.
He played a Tierney talking to Cuomo. When asked about Asa, Tierney said it's (paraphrasing) pretty clear she wasn't home at the time all the victims charged (think he said all) both disappeared and at the time of their murders. I still beg to differ that they can know the times of the murders. Or CAN they....? I don't see how.... GPS maybe and dump sites? Any ideas?
In his document he had things about do this or that and you'll get more play time. That tells of a serial killer as they often are who want that fantasy and that time and often get mad when they have to end it before they can accomplish that or their own failures have them doing so... He is suspending victims and wants play time. This tells of torture and the fact they weren't killed right away or the intent was to not kill them right away. And then he had to take the time to dismember. And then the two different dump sites reconned and taken to them with different parts, etc. These are my thoughts now and I haven't had time to really think on it all and still haven't but some is coming now...
Back to POC, he had other good points from the new info but I was only half listening and was catching up on posts and bills and other things. I wanted to go back and hear where he went with them but just no time to do that and probably won't get any time. I'm sure dwelling on and talking of the new info myself if I get time or all of us talking thoughts on it if we get time will result in realizing just how much more this shows. Already just the fact we now know he was active in 1993 and is responsible for one they thought Bitroff likely did opens up a LOT of things.
Oh and stupid Macedonia spoke yet again for Asa who still just can't believe he did this and Bill had no patience with that whatsoever and said yeah right, basically, and get real and shut up you know better and at this point that's stupid. I am most definitely paraphrasing. And mentioned her seven figure deal as well. And how you can't make this sh*t up.
So I heard off and on some of it lol.
Then I found Tom had done a show and went to that. Is one of those turn around night to morning shifts. Done late, back at 9 this morning, not 7 or earlier a leas but still little time night or morning and little sleep. Finished my Chinese last night, OMG was it good. This place by my daughter's I haven't had since preCovid I think, we weren't even sure it was still open and then maybe she found it was, no idea, but we don't get much time with my schedule and it IS. My mom and eldest sister are coming up in a few weeks and we are definitely taking them there for sit down lunch, both love Chinese and that place has always been top notch above some. I have four days off in a row by taking one vacation day, not that I will get anything done because it's company coming or get tested lol but looking forward to it. We are doing the flea market as my sister has meant to come to this one and never had, my mom has been with us, and my daughter sells there. Then are going to do lunch and some shopping. Then dinner and cards. And breakfast before they leave the next morning. They won't be here for every day of my days off, I will have my usual two before they get here. They are just staying one night over although my mom will be staying at my sister's for a night before they head here as she is like halfway in between.
I haven't finished Tom yet, which is Delphi I will point out since I am in LISK saying this. The comments in chat last night, and I have not finished has a pulse imo on that case for MOST viewers of fed up with the defense, totally sick of it all, and seeing it for what I and I think most of us think. For the part of what I have seen, very good points in chat. of course there are a few that feel the other way. His covering of docs this time was covering Gull's response to the disqualification motion for the most part, which I'd already read and you had but was a good refresher, and thoughts on it.
People are so sick of the defense in this case, most of them, and have had it with it all. Most. Yep. And they point it all out for what it is and how clear it is. And this is simply chat part. And for me it shows and confirms most see it for what it is once defense was stopped with help from SM flooding with a bunch of b.s. that was made to seem to be something it isn't with intentional leaks and stories. And let's not forget, a suicide.
Anyhow this case is going to keep on giving as more victims come no doubt. I think such will continue for years if not decades as it does with most prolific SKs and maybe even beyond our time and his. They haven't touched the tip of the iceberg yet imo.
These women went through I don't want to think about too much but the worst and fear to no end and very bad endings. And that can't help but lead me to the thoughts of Vergata. And that claimed version of events and whether true or not. When this first came about, many out there or at least some did not think he brought the victims home necessarily, I always have. Bill himself on POC, retired NYPD admitted such. He is one that thought two serial killers always and that they were never brought into the home and he totally change dhis tune in the show I watched last night, and admitted to such. Well we now are pretty sure exactly that went on... He is also dismembering and trying gouge out tattoos and other identification by beheading and placing limbs elsewhere (with prints), in some anyhow as the scenes and recoveries vary... And then had his master document of learning over time and preparing but who knows if that was the last one... Or first... Or how many... The man can't spell at all, we all read it right, lol? And forgot some major things, like don't order pizza as many joked of above or at least eat the crust/bones. But countless other SERIOUS things he didn't even think of if trying to be so smart...
Anyhow, haven't had a long one to unwind, unpack thoughts and etc. and I guess this one turned into it. Just a lot of various thoughts on recent things.