JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Yeah, I think he was only married twice. Once when he was really young and then the second time to Zulema. But it seems like I read that he would bring Colombian women back with him once in a while? Or maybe he just stayed with them down in Columbia. It was some weird thing he was involved in.
it was Colombia wasn't it? There was one he spent some time with while there, like going on some dating thing, he paid to go and she met him, etc. and she talked and shared the story. They were never married though. And yes he had the short marriage where the ex talked about how Lori and Alex were almost sexual with each other and how it didn't sit with her and she talked about the weird behavior in his family too. And then the marriage to Zulema. Those are the only two. Marriages. Neither of which imo were normal or stereotypical.

You know I've come over a bit to feeling for Summer and think she has had some eye opening things but there are a lot of reports and thinks about the Cox family that are hard to forget or let go. About the dad for one and the really weird open sexual talk at the dinner table and a lot more. Now I'd ignore that as people having tidbits and sensational sh*t but there's been a lot of it from cousins and various sources that aren't seeming to be interested in having some spotlight on them and their info.

Adam and Summer I try to see it and are not going to go down that lane and I do believe they've gotten some clarity and this is mom and dad and sister, etc. but there is a LOT out there about this family that comes from extended family even.

Sorry but I do think Summer stepped up and did what she had to do and there is no way she was not upset when those kids were found on Lori's man's property. I think there is a naivete or was maybe and Adam well, him too, he will make a point of he isn't all LDS all of the time or going to temple every day but he hasn't left it, nor has Rex. I'm not saying it is LDS that did this but there are real reasons this kind of sh*t happens in that faith. I am not trying to be non PC but its' obvious.

The whole thing was founded on someone believing visions of a teenager. And all claim that want to be important to have visions. And author. And lead. And now podcast. And prep. And the end times. And they dictate what jobs they can hold, track their members and are over involved in their lives. The whole thing is a cult, I'm sorry.

I am well old enough to recall sh*t from back when and the polygamy and anti government and it did not change, it just went underground and in some ways got smarter and adapted.

You know, it is mankind's interpretation of what a cult is but maybe every religion is. I don't think so necessarily and I believe in God and I know YOU do. But I was questioning things even in Sunday School at the age of five. And as I got older my thought was God gave me this brain and believe me I was blessed with a good one although I didn't use it in life the way I should have and it is duller now, but I always said as I grew, matured and learned that he gave me this brain that questions. And mankind is mankind. There were pastors I believed and pastors I did not as to their interpretation. We've all seen top leading people at any of our churches that are total hypocrites. And the bible itself has a ton of versions and each that any one person can interpret different ways and that has been down for centuries.

There was a church I wanted to join once that had the BEST real interpretation of all imo and services and a friend of mine I went to and was just blocks from my home I raised my kids in and I had been to for Christmas services and a Sunday service or two but immediately the pastor wanted a commitment of time and to only going there, my kids only going there, etc. and uhm NO. First of all I had NO time, not that I wouldn't have liked to but I was already holding two jobs and trying to raise two kids on my own with no help. I loved their services and the overall feeling but don't ask for that or insist on that. They also had their own form of girl scouts, etc. And this was LUTHERAN. I am sidetracking and really don't have a point but I just have come to my own beliefs through the years and none of us can entirely know and I do believe in God, I believe in an ever after and I believe there is something so much bigger than us. We are not to talk of religion so excuse me but the whole science thing I can debunk in minutes if someone wants to go there. And the God thing too I get is beyond logic or comprehension but there are things in this life that just show there has to be some reason or purpose. Damned if I understand it and boy do I question and even rail with like our murdered baby.

And if there is no life after then I guess when we die we are just dead and there never was any point to all this trial and tribulation and hard times and good times we all go through and that is incomprehensible to me. The beginning is what has stymied me from a young age and not a person in almost 60 years I have talked to gets what I mean. I drove my Sunday School teacher nuts with it in that simply put, where did God come from. Who created God. Well let's take that to the sonic boom or any other theory, where did those elements come from that created such a. Nothing can exist before it existed and if it did, that had to have an origin. Even nothingness could never have existed without someone creating nothingness. If ANYONE gets what I mean please tell me, I have never in my life had anyone totally get this. I have to let it go and have many a time because it is like the chicken and the egg but far worse.

And I am sidetracking and of course a single short day off in two weeks and getting nothing done. Totally sidetracking.

Anyhow back to this, first off as they all say and Lindsey said too as Rachel did they could have gone down no end of rabbit holes as to the religious stuff BUT they in talking it was a means to an end for Chad and Lori.

Sorry, thought I was talking of her interview as I finished it and she was a lot more unreserved than I expected and came here to share my take it then was catching up with your posts and doing some things in between and of course now I am totally off track.

I came in with all sorts of thoughts on that interview and came in to remark on that actually. Man it was good, yet again. Lindsey shared more than I thought she would but I should separate posts ut won't get time.

Alex was excommunicated more than once wasn't he... And they are taught such extreme things of what they can and can't do. And of course they are special, they are the 144. And then take I am not even sure if their parents were church going totally abiding people of it but it still was invasive in their lives. There are accounts of how Lori's dad considered them above others and so on. Many.
But this started, I am sorry with the Colombia thing, and then there is Alex traveling to other countries to have sex and even things about minors. Of course sex is restricted outside of marriage but seems like it didn't stop Chad and Lori, because he came up with they were married in a past life... The way Mel G and her went at each other about sex outside of marriage also I would say tells of David and Mel G as well...

I have no idea where I am going other than I came in to give pretty straightfoward commentary on Lindsey Blake's interview with Nate and here I have wandered.

She did say I guess is how this started me if they had taken the religion thing, the rabbit holes may have never ended and they needed to present this to a jury and I've went down just now a bit of such a rabbit hole.

I don't know my point but I think all said is relevant to it all even if I wandered all over.

To get back to her interview, she was going to be the one to cross Lori and Chad IF either took the sand in either trial. She also explained how small her county's DA office is and man, come from a small one but that's not much staff or DA's and how Rocky Wixom came in and just hit the ground running and Ingrid Batey while she had to be in Boise. Very small staff and many other cases. And see it through to the end because she contacted Nate to add something after the interview.

There is SOOOOOOOO much to this case we don't know and they had to pick and choose on what to use. And all of them and her now even more so have given the hint of how hard and daunting of a task this entire thing and these cases were.

AND I am getting nothing done and anyone reading this long shi*t will be happy to know that's it. I've distressed I guess talking other sh*t from another week from HE77 and this is my down kind of time/stuff after a work week.

Anyhow this case keeps on giving doesn't it...

And Alex was not getting pot and autism drugs in Mexico or Central America. Imo. And not imo in the opinion of any of the prosecutors or people on the case either...

Yeah,I've wandered all over the place here.

I had a point with the religious thing and one of them is GOD gave you a brain that you can question even the things said or touted by mankind in religion with... Or the hypocrites.
Listened to it all. So judge allowed a camera for this hearing, a good sign I'd say and I mean a media camera. I don't think it means all hearings and trial. Lori waived appearance and was let go though. This clip did not have the actual hearing in it, so that's probably out there by now. Justin made a good speech although I'm not sure the judge's decision was based on any of it, he seems to disagree with the defense position and interpretation of some law and such on it and says coverage does not make finding a jury insurmountable. It was also requested that Lori be allowed to wear street clothes in the future and that was not decided on that I heard or even acknowledged yet at that point (the request).

Her attorneys are there to request a continuance which she continues to oppose but she waived her presence for it.

That's most of what I got out of it although who the woman was who was on camera probably in her own home or house was weird, did the judge unknowingly let a viewer be seen...? She was yawning and ducking around probably thinking she was staying off camera or some such. Or was it a court employee? I have no idea. Anyone have any idea? it shouldn't have been shown imo. Also the showing of who was joining the room by Webex or Zoom continually interfering was irritating but I guess one could still hear and it isn't like it was trial, ,just the defense talking and then Justin giving his argument.
Reading further right after posting the last one, I see you do see he went right before he died. This is pretty well known and I don't think most think it was simply for cheap prescription known drugs.

Also I'd dare say almost no one believes Alex died of natural causes, not even all the prosecutors and certainly not of Covid either, that would be natural causes. Every single one of them answered this question in Nate's videos. ALL were respectful of the medical examiner who did the review and final one when questions and I don't think they doubt the ability or think anything shady was going on, what they are saying without saying it imo is there was something that can't be found or can't be put together that caused this and that's why Rachel Smith said she'd like to have been able to investigate what he bought in Mexico.... SOME drug or SOMETHING that thorough looks don't find or couldn't put together.

I think Alex and Lori had a joint account for reasons besides that. Why would Lori get the sedatives from Mexico? I will guarantee you all his meds were fully paid for here. The got all benefits and money to boot for JJ. And if the answer to that is Lori used too many so coudn't get another prescription as she was sedating him all the time, there's plenty she could have found or used here to do so, wouldn't have to be his prescribed ones...

Alex wasn't down there for JJ's drugs nor POT. Imo. Again not picking, it was far more than that why he made these trips imo or this trip.

As far as the bank account, he was their hit man. Probably coded as something else or not coded at all but putting money in like to buy black clothing for when he shot at Tammy, reimburse for his hotel room, etc.

They weren't doing this stuff for normal reasons or JJ's prescribed meds. IMO.
So why do you think he was doing these trips ?

Was it for underage sex?
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So why do you think he was doing these trips ?

Was it for underage sex?
Well I've actually been wondering and trying to recall how they knew he made a trip to Mexico just a day prior (wasn't it, or a couple) for sure. OR that it was for drugs. I am pretty sure Rachel Smith said a drug buying trip and she said it was something she wishes they could have explored more as to what he bought and was talking of all the rabbit holes they could have went down but had to curtail the case somehow to the important parts and things they needed to focus on and they couldn't overwhelm the jury either with all of everything, all the texts, etc. Or go chasing things like that. It was a good watch, nothing new and earth shattering but a good talk of all they had to do and all they had and did not use and various things. If you haven't watched it, I recommend it. I think she said more than Rob, Ray or Lindsey although all of those were good too. Lindsey was a bit more forthcoming than I thought she'd be but still there were things she wouldn't say or couldn't I guess. All were good. All I think believe Alex did not die of natural causes.

So it seems to me it may have come from Zulema? When they were all interviewed at various times, was that in Gilbert, I mix the two up at times. Because we've known this fact for a long time and I'm thinking it came from the document dump. It could have come from activity on Alex's passport but then they still wouldn't know it was a trip for drugs.

I don't know if he went there for sex as well. He was now married to Zulema but was it a normal marriage, who knows with this bunch. Alex had sex issues much like Lori if you ask me, meaning it got him into trouble with the church and more and so yeah, I'd think he'd have a normal relationship with Zulema IF she was willing and she was his cup of tea but perhaps any cup would do,
I had the impression it was a day trip and AZ borders Mexico but I guess he still could have hired a hooker. However, it is said, pretty positive, it was a drug trip.

My thoughts run along the lines of what I think Rachel may have been not saying but hinting at, he bought something to either kill himself OR for Lori and Chad to use in their murders and they used it on him and it just wasn't something found at autopsy or something that is not tested for....?

I guess there IS also a possibility he bought what would be prescription drugs there that would maybe not be prescription there and for less $$$ for either himself who may well have not been insured or the kinds of drugs none of them could get prescriptions for perhaps and could there somehow purchase them. Or MORE of them than they could get here. There's also the possibility they were illicit drugs like coke, heroine, etc. but I think probably not. It seemed as if this wasn't the first such type trip.

I really don't know but I don't think Lori was probably having him fill JJ's authentic prescriptions and amounts allowed, I just don't see the need. I would THINK he'd be covered being a child with a disability and once Charles was gone Lori also had no job or income so those kids at least would qualify for free coverage imo. Lori HERSELF may not have though... You know it can't help but bring thoughts of Joe and Tammy either... Many thought the pink foam with Tammy was poison although it has been determined to be asphyxia was her cause. Joe was ruled natural causes something heart related but there are odd things there too and Lori was certainly there the minute he died when it came to possessions and money and more.

Many have speculated about malachite. it can be found in Mexico and the U.S. in smaller quantities than the Congo, Russia and Zambia... Remember their rings were malachite so they knew of malachite... And Mexico is actually listed as a place it can be found when you look it up... They were trying to think they were smart and hiding what they were doing with all their extra phones, doing murders in different states, etc. imo. I never heard of malachite before this case...

I would like to recall or find how they knew he made this trip. If it came from Zulema, I'd not necessarily buy it back at that point in time BUT maybe it came from her and they confirmed it somehow with passport or she showed them some of what he brought back...? I don't think all though as Rachel Smith would have liked to explore more about that trip and the purchases.

I found her to be very down to earth and likable. Considering the career she has had and her qualifications, that's nice to see. I think Lindsey Blake is one TOP NOTCH DA but I'd say she's a bit more driven acting although she showed a very personable side when talking to Nate. I'm sure Rachel is totally on her job and she consults on a number of others but I just found her very down to earth in the interview and not so much the attorney in the courtroom. As I've said, out of all of them, she probably said the most but again ALL were well worth watching.

Anyhow end of the long two weeks that had only one day off until now I reach my two. So of course I have a LONG post as I start to try to transition to the idea I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Thank God.

They've actually downed hours and are on some money saving kick or some such, don't ask me, but now we have gotten very busy all of a sudden, heck it was the week before the 4th, what were they thinking and they are UNDERSTAFFED and I went in the last couple of days to all managers stressed and about in a panic because we were busy and they took now have to cover for less of us while also doing their jobs. I like the store itself, the other employees including managers, and the customers a LOT but management of some things lately not so sure about... Our GM that all liked transferred to a newly opening store maybe six months ago and we got a new one. He's nice enough to talk to but his decisions aren't often I don't think what most would agree with. This store has run its own way and just fine and is one of their top ten year after year in sales, maybe he should think about that.... But I don't know. No one tells ya anything, well it leaks here and there a bit and I could probably seek out more info but I stay out of it all and just do my job...

I also think it may be only our area OT has been cut and hours are downed and if that's the case, I have a real problem with that. Enough of that anyhow, off topic.

Like I said, just unwinding and feeling I can breathe for a moment although I always know two days will be over in what seems like ten seconds. It always is.

So with all that said about Alex, what do you think or recall? Re the trip, where that came from, what you think with what Rachel said and I said, etc.?
Well I've actually been wondering and trying to recall how they knew he made a trip to Mexico just a day prior (wasn't it, or a couple) for sure. OR that it was for drugs. I am pretty sure Rachel Smith said a drug buying trip and she said it was something she wishes they could have explored more as to what he bought and was talking of all the rabbit holes they could have went down but had to curtail the case somehow to the important parts and things they needed to focus on and they couldn't overwhelm the jury either with all of everything, all the texts, etc. Or go chasing things like that. It was a good watch, nothing new and earth shattering but a good talk of all they had to do and all they had and did not use and various things. If you haven't watched it, I recommend it. I think she said more than Rob, Ray or Lindsey although all of those were good too. Lindsey was a bit more forthcoming than I thought she'd be but still there were things she wouldn't say or couldn't I guess. All were good. All I think believe Alex did not die of natural causes.

So it seems to me it may have come from Zulema? When they were all interviewed at various times, was that in Gilbert, I mix the two up at times. Because we've known this fact for a long time and I'm thinking it came from the document dump. It could have come from activity on Alex's passport but then they still wouldn't know it was a trip for drugs.

I don't know if he went there for sex as well. He was now married to Zulema but was it a normal marriage, who knows with this bunch. Alex had sex issues much like Lori if you ask me, meaning it got him into trouble with the church and more and so yeah, I'd think he'd have a normal relationship with Zulema IF she was willing and she was his cup of tea but perhaps any cup would do,
I had the impression it was a day trip and AZ borders Mexico but I guess he still could have hired a hooker. However, it is said, pretty positive, it was a drug trip.

My thoughts run along the lines of what I think Rachel may have been not saying but hinting at, he bought something to either kill himself OR for Lori and Chad to use in their murders and they used it on him and it just wasn't something found at autopsy or something that is not tested for....?

I guess there IS also a possibility he bought what would be prescription drugs there that would maybe not be prescription there and for less $$$ for either himself who may well have not been insured or the kinds of drugs none of them could get prescriptions for perhaps and could there somehow purchase them. Or MORE of them than they could get here. There's also the possibility they were illicit drugs like coke, heroine, etc. but I think probably not. It seemed as if this wasn't the first such type trip.

I really don't know but I don't think Lori was probably having him fill JJ's authentic prescriptions and amounts allowed, I just don't see the need. I would THINK he'd be covered being a child with a disability and once Charles was gone Lori also had no job or income so those kids at least would qualify for free coverage imo. Lori HERSELF may not have though... You know it can't help but bring thoughts of Joe and Tammy either... Many thought the pink foam with Tammy was poison although it has been determined to be asphyxia was her cause. Joe was ruled natural causes something heart related but there are odd things there too and Lori was certainly there the minute he died when it came to possessions and money and more.

Many have speculated about malachite. it can be found in Mexico and the U.S. in smaller quantities than the Congo, Russia and Zambia... Remember their rings were malachite so they knew of malachite... And Mexico is actually listed as a place it can be found when you look it up... They were trying to think they were smart and hiding what they were doing with all their extra phones, doing murders in different states, etc. imo. I never heard of malachite before this case...

I would like to recall or find how they knew he made this trip. If it came from Zulema, I'd not necessarily buy it back at that point in time BUT maybe it came from her and they confirmed it somehow with passport or she showed them some of what he brought back...? I don't think all though as Rachel Smith would have liked to explore more about that trip and the purchases.

I found her to be very down to earth and likable. Considering the career she has had and her qualifications, that's nice to see. I think Lindsey Blake is one TOP NOTCH DA but I'd say she's a bit more driven acting although she showed a very personable side when talking to Nate. I'm sure Rachel is totally on her job and she consults on a number of others but I just found her very down to earth in the interview and not so much the attorney in the courtroom. As I've said, out of all of them, she probably said the most but again ALL were well worth watching.

Anyhow end of the long two weeks that had only one day off until now I reach my two. So of course I have a LONG post as I start to try to transition to the idea I don't have to go to work tomorrow. Thank God.

They've actually downed hours and are on some money saving kick or some such, don't ask me, but now we have gotten very busy all of a sudden, heck it was the week before the 4th, what were they thinking and they are UNDERSTAFFED and I went in the last couple of days to all managers stressed and about in a panic because we were busy and they took now have to cover for less of us while also doing their jobs. I like the store itself, the other employees including managers, and the customers a LOT but management of some things lately not so sure about... Our GM that all liked transferred to a newly opening store maybe six months ago and we got a new one. He's nice enough to talk to but his decisions aren't often I don't think what most would agree with. This store has run its own way and just fine and is one of their top ten year after year in sales, maybe he should think about that.... But I don't know. No one tells ya anything, well it leaks here and there a bit and I could probably seek out more info but I stay out of it all and just do my job...

I also think it may be only our area OT has been cut and hours are downed and if that's the case, I have a real problem with that. Enough of that anyhow, off topic.

Like I said, just unwinding and feeling I can breathe for a moment although I always know two days will be over in what seems like ten seconds. It always is.

So with all that said about Alex, what do you think or recall? Re the trip, where that came from, what you think with what Rachel said and I said, etc.?
Ok, well I am just thinking that they had only just married right, first of all, at Thanksgiving so I bet it is likely he went straight on the trip to Mexico or wherever he went, for whatever drugs or stuff he was going for. Maybe even Z went too, for a honeymoon? Then he was dead within less than two weeks of his marriage and had already told Z about the money in the shoebox in the wardrobe right? So did he kill himself? I have always wondered, especially as it happened the day after learning about Tammy's exhumation. Also, the fact that Z's son didn't even know they were married.

Whatever we think, it sure was weird.
Ok, well I am just thinking that they had only just married right, first of all, at Thanksgiving so I bet it is likely he went straight on the trip to Mexico or wherever he went, for whatever drugs or stuff he was going for. Maybe even Z went too, for a honeymoon? Then he was dead within less than two weeks of his marriage and had already told Z about the money in the shoebox in the wardrobe right? So did he kill himself? I have always wondered, especially as it happened the day after learning about Tammy's exhumation. Also, the fact that Z's son didn't even know they were married.

Whatever we think, it sure was weird.
I don't recall any impression she went with him but that he had recently went and I mean like just the day before or some such close to that.

All have immunity apparently and her at least we know does and imo that likely means there is a lot known we don't know or have not heard...

That whole thing of his death was weird, and I read or heard more than one account, etc. Her SON did not even KNOW they were married, she was working and he was home... Oh I just now saw you said that too about the son. Clearly I'm tired and not picking up everything.

His killing himself is one possibility and even Rachel said that I think I recall correctly. He received a blessing from the GREAT CHADDY BOY remember... If Alex DID kill himself, my opinion is Chad and Lori told him this was part of the plan and he'd come back immediately as someone else to carry on his mission and do even greater things or some such imo. I think there are things we may NEVER know. I remember doubting Zulema entirely back when with it all... I felt it likely SHE gave him whatever at the direction of Chad and Lori or some such... The woman lawyered up almost immediately, same day wasn't it? Of his death?

As far as Mexico, I had the impression a trip for drugs wasn't an unusual thing for him to do/make... Not sure where I got it but just know when I think something in a case I have followed there was usually a basis for it even if I can't recall why...

The other thought I have is that they told Alex he failed and had to go but I don't think so as the blessing said otherwise.

Personally I've always thought they gave him something OR had Z do it but I guess they could have convinced him to do it himself or that it would do something else for him than what he expected--assuming it was some drug that wasn't found on autopsy... Or combo of drugs...

Anyhow Rachel would have liked to pursue his trip, what he bought, etc. Probably they all would have liked to and many other things as well...And for me and most of us who will never believe he died of natural causes, the fact each and every one of THEM seem to feel he did not either is significant as they know the case inside and out... None diss the medical examiner but all seem to think something just was missed or can't be found... To me, that is likely some type of poison or something that can "bring on" the natural causes in someone that already has health issues....?
I gather Lori's attorney won the day and trial is NOW PUSHED OUT TO FEBRUARY. Most expected such. She though wanted speedy trial so unsure how they can deny her that right. Haven't watched this yet.

State does not object to continuance and acknowledges the amount of discovery and recent addition of defense counsel and the time they would need to go through it, etc.
Having a complex case management conference in September, I'd call it a status thing. Etc.

Trial continued to February 24.

So we don't have to think we are going to be seeing this one any time soon and February is doubtful as well. Imo.

There was some motion to seal some objection by the defense and it was granted...

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