You can do as you like and I'm fine with it but if you really want to lose JT, I always hated the MOO. I like the cow couch here but I never ever got into the MOOING. I never once used it. In fact I kind of made a point without saying so of never using it. I used IMO. IMHO. JMO. JMHO. In my first weeks there it was something I had to ask what it meant as I'd never seen it before. I really felt it stupid being there are well know acronyms or whatever one calls them that are almost universally known.
I almost felt it a rule and almost cultlike that all made sure they used that lol.
Luckily it took some time but I am well past the PTSD from that place or the MOO would bring it on.
I can see the effects of the place on you, I was the same way for probably a flippin' year in always saying and couching that something was my opinion, speculation or in linking someting and i just worried if I opined anything. Not due to anyone here but because I came from there, my only experience at a crime site. Brutal. There were a ton of great members there but it sure isn't due to the site.
I had issues with trust here again not because of here but because of such a terrible place I started at.
You apparently know Kimster, etc. so I don't have to tell ya. But this place is NOTHING like there. Mostly we can just police ourselves like the semi adults we are lol. Link anything so long as it does not go too far down a political line or religious etc. and so long as not crazy whether YT, Daily Mail, just about anything other than like sharing someones FB page etc. And guess what, there is rarely a problem or anyone upset.
So different than that place. When I was there the only YT link allowed was Gray Hughes. There are SOOO many good ones. They were the same with news sources, etc. Pick and choose and made no sense.
Anyhow, it took me a LONGGG time to let go of all that psycho messing with people and they DO that too, and get over the effects which I am really not exaggerating, and I am over it now and talking of it brings it back but thank goodness not to a point where I worry.
It's even fun here!
I don't get the time I used to but when I did I bored with long posts and long cooking posts even worse. Food posts. I did get reprimanded a time or too to take it else where along with a Days of Our Lives account of episodes... Nicely though never timed out. I mean if they have never timed out or suspended the emu
@Cousin Dupree then I'd have a fit if they did it to any of the rest of us.
However, at JT that is exactly what went on. Head games. They would time out someone following the rules and let their pets (paying?) do outrageous things that did break their rules. Or suspend someone who broke no rule where their pet broke ten and no time out ever.
See this is an example of a long post of mine.
I will go on and bore. I have a day off tomorrow and this is how I unwind lol.
So anyhow MOO if you want to but you're not a cow and to me that's a JT thing. I'd say a new leaf would be no more mooing. But if you want to, I have no problem with it. That's how I feel it is here. Go right ahead, I am just recommending a help to further distance JT lol and what you went through. I am past my shell shock from there.
You are in a smaller place but the best one there is.
Imo. Jmo. Jmho. Imho. And I think I used to do this one there without saying a word just to show I'd never MOO, in OMO. Lol. I anagrammed their own letters in MOO.