Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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Authorities tracked the Idaho student killings suspect as he drove cross-country to Pennsylvania​

Investigators honed in on Kohberger as the suspect through DNA evidence and by confirming his ownership of a white Hyundai Elantra seen near the crime scene, He drove cross-country in a white Hyundai Elantra and arrived at his parents’ house in Pennsylvania around Christmas, . Authorities were tracking him as he drove and were also surveilling his parents’ house.

An FBI surveillance team tracked him for four days before his arrest while law enforcement worked with prosecutors to develop enough probable cause to obtain a warrant, the two law enforcement sources said.

Genetic genealogy techniques were used to connect Kohberger to unidentified DNA evidence, another source with knowledge of the case tells CNN. The DNA was run through a public database to find potential family member matches, and subsequent investigative work by law enforcement led to him as the suspect,

I happened across this post on a site not known for covering true crime and thought the article was interesting. It points out 5 elements that LE and the prosecutor's office need answers to as the prosecution starts to build a case for trial-elements that would absolutely NAIL a conviction.
The article is written by a former DEA agent/police officer.

Quote that stands out: "Moreover, evidence of the victims that can be linked to Kohberger offsite to where authorities arrested him in Pennsylvania could be most damning. " (BBM)

Are those two women related? They sure look alike. Also, if they are forensics, why don't they have the white forensic suits on?

(Just saw the news on the arrest and trying to get up to date on this.)

As he left the state where the crime occurred, will the FBI get involved in this?

Article from the BBC.

The FBI provides resources and will always be involved in that capacity. That's how it works here in Oregon, anyway. They get more involved in federal crimes.
I happened across this post on a site not known for covering true crime and thought the article was interesting. It points out 5 elements that LE and the prosecutor's office need answers to as the prosecution starts to build a case for trial-elements that would absolutely NAIL a conviction.
The article is written by a former DEA agent/police officer.

Quote that stands out: "Moreover, evidence of the victims that can be linked to Kohberger offsite to where authorities arrested him in Pennsylvania could be most damning. " (BBM)

Interesting article. However, if one bit of his DNA is under one of the victims' fingernails, that's WAY more damning that just collecting his DNA in the house.
That too. But it's been said that he did finish the semester. The dates would have been very close and not likely suspicious as to be "suddenly fleeing" or anything. The semester was ending/over. Possibly someone did already report him / his car. WSU students would have been on alert too.

In a Friday evening statement, the university confirmed Kohberger finished his first semester as a PhD student in the school’s criminal justice program earlier in December.

Last day of instruction was December 9. Finals were between December 12 - December 16.

I believe the first day they asked for info on the Elantra was December 7.
Do PhD students have finals?
Do PhD students have finals?
I don't know, but I think this was his first semester in the program.

I keep wondering if he got involved in criminology because of his desire to kill or did the desire begin during his studies? And has he killed before and gotten away with it?

Here's an interesting article about his demeanor during class when the murders were being discussed:

Are those two women related? They sure look alike. Also, if they are forensics, why don't they have the white forensic suits on?

(Just saw the news on the arrest and trying to get up to date on this.)

As he left the state where the crime occurred, will the FBI get involved in this?

Article from the BBC.

The FBI has been involved from the beginning. The FBI offers a lot of support in cases of mass murder. In the US, 4 or more deceased victims during one crime constitute mass murder.

Regarding hazmat suits and such. That evidence appears to be bagged and tagged. There should be no concern just loading it into transport.
I've never heard of moving a trial out of state before? Especially difficult in this case as WA is more liberal than ID so the laws could be quite different. Does WA have the death penalty? Can the prosecutor work in another state?

I would think that they'd have to do the trial in the state where it occurred, so the penalties are the same.

Law enforcement sources told ABC News that police identified Kohberger as a suspect, at least in part, by using DNA technology, and police then tracked the grad student to Pennsylvania through his car.

Moscow police's only other prior interaction with Kohberger was a traffic citation for not wearing a seatbelt, which was issued while he was in the white Elantra, Fry said. The chief said he cannot release whether the suspect has any prior criminal history elsewhere.

Police are still seeking the murder weapon -- believed to be a fixed-blade knife -- and do not have a motive, Fry said. The chief said police have evidence this was a targeted attack but cannot share more details at this time.

BBM interesting imo

Law enforcement sources told ABC News that police identified Kohberger as a suspect, at least in part, by using DNA technology, and police then tracked the grad student to Pennsylvania through his car.

Moscow police's only other prior interaction with Kohberger was a traffic citation for not wearing a seatbelt, which was issued while he was in the white Elantra, Fry said. The chief said he cannot release whether the suspect has any prior criminal history elsewhere.

Police are still seeking the murder weapon -- believed to be a fixed-blade knife -- and do not have a motive, Fry said. The chief said police have evidence this was a targeted attack but cannot share more details at this time.

BBM interesting imo

I wonder who and why he wanted to kill a particular person.
Possible rumor:
I have not verified this information but a YouTuber says that Maddie and Kaylee worked at a vegan restaurant. Supposedly the suspect/perp is vegan. Interesting if true. I don’t remember where they said the girls worked?
Possible rumor:
I have not verified this information but a YouTuber says that Maddie and Kaylee worked at a vegan restaurant. Supposedly the suspect/perp is vegan. Interesting if true. I don’t remember where they said the girls worked?
Maddie and Xana worked at The Mad Greek. It's not vegan.

I take that back. You can inquire about vegan options.
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