Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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Watching a very respected show on it with someone explaining. Could be not even related to the case or even a cop with a DV or DUI in his past that is still an officer and they are just disclosing it so it doesn't come up later that he worked on this case, etc. Or it could be something relating to the case. ANY internal affairs investigation I gather at any time could cause it, even before this case, etc. That's how I'm understanding it.
Just a bit more info. Pretty much what GrandmaBear said above.
I'm inclined to believe it's indirectly related to the case. Someone who was working the case with a past issue who may get their credibility questioned in court. But not a direct violation of anything case related. JMO.

Court documents have been filed blocking the release of any information related to Brady/Giglio material in the State’s case against Bryan Kohberger.

In the case of Kohberger, an internal affairs investigation involving one of the officers connected to in the case could impeach the officer as a credible witness.

Documents of protection were filed on Monday, March 27, prohibiting anyone to discuss the contents of the internal affairs investigation material.

Material may or may not be relevant to the case, as it could be a non-related incident, i.e. domestic violence, speeding, drug use, etc.

Under the law, the prosecution is obligated to disclose any exculpatory evidence to the defense if they are aware of it.
After the mess in the Daybell case and prosecution not turning over what could be exculpatory evidence in a timely manner, I think MAYBE that might contribute to this Idaho department ensuring they do so and get it correct from the start. Both are ID cases, both are big and both are/were talking death penalty.

Not sure what Brian Entin is talking about above regarding the knife sheath because as far as I know, there is no way anyone can know what it pertains to unless there is a leak. And if so, they'd be pretty irresponsible to share it I'd say...

Let's even say the officer or person in question was present, hopefully he wasn't alone, etc. or did anything without others present.

We had a moment in our case because the investigator had an incident that was in the news in his past. Defense wanted him impeached. It didn't happen because nothing came of it and it never related to our case so judge ruled against defense. It wasn't the wisest thing they did in the past but it wasn't a crime really and nothing came of it at the time it happened but it wasn't a good look. I took it it didn't need to be disclosed and it hadn't been. I just mention it as IF it had been something bigger like a DUI or a chargeable offense (it wasn't), and wasn't disclosed well.... Honestly the defense experts should have been disqualified, especially one of them with the past he had...

Anywho, hopefully it is nothing that will have any huge impact on the case here. HOPEFULLY. Since we don't know, hard to say.
News Nation is saying allegedly an ID belonging to someone who lived in the home in Moscow where the students were murdered was found in one of Brian's places (family home, apartment, etc.).

Also saying police may have evidence of Kohberger cyberstalking one of the Moscow residents...

They go on to speculate for some reason, Geragos and Cuomo and Koffendaffer[sp?] as to other IDs of other people and will it connect him to other crimes, etc...?

What bothers me about this is no info as to source and the further speculation I have no idea of why they reach for that except I guess one search warrant did show IDs from his glove compartment in Pennsvylvania or some such but that isn't how they know who it belongs to, they just figure it may be where they found this one...

Cops wouldn't confirm of course when asked because of gag order, wouldn't confirm any of it...

I don't like gag orders generally but IF real reason, that's different but no way to know yet BUT I don't like leaks when there is one even less I think.

So I am sharing this but I'm not necessarily thrilled at how this came about and I guess we have to take their word for it as to whether it is even fact...

I'll add one more thing. There are plenty of responsible YTers who do their own channels, just one person out of their home and flack gets given of course over some irresponsible types and "online" armchair detectives, etc. but THIS is News Nation in a case with a gag order... Apparently getting info from someone in the case... AND speculating somewhat wildly for a "news" channel if you ask me... As to other IDs or crimes...

Wasn't 10 IDs on the PA search warrant inventory?
I didn't know that. Barely keeping up on cases.

THAT is interesting. No individual needs that many unless having more than one identity. And if they belong to others, that is both interesting and scary. Because that's not just cyberstalking, they have to physically obtain them...

I honestly have wondered if he went into the home on occasions... Prior to the murders. Of course that is speculation on my part but data shows him in the neighborhood, etc. for months wasn't it...? And that leads me to other thoughts and questions I probably shouldn't go into... Either he'd have to be welcome, know he was safe to do so when FOUR various roommates and bfs, etc. wouldn't be present, or someone there had him over, let him in, etc. either with the others knowing or not knowing... I'll leave that at that for now.

The other possibility is what News Nation was doing or I think hinting, he takes the IDs after a crime or kill... And I think hinting at a serial murderer, rapist or something... Which of course is about the most sensationalism you can add...

I mean I guess you could have ten IDs of your own, if you had one for parking at the school, a DL, a passport, a free lunch card (just making that up as to different IDs, sure it isn't the case), a library card, etc... Is ID DLs and things like Real IDs or does it just mean for every place you go, etc. and need a pass... Parking pass, Rewards card, etc...
I think so, too, possibly is (unst), and that the first part is ID, and so I think it must just be his university-issued ID.
Good grief! I hope who ever wrote that can read their own writing. There are other words there that I couldn't make out to save my life!
Yeah I think it is "ID". some of the media are reading the "ID" as the number "10" thinking there are ten IDs... I am not putting total faith in these recent reports or speculation. Also it was said one of the residents IDs were found in one of his residences, not his car so a whole lot of stuff that I think is being made into something else.

I agree on that I hope the writer himself/herself can read it. I make notes for myself all of the time with abbreviations and chicken scratch and if I come across one down the line, I often don't know what it says so it sure does happen...
While I hope their evidence is this clear, I have to remember that there's been a LOT of misinformation released about this case and so I'm going to file this under my "could be true, but not verified" folder. One reason I hesitate to believe it is that the killer wasn't in the house long enough to rummage around for a driver's license so unless it was laying on the dresser, it's hard for me to believe. Or maybe he grabbed a purse on the way out?
While I hope their evidence is this clear, I have to remember that there's been a LOT of misinformation released about this case and so I'm going to file this under my "could be true, but not verified" folder. One reason I hesitate to believe it is that the killer wasn't in the house long enough to rummage around for a driver's license so unless it was laying on the dresser, it's hard for me to believe. Or maybe he grabbed a purse on the way out?
Well he was apparently stalking prior and in the area and could have even attended something there, a party, etc., but that would all be speculation too, I'm not ruling anything out but I agree. And News Nation and/or some of their regulars have had some egg on their face a few times in the recent past. Not knocking them more than any or anything but we are seeing a lot more speculative click bat stuff from some imo.

I'm filing it under a kind of an "interesting but not yet buying it or sold on it" category... :)
While I hope their evidence is this clear, I have to remember that there's been a LOT of misinformation released about this case and so I'm going to file this under my "could be true, but not verified" folder. One reason I hesitate to believe it is that the killer wasn't in the house long enough to rummage around for a driver's license so unless it was laying on the dresser, it's hard for me to believe. Or maybe he grabbed a purse on the way out?
Possibly taken at another time? Who knows where he was hiding and how long he was there prior to the murders or if he had gotten access at other times.
Possibly taken at another time? Who knows where he was hiding and how long he was there prior to the murders or if he had gotten access at other times.
Yeah, can't confirm it of course and only speculating, but he stalked someone it does seem to be, in that house. We know of him in the area a lot beforehand, etc. and after. I can't assume he may not have been in that home another time or times and in fact think it not farfetched... Obsessed stalkers, if that is what he was, do all sorts of things... Or a rejected one...

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