Alabama murder suspect vanishes with corrections officer *CAPTURED IN INDIANA*


A sheriff's office in Alabama issued an alert Friday night after an inmate and the assistant director of corrections went missing earlier in the day. Authorities said the inmate, who was being held on capital murder charges, should be considered "armed and extremely dangerous."

Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton told reporters Friday night that Vicki White, a 25-year veteran at the department, left the local detention center with Casey Cole White at 9:41 a.m. He said she told other officials she was going to drop him off at the courthouse for a mental health evaluation and then was going to seek medical attention because she wasn't feeling well. Despite having the same last name, the two are not related.

Shortly after 11 a.m., someone found her patrol vehicle in a parking lot of a shopping center. At 3:30 p.m., officials became aware that no one had been able to contact her, and that the inmate had not been returned to custody.
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I almost think some of such cases are right up there with those who write to convicted murderers and then fall for them... Are there psych evals for those that take these jobs and annually? I mean seriously... I don't mean it in a snide way. Maybe something gets to them after a bit and no bleeding heart should be hired at the outset either. Imo. It would take a certain type to do these jobs.

IIRC, they had to do a class on manipulation by prisoners at the prison Jodi Arias was sent to, before she arrived.
So she's an assistant director. Interesting article. There seem to be a lot of indications this was planned and voluntary. It isn't the normal way and vans had already left with prisoners. She told them to ready him for transport and offered to take him herself, he wasn't with her then holding her at knifepoint or anything clearly. Her patrol car gets hidden amongst cars for sale. Even the retirement and selling of her home and staying with her mother all sounds like a plan to liquidate assets. So which country do we think they headed for....? Mexico? I'd be looking to see if she had a lot of cash on her from the sale of the home, etc. or if it is in the bank. I don't see why she'd retire unless she actually thinks she could draw the benefits without being tracked down...?
A couple of other thoughts. She sounds like she had been an exemplary and reliable employee. WTH happened to her? Midlife crisis wanting to live on the edge, take some chances? I just don't get it.

Has it dawned on this woman who worked in the justice system that she is robbing a victim's family from their justice with this hitman killer freed? There is a chance this man may turn on her the minute they are out of sight, kill her and take her money, did that dawn on her? HE77 maybe he didn't want to escape and he will get off scott free claiming she forced HIM to go! Jk, sort of.

Does she really think she knows this man or he will be the same guy once out from behind bars?? Aren't there plenty of released killers and ex-cons she could have chose from and then she wouldn't be doing anything ILLEGAL??

Don't get me wrong, who am I to judge, I hardly picked a winner for a hub but this is a bit beyond what almost anyone else would ever do.

One last thought, does she BELIEVE he is INNOCENT and they are going to get away, hire a lawyer with all of HER money to fight for his innocence? Is this the story he gave her? Maybe they just have to go "find the real killer"... Smh.
Well that's saying something... Not a missing person's alert but a warrant. Wow. They know something...

Well now I'm thinking of all the things that were probably planned ahead. They could only reach her voice mail and I'd almost bet the cell phone was ditched and there is likely another prepaid maybe. She is a "cop" sort of so I'd think she'd know not to ever access her bank or any other accounts, not to call home, etc...

I sure hope they are found safe and no one else is killed or hurt until they are captured...

I am very curious to see how well someone like her planned this out or if it is, like most criminal acts, not well thought out... A stupid plan or a good well thought out one...?

Not that this choice was well thought out... :(
So she's an assistant director. Interesting article. There seem to be a lot of indications this was planned and voluntary. It isn't the normal way and vans had already left with prisoners. She told them to ready him for transport and offered to take him herself, he wasn't with her then holding her at knifepoint or anything clearly. Her patrol car gets hidden amongst cars for sale. Even the retirement and selling of her home and staying with her mother all sounds like a plan to liquidate assets. So which country do we think they headed for....? Mexico? I'd be looking to see if she had a lot of cash on her from the sale of the home, etc. or if it is in the bank. I don't see why she'd retire unless she actually thinks she could draw the benefits without being tracked down...?
Can you imagine doing all of this for a man - especially a convicted murderer? What in the world causes a woman to have this much of a lack of judgement??????????
Can you imagine doing all of this for a man - especially a convicted murderer? What in the world causes a woman to have this much of a lack of judgement??????????
I really don't know. I can see to a POINT someone who has been responsible all of their life, worked hard, never played maybe hitting a point where they say NOW it is my turn--I'm going to go out, I'm going to travel, I'm going to bungee jump, I'm going to date, live on the edge, splurge and by some huge ridiculous thing like a sports car (like men do mid life crisis, etc.) BUT NOT DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!

I don't think most of us can see doing this for a man, a charged murderer, an INMATE... Unusual case... Not that it never happens, I mean just haven't seen such often or in some time...
Interesting insight:

An extremely interesting worthwhile read. Not all of it a surprise. It still makes one wonder about this woman and why now... A lot of food for thought and discussion. I don't think she would be the fairly tale thing and if she is and has clung to that all of her adult life, then someone missed it (her lack of maturity and stability if that is the case) keeping her in this job through all this time. That seems more 20 or 30 tops age range that still believe in that kind of dream or someone that never lives, learns or matures.... The author says without fail almost all were abused at some point in their lives, etc. and are damaged but then again, why after all of this time... And again they must not eval for the people holding these positions annually...?

The groupie thing of serial killers and such is definitely interesting and more. A great read.

I'd add that I don't know what it is but women are supposed to mother and fix things... I also think there is a side of being attracted to the bad boy and if only someone understood him, he'd be such a stellar person... If someone only helped him... I don't know... That falls on women or we think it is our role... I know I am interested in this story and the why she very likely threw her entire life away and every single thing she ever worked for and I don't doubt she worked hard for...
An extremely interesting worthwhile read. Not all of it a surprise. It still makes one wonder about this woman and why now... A lot of food for thought and discussion. I don't think she would be the fairly tale thing and if she is and has clung to that all of her adult life, then someone missed it (her lack of maturity and stability if that is the case) keeping her in this job through all this time. That seems more 20 or 30 tops age range that still believe in that kind of dream or someone that never lives, learns or matures.... The author says without fail almost all were abused at some point in their lives, etc. and are damaged but then again, why after all of this time... And again they must not eval for the people holding these positions annually...?

The groupie thing of serial killers and such is definitely interesting and more. A great read.

I'd add that I don't know what it is but women are supposed to mother and fix things... I also think there is a side of being attracted to the bad boy and if only someone understood him, he'd be such a stellar person... If someone only helped him... I don't know... That falls on women or we think it is our role... I know I am interested in this story and the why she very likely threw her entire life away and every single thing she ever worked for and I don't doubt she worked hard for...
I wonder if she realizes the danger she put herself and others into or if she went too far into Lalaland already. I hope they will be caught without trouble soon.

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