Have I got this right? So the cabin at 18196 burnt down the same night that Dave was shot and burnt to death at the cabin at 12801. Two cabins were immediately built on that land at 18196 in 2008 and 2009 afterwards, but nothing has since been built at 12801 since Dave's murder, but it was sold in 2022 for 350k with no cabin on it.
It would still likely have all services, septic, electric, water and driveway etc. of course. Not sure if anything was rebuilt, has that been said? It isn't a knock but that one picture of the cabin showed it probably wasn't much. Perfect for a cabin don't get me wrong but in talking value it added to this coveted land, not so sure. A dwelling of any kind does add value but in the terms of overall price here, maybe not a lot.
Interesting that TWO were immediately built on the other. Not sure where you got that but I trust your statements and I don't get to read all as you know.
That could just be because of insurance money or was that land sold too?
There is the OFF chance these fires could be unrelated but it seems 99 percent unlikely.
I think the trick here even aside from Troy would be finding a connection between people with interest in these two cabins and their land or how both fires AND Dave's murder would benefit anyone. of course, again, the other fire could have been set to lead the trail from LE thinking it was someone just after Dave but that, like Troy, would seem to take some preplanning of adding a murder and adding fires that they hope LE would connect and think a larger picture than just wanting Dave dead....
Is there any possibility though otherwise that these two fires and Dave's death benefited someone in some way.... BOTH fires... Benefited the same person or even organization or business (just saying that if this is coveted land who knows...).
The other cabin was not close enough to impede use or prviacy of Dave's land or home so I wouldn't think it anything like someone just didn't want a next door neighbor as they weren't one and no one lived there... I still find it a bit odd that owner's last name was Lewis. I get it may not play in but it sticks in the head...
Personally this case/s is/are old enough that I think some interest and publicity and pushing LE for SOME info since nothing they have done to date has resulted in answers is something to think about.
It is 15+ years PAST. When do you change your strategy and put something out there to stir things up some? Seriously. How many personnel and LE have even come and gone or DA's etc.?
They could clear people OR again stir some things up with who they can't clear or whatever. Release some SHRED of info.
Think of Delphi, they were tough with it but they did as time passed make decisions to let a bit more out and stir it, even if that isn't what resulted in an arrest, it still was strategic or meant to be. Is THIS department doing anything or is it just old and cold?
Do they even have annual press conferences? Does news inquire every so often and what do they say or does news ignore it too?
Most here know I don't follow a lot of very old cases, I'll take a look here and there and have some but mostly I stay on more current years' crimes or ones i have followed from the start. A big part of the reason is there's just never anything new on old ones. This right now is new to me so all info is new and there is a lot of it.
I think LE needs to realize that even if no statute on murder, a lack of justice over too many years for victim's families is not okay either and if they can't get justice, they should think about letting a little info out. Not all of course but NOT everything needs to be held if it can stir interest, memories, help exclude someone or some theories and so on. Shake the case up a bit.
If I were a loved one I would not be okay with this.