LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *GUILTY*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Delphi murders: Jury reviewed 4 key pieces of evidence before finding Richard Allen guilty​

Jurors in the Delphi murders trial reviewed four key pieces of evidence while they deliberated the fate of Richard Allen.

According to previous reports, jurors took a second look at evidence during their deliberations on Saturday, Nov. 9, in the presence of Allen and his attorneys. At the time, it wasn’t clear which exhibits they wanted to review.

But according to court orders entered into the record this week, the jury saw exhibits 207, 246, 290 and 291.

Exhibit 207 was enhanced audio taken from the infamous “Bridge Guy” video Libby German recorded on her phone on Feb. 13, 2017—the day of the murders. The video was a key piece of evidence from the very start of the investigation.

Exhibit 246 was an enhanced version of the “Bridge Guy” video itself.

Exhibit 290 was video of Allen’s October 13, 2022, interview with Liggett and Steve Mullin, the former Delphi police chief who now works as a criminal investigator for the Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office.

During the interview, it dawned on Allen that police considered him a suspect in the case. Liggett and Mullin confronted him with evidence they’d gathered and asked him if he was “Bridge Guy.”

Exhibit 291 was video of Allen’s October 26, 2022, interview with Jerry Holeman, an Indiana State Police investigator who worked on the case. Allen repeatedly denied any involvement in the murders during questioning.

At the end of the interview, Allen told Holeman to arrest him. Holeman obliged.
I don't believe i had read this before. It recaps the evidence and reports of the recordings played in court of RA confessing to his wife and also the recordings playing the audio of the "Guys, down the hill". The similarity between the two is apparently obvious, coupled with the fact he mentions the van as the reason he kills them. The fact only the killer would know. It is so annoying we have not been able to hear that for ourselves. Reminder that sentencing is this coming Friday.

Delphi murders suspect heard confessing in phone calls played in court
Well I guess cameras are out and that bites. Darn the ones who screwed it the time she allowed it. I hope they learned their lesson and do not ruin any others. Won't mention names.

It is clear from the one post which is pretty much what I thought they were trying to see if BG could be RA both by voice and look. Or seems like it.

Hopefully once sentencing is over, things will be released for the public to hear.

It is annoying no on has heard such, been able to.

From most I have heard from who attended, it became very clear in the trial that he really DID do this.

Many a one changed their tune or made a decision, when prior they weren't sure. I'm talking those that covered.

I have actually become tired of hearing about KA crying all the time. I'm not trying to be cold but have heard it at about every hearing, day of trial, etc. but then on the opposite hand, also saying this isn't over.

It makes me really wonder about her and their dynamic. Of course it's news always pointing it out but probably also means she is.

She may not be the perp but the GIRLS are the victims. And imo she knows darned well he did it. For various reasons.

Anyhow less than a week now.

Interesting articles, For Tom, the biggest if I recall were the confessions to his mom and wife. All the other things too but definitely those.
Five days counting down 5-4-3-2-1-Life×2

Nearly 8 years for the families to wait for justice.
A little bit of time here before five days, but maybe in IN it already is. I'm not at midnight yet lol. But yes, just days away!

I agree on the sentence, it is what he deserves. Well I think worse, but not an option.
FOUR days now. And the families finally get to say their long awaited things they've wanted to say. LONG AWAITED. We won't see it of course, but a big day for them. May say a lot, may not, considering all the hoopla and b.s. in this case.

For all intents and purposes, it will be over once sentenced. Oh sure there will be appeals but that's the basic end.

One thing I am sure of is that KA will cry and news will mention it.
Well, all are aware I'm sure but in case has slipped anyone's mind, sentencing is tomorrow. I'm not sure if we ever heard a time but am assuming morning as it may take all day, depending on victim impact statements, if he has anything to say, what judge has to say, attorneys, etc. and then sentencing. They'd at least schedule the day I'd think.

IT is FINALLY here.

I wish we could watch it but they are also hard to see, hear the impact statements, almost always tear jerkers, sometimes anger as well, and more.

He'd maybe confess for real but of course imo no way family or his attys will let him so if he says anything, imo, it wouldn't be much. Even though hard to watch, I think it would have been the right thing to do. I'm not aware of any YTers that are going but I also haven't been watching much. In my opinion, their coverage was far more in depth than news with the trial and much better.

I would think Aspen would. Murder Sheet will be there imo no doubt. It's so close to Christmas and just one day so many probably won't make the trip if far away.

So may have mostly just "news". Not sure.

And who knows how soon we will hear anything depending on length and breaks.

I do hope I never hear of another trial handled this way as far as what they had to go through to attend, keep seats, IF they could get one, etc. I've heard more than one account and it was awful. It made Boyce look good in Daybell in that regard compared to Gull. But she did allow such once and "someone" had to ruin it...

It is awfully close to Christmas but I am glad the families will have it behind them for the first time as far as this process and finally, sentencing, before Christmas, the first one such will be over. The rest will never be behind them of course.

With the blizzard effect having slowed, even stopped for now, it really hits where it should, for the girls and the families, or at least it has been to me. It's the only day the families really get when all becomes about the defendant and they wait forever for it. And it is "their" day, the girls' day, not that it will be kept to that I'm sure by news or even in the courtroom necessarily.

I expect two life sentences and even though it might not matter, I hope they are consecutive if possible here. I mean two young girls were murdered consecutively.

Anyhow, I have trouble mustering up sympathy even for his wife, and him, so on. There was a time I maybe could have for some but no longer. I mean they sat in that courtroom and every single person I have heard from who was there saw it proved to them, most of who were ON THE FENCE or even leaning the defense way. If we could have seen it, we'd know why as well.

I'm so glad the major part of the circus is over for the families. It's weird not to have this case daily too, been that way for quite some time, but that's what matters.

There will be appeals no doubt but from most of what I've heard, I don't think they will go far. But who knows in today's climate...

Anyhow just my thoughts on it all before sentencing tomorrow.
Well he deserves the whole sentence!!! I'm happy with this. It doesn't bring the girls back but at least it's a proper sentence
I wholeheartedly agree. What he did to those girls was horrible and heinous and he deserves every darned day of it.

I haven't had a chance to look at much but can say that much. Also not sure what is out on it even, if anything. I nodded off and now am in crunch time to not be late for an appt. Hoping to catch up later though.
Gag order is lifted so we should get to hear a lot now. Just glad for the families that it is now over.
I am too for the families! I actually have heard little and now have an appt daughter is picking me up for in an hour and it takes me that long just to get battered body into clothes, seriously. I want to catch up not sure what all is out there but didn't even keep watching Lauren as I fell asleep, I do that a lot these days, not sure why.

Anyhow, YES, the gag order too. Looking forward to finally getting to find out and hear things. I know for Tom the confessions did it and mostly if I recall the one to his mother, said he was fine, calm, with it, etc. but also all a combination of things. Several went to that trial not at all decided and almost all I've heard said it was proven to them well beyond a reasonable doubt. We of course did not get the advantage of seeing that and never will.

I hope you had a wonderful day! I always have to remind myself it is later there but just realized.
I did not see much before I fell asleep but one thing I think I heard was the family members or one remarked on something about the defense attorneys. I can only imagine. Didn't catch any details. The he77 their antics put them through is what I'm thinking, but I honestly don't know what was said.

I sure did not expect it to be over so early either.

Going to have to catch up.
Listening to a bit before I leave. So Gull if I heard it right remarked on RA constantly rolling his eyes during the trial. I think that's pretty telling, and damning as to who he really is.

Both Lauren/HTC and Aspen were there.

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