LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *GUILTY*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Have a good one one and all. Have some minutes left but behind on getting ready and probably better leave him for later. I think today will be a big one and when I get home I won't know which of his to listen to, continue on last nights or start today's But if I have to I will do so all afterwards to get the full pic. Also hope he can make it through the rest of the week. WAs on for 3.5 hours lat night, never ate, in line all day and morning, etc.

In 25 minute of his I am seeing yet again Al the lack in news to give a FULL picture.

DST here this weekend. Dreading it. It's already not light too late in the a.m. and dark too early and here it comes...

Again, ,all have a good one!
Okay. I'm basically ready and have 15 minutes or so so I can either go early and grab a POP or not but so watched what still isn't a minute or so more up to like 25:14 minutes now.

And he's asked seems like manyt imes now if he's familiar with the trails and now he says when they moved to Delphi "they" experimented with the area and he got involved with a conservation group re that... Huh?? I guess my first thought is isn't Dulin a conservation officer. He then says he brought so many people from Walmart o thelp with it, and I stopped it there. Because I have some minutes but in 25 minutes have taken in a ton and it's taken longer than 25 minutes this morning...

For all I've seen mention being at the mercy of bias of reporting, not being able to watch for oneself or whatever, this is the closest thing out there... And I didn't see a WORD of what I've shared last night or this morning in any of the news reporting. But if you truly want as unbiased and as full of coverage, questions and answers as you can get, there ya go. IF you want it as said.

I can only say Thank God again the jury is hearing all we are not.

And can only attack again that there's a lot he can't hear even BEING PRESENT in the courtroom.

Not a first, not able to hear a question or anser but he says when he can't also.

We'lll we are getting close to about two weeks out until this is over IF the D uses all of their time which I think they will make every effort to. And then it's going to be after all these years, for all intents and purposes, OVER. Short of something going wrong anyhow and so far, other than bad reporting and no recording or coverage, all seems to be on track.

One more shift... Been pretty darned busy and busy times coming up, and we are even having PRE Black Friday sales. WTH? Been a gorgeous fall and we are busier than we were in the summer imo anyhow.

Actually have a few moments so taking them. Before facing another onslaught. And normally our customers are great but had a few testy, cranky ones lately we all have.

Going to take another moment to think of the girls' families and just imagine going through all this and weeks in sight yet. Day after day. And he jurors.

I mean KA and RA seem to be doing fine so no taking a moment there, with his winking, etc. Get a clue woman...

Uhm did we know RA's mom does have a concussion, fell outside the courthouse on Saturday? Maybe some did because I don't read every link but I know I've not seen it mentioned. Also sounds like broke her nose.
Oh that's not good. WTH caused her to fall? Is she quite elderly? Over 70 probably? Is it even a scrum for family to get in?
When he talked to Dulini, he was forthcoming and mostly truthful all except the fact he was the murderer. I think he played it safe because he didn't know what they had and in case they could place his car, him, the time, etc. he gave basically the correct time, the correct parking are and so on. He was treated as just a town guy helping out Dulin had no suspicion of and so he was friendly. I'm sure he went home thinking they are stupid and coudln't believe his lucky stars.

He started pit the secpnd interview with the same act as it has worked for him the last time, and honestly as many a guilty person does at first. The minute he sensed it was serious, the lies commenced and hed' had five years to think about it, and perhaps he had a good guess it was serious even when he was being more friendly and when taken in, asked to come in, whatever. The times changed, couldn't recall exactly where he parked, etc. He knew he met with Dulin one and one and that Dulin had not recorded him. By now we all knew a lot more as did he and he made it so it coudlnt' have been him or tried to.

Tom's take was interesting and he leans towards guilt but is waiting to make up his mind and hasn't yet in the trial but in the morning he thought things towards his innocence but by afternoon his opinion changed completely in the other direction. I had not gotten far enough as to why.

Back to the interviews, he is lying in both of them and his indignant act of innocence is so obvious and a few things he says are not what someone innocent would say while trying to claim his innocence either.

Let's also not forget his saying it was over anyhow...

I'd add that for all she KNOWS he didn't do this, her claims since, his wife quickly believed he was the one who did it at the time.

I'm starting to think she'll wavei spousal privilege and testify possibly... And try to put it all on LE lying to her as well... However, the key thing she believed and said to RA was that his bullet was there, that she believed, and that was the TRUTH.

The two of them need to stop testifying to the jury in the courtroom with head shakes, nods, etc. Gull should be putting a stop to this. If RA is not going to take the stand then he needs to stop trying to talk without talking. Her as well. Even then they are NOT to be doing this. Nor er family members of the victims nor anyone else. And she needs to stop the D from freakign making statements of supposed fact (almost never is) instead of asking questions in proper form.

You see it your way and that's fine, to me yesterday was so clear to me that he IS the man. HE changed his story and became forgetful. Yet he says how he's thought of this for years, as in how close he was to the girls when this happened to them. That's kind of funny and a slip because he was trying to now claim he was gone by then... Doolin's tip and info may have been misplaced but the details were put down. And the Harvestore video matches the original time given, the remark about the girls match the original time given etc.

To me it is so clear and there's so much more I'm not going to try to recall right now and add but I'm not going to change your mind anyhow. "And you're not going to change mind.

All the things wow, PLUS the zinger and clincher is I've heard his voice match back when and Tom said it last night too and now it's been heard, a LOT. And ever since I heard it back when, and listened to it over and over and just couldn't get over the WHOA BOY, it's HIM, 100 percent, is a big one for me. However, so is what I've mentioned throughout of all of the other things and now so was yesterday.

My only concern is that the jury is getting it and that the P is showing what I have seen, what Tresir sees, etc.

The voice is going to be huge. And Tom was hearing it yesterday and I can only guess the jury was noticing it as well. I don't even know if they have a voice analyst lined up but I'm counting on it. Of COURSE you would and you would as well be playing comparisons.

There's of course all sorts of additional little things. Worried LE will see his websites visited... And make such fit. Huh?

The one phone missing is THE phone... So he gets rid of THE phone yet they have the number because Dulin called it to arrange a meeting AND it was given in his tip. Before you ask yet again why he came forward, that's been answered, he KNEW he was seen.

Now in the interview he tried to make it sound like he thought he had the phone he had at interview time, but then not sure, etc., etc... As if there is no missing phone.

It is a crying shame they didn't light right onto him five years ago because he'd have been nailed easily imo. They've had the bullet since then. He was on the trail. He saw the girls and thought one was babysitting younger ones.

You can ignore all of this and more but even though it was five years later, there's still a strong case here, very strong and the voice is yet to come. And I'd imagine the interviews of daughter and wife. Maybe even mom. AND bigger confessions, recorded ones, probably today.

The remark about Gull sustaining P's objection? Gull is letting the D get away with murder, forgive the poor pun. She's letting them do everything they are NOT to do. And letting RA and KA testifying while not testifying as well.

You know, I haven't entirely dismissed a KK connection and that's come up HERE at least again recently. Not as to being there or involved though.

RA had five years to clear evidence, he was well aware they hadn't found their "man" but boy if theyd' have been on him early on, I think computers, phones, etc. would be a different story.

HOWEVER they do have his number used at that time, or at least the "number" he called the tip in on and gave...Of course with that too, they're working five years later to even pick up phones in the area and times but we'll see...

There's plenty for me as it is, and the further confessions are just going to cement it.

This is no innocent man, he's the perp.

You now even little things like does he do any SM, he only responds to FB about that, not to whether he does ANY or any other sites, etc. and then worries about the sites they will find on his phone... EVEN five years later...

I could go on and on.

I get how you are seeing it and you certainly have the right to.

I just hope the jurors see beyond that to a fuller picture. Imo.

The P has ONE THING with a witness they failed to clear up that Tom keeps noting. They'd better watch and go back and clear it up. Don't know that it will be big but it was incorrect.

And I could be wrong and could be right but I think the P is going to end with some fairly big icing on the cake. Whether they do or not, I'm there and beyond there from where I started. He's the guy. the voice is going to be one. The further confessions. I mean these are for sures. I have a feeling though more phone may come in yet... Shall see I guess.

Gull is being very good to the D by the way. Too good. So that one can be given up on. She's given them leeway beyond what I've seen any judge do, and I think even the P is doing so and not objecting nearly as much as they could.

Well, when this one is over, kind of like Daybell, (which does have things left but has majorly quieted), they are two of the biggest here that people follow. And for some out there who have covered it for years too. Most have picked up some others along the way like Gray is on Soto and a handful of others.

There's going to be a void here imo for many or some. This one's been waited for for a darned long time. By people everywhere. And even here of course we all have others but this one is arguably one fo the biggest, and Daybell would be up there too, most info, most followed, etc.

This is going to be OVER. I wonder if anyone's thought of that? I sure have. Oh appeals will go on and so on but it will in essence be over.

Whatever will I do with my extra time? LOL. Can't keep up as I is but just trying to end on a more humorous although serious nnte too.

This dawned on me the second after saying that. Whatever the conclusion, it is one there will never be agreement on that it was the right conclusion. I honestly think most people out there see his guilt but news hasn't helped nor the leak and so on, because some see it otherwise because of the skewed stuff. And I'll even admit a few covered over recordings haven't helped either. So however it concludes, it will always have controversy imo at least by a few.

And that now reminds me do you now see that no interview of RA or recording was ever lost? None were. As we were telling you.

Have a good day emu. Keep up the good fight. No fight here, just don't agree respectfully.
The thing about the Dulin/RA interview is that Dulin took the IMEI number of his phone at that time, so even if the phone is lost, that number should show up on the geofence report, if RA had it with him on that day.

When do we get to hear about the geofencing?
Not necessarily. 2nd person, if there was one, could have already been "down the hill". They may not have gone on the trail at all.
If that was the case they would have the phone details of any accomplices plus their vehicle coming and going. They don't have that.

Someone could have come in by flying saucer too.
Thank you! I’ve never heard of him before
You've never heard of Anthony Shots?

I wonder if they will get him to testify? In reality he is a cop in Alaska whose profile got ripped off by KK.

Spot the difference.

WATCH 'Crime Stories with Nancy Grace' On Merit Street Media! Click Here For Channel Finder


Delphi Murders: Man Behind Fake ‘anthony_shots’ Profile Says He Was Last Person Who Communicated with Libby German​

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If that was the case they would have the phone details of any accomplices plus their vehicle coming and going. They don't have that.

Someone could have come in by flying saucer too.
Why would that person have to have a phone on them?? They also could have been parked in a different location. The marked trails and parking spots aren't the only ways in and out of there, especially fe person is familiar with the area and/or lived close.
I'm not saying there was another person involved but just because nobody saw another person doesn't mean another person wasn't involved at all.
Why would that person have to have a phone on them?? They also could have been parked in a different location. The marked trails and parking spots aren't the only ways in and out of there, especially fe person is familiar with the area and/or lived close.
I'm not saying there was another person involved but just because nobody saw another person doesn't mean another person wasn't involved at all.
How else would accomplices contact each other out and about on these trails? There could be a remote accomplice, however like KK for instance.
It's in all the testimony of the witnesses. Only one adult male was seen on the trails and bridge and RA has confessed it was him. This isn't rocket science.

BTW i am still awaiting an answer from you. See my posts 8465 and 8469. As i have answered your question, perhaps you could please answer mine?

I am posting this link about his confessions. I am trying to find more info from Wala's testimony to the jury but this is about her testimony in August.

Was seen? It's impossible for someone to not be seen and yet still be there?
Never said he was.
You're just being childish now. Poster was talking about RA. You responded about framing but you don't believe he was framed, so why mention it then? This is the Delphi thread not a general LE procedurak thread. We are discussing the accused RA currently on trial for kidnapping and murdering two teen girls.
I don't know to what you are referring. What is the date of this missing video and do you have a link to confirm there was a video that was deleted?

The video that was recorded over. We've discussed it so much, does a link even need to be posted.

Well perhaps Emu could explain what he means and provide a link if that is what he means. That's not a missing video but something different IMO. We currently have a situation where we are missing a lot of testimony because we are getting someones interpretation of the testimony, which is pathetic at best. So chunks of testimony are missing all over the place.

If you're gonna try to get my attention, use @Cousin Dupree instead of emu. I'm skimming this thread.

As I pointed out above.

I don't know how to copy and paste on my tablet. In the article below, read the last paragraph.

When he talked to Dulini, he was forthcoming and mostly truthful all except the fact he was the murderer. I think he played it safe because he didn't know what they had and in case they could place his car, him, the time, etc. he gave basically the correct time, the correct parking are and so on. He was treated as just a town guy helping out Dulin had no suspicion of and so he was friendly. I'm sure he went home thinking they are stupid and coudln't believe his lucky stars.

He started pit the secpnd interview with the same act as it has worked for him the last time, and honestly as many a guilty person does at first. The minute he sensed it was serious, the lies commenced and hed' had five years to think about it, and perhaps he had a good guess it was serious even when he was being more friendly and when taken in, asked to come in, whatever. The times changed, couldn't recall exactly where he parked, etc. He knew he met with Dulin one and one and that Dulin had not recorded him. By now we all knew a lot more as did he and he made it so it coudlnt' have been him or tried to.

Tom's take was interesting and he leans towards guilt but is waiting to make up his mind and hasn't yet in the trial but in the morning he thought things towards his innocence but by afternoon his opinion changed completely in the other direction. I had not gotten far enough as to why.

Back to the interviews, he is lying in both of them and his indignant act of innocence is so obvious and a few things he says are not what someone innocent would say while trying to claim his innocence either.

Let's also not forget his saying it was over anyhow...

I'd add that for all she KNOWS he didn't do this, her claims since, his wife quickly believed he was the one who did it at the time.

I'm starting to think she'll wavei spousal privilege and testify possibly... And try to put it all on LE lying to her as well... However, the key thing she believed and said to RA was that his bullet was there, that she believed, and that was the TRUTH.

The two of them need to stop testifying to the jury in the courtroom with head shakes, nods, etc. Gull should be putting a stop to this. If RA is not going to take the stand then he needs to stop trying to talk without talking. Her as well. Even then they are NOT to be doing this. Nor er family members of the victims nor anyone else. And she needs to stop the D from freakign making statements of supposed fact (almost never is) instead of asking questions in proper form.

You see it your way and that's fine, to me yesterday was so clear to me that he IS the man. HE changed his story and became forgetful. Yet he says how he's thought of this for years, as in how close he was to the girls when this happened to them. That's kind of funny and a slip because he was trying to now claim he was gone by then... Doolin's tip and info may have been misplaced but the details were put down. And the Harvestore video matches the original time given, the remark about the girls match the original time given etc.

To me it is so clear and there's so much more I'm not going to try to recall right now and add but I'm not going to change your mind anyhow. "And you're not going to change mind.

All the things wow, PLUS the zinger and clincher is I've heard his voice match back when and Tom said it last night too and now it's been heard, a LOT. And ever since I heard it back when, and listened to it over and over and just couldn't get over the WHOA BOY, it's HIM, 100 percent, is a big one for me. However, so is what I've mentioned throughout of all of the other things and now so was yesterday.

My only concern is that the jury is getting it and that the P is showing what I have seen, what Tresir sees, etc.

The voice is going to be huge. And Tom was hearing it yesterday and I can only guess the jury was noticing it as well. I don't even know if they have a voice analyst lined up but I'm counting on it. Of COURSE you would and you would as well be playing comparisons.

There's of course all sorts of additional little things. Worried LE will see his websites visited... And make such fit. Huh?

The one phone missing is THE phone... So he gets rid of THE phone yet they have the number because Dulin called it to arrange a meeting AND it was given in his tip. Before you ask yet again why he came forward, that's been answered, he KNEW he was seen.

Now in the interview he tried to make it sound like he thought he had the phone he had at interview time, but then not sure, etc., etc... As if there is no missing phone.

It is a crying shame they didn't light right onto him five years ago because he'd have been nailed easily imo. They've had the bullet since then. He was on the trail. He saw the girls and thought one was babysitting younger ones.

You can ignore all of this and more but even though it was five years later, there's still a strong case here, very strong and the voice is yet to come. And I'd imagine the interviews of daughter and wife. Maybe even mom. AND bigger confessions, recorded ones, probably today.

The remark about Gull sustaining P's objection? Gull is letting the D get away with murder, forgive the poor pun. She's letting them do everything they are NOT to do. And letting RA and KA testifying while not testifying as well.

You know, I haven't entirely dismissed a KK connection and that's come up HERE at least again recently. Not as to being there or involved though.

RA had five years to clear evidence, he was well aware they hadn't found their "man" but boy if theyd' have been on him early on, I think computers, phones, etc. would be a different story.

HOWEVER they do have his number used at that time, or at least the "number" he called the tip in on and gave...Of course with that too, they're working five years later to even pick up phones in the area and times but we'll see...

There's plenty for me as it is, and the further confessions are just going to cement it.

This is no innocent man, he's the perp.

You now even little things like does he do any SM, he only responds to FB about that, not to whether he does ANY or any other sites, etc. and then worries about the sites they will find on his phone... EVEN five years later...

I could go on and on.

I get how you are seeing it and you certainly have the right to.

I just hope the jurors see beyond that to a fuller picture. Imo.

The P has ONE THING with a witness they failed to clear up that Tom keeps noting. They'd better watch and go back and clear it up. Don't know that it will be big but it was incorrect.

And I could be wrong and could be right but I think the P is going to end with some fairly big icing on the cake. Whether they do or not, I'm there and beyond there from where I started. He's the guy. the voice is going to be one. The further confessions. I mean these are for sures. I have a feeling though more phone may come in yet... Shall see I guess.

Gull is being very good to the D by the way. Too good. So that one can be given up on. She's given them leeway beyond what I've seen any judge do, and I think even the P is doing so and not objecting nearly as much as they could.

Well, when this one is over, kind of like Daybell, (which does have things left but has majorly quieted), they are two of the biggest here that people follow. And for some out there who have covered it for years too. Most have picked up some others along the way like Gray is on Soto and a handful of others.

There's going to be a void here imo for many or some. This one's been waited for for a darned long time. By people everywhere. And even here of course we all have others but this one is arguably one fo the biggest, and Daybell would be up there too, most info, most followed, etc.

This is going to be OVER. I wonder if anyone's thought of that? I sure have. Oh appeals will go on and so on but it will in essence be over.

Whatever will I do with my extra time? LOL. Can't keep up as I is but just trying to end on a more humorous although serious nnte too.

This dawned on me the second after saying that. Whatever the conclusion, it is one there will never be agreement on that it was the right conclusion. I honestly think most people out there see his guilt but news hasn't helped nor the leak and so on, because some see it otherwise because of the skewed stuff. And I'll even admit a few covered over recordings haven't helped either. So however it concludes, it will always have controversy imo at least by a few.

And that now reminds me do you now see that no interview of RA or recording was ever lost? None were. As we were telling you.

Have a good day emu. Keep up the good fight. No fight here, just don't agree respectfully.

I caught the emu at the end, but I'm not gonna read something that long.
He is not being framed he and his bullet and his boxcutter were THERE and Libby recorded the POS.

His box cutter was not there. He allegedly threw it into the dumpster at CVS.

Why would that person have to have a phone on them?? They also could have been parked in a different location. The marked trails and parking spots aren't the only ways in and out of there, especially fe person is familiar with the area and/or lived close.
I'm not saying there was another person involved but just because nobody saw another person doesn't mean another person wasn't involved at all.

His box cutter was not there. He allegedly threw it into the dumpster at CVS.

It was there when he used it. He was there, his gun and bullet were there, his boxcutter was there and was used to slit their throats several times. You and Guesswho are just splitting hairs now and just arguing for the sake of it AFAICS and getting it wrong a lot of the time too while not answering polite questions. I am trying to follow the evidence in a double kidnapping and murder trial of two teens.

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