Anyone looking to buy a home in Rexburg?
Well, well, well. I could go on about this forever and I'd either better not start or try to stick to one general subject to begin with as it brought a lot of thoughts on various subjects as I looked through the photos and the details and I took a pretty good look..
I felt like a voyeur but then they or more likely Prior put it on the public market and on the web so all are going to take a gander that hear of it and all will I'm sure...
This home and property is NOT worth the asking price in my opinion. It is a different area but I know what mine is worth and how I it compares but their market may be different. I note the taxes are quite low and this is either a low mill rate in Rexburg OR more likely the county valuation is way lower than the sales price, maybe both.
They note there is NO SALE SIGN at the property. I think it is a no brainer as to why. They don't want looky lous without agents who see a for sale sign driving in to take a look with what they've death with from public and press, etc. It's going to make it imo a bit harder to sell not to mention the history the place has. I ASKED my realtor about not having a for sale sign for my home, I asked two we interviewed before deciding on one. Both said NO, you have to have one. My reasons for not wanting one were similar but different. I already worry to death as I don't live there, every single time someone drives or walks onto the property, etc. or some motion occurs and I don't know what caused it and I see it on video cam but live hours away and I did NOT want a ton of new traffic from people who did not see it on the 'net but saw the sign driving down or onto it to look, strangers setting off cameras, etc. I listened to the realtors and I have signs and I am on a DEAD end not a main road like Daybells. I then posted it and put up surveillance cam signs and more no trespassing signs. And so far I've had no one other than those with appointments WITH their realtors. I mean maybe someone drives down the road TO the point before the cameras but not onto the property, no way to know that although I'd catch it if they turned around in the one direction just off the property.
Anyhow, they don't have a for sale sign up.
Next is Prior listing and putting Emma out or does Emma want out and that was always the plan if dad didn't come home from her valiant perjuring efforts to save him? Or does she just want the heck out, I doubt it is her somehow but it may always have been the deal, we have no way of knowing. Would Emma change jobs and leave Rexburg just to get away from the interest? I somehow doubt it but who knows...
This home is an average tiny ranch taking the weird cozy cone thing off of it. That kitchen, my God is that tiny, you can hardly fit a table in there or walk around it. This is your typical average main bedroom (parents) in that era, then a medium smallish one and then a small one, a three bedroom. I'm not counting the Cozy Cone thing. I lived in a very typical three bedroom ranch where for most of their years I raised my kids (2). One fairly small full bath, all three bedrooms near each other in the same hallway as bath and the sizes I just mentioned. Maybe a 12x12, a 10x10 and a 9x9 or some such, no idea, just guessing. Maybe second 10x12 and third 9x10. Something on that order. My kitchen had more room and was a big square and plenty of room for a table, not huge but not like this one. I try to picture Tammy here when looking at it all. My home would have seemed too small probably at times with THREE of us except we had a back addition that had what I'd call a family room open to a not entirely walled extra other room which I used as an office when I worked at home. This addition almost doubled the size of my home. No "actual bedrooms" but anyone could have made the office into one easily and the other room was 3/4 of the size of the main house probably. My point is what they were all living in was tiny.
Next windows and garage door and more are original in my opinion. Chad makes me think of CB in LISK, nothing really ever improved over the years. Roof looks decent probably turned into insurance and he didn't put it on.
I then wondered if all there or most of it is Chad and TAmmy's stuff and furnishings or Emma's... The listing says excluded from sale are tenant's personal belongings, etc. but that could mean Chad's, who knows, if he said keep them, sell them, junk them. It doesn't look moved into permanently OR they're already moved a lot out. I'd almost think when she and Joe moved, they stuck their stuff in storage and just used what was already there for the most part and that's kind of how it looks. You know, dad said he probably wasn't coming home for a long time if ever or something on that order, but Emma didn't believe that, she believed she alone could save him (gag). And with being in a fishbowl I kind of doubt they moved all his sh*t out and their shi*t in. If they did, despite Emma being at her job a long time, they sure don't have much of any value and neither did Tammy and Chad if it is theirs.
Next I note what I'd call prepper stuff. MAYBE they toned it down for the pics but there are things that hint at it to me. I watch some YT cooks/mothers that prep. They do not do for end times though. And none are LDS. I can give the reasons but I'd be sidetracking but for instance once family is a huge family NOT LDS, and they buy in bulk and buy ahead but go through it fast and budget that way.
There are five gallon buckets in the pantry one can see a few of. There are six to eight I forget LARGE gas cans lined up in the garage. There's just some hints of such and we know Chad preached the 144 and end times and that Emma falls in line.
Did anyone notice all the books in the Cozy Cone bedroom if one can call it that...
The description says there is a sun room or some such off the patio and porch and maybe I just didn't pay note but I didn't notice any of those three things. IS all the exercise equipment Tammy's? Or Emma's?
Judging by kid's rooms she has one boy and one girl at least but I think I might have heard from someone in the court of all the talk and trial that she has three kids, but not sure.
What does her hub do? Have we ever known and I just don't recall? Because again there's little of value but again their stuff could be in storage but they didn't I wouldn't say improve anything but then why would you when the deal was Prior would sell if this happened (Chad found guilty?).
Finally and I am going to try to end it here because I could branch off on a lot of thoughts in looking at it all in different subjects, they don't even have four acres, they have 3.75. I can't emphasize how small this is compared to what I think MANY think. I grew up on one, rural. When I met my ex we first lived in my home in town and a few years later at his in the country and he had like 2.7. Even though a building or some such can block a view perhaps, this is NOTHING that you can't cross in no time flat. A grandkid who can run at two or three let me tell you can get from one side to the other in probably a minute and you are chasing them before they get out of the yard. This place always gets described as if it is some farm or former farm with buildings and pasture and acreage. Oh and a pet cemetery, sheds, a "fire pit" and more. It's nicer than having no land if you want land but it is not as big as all that makes it sound. I lived on one my entire childhood. I lived on almost three for years in my marriage and I own 12 now and that's where we lived in the last years. I have a very good idea of what 3.75 is. I know people in the rich areas at the edges of towns or small cities like where my mom is that own more than that and they are in the city limits.
They point out how the "pasture" is fenced. Doesn't look like much of a fence to me.
And to end this post, and I do hope to get back and look at it again to come up with the other thoughts I had re other subjects for other posts but life probably won't have that happening, is that a TALL CROSS in the pictures or what is that?
I forgot one thing, I didn't think to pay a lot of attention to the main bedroom with the double bed, just remember it being basic and figuring that's Joe and Emma's of course,the other two are clearly a boiy and girl's room. But now just as winding up it dawned on me she sleeps where her mother was murdered. OMG. You know it is one thing to not feel or care about Lori's kids but her mother yet again...
Rachel Smith the interview with Nate I last linked, I forgot touched on that, well didn't forget, I didn't share all but she had a lot to say of what Chad did to his kids putting them up to save him and how he cares less about them but she worded it FAR BETTER THAN THAT. EMMA has done herself in with everyone. People do have some compassion to a point with GArth even though we know GArth lied. SOME DO.
When I started out looking at the pics of the home I almost felt sorry for Emma having to live here, the loss of her mom, dad in jail, no real creature comforts (shown) although there is the large screen TV, is that Chad's or Joe's....? Does she still work while having two or three kids...? Stuck in this home, having to call dad numbers of times a day, his little protege who gets an A in all he taught her except how to lie on a stand... Maybe that's why Chad never speaks or ever has when confronted by Nate in Hawaii, paper servers, ANYONE, because he can speak to no end we have heard him when no one questions him and he is the wise leader and special appointee of g od, I had to separate that word so it wouldn't capitalize, his g od, not mine and I don't even believe he follows or believes in any g od and that's something Rachel said too if I recall.
So I almost felt sorry for Emma then I looked at the home Tammy lived in and felt sorry for her too. She never wanted to move there to begin with away from her family and friends. And I don't know if the home they left was nicer or not and there's nothing wrong with small and nothing wrong with basic, heck I've lived it at both ends of my life. But for how hard TAmmy worked and how much Chad played and spent, I find it sad. At least there's a washer and a dryer, stuck right in taking up the very little kitchen space. Fun times but I guess the kids weren't little when they moved there but heck teenagers and 20 somethings and clothes can be worse.
I don't know why they show pics of outlets and such, showing it is grounded or there are outlets, weird imo. I HAVE a home listed right now and no pics of such. I'm also not sure that Cozy addition can be counted as living space and that bedroom counted as a bedroom.
Sorry I keep thinking of things, at least I keep sticking to the ONE topic as I have a lot of sideways ones. So I'm not sure GArth never heard a thing I don't care if watching videos or earphones in, I know in my small ranch I find that hard to buy... But I think we all know Tammy was dead before he ever got home so of course he wouldn't hear her falling out of bed or coughing or anything... And from the coworkers testimony he FOUND her dead and his dad gone...
okay long enough but I kept it related to family and the home. I do have some sidetracks into other subjects and likely even forgot some on this subject.
Imo if they come down $100K they would have interest if NOT a murder property and if they came down $150K they might even sell but then again, I don't live in ID nor know their market. I did also look at some other listings while in there in the Rexburg area and there's a fair few for that price range ALL NICER but less land but again 3.75 isn't **** to make up for that home compared to the other ones I saw.
What the deal is I don't know. But I'd say for a lawyer Prior cut Chad and Emma and the family a fair deal and now that deal is done is my best guess and time to buy it yourself or get out... I kind of doubt Emma could if she wanted to and if she has a brain cell at all she doesn't want to, I'd bet every bit of extra goes into dad's extras fund, calls to dad, etc. I wonder if Prior donated dry cleaning and new shirts and ties for Chad every day, of course he brought them, but Emma may well have provided them, we will never know.
One last thing again, it keeps coming, this clueless, brainwashed I guess, adult women is now raising kids of her own... And will either hide this or tell them how grandpa was lured by a sex siren sent by the devil and how they are part of the 144K unless they don't put their toys away and show they are dark.... Not sarcasm, I'm being realistic here. She doesn't have nor get a clue after all this time... She IS him.