Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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By the way, you could start a thread about this case in the political forum, too. Then you can use all the links you want and not have to worry about whether they are allowed or not. They would definitely be allowed! Then you could have them all in one place.
Thanks for that but I would rather follow the trial than discuss politics. I have found the link to her deposition (from which the perjury charges will come from I guess) but that will be a separate trial, I believe.
Thank you. It is difficult as so many others are being mentioned. Is Maxwell deposition from the civil case ok? If I can find it. It is about 500 pages. Also the flight logs, if we can find them too. I found one so far from 2002.
As far as the deposition for Ghislaine Maxwell, if you are referring to the civil case brought forward by Virginia Giuffre it is relevant in part because it could stablish a pattern however only in the court of public opinion.

In the current Federal case it is not admissable because it involves different 'levels' of crime under U.S. law. Also, Virginia Giuffre has already settled out of court with the suit so it would be ok to post. If it's over 500 pages it would be too large however I am here to help you break it down in a postable format. Just let me know.

The flight logs are relevant to Ghislaine Maxwells trial because it could cooborate the victims testimony. I'd personally be interested in seeing those if they are publically available.
I would have to say it depends on your reason for wanting to bring it up. If you just want to talk about the political parties, then I would say not. It’s just going to end up in a big rabbit hole if we do.

I like the way @kdg411 said to keep the discussion on Maxwell. Or Epstein. As long as they are the focus of the wrong doings, that’s what would be on topic. If we start talking about how bugs bunny was on the plane and what was bugs bunny doing there, then we start talking about bugs bunny and people either want to defend bugs bunny or demonize bugs bunny. I hope that makes sense.

We do have a private political forum, if you’d like to join. It’s by invitation only. It’s pretty much unmoderated. There hasn’t been any activity in there in a while, but it is there in case you wanna use it.

Here is another source without needing to subscribe. It is a SCRIBD document at the bottom of the article. I have read the first 100 pages and she does not accept any under 18's visited except for children of friends. There are exact dates when she worked for Epstein and when she was in a relationship. I could not read any more today.

There are several sources for the flight logs but this looks like one of the best as it is searchable by name.

There are several sources for the flight logs but this looks like one of the best as it is searchable by name.

Curious as to how the 'black book' information became public. Does anyone know?
Curious as to how the 'black book' information became public. Does anyone know?
Gawker got a copy of it.
Met police have decided not to press charges against Prince Andrew BTW so there is only the civil suit now.

This is likely because she was over the age of consent in the UK when that pic was taken.

What is good about that little black book link is we can view and see who isn't in it.
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Met police have decided not to press charges against Prince Andrew BTW so there is only the civil suit now.

This is likely because she was over the age of consent in the UK when that pic was taken.

What is good about that little black book link is we can view and see who isn't in it.

Well, to save you some time. I'm not in it.
The judge says the next anticipated witness is "Kate," who is one of the witnesses against Maxwell. The defense says that she was over the age of consent, and there are arguments as to the scope of her testimony.

Adam Klasfeld

Judge Nathan said she will tell the jury: "I instruct you that the witness is not a victim of the crimes charged in the indictment." (So, though 'Kate' was one of four accusers, I am referring her to a witness here.)

Adam Klasfeld

Adam Klasfeld

Adam Klasfeld

Judge Nathan orders redacting the photographs on the wall of Epstein's massage room. She will also exclude photographs of vibrators of various sizes, which she says have "little if any relevance" and could "confuse" the jury.

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The things juries never see nor hear... I don't know about relevance or if they are relevant but if there were pictures on Epstein's walls, they are fact and there were pictures. If school girl outfits were a thing, they were a thing. And I think dildo/vibrator sizes confusing a jury is a bit insulting to a jury to say that or anything else may confuse them. It's their job to decide what matters or carries the most weight in large part when they do get to the deliberation room.
The things juries never see nor hear... I don't know about relevance or if they are relevant but if there were pictures on Epstein's walls, they are fact and there were pictures. If school girl outfits were a thing, they were a thing. And I think dildo/vibrator sizes confusing a jury is a bit insulting to a jury to say that or anything else may confuse them. It's their job to decide what matters or carries the most weight in large part when they do get to the deliberation room.
methinks it confuses them, therefor they don't want to have to explain
I love how Dershowitz and Trump lie about their relationship with Epstein.
Just catching up here. I think most of the big names have lied about their relationship with Epstein. Thought this wasn't for political comments and opinions but you keep bringing up Trump and defending Clinton. I wouldn't be caught dead defending any of them quite honestly and certainly not the ones who apparently had Epstein frequent flier miles to use up regularly. Jmo.
Well some are listed just as Female. I suspect they could be the underage ones? Just searching for "female" brings up 20 pages. I haven't looked at each page.
I'll have to take a look. Haven't had a chance yet. Thanks for posting all of the links in this case, it has refreshed my memory a lot. I have and had an opinion on most of it back when and had my reasons but forgot the whys until rereading a lot of things.

Female probably is the underaged and/or the other thought that crosses my mind is how it is just unimportant their "names", just call a "female" when one wants a minor...? Who cares which one....? Debasing imo.
The things juries never see nor hear... I don't know about relevance or if they are relevant but if there were pictures on Epstein's walls, they are fact and there were pictures. If school girl outfits were a thing, they were a thing. And I think dildo/vibrator sizes confusing a jury is a bit insulting to a jury to say that or anything else may confuse them. It's their job to decide what matters or carries the most weight in large part when they do get to the deliberation room.
They could have numbered pics of them and the victims could identify the ones that were used on them. A dildo/vibrator identity parade. The easiest thing would have been for the victim to have previously identified the particular one(s) nearer the time of the event. As we know, initial reporting of at least two of the victims was not pursued by LE. But also perhaps it could be upsetting for the victim. Or perhaps, and much more likely for these allegations, those particular ones no longer exist anymore. We are talking 20 plus years ago after all for some of the allegations, right? Anyone know how long they last? I have no experience of the things. I am beginning to wonder why they are even being mentioned if the jury is not going to need to see them.
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