So it looks like the NYPD and the FBI had Epstein on their radar in '96 and did nothing. Now we are back in NY twenty five years later.
So who was President in '96 and what was going on at the time? Well that was President Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky internship of 95/96. Top down sexual abuse (my opinion only of course.)
Here is a reminder of President Clinton's view on sexual abuse from Wiki.
Clinton stated, "I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate",
[23] but he denied committing perjury because, according to Clinton, the legal definition of oral sex was not encompassed by "sex"
per se.
[25] In addition, he relied on the definition of "sexual relations" as proposed by the prosecution and agreed by the defense and by Judge
Susan Webber Wright, who was hearing the Paula Jones case. Clinton claimed that certain acts were performed
on him, not
by him, and therefore he did not engage in sexual relations. Lewinsky's testimony to the Starr Commission, however, contradicted Clinton's claim of being totally passive in their encounters.