Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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So you want it quiet.

In all lightness I wonder who has the most posts in this thread. I know for sure it is not me and I doubt it is Tresir. Or Regina. Or Kdg. Trying to recall who else has been in. Since I don't come in much, not sure.

In some threads, staying with lightness, it would likely be me. When I am into a case, I will generally comment or link a lot, IF life allows, depending on the month or year.

Some though not so much or I avoid. This has been one. I'm not going to be in one so one sided with parts ignored. I avoid as most know and I've said before most Hollywood kinds of cases, I avoid things like mass shootings, school shootings, and race cases. I HAVE ended up in SOME when they just are too important for me to ignore. Arbery would be one, Floyd another. The reason on most of these is they almost always end up with agendas and groups involved OR even citizens who try to only push one narrative online, etc. Not just here, but online in general even. And it is usually what is wanted or some group's or defense's agenda even... I just stay out because of all that b.s. generally.

We all generally I think get along usually but our opinions do differ at times. I happen to agree with Tresir and Regina despite the noise being made out there and in here all meant to back the defendant without looking at all of it imo.

I even when I have been in here sporadically have never once denied this investigation left a lot to be desired and that Proctor should definitely be looked at or so it seems from what is said. Such doesn't make her innocent though.

I am majorly upset over the DNA lady in Colorado. I mean chances are good that 90 percent of the people put away ARE THE PERP but because of WHAT she DID, now tons of cases are going to be in question and yelling to be looked at again, appealed, you name it. Because of one what, egotistical bitch? I have no idea why she did what she did. I heard some remark that instead of clearing five cases in a day, she thought oh if I do this, I can make that SEVEN I show them I cleared in a day...

A bad cop, a cop that made a mistake, a DNA lady like her does not automatically mean someone is innocent. They sure HURT THINGS and GIVE an avenue perhaps to a defense... BUt it does not mean necessarily the defendant automatically is innocent.

And I'm sorry their whole dog bite and house fight thing is beyond ridiculous. But of course they had to come up with an answer of what happened if she did not do it as well. It is as ridiculous as the O thing in Delphi, and they needed something too... When you have to come up with TOO MANY things, to explain too many things, it is false... TOO MUCH.

I think the worst thing in this is Karen Read is no heroine either but some seem to think she is. She was a drunk who was part of this crowd now called corrupt, she was a PART of that and friends with them... No matter what the truth is, she is no one to ADMIRE or EMULATE yet that is about what is going on. It is pathetic, sorry.

And no matter what his parents and his niece and nephew are still the family of a victim and not a one on Read's side even shows a moment for them and it is the same in Delphi. Think Allen is innocent? Fine. There is still family who suffered a loss and deserve a thought and prayer here and there, and a mention.

The last thing I am going to say is I really don't think that much of this case nor am that into it other than the ridiculous lengths it has gone to. It sickens me people can spend all their time on something like this where both adults were totally snickered and it has this much attention versus many others. I personally don't care that much. I don't care if she does a little time or a lot, I don't think she deserves freedom but if it happens, it happens. The resources put into this and attention it gets disgusts me.

I don't want to be on any road she is traveling on or ever anywhere near her and I'd hope others would be protected from her but that's about it. I think it is really sad his family are not even looked at as victims who lost someone.

I've said this before and will again, family KNOWS. They just do. Who did such. Maybe not at times until an arrest but once there is one like in Delphi, it just fits, they see him, they lock eyes, they know. They just DO. I put a lot of store in such. His family knows Karen did this. Imo.

So anyhow she garners and her case does plenty of attention and I am not usually even in here and look how much time I've spent tonight on it. I have had my fill I think.

I will never be the most posts in this one. She ain't that important. She is just an adult bitch who thought she could drink and drive and her adult cop bf too unlike people that get arrested for such, they were immune, and that alone is disgusting, and she killed him and found out she wasn't going to just slide out of it. IMHO.

OUt of this thread for now. Think I need some cooking or something...

I totally agree that she is not one to emulate. I don't believe I've ever said so. I don't care as much about her as I do that she's being railroaded. I'm far more bothered by the corruption, than anything else.
I totally agree that she is not one to emulate. I don't believe I've ever said so. I don't care as much about her as I do that she's being railroaded. I'm far more bothered by the corruption, than anything else.
I wasn't coming back but in refreshing the site before leaving CW for YT I saw you responded so quickly I will give one more response.

I'm glad to hear that. Personally I would have thought you were quite enamored by her. Honestly. As many seem to be and they can't seem to see anything but what helps her.

I think both sides are way to off the rails imo. However, corruption does not MEAN she is innocent. That's where I have a problem. People automatically assume that.

This case is bigger than it ever needed to be and both sides are off the rails with it. Imo. It sickens me and is NOT the only case in this country for God's sake.
I wasn't coming back but in refreshing the site before leaving CW for YT I saw you responded so quickly I will give one more response.

I'm glad to hear that. Personally I would have thought you were quite enamored by her. Honestly. As many seem to be and they can't seem to see anything but what helps her.

I think both sides are way to off the rails imo. However, corruption does not MEAN she is innocent. That's where I have a problem. People automatically assume that.

This case is bigger than it ever needed to be and both sides are off the rails with it. Imo. It sickens me and is NOT the only case in this country for God's sake.

The amount of corruption and the actual pieces of corruption, see Sallyport video, make me sure she's innocent.

It seems the people who are locals who are glad that someone has the guts to stand up against the corruption.

Perhaps @Takeitfromme can help us with that.
I care that a cop was killed and that the person who did it cannot admit it and take a plea. I don't believe it was deliberate but she was drunk and so was he. The broken cocktail glass, taillight and shoe plus her admissions and actions on scene all show her guilt but the missteps by LE could mean she gets away with it.

Hopefully we won't have too long to wait for both the appeal result and the new trial.
I care that a cop was killed and that the person who did it cannot admit it and take a plea. I don't believe it was deliberate but she was drunk and so was he. The broken cocktail glass, taillight and shoe plus her admissions and actions on scene all show her guilt but the missteps by LE could mean she gets away with it.

Hopefully we won't have too long to wait for both the appeal result and the new trial.

How do you know she did it? You know almost nothing about the evidence.
se The amount of corruption and the actual pieces of corruption, see Sallyport video, make me sure she's innocent.

It seems the people who are locals who are glad that someone has the guts to stand up against the corruption.a

Perhaps @Takeitfromme can help us with that.
If it was as clear cut as you are saying, she would have been acquitted. What does the Sally port video have to even do with when she hit him and when she said she did. It was later yes.

Not ONCE have I ever stood for the corruption or at least Proctor. EVER. Not sure I've ever seen pure corruption with anyone else, I'd have to look back or think back. I also always allow for politics in many cases these days which is disgusting but they often play in. Shouldn't, but they do.

LE and officials need to keep their noses CLEAN always and do their jobs as perfectly as they can. I am not going to argue about that.

Like Delphi, if you don't think I was not upset about lost videos or interviews and such things, and a lost tip for years, you are mistaken! THANKFULLY there was plenty and enough for a conviction despite such and I was always able to see that even before the jury found him guilty. However, losing such things certainly did not help them and had me worried.

This case imo is similar. There definitely are issues. But for me, so far, I see plenty that tells me she did it despite ALL of that. I mean kudos to her defense I guess for going after every week area, although I actually am disgusted by them, but hey it is like I said, LE needs to be ON THEIR GAME and ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW, ABOVE BOARD. Kind of sickening we can't demand the defenses ever be that way but whatever...

I was not coming back but all I had found was a grocery haul, a bit boring, she bought crab cakes for one, I mean yuck...

I am not okay with railroading. I am not okay with corruption. I say as much quite often I believe. You on the other hand, imo, the minute you see a hint of a not perfect thing in an investigation, or hint of a screw up, you name it, automatically think that makes the defendant not guilty. See that is where we differ imo. It means no such thing.

All of these things were called out were they not in the first trial by the D? And they did not get a full acquittal. So you can go on about whatever, but you can't say they didn't get to show all of this or say all of this and have their day. Not a secret now is it? WAsn't from the jury was it? She was not acquitted and they are going to trial again so what is it that isn't fair now? It's all been put out there, no? Now we will have a new jury, it all put out again, prosecution may actually be better this time, they have had time to to bone up for it.

I said it earlier. I think she deserves time and she definitely did it but I honestly almost don't give a sh*t. If she gets off, she gets off, just stay away from anyone I love, out of my states, off my roads, you drunken bit*h. I don't like her, I'm sorry. She is smirky and full of it. There were kids here, he had parents and if I recall, at least one sibling if not a few.

Any victim or family as is often the case has been forgotten here and it all becomes about the defendant in most cases, so sickening, but in some like this one, they cease to even EXIST. This is the Karen Read show. Let's say she gets acquitted. She is going to owe all her courthouse groupies and I hope she has to deal with the weirdoes and have them over for dinner.

I'd also think we can all agree at minimum she is guilty of an OWI/DUI.

She is no railroaded princess.

And neither Karen Read nor Richard Allen can be removed from the scene.

If it was as clear cut as you are saying, she would have been acquitted. What does the Sally port video have to even do with when she hit him and when she said she did. It was later yes.

Not ONCE have I ever stood for the corruption or at least Proctor. EVER. Not sure I've ever seen pure corruption with anyone else, I'd have to look back or think back. I also always allow for politics in many cases these days which is disgusting but they often play in. Shouldn't, but they do.

LE and officials need to keep their noses CLEAN always and do their jobs as perfectly as they can. I am not going to argue about that.

Like Delphi, if you don't think I was not upset about lost videos or interviews and such things, and a lost tip for years, you are mistaken! THANKFULLY there was plenty and enough for a conviction despite such and I was always able to see that even before the jury found him guilty. However, losing such things certainly did not help them and had me worried.

This case imo is similar. There definitely are issues. But for me, so far, I see plenty that tells me she did it despite ALL of that. I mean kudos to her defense I guess for going after every week area, although I actually am disgusted by them, but hey it is like I said, LE needs to be ON THEIR GAME and ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW, ABOVE BOARD. Kind of sickening we can't demand the defenses ever be that way but whatever...

I was not coming back but all I had found was a grocery haul, a bit boring, she bought crab cakes for one, I mean yuck...

I am not okay with railroading. I am not okay with corruption. I say as much quite often I believe. You on the other hand, imo, the minute you see a hint of a not perfect thing in an investigation, or hint of a screw up, you name it, automatically think that makes the defendant not guilty. See that is where we differ imo. It means no such thing.

All of these things were called out were they not in the first trial by the D? And they did not get a full acquittal. So you can go on about whatever, but you can't say they didn't get to show all of this or say all of this and have their day. Not a secret now is it? WAsn't from the jury was it? She was not acquitted and they are going to trial again so what is it that isn't fair now? It's all been put out there, no? Now we will have a new jury, it all put out again, prosecution may actually be better this time, they have had time to to bone up for it.

I said it earlier. I think she deserves time and she definitely did it but I honestly almost don't give a sh*t. If she gets off, she gets off, just stay away from anyone I love, out of my states, off my roads, you drunken bit*h. I don't like her, I'm sorry. She is smirky and full of it. There were kids here, he had parents and if I recall, at least one sibling if not a few.

Any victim or family as is often the case has been forgotten here and it all becomes about the defendant in most cases, so sickening, but in some like this one, they cease to even EXIST. This is the Karen Read show. Let's say she gets acquitted. She is going to owe all her courthouse groupies and I hope she has to deal with the weirdoes and have them over for dinner.

I'd also think we can all agree at minimum she is guilty of an OWI/DUI.

She is no railroaded princess.

And neither Karen Read nor Richard Allen can be removed from the scene.


She WAS acquitted on two of the three counts! The third count had 10/12ths acquittal.
Because she said so. And i do know about the evidence at the scene and his injuries, which also convinces me.


Sleep well, but you only know the evidence you want to know. If you know about his injuries, then you know a car couldn't have made them.
I haven't watched it all, but did see discussions every night on the happenings of the day, on CourtTV. If someone questions a piece of evidence then I'll refer them to the actual testimony for that.

The best answer is for those who didn't follow the trial in anyway, shape or form to go back and watch the trial themselves.
So you didn't actually watch the trial itself?
Sleep well, but you only know the evidence you want to know. If you know about his injuries, then you know a car couldn't have made them.
I disagree entirely. And some here only know what they want to know and that's a fact, sorry. And some never watched a bit of the trial from what I recall. I was hardly in here but I searched out certain testimony and parts of the trial when I got time. I saw and heard things that were NEVER shared here. TRUTH.

Clearly we have different opinions than you do. And lol you can darned well have a mouse on any processing unit...
Sleep well, but you only know the evidence you want to know. If you know about his injuries, then you know a car couldn't have made them.
I know more than you think. He had the open wound on the back of his head, which caused his death, the bruised hand and the arm abrasions matching up with the rips in his hoodie arm. I think the car knocked him backwards causing the superficial damage to his hand, arm and clothes by the tailight and causing him to fall and hit his head. I have heard nothing from you regarding what you think caused his injuries and death but you can enlighten me tomorrow.
So you didn't actually watch the trial itself?

Not in it's entirety, but a Hades a lot more than you did.

Every day I'd watch two hours of trial coverage on "Closing Arguments" They had multiple people on each side and the middle discuss that days testimony. How much trial coverage did you watch? How much testimony did you watch?

Even the pro prosecution people were dumbfounded by the Sallyport video. Vinnie asked them if that was enough for reasonable doubt and they all said yes.

Interestingly, the jury felt the same on two of the three charges.
I know more than you think. He had the open wound on the back of his head, which caused his death, the bruised hand and the arm abrasions matching up with the rips in his hoodie arm. I think the car knocked him backwards causing the superficial damage to his hand, arm and clothes by the tailight and causing him to fall and hit his head. I have heard nothing from you regarding what you think caused his injuries and death but you can enlighten me tomorrow.

I won't waste my time. I've already posted my theory. Go find it if you want.
I disagree entirely. And some here only know what they want to know and that's a fact, sorry. And some never watched a bit of the trial from what I recall. I was hardly in here but I searched out certain testimony and parts of the trial when I got time. I saw and heard things that were NEVER shared here. TRUTH.

Clearly we have different opinions than you do. And lol you can darned well have a mouse on any processing unit...

You consider the Sallyport video truth? We have very different opinions on the definition of truth.
Not in it's entirety, but a Hades a lot more than you did.

Every day I'd watch two hours of trial coverage on "Closing Arguments" They had multiple people on each side and the middle discuss that days testimony. How much trial coverage did you watch? How much testimony did you watch?

Even the pro prosecution people were dumbfounded by the Sallyport video. Vinnie asked them if that was enough for reasonable doubt and they all said yes.

Interestingly, the jury felt the same on two of the three charges.
I'll answer tomorrow. It's too late here now.
Not in it's entirety, but a Hades a lot more than you did.

Every day I'd watch two hours of trial coverage on "Closing Arguments" They had multiple people on each side and the middle discuss that days testimony. How much trial coverage did you watch? How much testimony did you watch?

Even the pro prosecution people were dumbfounded by the Sallyport video. Vinnie asked them if that was enough for reasonable doubt and they all said yes.

Interestingly, the jury felt the same on two of the three charges.
Vinnie lol. Vinnie is Vinnie. You had a fit about his personal channel maybe just a month ago when him and his dumb sidekick buddies were doing dumb music stuff instead of getting to the case/crime it was to be about. Vinnie is a talking head and he is doing similar with Delphi. in fact there are many YTers who have lost their money and views with Delphi over. They run with the recent new defense filing, Vinnie did, believe me.

Law and Crime. News Nation. All the same. It is NOT watching a trial yourself.

Even in Daybell, Nate is not a talking head like Vinnie. He tweeted every single word and thing he could and I had to take that for coverage and it was full and it was good but I would get home from work and I think it was Lori's and Judge Boyce would allow the audio put out like the next day and I would listen to it, and there was SO MUCH Nate did not cover. It is not the same. And you are watching a show with CLIPS. With someone like Vinnie.

I was on here back when the trial was going on and believe me, none of you were hearing it all. I believe it was Regina who was actually watching the full trial. @Regina None of you were as I recall. IF I have it right, I went searching for some of the trial testimony and came in here and said WHY doesn't anyone know about this, or about that...

Shows have agendas.

And I'll say this too--Tresir does her homework. She doesn't even live here but she searches for facts, truth and links. I can't always but I always recognize if I am not watching the actual trial that I do not know sh*t from watching some Vinnie or otherwise show. Go watch once after seeing his. AS I said Nate is exceptional but never caught all. Most stayed up with Daybell by Nate, but hearing the actual testimony there was a lot he missed. They can only keep up with so much. And Vinnie isn't even present generally. Just a joke.

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