JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Had to take a few minute break... He does go right into then who chopped up Tylee, duct taped JJ and put them into the ground... Haven't heard the answer yet...

I dont' know how he is doing this. Not sure I am ready for her b.s. I could hear her fakeness the last bit, and pauses, trying to get her story right before saying things and I am sure more b.s. is coming... Heck I'm not Colby and I'm not sure I'm ready... Maybe check a few other things before I listen further... He is freaking handling this so well. Tables have turned. Mom is a brat and evil child and he is an adult (not saying he was ever an evil child), I just mean HE is the adult here which is amazing considering the mom that he had (has?).
Boy, I finally went back and less than one answer and question more and oh boy. She is going to try to get herself out of this (or she thinks) by blaming Alex or maybe Chad or who knows....

He asked her after finding Tylee had killed JJ (she says by accident) and he asks her the hard questions, who dismembered and burned Tylee, and taped JJ and dispose of them etc. and I wasn't sure what she would answer. She said after discovering them she just ran out. Colby asks her so you just gave someone else the responsibility and I honestly did not think she would answer this question but she did after a pause and said CORRECT.

Now I'd THINK she'd have acted like she didn't know who took care of what or someone maybe stepped in for her but she just claimed at least that much responsibility for the first time ever... That she assigned someone else to take care of the bodies/them...

Hey we know it isn't the truth, but she's never even went that far before... I have not went on, had to stop again...

Hey Alex was her doer and such so ya know part of it isn't a totally out there thing she is trying to craft BUT she blamed Tylee for killing JJ and herself. NO WAY IN HE77.

One pic that will forever haunt me in this IS Tylee holding JJ so snug at Yellowstone with imo a defiant expression on her face of NO one is going to touch him. That is how I will always take that picture. I can't shake it. She is not defiant as to where I'll jump in a geyser or volcano with him before I let him be with you freaks and kill the two of us. She wasn't the one who was about all this hooey, THEY were and she had SEEN it, heard IT, you name it. Not me mom.... Not me. (Zombie or possessed or dark)....

I can make it through this but a work night and I really want to remember it and process it, I can't keep away from it though either. I know already I am going to watch this more than once. All the dumps we have had in this case and we had tons of info dumped and was SO interesting yet so disturbing, this takes the cake... If I recall it is only about an hour from what I saw when I started not having a clue to expect this but I'm not even halfway through. I don't know if I will go on tonight, I suspect next she is going to blame someone else she "assigned" and will she do that to Chad or Alex at this point or will she try to say she assigned someone like Mel G who her and DAvid she called stupid earlier with their podcast, etc. Boy does she know what she's doing other than it ain't flying and won't with anyone, except who knows with some idiots in this world these days...

I may have to go see what she says next.

Colby is going to have a blockbuster tons of views with this one. And he's getting a story out of her that NO ONE EVER HAS....
That monster Lori blamed Tylee for killing JJ! She needs to rot in jail. 😡😡😡

She’s not delusional. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s a piece of ****!!!
Did you watch it all? I am taking breaks, I didn't the first how long but man...

And I agree 100 fold she is NOT DELUSIONAL, she has planned and orchestrated even this story.

I am torn between going on or taking a break and watching some darned cooking or something. NOT because I can't take it but I really want to absorb it and hear even effing word of it.

I know already I am going to be rewatching this a few times. She blames Tylee and she also tries to use Colby on all he remembers of only he and all the things only THEIR little family knows and went through together through the years and how only HE knows or cares like she doe and he deserves the truth and yada yada yada. She should be allowed the internet just for an hour to see all the times she has said to all them people in her life YOU KNOW. you know ME. Such a con artist, user, manipulator.

I will say AT FIRST moments I thought she REALLY does care about Colby and truly wants to give him answers and connect with him, well I did not think it but I did WONDER if now convicted if she was looking inward at all. Again I did not buy it necessarily but she started out trying imo to go with his beliefs and to each their own and listen to him, etc. about the Bible. Boy she was trying. For some minutes.... She could not maintain it though...

Sad as it is, I think he has her down pat but ALSO that's good though so awful for him to have to always be able to see through this now. And her ways.

I have not finished it, I take it you may have?

Notice also early on, sure you did, she wanted a way as he deserved the truth to tell him privately, said it to every attorney she had, but nothing is private, etc. And still wanted such and she would tell him but not sure he wanted the public knowing once he heard the truth.... Etc., etc., etc. Yada yada, yada. AGain I havent finished it and work in the morning so I don't know if he dissects it in the end or will do that later. She seemed to know it might be public or at least she knows HER calls are listened to not sure if he told her he would be airing it, and just watching his expression as he listens to her...

Would you agree this is a must watch for anyone who followed this case and gives a sh*t? It is imo.

And again, I'm not even sure I am halfway.

No one has gotten this much out of Lori since she was in was it Gilbert in Charles? or Chandler? I think Gilbert, where she talks, talks, talks, and this is far beyond that fake crap. SHe is having to explain away major evidence and dead kids here. And a conviction.

I mean I'm floored. Well not floored, it is most definitely her and she is becoming true to form after trying to start out like a mother to Colby OMG and wanting to give him the truth and always has wanted to... Doesn't take long to know that is B.S.

We have heard her voice enough here and there through the years and some interviews and body cams etc. and yeah, here is same old manipulative Lori...

NOT INSANE. Trying to find any out and someone to use.

AGain I haven't watched all, did she or will she throw Chad under the bus....? You may know if you watched all... I want to go back to it but in the same breath, I need something light like what someone cooked for dinner this week show right now... Because again I want to absorb every word of this and am rewinding quite a bit. What did she just say/ Once you know something or have heard it once or twice you know but right now this is an all new "interview" by her son.

YET I WANT to HEAR the next ANSWER... And go back. However, I'm tired.

THIS is going to get millions of listens. And you know what, I guess Lori helped her son that way, the only living child. I was back and forth with him and even his wife on his early channel, and I still stay open, but so far, he has matured imo and he was on this with her, I was a bit reeling even and he just kept going.

All I know is all his vids and newest stuff, I see a different maturity and like he had a choice. I'm not saying I never change my mind but look at what all three kids were raised around.

I had a moment or two I felt maybe Lori too was just after canteen money if he doesn't buy her story and try to help prove her innocence. Or some lipstick. Bleach. Etc.

Plus she's back in the limelight even if negative right. She got to talk from jail and everyone is going to hear it.

I wish I had hit it on a day off, but lol, like that would be any diffent with recent stuff been going on here.

All I know to stop tiredly wandering is I am not through it but as I said before this is a MUST WATCH for anyone who has ever been into this case or cares about it. NOT A DOUBT.
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Doesn't take very long to realize that. I mean just the fact Lori is willing to "give" "answers"....
I watched it one time. I will not watch it again. I don’t wanna listen to her.

So thankful Colby is so strong. It’s amazing and I wonder if Charles was his inspiration.
Boy I do get what you mean. I broke from it last night and have not gotten back yet. She is as always TOUGH to listen to but I also wanted to my first time through not be so wiped that I could actually take in what she was doing, saying, and how playing Colby or trying to and so on. Thing is a first time through on anything, you don't know what's coming and I at least always back up to make sure I heard right, get it, and so on. Maybe I won't either ever do another watch but I am going to make sure my first one when I don't know what is coming, I get to take in.

I couldn't stand watching any of her stuff through the years. Interviews with cops, her statement at the end of her trial, any and all things we have heard out of her mouth, body cam stuff. "Hey neighbors". Yeah, she's sickening...

HOWEVER, I do want to know what she is saying, claiming and trying to pull Colby in on or use him as a conduit even...

Remember I haven't finished and I am right at the crux of a very big question to her and don't know how she explains it yet, nor do I know if she turns on Alex, Chad or anyone...

Not sure I am in the mood for it tonight to finish either. So yeah, I get it as far as listening to her. Early minutes wasn't so bad but then when he gave her the floor, here came more typical Lori after not long...

I am also going to give it to Colby for getting this and sharing it. Doubtful that ANYONE else could have.

I'm sure I'll say more when I see the rest at some point. Aagin, not sure if I will even do a few more minutes tonight as kind of in same place, wiped and I want to be able to take it all in. What she's up to, nuances, and Colby's reaction and so on.

Yeah who knows where his strength comes from, Charles could have been a factor, but I can also say I didn't see the same in him a few years ago as I see now. Of course he was a kid. And still is to people our ages in some ways.

You know how cynical I am and would have liked to believe she has some love for him despite my cynicism and knowing she doesn't, but I honestly don't think Summer, her mother, Nate, Adam nor anyone else could have gotten this kind of contact or explanation or conversation out of her, I really don't. She wants to explain to Colby, is that because HE can say he was one there growing up and back up some things? No idea. I sure don't think it's love. She doesn't know the feeling.

But maybe I'll be surprised and she will talk to tons when this is over or anyone who offers anything... Meaning maybe she would cave to an interview with Nate, etc., etc. We shall see.

All I can figure is she thinks too maybe she will be seen as a "good" mom helping Colby launch and get what will likely end up to be a TON of views, etc... Maybe even interviews. And the talk of course will be all about her, whether positive or negative.

I can't stand her either. I hate her voice and her ways, we know what she says and does and how.... I am though curious as to what makes the sick thing tick.

And I don't mean she's insane. She is NOT. I think you agreed on that above if I recall.

Yeah, I can't even go back to it yet. Even though I really want to hear her answer to a very big question where I left off.

No one though should miss this who has followed the case. Lori has never spoken ONCE about what happened or since her conviction. She never got on the stand, she may have done the slightest hints in her statement to the court at sentencing. Tammy was I'll, Tylee was suicidal, and took JJ. She never really blatantly said it though. And the other reason it is worth it is to listen to Colby not miss a beat and grill her, asking the very things we would. I said last night what I wanted to know, hadn't went further and his next question asked her that very thing. That's the one I haven't heard the answer to yet.

I don't know if I will watch again IF I wait to watch all when I can take it all in, not tired, and get all the various things she is doing. However, views help Colby or any channel. This is going to be picked up by news anyhow, at least news like Nate, (think he already has), Court TV and places like that. And ALL the various LE and agencies, etc. are definitely going to listen, take note and keep a copy...
okay. taking on a bit more. she is not insane adn this will seem like a contradiction but is a total nutcase to think anyone is going to buy this sh*t. but not mentally unstable and not insane. she is fitting things to explain it all. every last little thing.

HE77 had she taken the stand, she may have found one juror that if they truly did no know about the case may have fallen for some of this. I coulnd't but possible I guess. imagine being a kid raised by a liar like this... and I don't believe for a minute she started this later in life and was some perfect mother or wife. I believe she played the persona... this woman was bleaching her daughter's hair what, when she was two?? both Tylee and and Colby were pretty young when she was claiming Joe SAed both... She's been using and manipulating her entire life imo. Of course we have the knowledge of some of this... Five times married is it? But nothing ever went right with a single one, always their fault... I'm bringing in these known things. Wanting to be Ms. Bodybuilder, Mrs. America, she missed out on Miss. Wheel of Fortune. Always wanting to BE SOMEONE. I'm bring these things up in relation to this didn't just start with Chad either...

She was manipulating these kids for years. And Tylee'sl health even most likely. Who even knows....

Well she did find her importance and her fame. And nowadays sadly notoriety is actually not always a bad kind of fame...

Colby is SO ON IT. Yet smart, never turning her off or going too far at times... Just getting her story, calling her out, asking questions but then saying okay this is what ou say and leaving it...

Done maybe five more minutes tops. She really has crafted an answer and story for everything thus far... I mean Tylee was even upset with her for having Mel G there... aNd we all know Tylee did not like Mel... Gee it just so fits....

She thinks she's so smart imo to use things people have heard and know...

And she's of course wanted to tell Colby forever what really happened, privately, and protect Tylee even after she was gone...

Of course she has now faced she is doing it publicly I think as he chose that and she couldn't ever talk to him privately or find a way to tell him the truth of it privately...


You know any kid or even adult kid who has lost all family and who has had to face and deal with this would probably love t latch onto a story like this and believe it to be true because she IS making it fit or trying to.... I mean adult kids like Chad's would probably latch on, or the Morphew girls, and that's if none of them are complict, even after the fact, but Colby so far holds...

Wouldn't anyone facing such awful things and horros like something else to grasp even at this point....

Anyhow as said last night, haven't shared all and still not. Haven't watched all either, still working on it. Enough again for now. Not that I couldn't just breeze through it all, or try to, but not with taking it all in during the work week.

Imo she is actually nailing herself further but talking for the first time ever as to what she says happened... Don't want to hear her but it is pretty momentous in that that's a first...Giving the story of what actually happened, what she found, how she found them... Etc.

Anyhow, enough from me. Heading for bed soon. Watched some before I was beyond processing any more of it, t, after a whole lot of lighter type things, and readying for tomorrow.

It IS going to hit everywhere imo. This one isn't under some gag order nor had leaks and sh*t like Delphi.
I haven't watched this but said a few posts above Nate would probably pick it up, and then places like Court TV, etc. Since I won't have time, linking for others even though I hiaven't watched. We all know Nate's way well enough that I can almost predict he is not stepping on toes and will give it to Colby and probably endorsing I would not doubt. But again I haven't watched yet. Have to get through the interview with Lori itself yet first.

I finally did finish this a few nights ago. I probably won't rewatch or need to as I took my time and only watched more when I could really take it in, some minutes a night, etc.

I will reiterate it is a must watch for ANYone who has ever cared about or been aware of or followed this case.

I have no idea but there may be a few out there, not even sure about Colby, that will think she is delusional, to me it proved yet again she is NOT. I don't want to speak for @Kimster but I think she said the same and finished it before I did.

She can comment herself.

She IS good at playing things at times, very good, and pulling on strings... But she also pauses at times, struggles to get it right with answers when Colby puts things to her, and you can sense a few times when she is trying to be this most loving and caring mom and that she and he just disagree, the anger ready to surface as her sh*t isn't being just bought.

I don't really have words to summarize it all which is why even though I finished it a couple of nights ago, I haven't come back and said so.

This "mother" this "woman" has crafted her story around what she now knows is known. Imo. And yet even then, as good as she thinks she is prepared, she hits blocks that she has to go to Jesus said, she is like Job, and dance around such that way.

I can't even DESCRIBE how strong Colby is and how this is what he was raised by. I do WORRY yes, he was raised by her and she definitely tries to get to him.

Those of us that have never been through anything like this or a crime, know what it is like when you get older to realize sometimes your parents are not perfect superheroes, etc. or perfect people. And he is still pretty young. And I'm must talking NORMAL life. Your mother or father taught you this, but they were doing the opposite, things like that. We idolize our older sibs and our parents as children, I think most do.

I cannot IMAGINE. I do WORRY he thinks as he said to her she was deceived, but he has a good head on his shoulders right now I think. She talked about wanting to know her grandchildren, seeing them, caring about him and them and how glad he had his wife's support, etc. but he said NO. You are not going to be part of my kids' lives. And explained why.

I will reiterate for anyone who has been into, part of or cares about this case, this is a must watch.

I see every day since, the others are now coming out with playing his interview with her and their opinions. First was Nate. Last I saw was HTC and Live From My Sofa. I don't mean saw or watched, as I did not, I mean that were playing and commenting on her b.s. I have watched only Colby's raw interview.

So that's my take and I truly think all should watch and do their own.

Lori gained nothing with this and may have even boxed herself in somewhat. I mean she said she came home to find the kids dead pretty much, and that Tylee killed JJ and then self.

And THAT is nothing but another SLAP to TYLEE.

What an evil bitc*.

Reiterating, don't miss it. Seriously, if you've followed the case. Yes, she is something else to listen to but it is interesting to listen to her TRY to not show her real colors and adapt all to the facts known and then come close to her REAL colors... Etc.

And Colby's reaction throughout as he replayed it... And after. And his grilling of her during it.

I have not got back to say I finished and try to form my thoughts on it and came in, not sure I could, but that's where starting to say I finished it led me in thoughts.
So I said when first noting Colby had a new interview with Lori that others were going to latch onto it and they have. Nate has had one, Nate was now on Viinnie with Vinnie asking him what he thought of it, etc. and here are Adam and Rex, Hidden True Crime jumped right on, and more I'm sure.

I should have linked the Nate and Vinnie one I watched earlier because one really GOOD point by Nate was Tylee died before JJ and she could NOT have killed him. It is so disgusting Lori not only apparently started to hate Tylee, she is trying to blame her for it all now.

I'm not sure if the Silver Linings one here is any good as I haven't watched it yet, I may yet, not sure. But linking.

I'm going to say TWO things.

Lori owed Colby this. It's lies of course but he got the interview no one else could and she so negatively impacted his life, his channel is going to grow by leaps and bounds over this AND he is doing some QUALITY shows. I doubt Lori intended this but who knows, she clearly knew he wasn't doing it privately because she kept staying that she kept trying to find a way to tell him what really happened privately but couldn't.

The second thing I am going to say about it all, as sickening as she was, is Lori has NOW boxed herself into a story, one that can't be made to work. It may not be under oath or an interrogation BUT she is recorded saying it after ALL of these years and conviction. And she is saying it to her SON and saying it is what she's always wanted to tell him, etc.

She said in her sentencing something about suicide, overdose, accident but she never did specifics. She now has for the FIRST time ever. It may not have seemed like much an she might be hard to listen to but she boxed herself in now to a VERSION, the "true" one she claims happened and always wanted to tell him. And on top of murdering her kids or being in with it, she throws her daughter under the bus after her death...

I don't know if this show is any good, haven't watched yet, just linking. I should have linked Nate's with Vinnie earlier but I am telling of it so anyone can go find it if they wish.

Colby never asked her about Tammy but I kind of wish he had. She didn't talk of Chad or Alex even when saying someone else took care of things after she found them, but asking about Tammy it would have been interesting to see how she would have avoided the fact Chad was THERE... Or a lack of mention of him...

Darn it, wrong one. Will link it next.
So I will probably watch this tonight, and support Colby. I've said before I'm not the biggest HTC fan and Dr. John is from that show but is on with Colby about his interview with Lori. I won't call her his mother because she doesn't meet the definition of one, at least in these years.

A lot of the victims families like HTC and Lauren, and I'll also honor that. I don't NOT watch them, they just aren't my fave for a few reasons. Lauren though attended the trials and she has put a lot of work in and done a lot of shows with family member and more over the years. And I will give her that.

That monster Lori blamed Tylee for killing JJ! She needs to rot in jail. 😡😡😡

She’s not delusional. She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s a piece of ****!!!
Wow!!! She pizzed YOU off!!! That's really bad. I can't take her talking at all. I couldn't watch "Sins of the Mother" On "Netflix". Seriously. Less than 10 minutes.
Okay. I am half an hour in out of and hour and a half of Colby with Dr. John. This is NOT a rehash of her interview, far more that that and very, very interesting. I may even revise my opinion of the doctor to a point...

Colby is sharing some things I sure never knew and more...

So far, I'd call it a must watch. There's even some fair humor in what took some years to see...

It's really good thus far. Very good.
Wow!!! She pizzed YOU off!!! That's really bad. I can't take her talking at all. I couldn't watch "Sins of the Mother" On "Netflix". Seriously. Less than 10 minutes.
Yeah they talk of the Netflix thing in the recent show I linked above. Clearly they did't think much of what Netlfix did either... They kind of talk around it but it's clear... I didn't watch that and I'didn't watch the stupid Lifetime movie either and never will. Ever.

'She is hard to take but I do think all should hear her recent interview with Colby at least once.

But this show about it hasn't even really touched on that interview yet, it's just a good talk and a lot of things Colby can look back to even childhood and now see...

Again I am highly recommending a watch. And I will say as I just did all need to see his recent interview with her. Even if you can't take her, COLBY deserve an AWARD for doing it and holding it together.

It might make some think even more so that she is delusional. I STILL don't but it is interesting her mixing up of movies and pop culture and such with her beliefs... That alone, I don't think I've ever heard before...
Yeah they talk of the Netflix thing in the recent show I linked above. Clearly they did't think much of what Netlfix did either... They kind of talk around it but it's clear... I didn't watch that and I'didn't watch the stupid Lifetime movie either and never will. Ever.

'She is hard to take but I do think all should hear her recent interview with Colby at least once.

But this show about it hasn't even really touched on that interview yet, it's just a good talk and a lot of things Colby can look back to even childhood and now see...

Again I am highly recommending a watch. And I will say as I just did all need to see his recent interview with her. Even if you can't take her, COLBY deserve an AWARD for doing it and holding it together.

It might make some think even more so that she is delusional. I STILL don't but it is interesting her mixing up of movies and pop culture and such with her beliefs... That alone, I don't think I've ever heard before...
I really appreciate the recommendation from you. Especially right now. I can't watch. I am too....But since YOU recommend it. When I can take it, I will watch it. :hugs: :catfight::LOL:
I really appreciate the recommendation from you. Especially right now. I can't watch. I am too....But since YOU recommend it. When I can take it, I will watch it. :hugs: :catfight::LOL:
Oh she's hard to take, no doubt, like always and gets more so I'd say as it goes on. However, watching Colby drill her and her lack of gaining ground, and his reactions while listening to her, and the fact I think she really thought this was something that would win her over at least with her son, and maybe others, and it's so far from that. You can see how she's used to talking her way out, gaming her way out of things, etc. and being able to influence, etc. She also has cemented herself to her version now that she never really came out and did before... And it doesn't add up, of course. She has had years and tries really hard to work around the facts and evidence and create a story but it doesn't fly.

No one wants to listen to her but I do think if one followed the case, it is a necessary one to see once.

Now I think Colby and Dr. John and some others do think she's under at least some delusion and at minimum personality disorder, but I dismiss this or at least don't think it matters. She knows exactly what she's doing and it only convinced me more. However, and I have not finished it yet, the show last night, does speak to some things from back in the day Colby tells of. Where he was jsu a kid and never had the hindsight until now to go back and look at what I guess he just took as normal, that's his mom, that's the world, that's life, you're a kid... I have to watch the rest but it was re what she was like as a mother and that she was the type you wouldn't tell her you broke the vase because her reactions were never just simple, they were extreme. Just an example.

There's plenty of humor at least in the part I've watched so far, and imo this is him coming through to the other side AND I think we are hearing things I never knew now that such can be looked at and talked of. I don't think he even realized. When all comes down on you, and you find out someone isn't who you thought right? You often have to get through to the other side and through it hadn't then you start to look back when you are not under attack or pressure, and see things that could relate that you never realized because you never saw that in the person...

I honestly care less about her being dissected and nothing is going to convince me, some narcissism, personality disorders, or whatever that she was not aware of what she was doing. This woman is soulless. And all about self. Always has been imo. The world should have been handed to her. Always wanted importance. Cares truly about no one above self, never has.

Anyhow they are both worth watching. I watched the Lori interview by Colby over many nights and mornings. I didn't watch all of it at once. That helps. AT first I was able to watch a good half hour maybe because it was like okay, we might really get her finally starting some things here, and going on record where she never really has... Of course she's not under oath or anything. I was very interested at first so had a fair amount in me to see what she was going to do and where she was going to go. But then I took it in doses. As he drilled her down with questions, BUT let her have the floor, it really started to show... And her attitude she tried to hide flared up a time or two. She was TRYING to control that but she couldn't do it throughout... It's hard to explain and it is sickening but I still think it is a one time must watch, not for her definitely, but for Colby and how well he did, and if one followed the case.

Her finally coming right out and saying it, and blaming Tylee is really the last straw. She's hinted at it but pretty much says it here. Is there any way or any thing she wouldn't do to save herself that the child or any of them? It's just the final thing of the reason to throw her away. She wants Colby on her side imo not because she cares about him but because she needs believers and help and people to manipulate. It's all it is. It fails.

SErously when you can, just do five or ten minutes a day. Not because anyone WANTS to listen to her, just to see how she has boxed herself in imo. She's done. We already knew that but she's done.

Colby of course ends with making it clear his SISTER did not kill JJ or herself. We all KNOW that but he makes it CLEAR.

You've listened to worse than her.

Anyhow... I thought I'd rewatch but I won't probably. I took my time just so I could let it all sink in, so I don't know have to go back because I feel I didn't the first time. Thank goodness. he's strong though and that's worth it. I don't know how he kept his cool. It would be one thing for an investigator but from her son, he would not let it turn into some personal call, at all. I don't think anyone else could have gotten this from her. And if he hadn't just given her the floor for most of it, or judged, he probably would not have gotten it all.

That's enough from me. And believe me it isn't for her or about her of course, and listening to her is something none of us want to do, he could hardly take it either I'd say but he did it...
I'm listening to more of the talk with Dr. John, and what is so good about this is Colby is giving what was going on in his head and how hard I twas to maintain it when he was interviewing his mom, he mostly has the floor here and uses it well. During his interview with his mom, he did not comment, and now he is about all of it and what she said. And how she's the victim (per her), now is blaming Tylee, Charles just "died" and more...

I guess what I'm saying is we heard her and him let his mom have the floor to get her b.s. out of her, but now he is giving his thoughts of what she said and how he felt during it. Both are necessary imo. In order.
Yeah this is one to watch. Adn one doesn't have to listen to Lori, just Colby tell of how ridiculous what Lori said was, and his processing of it and more. It's good.

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