So now they are complaining about too much info being given out???
I think she means giving a MINOR child graphic details re her own sister's injuries.
Speaking of too much info or not enough, little is being shared but when someone does open their mouth they insert their foot. Not the first time with this coroner.
We are watching the family's intense grief and frustration play out publicly.
I will never stop saying even if LE is doing it to protect the investigation and the family doesn't understand, THEY need to do SOMETHING for families in this country to help them through such a thing. There is a disconnect and families reel emotionally in the aftermath of such an unexpected thing as murder. And they find out first hand the system is not perfect.
On top of that
PLENTY of effort and worry goes towards defendants. All they have to do is threaten or their attorney does or their free public defender...
VICTIMS families suffer. And then they are also told they have to stifle it. They have no outlet. Even wanting a reward or vigil, etc. they may be told that. They can't even share with friends or family they are made to feel if they do they will ruin the chance for justice. Not ALL info is THAT important.
And the same goes with the public. There is SOMEONE who slaughtered FOUR people loose amongst them/us! I would be damned if my child would still be attending school there if they can't assure anyone!
All that said, I don't agree with all Kaylee's dad has done BUT I understand it. What we are also seeing is family members on different pages and stages of grief day by day imo. It boils over, it sizzles out. Day after day after day they have no answers. As he said his daughter came home in a box. Rest assured they are being harassed and hounded on top of it by real media. They feel like they can't grieve and can't mourn until justice is done.
Honestly, I wish I had the words to describe it but I don't. And their deal is different but boy do I get it.
On top of that, the emotions and frustration are probably causing issues between some family members/families. Shut up Joe you will ruin the chance for justice for our daughter,, you shouldn't have said that. No Martha, if they haven't caught the perp by now they don't know what they are doing so I am going to publicly blast them until they do their job! Made up scenario.
In our thing once my sister blasted me and she said well "my" detective said this and I said well "mine" said it isn't a big deal and oh boy.
HELP and COMMUNICATION is necessary and needed for the families of victims. I will repeat it and repeat it. And not just pacification. SOME info, bridging the disconnect, etc.