JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Don't read it alone in the house.

ETA I just checked and it was written in '71 and the film came out in '73 so i had only been married a year. It could have been '74 when UK got to see it I guess. Such a long time ago now, my goodness.
ARggghh. I am about to totallly lose my cool here on this whole deal and I just announced I quit and when anyone needs to reach me, I can't be. I think you know what I am talking of. I am going to do my part and let the chips fall where they may and it is not on me.

Yeah, I instantly knew the Excorsist was Linda Blair in the movie so I know it but memory fails and when I think of the movie I think I am thinking of Carrie. I am positive I never read the book but would have been about ten when the film came out. How do I know of it unless I watched it at home but would such have been on TV at that point, probably not, so maybe I saw it in later years or just knew of it...

I need to watch Linda's show and also read the book and see the movie to know if it would scare me. Much of horror etc. stuff back in the day does not scare me in later years, home alone or not. At that age though or younger it likely would have.

So I guess off the top of my head, not sure if I ever did see it but feel I did, maybe I just know of it because of sibs and such in that time period. Yet I swear I can picture Linda Blair in it and knew who was in it immediately.

I will need to watch Linda's to get more of a sense of what you think. Maybe after I finish this crap I have to do shortly without the knowledge I feel I should have beforehand I will do so.

This thing is going to be the death of me I swear. I am flat out exhausted and mentally stressed beyond. And yet it isn't a life and death thing so I tell myself that.


You've watched Linda before haven't you, at least on occasion? Her shows aren't always these types.
ARggghh. I am about to totallly lose my cool here on this whole deal and I just announced I quit and when anyone needs to reach me, I can't be. I think you know what I am talking of. I am going to do my part and let the chips fall where they may and it is not on me.

Yeah, I instantly knew the Excorsist was Linda Blair in the movie so I know it but memory fails and when I think of the movie I think I am thinking of Carrie. I am positive I never read the book but would have been about ten when the film came out. How do I know of it unless I watched it at home but would such have been on TV at that point, probably not, so maybe I saw it in later years or just knew of it...

I need to watch Linda's show and also read the book and see the movie to know if it would scare me. Much of horror etc. stuff back in the day does not scare me in later years, home alone or not. At that age though or younger it likely would have.

So I guess off the top of my head, not sure if I ever did see it but feel I did, maybe I just know of it because of sibs and such in that time period. Yet I swear I can picture Linda Blair in it and knew who was in it immediately.

I will need to watch Linda's to get more of a sense of what you think. Maybe after I finish this crap I have to do shortly without the knowledge I feel I should have beforehand I will do so.

This thing is going to be the death of me I swear. I am flat out exhausted and mentally stressed beyond. And yet it isn't a life and death thing so I tell myself that.


You've watched Linda before haven't you, at least on occasion? Her shows aren't always these types.
I have watched her before but only a couple of times maybe.

Well see what you think. I had never thought that this zombie stuff could be in the bible but when you think of it, it was in a way with people possessed and being brought back from the dead. Anyway, that's enough of that. It's late here and i am on my own in the house. :eek:👻💀

(Well I think I am !!!!!! )
I have watched her before but only a couple of times maybe.

Well see what you think. I had never thought that this zombie stuff could be in the bible but when you think of it, it was in a way with people possessed and being brought back from the dead. Anyway, that's enough of that. It's late here and i am on my own in the house. :eek:👻💀

(Well I think I am !!!!!! )
OMG you made me chuckle out loud and right when I really needed it badly!! If you are not sure you are alone you probably need an exorcist no...? LOL. I may start watching it tonight if I can settle down and take such a topic right now. Not ready at this moment but perhaps in a bit.
I have watched her before but only a couple of times maybe.

Well see what you think. I had never thought that this zombie stuff could be in the bible but when you think of it, it was in a way with people possessed and being brought back from the dead. Anyway, that's enough of that. It's late here and i am on my own in the house. :eek:👻💀

(Well I think I am !!!!!! )
So I think you have a bit of a clue I have a thing going on. I got home from signing my part today and stress for the last weeks and we shall see if others complete their end over the next week.

I should have done laundry, I always do it on thurday as I hang dry 3/4 and to work on Saturday it needs to be done today. But I was DONE. I accmplished my part even if others have no done their part.

I watched something lighter and then tried to focus on Linda's like three times but my brain was just not ready for it. Finally I am more than half through and paying attention. That is not on her, it is on what I've had going on.

My take so far is for one the painting. I do thimnk she is reaching a bit on the dead ones around the lives ones as to being zombies and Chad getting it from there, however, she talks of the religion in and of itself and the mainstream LDS religion even and into Joseph Smith the founder, etc. and why really is at the core. I have said it before and will again, this is a cult basically. I bet many younger ones here never knew the presidency thing of the US nor that the religion and polygamy, tax evasion, etc. was come down on BIG TIME. And then man went underground.

I said it in a post above, I recall it. I have said it more than a few times and I don't think most here even know of it. Since then it has turned into a very monied and powerful organization that the govt is no longer against and imo showers enough money no problems... These things did not just end.

BUt you know I had better watch it. Even when I say nothing that can be taken wrong, I get slapped.

No longer care though. What will be WILL be.

The Revelations thing and the painting are intresting. and I am not through it all yet but over half. i have always found this religion to be based on some teenager seriously that had a vision. but then some would say that's any religion but again it is different.

My grandma was into Revelations big time but not as these folks are, more curious and trying to interpret as I guess all do what things meant in the Bible. And no, no LDS and I am not even sure she went to church or had an affiliation. She just had a curious mind. Maybe that's my problem too although I don't consider it a problem.

The Zombie thing maybe I will have to watch again or the Exorcist thing but I have not seen anything scary about it yet but I am not done either. That painting is disturbing. ANd people who love to bait on politics should really know of the whole LDS thing and almost war and running for prez.

You know, all I know is I could have never gotten through my life without faith and that some things are right and some are clearly wrong. Whatever anyone's beliefs, this and morals and ethics which actually STEM from the commandments are not a bad thing. Mankind has likely warped them but they are still a good thing to go by in life. "Thou shalt not kill.". And the next nine. I ti s what our entire legal system is based on or was, today it is lunacy sometimes. But are they bad rules? I think they are perfect rules, not perfect in a perfect sense but to be a decent person whether one believes or not.

I don't see yet your fear here but I am just over halfway through. Maybe it comes up later. Like I said I had to restart it like three times as I had trouble focusing, not because of Linda at all but because I am not through sh*t yet and more tomorrow and he next day. When I get this behind me, it will be a HUGE hurdle and relief. The last step basically in years of them all at the same time and one on top of another.

And I know full well what some others deal with and I've done that too in the last years. As to loss and more.

Anyhow, I other than the painting so far and the Joseph Smith thing and presidency am not seeing the scariness lol but maybe that comes in the last half to one third. but I am watching it. My cat is trying to get on my head though. Yeah, been NO time around here to take care of just life for years on end now and last few weeks for sure... FRAN!!!! SNITTY TOO!! Frank though is in full mode.

It IS an interesting watch. And the LDS church itself well....
Colby. Apparently interviewed Lori. I thought this was it at first but he is leading up to it being dropped tomorrow. Said it is very heavy, very shocking, and was very hard. Said were some tech problems, sound problems, her phone dropped etc. but was necessary and heavy and more. So anyhow, not sure what it's going to be but apparently will come out tomorrow...

So I think you have a bit of a clue I have a thing going on. I got home from signing my part today and stress for the last weeks and we shall see if others complete their end over the next week.

I should have done laundry, I always do it on thurday as I hang dry 3/4 and to work on Saturday it needs to be done today. But I was DONE. I accmplished my part even if others have no done their part.

I watched something lighter and then tried to focus on Linda's like three times but my brain was just not ready for it. Finally I am more than half through and paying attention. That is not on her, it is on what I've had going on.

My take so far is for one the painting. I do thimnk she is reaching a bit on the dead ones around the lives ones as to being zombies and Chad getting it from there, however, she talks of the religion in and of itself and the mainstream LDS religion even and into Joseph Smith the founder, etc. and why really is at the core. I have said it before and will again, this is a cult basically. I bet many younger ones here never knew the presidency thing of the US nor that the religion and polygamy, tax evasion, etc. was come down on BIG TIME. And then man went underground.

I said it in a post above, I recall it. I have said it more than a few times and I don't think most here even know of it. Since then it has turned into a very monied and powerful organization that the govt is no longer against and imo showers enough money no problems... These things did not just end.

BUt you know I had better watch it. Even when I say nothing that can be taken wrong, I get slapped.

No longer care though. What will be WILL be.

The Revelations thing and the painting are intresting. and I am not through it all yet but over half. i have always found this religion to be based on some teenager seriously that had a vision. but then some would say that's any religion but again it is different.

My grandma was into Revelations big time but not as these folks are, more curious and trying to interpret as I guess all do what things meant in the Bible. And no, no LDS and I am not even sure she went to church or had an affiliation. She just had a curious mind. Maybe that's my problem too although I don't consider it a problem.

The Zombie thing maybe I will have to watch again or the Exorcist thing but I have not seen anything scary about it yet but I am not done either. That painting is disturbing. ANd people who love to bait on politics should really know of the whole LDS thing and almost war and running for prez.

You know, all I know is I could have never gotten through my life without faith and that some things are right and some are clearly wrong. Whatever anyone's beliefs, this and morals and ethics which actually STEM from the commandments are not a bad thing. Mankind has likely warped them but they are still a good thing to go by in life. "Thou shalt not kill.". And the next nine. I ti s what our entire legal system is based on or was, today it is lunacy sometimes. But are they bad rules? I think they are perfect rules, not perfect in a perfect sense but to be a decent person whether one believes or not.

I don't see yet your fear here but I am just over halfway through. Maybe it comes up later. Like I said I had to restart it like three times as I had trouble focusing, not because of Linda at all but because I am not through sh*t yet and more tomorrow and he next day. When I get this behind me, it will be a HUGE hurdle and relief. The last step basically in years of them all at the same time and one on top of another.

And I know full well what some others deal with and I've done that too in the last years. As to loss and more.

Anyhow, I other than the painting so far and the Joseph Smith thing and presidency am not seeing the scariness lol but maybe that comes in the last half to one third. but I am watching it. My cat is trying to get on my head though. Yeah, been NO time around here to take care of just life for years on end now and last few weeks for sure... FRAN!!!! SNITTY TOO!! Frank though is in full mode.

It IS an interesting watch. And the LDS church itself well....
See !!!!!! The cat getting on your head must be scared too. LOL.
LOL. I don't think I quite finished it but I did get through most of it. A good 3/4, I forget...

My cat is always on my heading or biting my arm lol. I have so many scars from him...Gee I think I wrote this before everything went further haywire...

Anyhow, off to work in minutes. Joy, joy. Not.

I don't know if you follow the Elintra Fisher case but her mom was on with Nate and a very interesting watch imo.
She seems to really want to connect with him, and is not judging his beliefs, but now she is kind of slipping to most people don't have multiple probations but I guess she does and this isn't something all know or some darned thing. Just watching myself....
SHE was never saying zombie, EVER. I'm interested to see where this is going... Is she turning on Chad or saying none of them used the word zombie ever... Or that cops made it up...Not sure where she's headed....

She seems though wanting to be heard and understood... Versus her calls back when with Colby and others where she offered NOTHING for info or explanation...
Evil spirits do visit people and does she have the power to cast them out? YES.

I'm not going to continue, I can already see this is a must watch for all. All can suit themselves. He is talking with his mom and she is TALKING. I wish I had caught this live but not sure that would have been good, I'd have been going nuts on chat as probably others did lol.

Lots to watch tonight for once since what boredom, not from life as work and all headaches, but nothing to read for posts or watch lately. Now I have a ton out there on a few cases. Tom's is up. most recent Delphi one of his. More. And THIS.
OMG. There is going to be a lot to unpack here. Part of me thinks things are hitting her somewhat but then I also feel she's doing thing of trying snag Colby. However, she is talking things, some, that probably really went on in their lives...Now I am hearing what I have heard a million times YOU KNOW COLBY. I have heard her say this phrase to her mother, to her sister, to Mel G. YOU KNOW ME MEL. YOU KNOW ME Summer... Man he's just letting her talk.... And she is TAKING the opportunity. I am nOT sharing all details... In a way I think she is unpacking and the entire life is hitting her (her life, their life) but then I hear her common phrases that she uses on people.... Cremated, Tylee.... Wasn't HER... OMG...
Okay now it is hitting where she can't make it work for Colby.... Not that he was buying it to begin with...
I can't even believe she is talking this much... Some of it of course is self serving, well that is where it is going to lead to I'm sure but she is trying to lead him into her web imo. She found her kids dead. Okayyyyyy..... He let her go and let her play it out....
Here's a good thing to know. He HAS both kids' ashes. He told her THAT is CREMATION. I am glad he has them. Lot more on this talk but wanted to mention he HAS THEM. From all i've heard, not all of Tylee, and that comes from LE, etc. actually, but he has their cremated remates. She is talking how Tylee wanted to be cremated.

MY GOD, how he is doing this I don't know. I just do not know. I give him major credit....
I CANNOT stress enough to all how much of a must watch this IS. It is not him with some old recorded phone call they had. This is NOWADAYS, RECENTLY.
TYLEE did not WANT to be there because Lori had Mel G there and she couldn't take either Mel's essential oils as they made Tylee sick nor liked Mel and Tylee was upset with Lori. So Lori asked Tylee to watch JJ and babysit then instead and put him to bed, which Tylee did a lot, and Lori was going to do her podcast with stupid Melanie and Dave (her words) and then she was going to pick JJ up in the morning.... Not sure WHERE she is talking about as we know they did the podcast in Lori's apartment.... Did Tylee have her own freaking apartment? There is a LOT more said here...

What it is coming down to is Tylee took JJ's life and then her own.

THis woman is not insane, she has had time to come up with anything she can to explain all the b.s. that is known and she's created it. There isn't anything insane about her, she is trying to lie her way around it AND keeps telling Colby, you know this and this, and how sick Tylee was, all we'd been through, yada, yada, yada. I'm not even halfway through.

And there is a LOT I have not shared around all this talk and her statements. I am just reacting on occasion here.

I'm waiting to hear how Tylee and JJ got themselves taped, cut apart or dismembered and buried at Chad's... SERIOUSLY. Will she blame Chad? Alex? Mel G? Will she say she panicked and felt like a bad mom when she found her kids dead and was involved? I HOPE Colby asks her because who knows if she will do more calls... Again, I haven't watched all, I am like reeling from what I am listening to as I try to process it. WOW. Colby has some strength but I guess he had no choice did he the last years to either get to that point or go down another path.... And he did have his moments, imo.
God you can almost hear her thinking or trying to recall this planned story... She came in on that scene and she thought Tylee did it to get back at her, and Lori felt it all HER fault... Pauses though, boy I wish anyone could see her face as she tries to get her story to her head to relay.

Again I give Colby credit BUT this is a lot. I hope he takes care of himself after this and before going further. He is handling it like a champ but again I have not even heard half nor do I know how it ends but it has to take some processing once he is through with it. New to us, but he did it in the past days, week, I don't know, so he's had some days since.

I said I was going to finish some cases out and there's no WAY I can leave this one or this interview alone and not be here talking of it.

BEen on this case since day ONE. Like many of us.
oh and yes, it came from YT. Not sure it hit the news yet. Comes from Lori's son though and is Lori on an actual call with him.

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