Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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Twitter is stating the defense wants her as its witness.
That's why I asked and mentioned it above. I hoped it wasn't likely but I really don't see why they'd bring in more than maybe one detective and someone else for a preliminary hearing, they just wouldn't need her. And why would she want it quashed if it helped her dead friends if it was from the prosecution.

This is worrisome. Did she KNOW him or invite him over, have him over, etc.? Not saying that was the case, I'm just saying WHY would the defense want her to testify and subpoena her so early? For what? What does she know that can HELP him?
Why didn't you leave your room, is a question she won't want to answer. The right answer is I was scared, but a lot of people won't understand how someone could be like that. She's a scared kid.
I'm not so sure what this one did. I don't think we know. All figured she heard nothing and said nothing basically if I remember correctly but we don't know that I don't think. That's all guesses/speculation of the public from knowing nothing.
BK and the defense want things quiet and no publicity etc. and yet they pull this. BK is saying something here, not sure what yet, about the roommate.

Defense doesn't really put on a case in a preliminary although they can try to question state's witnesses and prove no cause, etc. I believe. It is the state that is up showing enough cause to proceed with charges and a trial. The fact they are doing this or trying this IS to make people wonder what the heck...

Both roommates were pretty quiet but this one far more so and I don't believe they mentioned her much at all in the PCA. It was all about the other roommate.

We have to remember there is a lot we don't know of if he'd been there before, what if any relationships to any of them and a whole lot more we don't know including motive and whether intent was for one to die, four to die, six to die, etc., etc.

This is REALLY concerning.
I don't think it's concerning necessarily. I think it's a stunt.
Any information she has or statements she gave would already be in evidence. They can/will find out what she knows during discovery. This is simply a preliminary hearing.
If the defense / investigator found out something major, they would have already asked for the charges to be dismissed.


Idaho justices rule against news outlets, uphold gag order in Moscow homicides case​

The Idaho Supreme Court ruled Monday against the legal petition brought by more than two dozen media outlets, including the Idaho Statesman, to void the wide-ranging gag order issued by the judge overseeing the case against Moscow homicide suspect Bryan Kohberger.

Attorneys representing the news consortium said they’ll press forward and continue pursuing the complaint.

By unanimous decision, the justices ruled the petitioners had established the necessary standing to file a legal claim. However, they wrote that the group should have first sought remedy in Judge Megan Marshall’s 2nd Judicial District Court in Latah County before bringing the case to the state’s Supreme Court.

“By failing to pursue a remedy from the magistrate court before pursuing an extraordinary remedy from this court, petitioners have forgotten that we are ‘the court of last resort in Idaho’ — not the court of first resort,” read the opinion signed by Justice Gregory W. Moeller, with the four other Idaho justices concurring.

The ruling dismissed the media outlets’ attempt to vacate the gag order, which Marshall issued on Jan. 3, barring attorneys for the defense and prosecution and members of law enforcement from commenting about the case outside of court documents. Marshall argued the nondissemination order was needed to preserve the Kohberger’s right to a fair trial.

“While we are disappointed that the court denied the petition, the media coalition now has a clear path under Idaho law to challenge the gag order and vindicate these important First Amendment rights,” attorney Cory Carone said in an emailed statement to the Statesman.
I don't think it's concerning necessarily. I think it's a stunt.
Any information she has or statements she gave would already be in evidence. They can/will find out what she knows during discovery. This is simply a preliminary hearing.
If the defense / investigator found out something major, they would have already asked for the charges to be dismissed.

I too think it is a stunt. I think they want the public thinking something and wondering and to worry Funke as well.

However, I think there is something behind it most likely. A big unknown in this case is and was the roommates, what they saw, where they were and why they didn't call 911 for so long. We know some now but not all. More big unknowns are if he was known to any of them, connected to any of them, was ever in the home before either welcome or unwelcome, etc. While we have a probable cause affidavit with a lot of info in it, they are generally never all the info and they pick and choose what goes into such and one can assume a lot is not provided in it.

Maybe it all just plays into my feeling in this case that there is SOMETHING we don't know. Not the minutiae but the overall big "thing".

Most definitely it is a stunt I agree with that, and likely pushed by BK to his attorneys to do such... Maybe even "tactic" would be the word for it...

It makes sense now that she would be trying to get it quashed since it is from the defense. That's why I wondered from the start if it could be (although not typical) because she'd have no reason to want one quashed for the prosecution. It also didn't make sense for the prosecution to need her for preliminary. However, the prosecution will likely not bring her in or even Dylan. If they did bring in one, it would be Dylan imo, just based on what we do know and they'd most likely confirm things in the PCA and that would be Dylan to back up those things, if anyone.
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