JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Was it when they went to Vegas at Thanksgiving and got married? Alex and Zulema married a day apart from Mel and Ian P IIRC.
Could be. It was November, can't recall date exactly but want to say 26th or something they said I think was said, which would fit...
3 generations. That's cool.
When I had more of a life before this job we often had four generations, we haven't hit the 5th yet but not too many years off most likely... Many of my mom's great grandchildren are nearing graduation. I hope they of course wait until mid 20s of course or so but point is we could have five in some years here.

We did do Chinese. It was exceptional. Went to JC Penney's first. Many of those are gone but we still have a really nice BIG one and all were on board for that. The restaurant out my daughter's way is very exceptional. QUALITY veggies, shrimp, all of it.

Then we took them to check into their hotel, my mom has stayed with me many a time but no way is my apartment fit for it right now. I should TELL you all the things not working!! And daughter lives out of town ten miles or 15 or something like that.

We were rained out of the flea market but the bright side is sister has still never been there and both want to do another weekend yet this summer to do it. So I get a double visit/trip.

So we didn't do much before getting them into their room and all were in there and figure if we could play cards in there or somewhere later and decided to do it (asked) in lobby area where they do the continental breakfasts in the morning and have tables and chairs. They also have a bar and restaurant and figured we might eat there later but were full from Chinese.

We almost went nowhere else and I felt we hadn't done much, sister never been up here to visit although she has been here a time or two, but for my daughter's wedding reception, not just to really shop or visit.

For a fair number of times (not recently with my schedule my mom had been up here a few years back, there was a place, a used place, antiques, etc. I had always wanted to check out I saw one way on my way to the DMV and never had went that way before. I have wanted to check it out for some years. Then there was one near that my daughter wanted to go to, all had been there but my sister but my mom and I only once and not with my daughter who was working when I took my mom there a few years back. This was only 3 p.m. or so and we had got talking and looking like not going to do anything else, mom had laid down on the bed but all decided to head to these two shops. The place NONE of US even daughter and I who live here had never been was way bigger than any of us thought. Man some NICE antiques and just a ice variety and VERY DECENT prices. I didn't buy anything, I don't have room for one and have learned but I saw some things I WANTED. My sister found things at both places. And my mom bought a fairly unique piece of wicker that would go with the furniture on her porch and something else I can't recall.

Both closed at 6 and the second one we weren't through the back room yet when time to close. A good day.

Daughter and I then came back to my place for a bit while they went to their hotel room for a bit. I felt my mom had been tired earlier before we did these other stores and sure enough she did take a bit of a quick catnap. She is 80 but like I've said one would never know it and I swear in better health than I probably am.

And then we headed back over and played cards. Of course I lost. Hand Foot and Knee I think it's called. My sister plays it weekly with a bunch of friends and we all know it, fun, but she uses all the game terms and I sometimes say as I can't recall, you know that toe, elbow and ankle game or whatever it is. A game is four rounds and can be very long but we did two, and were going to do a game that is really fun too and different daughter calls Swoosh I think? But she had been up since 3:30 a.m and she was tired out My mom was fine to go on lol.

So never did Swoosh. That game too I can never recall the name, I say you now that Swish or several other close words but never get it right.

Here I am still up at almost 3 in the morning and we are going to breakfast in the morning. I am an idiot. They've all been long sleeping guaranteed and I'm not ready to go down yet. but I won't want to get moving in the morning for breakfast and I and daughter are also going to take some things to my storage unit as she has the van and I want to get some things out of this apartment and where we are having breakfast is near the storage unit and it will just work out well.

Breakfast is at this golf course a ways out of town we have all been to except for my sister and we take everyone there that visits. It's a bunch buffet and is exceptional. Beyond exceptional especially for a buffet.

Oh and we never did have dinner tonight although talked of it. We were not overfull but no one overly hungry yet. I've been wanting to try the restaurant that is attached to the hotel they are in but have to be another time. Like I get that chance lol. EVER.

We did have a bag of Dot's pretzels that got open and snacked on.

We thought we'd be the only ones in the lobby or near it in the breakfast area but were surprised to have two different groups at the other area of lobby that hung out there and we were worried about if we talked and got joking at cards but no worries as those groups were loud lol. First was a bunch of probably a soccer or baseball team of young boys with maybe a dad, two dads or a dad and a coach and they were loud and then later a group of adults hanging out. I've never used the lobby are or breakfast area of a hotel in my life in the evening.

Anyhow I guess I'm not talking of the case thread here but wanted to thank you for the wishing us a good time as I certainly for one don't get to see them enough. The others manage more, retired or more time off like daughter, longer at her job of course. I hadn't worked in some years and finally have vacation but not a ton of it and of course have to use the days sparingly as I have a home to take care of in another state and which is up for sale now.

So TO go to the case here, I didn't end up finishing it yet but watched the majority, this video of the three women talking this case is worth watching imo. I don't think anyone would regret doing so or feel they wasted their time. Even though Lauren isn't my fave, she has been ON this case and is the one who stayed and gave up her crime Con tickets and devoted a ton of time to it and attended and watching this, all of them, was just GOOD.

I'm going to be the one dragging after brunch tomorrow. At this rate I may end up just having to stay up or sleep for an hour or two. And come home and sleep in the afternoon. I very rarely get early morning shifts, some get 5 a.m.s and I'v never had early than a 7 and VERY few of them, they give me more like 10 to 8s, 12 to 9s etc. because I am willing and some don't want them but Monday I have a 7:30 one and all week is morning shifts like that. Noon would have been nice after this long weekend and family leaving, etc. But I'm going to be going to brunch with LITTLE sleep even if I wen to bed now. And I'm not QUITE ready.
I haven't watched this yet but linking for everyone. Since the subject relates more to this case than any other on the site at the moment with Chad just receiving the DP, and Nate having done a lot of recent shows on Daybell, I felt it belongs here. I do intend to watch it, hopefully tonight.

Interesting...! I am catching a live. It was 17 minute in when I started. Now just 28 or so so linking for anyone else interested, of course it will be available after live. Interview with Rachel Smith, the special prosecutor isn't she that was brought in and there until just some months ago? What I have heard so far is really good. With Nate of course.

She talks of case things but also talks personally about religion, being a mother, about Colby, how Lori was at trial not wanting to see the autopsy photos but yet about Colby having to testify and what it says about Lori and more. It's worth watching. I'm going to or hope to do a rewatch, maybe tonight yet even, as I got into it 17 or so minutes late and had some things I had to do while listening but I caught a lot but I also like to read chat and I was not sitting down to be able to do all of that for part of the time.

Nate's getting the interviews, and they are good ones.

The DP in ID video I think I linked too is a good one, and I did watch all of that last night. it's a bit dryer because it is about appeals, the DP,, etc. but still some down to earth talk and shows some of the b.s. as to why it takes so long to execute someone which is both good and bad depending...
So I am rewatching the Rachel Smith interview this morning and that's rare for me with lack of time. I wanted to see what I missed and be able to hear sitting down and watching the parts I was busy doing things during last night.

Recommend watching. I think she's done the best so far as to showing the time and amount of things and weeks, months, even years of preparing and dialing in and deciding what goes into trial, the theme and much more. I'm not going to share everything she said but she's talking pretty freely as to all of that and one thing I will share is she was very frustrated when the DP was taken off the table for Lori and felt Lori deserved the DP and would have been served up the DP. She also was not happy when the cases were severed. Hey I agree with both things lol and felt the same. In fact the DP especially will always bother me, Lori should be on death row. If EVER two people deserved such, these two do.

She also talks of how religion was used, it was not the goal of sex, money and power but used to achieve such and I have ALWAYS thought that. She mentioned something about the Elizabeth Smart case and how a prosecutor (think It was a prosecutor) talked to her and tell her to remember this.... In short, they don't believe their own religious crap, and it changes if they need it to to gain something, they then change the story or the rules of b.s. they make up re the religion (I am paraphrasing of course). She gives an example or two of how they did that. i've always said they are cons basically and just solidifies that for me.

Some have a hard time seeing that or believing that and Rachel even said so many think the "cult" thing was it. I think particularly people have trouble seeing it with Lori and think mental issues and delusional thinking plays in. I'm not so sure of that and have never believed it quite honestly. Lori's a snake. She commented to her not wanting to see the kids' autopsy photos... No problem conspiring to murder them but doesn't want what she did put in her face or something on that order...

And a lot more. It is a GOOD watch and not hard to watch, I'm on my second go through.
Best line, she (Lori) has gotten as much attention as she deserves, she just needs to go away and stay away...
She commented on Chad's kids. Does NOT believe Alex died of natural causes and wishes they could have investigated what he bought in Central America, etc. and she thinks both Alex and Chad killed Tammy and for good reasons I have also thought on (and it seems most of the team thinks the same, said they talked of it a LOT).

Lol it all told me my thoughts on almost everything might be pretty spot on. It's nice ONCE in awhile to find out your logic and instinct are dead on at least sometimes and you're not out there.

Lots more covered than what I've shared, and the reasons for such.

Nate will have Lindsey Blake on Thursday night. Not live. Same as the others. Will interview her that day I believe then play it that night for us live.
She commented on Chad's kids. Does NOT believe Alex died of natural causes and wishes they could have investigated what he bought in Central America, etc. and she thinks both Alex and Chad killed Tammy and for good reasons I have also thought on (and it seems most of the team thinks the same, said they talked of it a LOT).

Lol it all told me my thoughts on almost everything might be pretty spot on. It's nice ONCE in awhile to find out your logic and instinct are dead on at least sometimes and you're not out there.

Lots more covered than what I've shared, and the reasons for such.

Nate will have Lindsey Blake on Thursday night. Not live. Same as the others. Will interview her that day I believe then play it that night for us live.
I watched the interview in-between tasks last night and I thought the comments she made about wanting to investigate what Alex purchased in Central America was the most interesting! I really wish that would have been pursued, too!
I watched the interview in-between tasks last night and I thought the comments she made about wanting to investigate what Alex purchased in Central America was the most interesting! I really wish that would have been pursued, too!
Yeah, that was my top probably too and it was clear they probably all would have liked to but had to decide what they needed to hone in on and pick and choose from all the sh*t going on in these cases/prosecutions and Alex's death was not one of those charged for one thing...

It is good to hear prosecutors or LE who ALSO do not buy Alex's death as accidental and she also SAID she feels both Chad and Alex killed Tammy and gave her reasons.

It isn't like she shared anything new and earth shattering but she was very willing to give her personal opinion to most questions and share a lot about what was going on and gave real hints of the sheer volume and they all had to have roundtables and go back and forth do we need four LE, etc. testifying to this, or just one, do we really need these text messages even though they do add, or just a selection of the ones that really show what was up, etc. to not overwhelm.

I thought she was just pretty darned open overall anyhow, of course when asked about what we don't know that she thought would be interesting offhand (paraphrasing), she'd have to think about it, sure there are things but off top of head, couldn't answer, so not like she was just throwing all out there but I thought she was more forthcoming, even comparing things to the fact she had teens at the time and how cold Lori, etc., etc. She ALSO mentioned Colby and I thought that was big, to even put her son in such a situation, etc. Knowing the jury would have trouble with understanding a motive as to why a MOTHER would kill her two kids or go along with such and how they had to think on that and show the why...

Just interesting I felt. Also complimentary to ALL involved in the case and Wood, Blake, the PDs and more.

But yeah, I would love to know about Alex's purchases in Central America right before he died... She even I believe mentioned, murder OR suicide, but NOT natural causes. And she was not dissing the medical examiner, none of them do, they feel the job was done I think BUT maybe feel if they knew what was purchased, the answer might be found in something the best MEs may not know about or miss... That's my opinion.

She also explained how someone from Missouri ended up helping on these cases in ID and why she didn't stay through Chad's.

I just thought it really good and upfront and it wasn't even really Nate's questions (sorry Nate although they brought the answers), she was just pretty open and upfront on so much.

I love Lindsey, man is she the prosecutor of the century, but I think she won't probably be quite as unguarded. Rob and Hermasillo weren't either but Rachel can be I suppose because she is not going to be part of any of it any longer and they all will still deal with appeals and so forth. The two guys were open and shared some of their own opinions but I felt a bit more guarded and understandably so...
Yeah, that was my top probably too and it was clear they probably all would have liked to but had to decide what they needed to hone in on and pick and choose from all the sh*t going on in these cases/prosecutions and Alex's death was not one of those charged for one thing...

It is good to hear prosecutors or LE who ALSO do not buy Alex's death as accidental and she also SAID she feels both Chad and Alex killed Tammy and gave her reasons.

It isn't like she shared anything new and earth shattering but she was very willing to give her personal opinion to most questions and share a lot about what was going on and gave real hints of the sheer volume and they all had to have roundtables and go back and forth do we need four LE, etc. testifying to this, or just one, do we really need these text messages even though they do add, or just a selection of the ones that really show what was up, etc. to not overwhelm.

I thought she was just pretty darned open overall anyhow, of course when asked about what we don't know that she thought would be interesting offhand (paraphrasing), she'd have to think about it, sure there are things but off top of head, couldn't answer, so not like she was just throwing all out there but I thought she was more forthcoming, even comparing things to the fact she had teens at the time and how cold Lori, etc., etc. She ALSO mentioned Colby and I thought that was big, to even put her son in such a situation, etc. Knowing the jury would have trouble with understanding a motive as to why a MOTHER would kill her two kids or go along with such and how they had to think on that and show the why...

Just interesting I felt. Also complimentary to ALL involved in the case and Wood, Blake, the PDs and more.

But yeah, I would love to know about Alex's purchases in Central America right before he died... She even I believe mentioned, murder OR suicide, but NOT natural causes. And she was not dissing the medical examiner, none of them do, they feel the job was done I think BUT maybe feel if they knew what was purchased, the answer might be found in something the best MEs may not know about or miss... That's my opinion.

She also explained how someone from Missouri ended up helping on these cases in ID and why she didn't stay through Chad's.

I just thought it really good and upfront and it wasn't even really Nate's questions (sorry Nate although they brought the answers), she was just pretty open and upfront on so much.

I love Lindsey, man is she the prosecutor of the century, but I think she won't probably be quite as unguarded. Rob and Hermasillo weren't either but Rachel can be I suppose because she is not going to be part of any of it any longer and they all will still deal with appeals and so forth. The two guys were open and shared some of their own opinions but I felt a bit more guarded and understandably so...
I always thought it was cannabis and meds for JJ but I think he also went for the prostitutes too. Didn't he also have a Mexican wife/gf at one time?
2:48 p.m. Blake has some follow up. She asks if Duncan was involved in investigating Alex Cox’s death. He was not. Blake asks if Duncan is aware of what drugs Alex bought in Mexico. Duncan doesn’t know. Blake says on Nov. 24, Chad spoke to Alex about crossing over and his time being done. On Dec. 12, Alex dies.

2:46 p.m. Prior asks if Duncan was aware the blessing was two weeks before Alex died. Duncan says yes. Prior says Alex Cox died of natural causes and there was “no funny business.” Duncan says, “That we know of.” Prior asks Duncan if he’s aware Alex traveled to Mexico for cheap prescription drugs before he died. Duncan is aware. Prior has nothing further.

All of this is very interesting to me! No funny business “that we know of.” Chad gives Alex his blessing and says basically that he’s done with his work and then he dies right afterwards? And no funny business? I will never ever believe that Alex died of natural causes. Never.
Just bumping this post that states Alex went to Mexico for cheap prescription drugs before he died. I have always thought he caught Covid and that is what killed him (the blood clots in the lungs).

The post upthread about the bank accounts states that Alex and Lori had a joint account, which I think were likely for Alex"s drug purchases for JJ. (his sedatives - Risperidone weren't they?).
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Wow so 4 bedrooms on main level and 1 on 1st level (the cozy cone as they called it.)

So do you think it will sell? Do people normally buy homes where murders took place and dead bodies were burnt and buried?
It has to be disclosed, but yes, there are people that would pay over asking just for this.

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