Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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Yeah it is a game. It may go on and may be allowed but I don't have to like it. I just don't think a court of law should be a place games should be played but that's exactly what goes on and the more ridiculous with some of them allowed as the years go on. Maybe it has been the way for a long time but I still don't have to like it and I don't.

It's pretty clear what the defense is doing here and I find it beyond acceptable.

We have yet to see if this speedy trial goes off but I personally hope it bites the defense in their butt. They have just weeks to be prepared. State too, no doubt, but states already have detectives, witnesses, evidence, etc. and likely expert witnesses available more easily and while perhaps rushed, my guess would be in better shape than the defense who likely counted on and still is doing these things and delaying with motions, claiming lack of provision of some evidence, etc. and filing a ridiculous lack of alibi alibi. Yes I used alibi twice intentionally. I'm sure she can probably think on her feet with questions and objections at trial but ARE THEY PREPARED with all else? I'm thinking not.

It'll be interesting to see a speedy trial and how ready either side is. Lori Daybell's was one barely, just past, but the time clock stopped with her many mental hospital jaunts and stays. This one doesn't have that. Maybe that will be their next ploy to stop the clock since the judge refused to.
Yeah, I’m hoping that they are able to go to trial as planned so we don’t have to go through the torture of his games anymore.
Not that most of us believe this will actually start on time but...

Kohberger trial set to happen in Latah County​

It appears there will not be a change of venue for the trial of murder suspect Bryan Kohberger, according to a schedule filed by Latah County District Judge John Judge on Tuesday.

The schedule says a jury trial is set to commence Oct. 2 in the Latah County Courthouse and will run until Nov. 17.

Jury selection will begin Sept. 25 and is anticipated to last at least three days.
Not that most of us believe this will actually start on time but...

Kohberger trial set to happen in Latah County​

It appears there will not be a change of venue for the trial of murder suspect Bryan Kohberger, according to a schedule filed by Latah County District Judge John Judge on Tuesday.

The schedule says a jury trial is set to commence Oct. 2 in the Latah County Courthouse and will run until Nov. 17.

Jury selection will begin Sept. 25 and is anticipated to last at least three days.
Well jury selection is a month away basically. Wow. Who thinks the defense particularly will stop and just hunker down to defend the case? Both sides should be doing exactly that right now to be ready to try it. If only cases worked like this.

My bet is defense will come up with more motions. However, maybe I will be surprised, maybe they will force hand of prosecution and see which side is READY after not that many months since the murders. I don't think so though. I think we will see more motions by defense to delay while wanting a speedy trial.. They can't even really yell about pretrial publicity, for a need of change of venue or not being able to pick a jury though but will likely try something. This case has been appropriately silent other than mostly the reporting of motions and hearings and outcomes of those, no leaks, no breaking of any gag order to speak of, etc. The families have even been even thought they shouldn't have been bound by it to begin with but they want justice and one isn't hearing much I think because of wanting justice and giving the defense nothing.

This judge, I think, may know exactly what he is doing and ruling appropriately and heading full steam to the speedy trial. They should have had the same in Lori Daybell. This is as we hear a fundamental right of a defendant to have a speedy trial. I don't disagree with that right. But while they call for it they then delay it and try to cause it not to happen. Go with the speedy trial as judge and let the chips fall where they may on appeal which should show that the defense was doing exactly that right? They call for one thing while trying to cause another. Start the race on time but hey, you didn't give me time to get my tire fixed and my oil changed. Well WHICH DO YOU WANT?????? NO you shouldn't be able to have your cake and eat it too. GAME. It's all GAMES.
Don’t mess around with Idaho! Looks like they believe in swift justice over there.
Sorry to laugh but I tthink it depends. Lori Daybell had the death penalty removed due to lack of speedy trial pretty much. And that was Idaho. And very recent. And boy there's been cover as Boyce deserves egg on his face and criticism over it. She deserved the DP but it was REMOVED due to it.

Now here we have an ID judge ensuring the opposite and I don't doubt for one minute he knows the criticism in the other case. And not just for that but ID's rules on who is as victim family member and all the very public criticism that some victim family members couldn't attend or give victim impact statements.

I'm not dissing this judge at all, but I am saying he is likely well aware of all the very public bad press ID and Judge Boyce got and that just shows you that saying something and many people doing so publicly can make a difference. This one is going to ensure he doesn't do the same. In my humble opinion. It is time the right thing fights back instead of judges being too chicken to make a move or a wrong step without taking a year. And in my opinon much of it comes from inexperienced judges who get appointed or voted into office, never having had one bit of experience.. In many counties in this nation the same judge handles a bad check to a speeding ticket to a murder of this magnitude and public interest. That's just so wrong.

Sorry for the soapbox but I think little of ID law and courts with what I've seen but it DOES seem this county and this judge maybe does NOT want to be seen in the same light as others have been seen in recent cases. Jmo. Maybe he's always been good and nothing like the others and if so, even better.
It's not all funny but my instant reaction was to laugh. Defense atty and Kohberger had to admit to no way to be ready, game didn't work, and I just also doubted in posts above that she was ready, the entire ploys were to create issues and all her time has likely went into filing these motions and not preparing for a speedy trial as she never expected one.

But right after laughing that they had to do this, comes knowing the families are going to have years now and I'd bet on it. This was NEVER going to go off in October anyhow. It's too bad the State can't request a speedy one but of course they can't but if she wanted one it should mean she was prepared for one no? Games with no logical rules. They can demand one but claim to not be ready for one. Of course they'd blame it on the State or lack of discovery or something if called out on the hypocrisy.

Imo the judge held strong with I think enough basis and the prosecution did as well and the defense and Kohberger lost this match and this particular game. They had to concede.

October (sadly) is literally right around the corner.

Think about this. Why did the defense not push to proceed and stick with their efforts and hopefully stick the State in a spot? I mean even if there is something they don't have it would all be ripe for appeal after. A big point of speedy trials and the original game of it before they allowed it all to go too far is to catch the State unprepared to try the case yet. They aren't ready and she has never been ready.

Why doesn't she just present Brian's solid alibi and get the case dismissed?
Along with the delay and motion to remove cameras...

Bryan Kohberger waives right to a speedy trial, plans to file motion to strike death penalty​

Judge John Judge accepted Bryan Kohberger's waiver of a speedy trial during his conference hearing on Wednesday. During that hearing, Kohberger and his attorney, Anne Taylor, also announced they plan to file a motion to strike the death penalty.
Worth a watch.

Just started it myself.

She says and I agree and have been trying to say it but was unable to as concisely that exercising his own fundamental right to a speedy trial caused the immense pressure on them (he and his atty) that caused him now to waive that right to a speedy trial. I put it more as this is the game they played and then they tried for delays and they lost this match. I also said and wondered if they possibly could be ready for trial in October and doubted it. Clearly they weren't and he got nervous.

BUT of interest, she also says, which I didn't know, that one of the families put out a prayer request saying they were worried he was going to waive his right and they just want this trial over with (I know that need and the toll years takes of waiting for one and all the drama and hearings and delays over those years). That makes me wonder if he actually waived it as he knew they did not want him to. I think this is a vindictive man/arsehole. Even if so though, I think this would have happened. His attorney was not prepared to try the case, I don't believe that for a minute.

It was a game pure and simple and it did not work. I have little doubt BK knew of Daybell and how it did cause issues there (same state too). But this judge isn't Boyce and there is no codefendant either.

The sad thing is, in my opinion, now that they bought time, the real delays and more motions will start and this is not going to be smooth sailing and will be very hard on the families. They are in for a rocky road. They've already been on one but now it will get worse--rocky with ups and downs and twists and turns and probably years and at least a year I'd guess.

I suppose BK may think he saved face by looking like he did this to get at the family who didn't want it waived but imo they look like they lost and he knows it. And I think he is the type that would bother greatly. He has to be "smartest" in the room and "win". So GOOD. Not good on the time it will take or on the families, just good if it bothers him which I suspect it does. Their game didn't work and the judge did not hand them a win. Well he did in a way lol, he kept the speedy trial they wanted on track despitre their attempts to delay it to cause a dismissal, etc.

She says judge didn't do anything he did not HAVE to do. To keep speedy trial on track, he had to issue an aggressive scheduling order to have it go off on time in October. And he did so. But that the amount of work the defense would have to do is daunting. Well no sh*t right? They knew this all along. I'll say this too--prosecution has to be ready too and I'm going to guess the defense's game had the prosecution working hard to be ready and imo that's a good thing and puts them ahead of the eight ball, not that defense won't throw more curve balls.

Maybe sometimes a good offensive keeps the other side on defense but it didn't work here. And it never should. This is exactly what should have happened. Had they filed for a speedy trial and then boned up fast to be ready for one, then yes, it is his right. But these games of file for one but then yourself also try to delay that very thing you asked for SHOULD NEVER WORK imo.
It is about what is upcoming and is about the legal parts of it all which can be dry but it does explain some things and she explains it in plain English rather than legalese.

For one, it doesn't sound like most of what the defense attorney filed has much for grounds and isn't impressive. These things will still be heard and decided as they've been filed.

For an example, she filed about the grand jury that they should have been asked or decided on whether there was enough reasonable doubt to charge versus enough probably cause or maybe it was vice versa. This lady attorney says that that one is a big stretch as it would go against established Idaho statute and Idaho Supreme Court rulings that have stood as the standard. In other words, what she filed was a bunch of phooey. She does say they have other arguments with the grand jury thing, to be fair, but that was the big one and she will likely lose on it imo from what i understand in listening to her. At least on that portion.
So the standard is probably cause but "Kohberger" is saying they are wrong and it should be reasonable doubt and that for years and years the ID courts have been wrong on their standard and "this" is the way it should be. Eyeroll. This does sound like BK more so than his attorney BUT she filed it so who knows. For years and years everyone has been wrong about this but he is right....

This is a bit dry as it is the legal stuff BUT worth hearing these things as she explains them well and in plain English. And it isn't dry like DNA stuff, etc., I just mean it isn't a lot about speculative stuff, and fluff stuff but about what matters which is and should be the law and evidence as to the chances here.
Apparently there has been a motion for no cameras in the courtroom (expected) and a motion to dismiss. The motion to dismiss has a memorandum with the reasons but the defense asked that that part be sealed and it promptly was by the judge without it sounds like much argument or explanation or reason to back it up. Huh?

She explains things well. She makes me wonder where Scott Reisch has been, I haven't run into any of his YT videos or weekly lives in quite awhile... Has anyone else?

Listening to her last couple now, I find and she seems to confirm that a lot of the defense filings are kind of silly and stupid. The typical b.s. but maybe even a bit more atypical and "out there". Meaning a reach or a dream they would be granted as they lack substance and are just ludicrous. Some of them anyhow.


Bryan Kohberger secretly alleges 24 flaws in Idaho murders indictment in latest motion to dismiss​

Lawyers for the suspected Idaho student killer Bryan Kohberger aiming to dismiss the indictment against him are alleging grand jury bias, "inadmissible" and insufficient evidence and prosecutorial misconduct.

In a Wednesday filing, defense attorney Jay Logsdon revealed that Kohberger's team was raising 24 issues in support of the allegations – however, the memorandum including those details was filed under seal.

Prosecutors, whom Kohberger's team is accusing of withholding exculpatory evidence, have until Wednesday to respond, and a motion hearing is scheduled for September 1.

Bryan Kohberger secretly alleges 24 flaws in Idaho murders indictment in latest motion to dismiss​

Lawyers for the suspected Idaho student killer Bryan Kohberger aiming to dismiss the indictment against him are alleging grand jury bias, "inadmissible" and insufficient evidence and prosecutorial misconduct.

In a Wednesday filing, defense attorney Jay Logsdon revealed that Kohberger's team was raising 24 issues in support of the allegations – however, the memorandum including those details was filed under seal.

Prosecutors, whom Kohberger's team is accusing of withholding exculpatory evidence, have until Wednesday to respond, and a motion hearing is scheduled for September 1.
ID and their sealed filings b.s. again. The one I posted above seemed to indicate the judge didn't even hesitate nor seem to need a reason when asked to seal it, he simply did.

I'm no expert but I don't see where there is ever much of a valid reason to seal public court records and we see it quite often these days. Colorado and ID I daresay have become almost famous for it. We also had it in Delphi. There have been many.

I can't think of any VALID reason Kohberger or his defense team would need such or get such. The entire grand jury attack seems like hogwash. To my knowledge the judge gave no reason FOR sealing which doesn't seem right. I think this judge has been doing a great job so I don't understand that. but again, no expert.

Much of what they have filed to date has been b.s. and this is likely not much different. His no alibi alibi for one example. Arguing reasonable doubt over probable cause for a grand jury as another example.

Who knows how they could know or think there iis exculpatory evidence not provided. Of course we can't know because again it is sealed. Does this mean the families can't know either?? Why does Brian deserve what most defendants don't get?

I don't even have the words to say all I want to and re what is going on here so I am not going to try. It's like they are trying to hint at something going on here we don't know about as they tried to do with subpoenaing the roommate. It's probably though just a bunch of defense b.s.

So far most of it has not been panned out and though it is awful for the families this is now not going to be a speedy trial, it was unlikely it ever would have been, it was all just another failed attempt by the defense. Imo it sucks but it is nice seeing Kohberger with egg on his face having to waive the right. Now though will starr probably constant b.s. and motions. Unfortunately that isn't anything new and can be expected and was already going on with their filing for speedy gut then attempting at the same time to delay/games.

Again Iack the words and the point I want to make but will leave it at there is NO reason given for sealing and no reason imo in this case. This is just another thing becoming a thing in recent years in some of the court systems that has started to go on right under our noses and I think it is wrong and what pray tell i special about this case or BK that such needs to be done? Not a dam*ed thing that I can see.
ID and their sealed filings b.s. again. The one I posted above seemed to indicate the judge didn't even hesitate nor seem to need a reason when asked to seal it, he simply did.

I'm no expert but I don't see where there is ever much of a valid reason to seal public court records and we see it quite often these days. Colorado and ID I daresay have become almost famous for it. We also had it in Delphi. There have been many.

I can't think of any VALID reason Kohberger or his defense team would need such or get such. The entire grand jury attack seems like hogwash. To my knowledge the judge gave no reason FOR sealing which doesn't seem right. I think this judge has been doing a great job so I don't understand that. but again, no expert.

Much of what they have filed to date has been b.s. and this is likely not much different. His no alibi alibi for one example. Arguing reasonable doubt over probable cause for a grand jury as another example.

Who knows how they could know or think there iis exculpatory evidence not provided. Of course we can't know because again it is sealed. Does this mean the families can't know either?? Why does Brian deserve what most defendants don't get?

I don't even have the words to say all I want to and re what is going on here so I am not going to try. It's like they are trying to hint at something going on here we don't know about as they tried to do with subpoenaing the roommate. It's probably though just a bunch of defense b.s.

So far most of it has not been panned out and though it is awful for the families this is now not going to be a speedy trial, it was unlikely it ever would have been, it was all just another failed attempt by the defense. Imo it sucks but it is nice seeing Kohberger with egg on his face having to waive the right. Now though will starr probably constant b.s. and motions. Unfortunately that isn't anything new and can be expected and was already going on with their filing for speedy gut then attempting at the same time to delay/games.

Again Iack the words and the point I want to make but will leave it at there is NO reason given for sealing and no reason imo in this case. This is just another thing becoming a thing in recent years in some of the court systems that has started to go on right under our noses and I think it is wrong and what pray tell i special about this case or BK that such needs to be done? Not a dam*ed thing that I can see.

One reason is because of worldwide speculation on high profile cases. Bad guys have been able to have some cases overturned. Also, they can say that juries are hard to find because they know too much about the case and have already come up with their own conclusions, etc. etc.
One reason is because of worldwide speculation on high profile cases. Bad guys have been able to have some cases overturned. Also, they can say that juries are hard to find because they know too much about the case and have already come up with their own conclusions, etc. etc.
And then also finding out what the juror "knew" and made their own decision upon, was only a rumor and what they "knew" didn't happen.

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