Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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I think if an ex-boyfriend was stalking her that her friends would've known about it. I'm sure she had a lot more friends than those who were killed along with her.
Really? The key to stalking is being silent and unknown etc. You find something out of place, a door you thought you shut wasn't, you dismiss it, etc. I've had ex bfs etc. do such things. Come into the residence or onto one's property, mess with personal items and so forth. Anyone who has experienced it knows what I mean...
My cameras last for a week. It's really easy to download one up until they erase themselves. Currently there's a problem with mail theft in our town, so I check them to see if I can catch the person. I don't check them every day, however, unless I think about it.
I count on the guy who installed them to check them lol but am learning. Yeah he said 7 days and they erase. Glad I asked as one was important.
Not arguing, just trying to flesh this out. Any opinions on where the killer could hide and still know all 4 have returned home?
I would think the middle floor most likely, main floor. He would then know when girls went up, things got quiet, etc. And that is IF he wasn't even a welcome guest...
I don't necessarily think he was waiting inside. Possibly though. IMO it would be just as easy to wait outside in the back of the house in those trees and watch. You can pretty much see into one of the upstairs bedrooms from there. And if they were in the habit of leaving that back door unlocked...
If that second floor bedroom was truly vacant though, that'd be the easiest hiding place, I think.
nowhere has it been said ONLY these six were at the home has it?
Not explicitly. But implied, I think.
They said that the other person on the lease was not home. They talked about the other two roommates being there. I think, with all of the rumors and info flying around in this case, it would have come out by now if anyone else was known to be in the home that night.

They have also not explicitly stated where the two surviving roommates were sleeping. There has been a lot of speculation that they were both on the ground floor but I don't believe it was ever confirmed.
I don't necessarily think he was waiting inside. Possibly though. IMO it would be just as easy to wait outside in the back of the house in those trees and watch. You can pretty much see into one of the upstairs bedrooms from there. And if they were in the habit of leaving that back door unlocked...
If that second floor bedroom was truly vacant though, that'd be the easiest hiding place, I think.
It would also be easy to sit in an unlocked car out of the cold slouched back, etc. They did take cars...

I think second floor bedroom possibility as well but heck he could have been right in the kitchen and then hid when seeing headlights or hearing them come in.

I saw debate or talk that Kaylee's old room or that second floor 2nd bedroom was put up for rent and maybe there was another renter/guest. I think I also saw talk that one of the surviving roommates had a bf who stayed there, etc.

It is what ISN'T said in cases that is easy to let go or assume otherwise. They have never confirmed who all lived here, was here, etc. but they do mention the surviving roommates etc. but only did that WHEN they HAD to/it came out.
I count on the guy who installed them to check them lol but am learning. Yeah he said 7 days and they erase. Glad I asked as one was important.
Ours depend on what density we record on and how many cameras are recording at high density vs lower density and how many are recording. In other words, it isn't an exact date, as in every 7 days, it's how large the hard drive it records onto is, which can vary greatly from system to system. Older systems usually have a smaller hard drive than the newer ones BUT the newer cameras record at higher quality so use more space.
I think she means giving a MINOR child graphic details re her own sister's injuries.

Speaking of too much info or not enough, little is being shared but when someone does open their mouth they insert their foot. Not the first time with this coroner.

We are watching the family's intense grief and frustration play out publicly.

I will never stop saying even if LE is doing it to protect the investigation and the family doesn't understand, THEY need to do SOMETHING for families in this country to help them through such a thing. There is a disconnect and families reel emotionally in the aftermath of such an unexpected thing as murder. And they find out first hand the system is not perfect.

On top of that

PLENTY of effort and worry goes towards defendants. All they have to do is threaten or their attorney does or their free public defender...

VICTIMS families suffer. And then they are also told they have to stifle it. They have no outlet. Even wanting a reward or vigil, etc. they may be told that. They can't even share with friends or family they are made to feel if they do they will ruin the chance for justice. Not ALL info is THAT important.

And the same goes with the public. There is SOMEONE who slaughtered FOUR people loose amongst them/us! I would be damned if my child would still be attending school there if they can't assure anyone!

All that said, I don't agree with all Kaylee's dad has done BUT I understand it. What we are also seeing is family members on different pages and stages of grief day by day imo. It boils over, it sizzles out. Day after day after day they have no answers. As he said his daughter came home in a box. Rest assured they are being harassed and hounded on top of it by real media. They feel like they can't grieve and can't mourn until justice is done.

Honestly, I wish I had the words to describe it but I don't. And their deal is different but boy do I get it.

On top of that, the emotions and frustration are probably causing issues between some family members/families. Shut up Joe you will ruin the chance for justice for our daughter,, you shouldn't have said that. No Martha, if they haven't caught the perp by now they don't know what they are doing so I am going to publicly blast them until they do their job! Made up scenario.

In our thing once my sister blasted me and she said well "my" detective said this and I said well "mine" said it isn't a big deal and oh boy.

HELP and COMMUNICATION is necessary and needed for the families of victims. I will repeat it and repeat it. And not just pacification. SOME info, bridging the disconnect, etc.
Their new attorney is just as attention seeking and isn't grieving. I'm just throwing that out there. Nothing directed at anyone.
Not arguing, just trying to flesh this out. Any opinions on where the killer could hide and still know all 4 have returned home?
1) outside on the balcony in the dark corner.
2) on the ground floor in the utility room area where the water heater/ furnace might be located. Killer didn't realize the 2 survivors were in their rooms asleep with their bedroom doors locked.
3) step into the bathtub in a dark bathroom, pull the shower curtain all or most of the way closed. Risky, but if someone is using the toilet to pee after drinking beer, they are most likely not going to be paying attention to a shower curtain arrangement.
4) in a closet
5) crawl under a bed and wait. Even better if their are a few boxes under the bed to help someone hide. How many people look under their bed before climbing in it to sleep?
6) in one of the 2 empty bedrooms- the empty one across from X's room, or K's old room.
7) outside, in a car. Either the Elantra or another vehicle. Maybe one that perp didn't own, but it had been left unlocked or he had tools to pick locks.

The fairy lights on the living room wall would have provided a dim light for an intruder to find their way around part of the second floor.
( the floor where X and E were sleeping.)

All MOO.
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I don't necessarily think he was waiting inside. Possibly though. IMO it would be just as easy to wait outside in the back of the house in those trees and watch. You can pretty much see into one of the upstairs bedrooms from there. And if they were in the habit of leaving that back door unlocked...
If that second floor bedroom was truly vacant though, that'd be the easiest hiding place, I think.
In the closet. Someone could open the bedroom door and nothing would be amiss.

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