Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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They count in trafficking statistics, etc. adult women who have pimps and more. I looked it up in depth as many think trafficking means minors and if one looks at the fed government DOJ site where the federal cases are, there are tons of trafficking cases that are adults. And rape is rape. Of course charges regarding minors are more serious.

This is just my opinion as I don't have links at the moment but it is based on looking into it in this past year and it wasn't even in relation to this case.
We just had a case that involved trafficking here local and the ladies were of "legal" age(over 18) that were trafficked, so yes, age is not an issue.
They have stated in the trial today that she wasn't a victim in the indictment though. So I don't think she was groomed or trafficked. I posted the tweet earlier but here it is again.

Adam Klasfeld

Judge Nathan said she will tell the jury: "I instruct you that the witness is not a victim of the crimes charged in the indictment." (So, though 'Kate' was one of four accusers, I am referring her to a witness here.)
not necessarily that she is not a victim, but not a victim for that indictment, which is what the trial is about.
not necessarily that she is not a victim, but not a victim for that indictment, which is what the trial is about.
here is a link that better states what I am trying to say.

not the point I was making. It was about why no birth control and trafficking happens at any age.
Court doesn't believe this incident was trafficking though. She is an adult and can take her own birth control precautions and decisions by declining to have sex. She went to the house to visit them voluntarily three weeks later. She was over the age of consent and was not forced. I am not really sure why she even gave evidence.
The subject of this thread is Ghislaine Maxwell's participation in the procurement of underage girls for her boss which would then reward her financially, correct?

Aside from the many victims, the testimony thus far has set a great foundation. The defense couldn't discredit Juan Alessi. He placed the defendant in the Palm Beach residence with these minor girls.

There are still 3 more victims from the indictment that have yet to testify. And as defense attorneys do, they'll try to discredit each one which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

My question is how the number of young girls from different regions, states, cities, background etc. can be dismissed as coincidence when each story told places the defendant in the exact crimes she's being accused of in the indictment? IMOO, Ghislaine Maxwell is guilty of the crimes she's charged with. Does anyone else see this differently?
Court doesn't believe this incident was trafficking though. She is an adult and can take her own birth control precautions and decisions by declining to have sex. She went to the house to visit them voluntarily three weeks later. She was over the age of consent and was not forced. I am not really sure why she even gave evidence.
Kate provided testimony to add her experience of the 'grooming process' she went thru by Ghislaine Maxwell. Since she is not classified as a victim in this case, she was deemed a victim by Jeffrey Epstein's attorneys who provided her with a settlement. She was trafficked & exploited because someone gained financially for her services.
here is a link that better states what I am trying to say.

Do you mean this bit ? She was made to feel special so she would return ?

I think Maxwell was getting fed up with sexaddict Jeff's demands. I don't think it was grooming.

"Prosecutors can use “Kate’s” testimony, however, to bolster allegations by Maxwell’s other three accusers. One of the three, “Jane,” already has testified. Only one, Annie Farmer, is expected to testify under her real name.

“I Felt Special”

A 44-year-old former actress and model from the United Kingdom, “Kate” told the jury that she now works with women would live with trauma and substance abuse disorder. She said that she first met Maxwell in Paris, where she was introduced by a boyfriend. She testified about being invited to Maxwell’s for house for tea.

“I had a really lovely time, and I felt special, and I felt—,” Kate said, exhaling deeply before adding she felt “—that I found a new connection that could be very meaningful for me.”

“Kate” said that the meeting left her feeling “exhilarated” — like someone wanted to be her friend."
The subject of this thread is Ghislaine Maxwell's participation in the procurement of underage girls for her boss which would then reward her financially, correct?

Aside from the many victims, the testimony thus far has set a great foundation. The defense couldn't discredit Juan Alessi. He placed the defendant in the Palm Beach residence with these minor girls.

There are still 3 more victims from the indictment that have yet to testify. And as defense attorneys do, they'll try to discredit each one which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

My question is how the number of young girls from different regions, states, cities, background etc. can be dismissed as coincidence when each story told places the defendant in the exact crimes she's being accused of in the indictment? IMOO, Ghislaine Maxwell is guilty of the crimes she's charged with. Does anyone else see this differently?
So far we have heard only 1 victim. 1 victim is not evidence of grooming and trafficking in my opinion. I will wait till I have heard the others - I think there will be 2 more. That is when we may see a pattern, if there is one, of grooming and trafficking. This victim Kate travelled to the US herself on commercial flights and a work Visa and has a millionaire father.

The jury will only see these victims. Presumably they won't know about the others like we do. These victims/witnesses will presumably be the worst case scenario ones where there is some degree of evidence of grooming and abuse. So these will be the most serious ones possibly. Will it be enough to convict on the charges that have been brought? I don't know as I have no knowledge of any other grooming or trafficking cases to compare it with. The settlements paid by the executors so far may have persuaded many not to take any further criminal action. I know they had to give up any civil action to get a settlement.
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They have stated in the trial today that she wasn't a victim in the indictment though. So I don't think she was groomed or trafficked. I posted the tweet earlier but here it is again.

Adam Klasfeld

Judge Nathan said she will tell the jury: "I instruct you that the witness is not a victim of the crimes charged in the indictment." (So, though 'Kate' was one of four accusers, I am referring her to a witness here.)
I was talking generally, not about any one person, or case.
Court doesn't believe this incident was trafficking though. She is an adult and can take her own birth control precautions and decisions by declining to have sex. She went to the house to visit them voluntarily three weeks later. She was over the age of consent and was not forced. I am not really sure why she even gave evidence.
she gave the evidence for corroboration. Same as many who testify.
The subject of this thread is Ghislaine Maxwell's participation in the procurement of underage girls for her boss which would then reward her financially, correct?

Aside from the many victims, the testimony thus far has set a great foundation. The defense couldn't discredit Juan Alessi. He placed the defendant in the Palm Beach residence with these minor girls.

There are still 3 more victims from the indictment that have yet to testify. And as defense attorneys do, they'll try to discredit each one which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

My question is how the number of young girls from different regions, states, cities, background etc. can be dismissed as coincidence when each story told places the defendant in the exact crimes she's being accused of in the indictment? IMOO, Ghislaine Maxwell is guilty of the crimes she's charged with. Does anyone else see this differently?
I see it exactly as this.
Do you mean this bit ? She was made to feel special so she would return ?

I think Maxwell was getting fed up with sexaddict Jeff's demands. I don't think it was grooming.

"Prosecutors can use “Kate’s” testimony, however, to bolster allegations by Maxwell’s other three accusers. One of the three, “Jane,” already has testified. Only one, Annie Farmer, is expected to testify under her real name.

“I Felt Special”

A 44-year-old former actress and model from the United Kingdom, “Kate” told the jury that she now works with women would live with trauma and substance abuse disorder. She said that she first met Maxwell in Paris, where she was introduced by a boyfriend. She testified about being invited to Maxwell’s for house for tea.

“I had a really lovely time, and I felt special, and I felt—,” Kate said, exhaling deeply before adding she felt “—that I found a new connection that could be very meaningful for me.”

“Kate” said that the meeting left her feeling “exhilarated” — like someone wanted to be her friend."
I am not making a judgement till I have heard more than the evidence of one victim only who was initially dropped off by her mother. This testimony today was regarding an encounter that took place in the UK and was not even a crime.
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For the record & clarification on the US definition of 'trafficking"

Human Trafficking is a crime that involves exploiting a person for labor, services, or commercial sex.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and its subsequent reauthorizations define human trafficking as:

a) Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or

b) The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. (22 U.S.C. § 7102(9)).

“Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” are umbrella terms – often used interchangeably – to refer to a crime whereby traffickers exploit and profit at the expense of adults or children by compelling them to perform labor or engage in commercial sex. When a person younger than 18 is used to perform a commercial sex act, it is a crime regardless of whether there is any force, fraud, or coercion.
The issue here is less the "expletive that rhymes with 'front'" than the conversation that took place. Ghislaine Maxwell's counsel is arguing that it could violate the court's sequestration order shielding witnesses from each other's testimony.

Adam Klasfeld



Judge Nathan: "The first task is for the govt to fully inquire about what 'Brian' learned from 'Jane' or anyone else" about the conservation.
Adam Klasfeld



The prosecutor says that "Brian" informed the govt about the convo with "Jane," whom 'Brian' insists did not go into details of her testimony. "Jane" told him "he should know that the defense attorney is an 'expletive,'" "Brian" told the govt.

So, in general, if the person is of legal age and voluntarily crosses state lines to prostitute themselves with no pimp or madam involved, that is not trafficking or grooming right ?
I guess it would depend on the situation. If there is and never has been anyone else involved, I would say it is not trafficking but even those with a pimp go alone to a "john" for sex but return to the pimp... Talking generally as you are asking, it would depend I guess if the criteria is met to call it trafficking. I'm not really sure what you are asking. I simply was answering the question that trafficking does not have to be minors and can also apply to adults and that's all. I clarified it because I encounter people who do believe sex trafficking is of children only and that adult women cannot be trafficked and that's not true. Again, generally.

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