LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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My brain HURTS with all this sh*t going on in all these cases. Delphi, Morphew, LISK, Murdaugh and more.

Not for one hot minute do I believe some shared office accidental thing. But yah he is just a simpleton that was snookered. NOT.

Not sure what is being pulled on the general public here but know something is going on. Of course it can't be shared as it will affect the case. Plus ya know, I guess it is just none of our business. Right? Not. I think people need to remember these are OUR courtrooms, OUR judges, OUR officials, OUR system before all younger generations never know that or forget it if they are taught it. That is a topic for another day though, I digress. And certainly there is a need for a fair trial for a defendant without a doubt and imo that's about the ONLY reason that flies when it comes to secrecy in our courts. Well, also allowing an unimpeded (is that a word?) investigation.

I am at a disadvantage without a doubt as I don't do SM and get so little time to even watch other than that. However, with not being fully informed and I hate forming opinions without being fully informed but I am going to, my opinion is we have a dirty defense here. I mean gee let me just rent out space in my one bedroom apartment and keep getting in trouble for something leaked that ONLY exists in my one bedroom apartment... Tell me do I have this right? And not just ONCE but two or three times. I'm just way too stupid to figure that out Judge.

This is at least what the defense would have us believe do i have THAT right? I don't buy any of it. NO SALE.

Allen wants this defense team gone right? Here we go again. My brain hurts. I will have better when all settles some other day. LISK, Morphew, this one, Richins, all of it is jsut too much and I haven't had time to fully look at all and put thoughts together. Even podcasters or YTers haven't had the chance because as of last night there was little about it. I did watch one on the LISK thing which only pizzed me off and that is a post for that one and another time. I am about done with retired NYPD and other retired cops YT channel holders and I liked these guy;s but... Like I said a story for another time, different thread...

A bit of a side trip. THERE was a DEATH due to all of this. Apparently we all get a bit numb with following crime and when all blows like this. SOMEONE apparently suicided OVER it. That ALONE tells me there is more goingi on here.

Again I am at a disadvantage with lack of time and because I don't follow SM but I am not sure sometimes if that is a bad thing or good thing. I do get the feeling others know more about who people are and about the "suicide".

Like I said my brain HURTS. Too much in a few days with little time. I will say this immediately STOPPED all O talk.... Just like MSM, immediately get another hot news buzz item to put the other one out of everyone's thoughts... Hmmm.

Seriously my brain HURTS. Later.
sorry about your brain :icare: I know the feeling.

Yesterday AM, along with Baldwin's statement, RA submitted a sealed affidavit to court that the Baldwin statement explained says he's very happy with and wants to keep his existing Defense Team, please your honor, thank you very much. Whatever happened in chambers, RA's voice wasn't loud enough.

He might benefit from new counsel if somehow they're brilliant private defenders that will work for public defender price for the TELEVISED circus publicity. sigh. Then again he might keep shrinking away in solitary and in a year's time we won't be able to see RA, let alone believe he could have murdered a fly.
Sure makes them sound very inexperienced to me. It makes it sound like this has been their only case by that wording. Sheesh.
yeah, if it weren't for the loss of time for the families ... I'd say "good riddance".:cleanup:

I didn't care for the whining "i got snookered" Leak memo. Who needs a defense counsel that can get snookered at age ... what is he ... 65?
That just means it's time for the guy to retire. Maybe Baldwin and RA could take their competence test together.
Okay I've confirmed, from a good enough source, that what likely :thinking: happened in chambers was this: the Prosecutor says I have 5 LE witnesses 👮‍♂️sitting in the gallery ready for this hearing - witnesses whose investigation doesn't necessarily add up with your goofy memo, for instance: la de dah de dah and la dee dee ... which doesn't agree with your goofy memo, Baldwin. :nono: Let's go and we'll have them testify in front of the cameras. :eat: And the Judge said, alright Baldwin, are you ready ... and Baldwin balks :vomit: and considers cameras :hiding: ... and Judge points out alternative - Baldwin could withdraw prior to the hearing in chambers , and Baldwin withdraws. :runningaway: End of the story. :drumroll:

Thank goodness we've figured all that out. See ya next year when something happens on this case. Hang in there, Abby, Libby and families!

(Also, hang in there RA; LE only has like 5 more suspects left after you .... oh that's not right - 4 more suspects after you (Ron died oops)
Methinks the defense got caught in some shenanigans that were uncovered by this death.
And doeth or doeseth the defense have some
responsibilty in one way or another for tha

"Two hours after the hearing, Court TV obtained a memorandum submitted to the court on James Baldwin’s behalf. Baldwin was one of the attorneys representing Allen prior to the hearing. The memo, written in response to the leaked photos, says “Attorney Baldwin did nothing wrong. He was snookered and abused.”

According to the memo, Baldwin was “betrayed” by a friend whom he trusted to respect his office space and accessed the photos. “Since that transgression, Mr. Baldwin has kept all Delphi-related items locked in a room or a locked fireproof file cabinet. Furthermore, defense counsel has put together a plan for curative action in which no items will be left unattended for even a second in any unlocked room.”

The memo specifically argued against Baldwin being removed as Allen’s counsel as a sanction for the leaked photos."

More at link.
Who believes anyone was "snookered" for at least a second time if not more and woe is me of who I just so happened to share office space with and didn't learn my lesson, I though was SNOOKERED or so the memo on my behalf says....

Their filing (defense) and this now is like watching a HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA however, there is a HUGE price and damage and a man is dead. On top of two girls. And a defendant is without attorneys.

I know what I think happened here give or take a detail or two. These attorneys should be facing some serious charges.
sorry about your brain :icare: I know the feeling.

Yesterday AM, along with Baldwin's statement, RA submitted a sealed affidavit to court that the Baldwin statement explained says he's very happy with and wants to keep his existing Defense Team, please your honor, thank you very much. Whatever happened in chambers, RA's voice wasn't loud enough.

He might benefit from new counsel if somehow they're brilliant private defenders that will work for public defender price for the TELEVISED circus publicity. sigh. Then again he might keep shrinking away in solitary and in a year's time we won't be able to see RA, let alone believe he could have murdered a fly.
Thanks, still reeling but you know the feeling lol. Head hurts, brain hurts and this didn't help.

What? I am so fed up with this case. Now we have a sealed affidavit from RA? It fits with what I think is going on here anyhow BUT just like Letecia Stauch, just like Kouri Richins, just like Alex Murdaugh, ETC, they can't DO this. Each case is different of course but here NO you cannot talk privately to the judge.

Personally I think RA is behind a LOT of this but NONE of that excuses his attorneys. And it so is not funny that two girls were SLAUGHTERED here who had their entire life ahead and as you said basically welcome to the circus new counsel...

It isn't a big shocker that RA wanted to retain his counsel.

Yah maybe he will waste away further. He already is a shrinky-DINK but may try to play it further. It is amazing me today in that the O talk has entirely vanished. For the moment anyhow.
I'm pretty sure this long break in this case means we can take a vacation from this thread. :chillin:

Wow, do I know how to pick the most absurd cases to follow. :dizzy:

This one not fun like Gwyneth's case was.
OH please do not bring up Gwyneth. :thud:

I can only WISH to kick back on the beach. Would LOVE to and could use it.

Yeah this trial is now going to be way out there but I'm not so sure it will stay quiet... And there are answers that have not been provided here that need to be BUT yeah if it goes quiet people may quit clamoring... I wouldn't count on it though.
possibly left a note with the reasons??? Told people??? Had witnesses???
Am I all wet to think he sent/left the letter trying to exonerate the attorney? I've had little time and all this breaking news on cases... Or did RA? Either way, defense is corrupt as all get out but I know and feel for them as they were snookered...
I honestly don't think I have heard the word snookered in my entire almost 60 year life until now. This case just keeps on giving.

On that note, I'd just like to take a moment to feel for these girls. They were just babies who met some serious evil. May the perp/s rot and burn in he77 for eternity at some point, the sooner the better.
OH please do not bring up Gwyneth. :thud:

I can only WISH to kick back on the beach. Would LOVE to and could use it.

Yeah this trial is now going to be way out there but I'm not so sure it will stay quiet... And there are answers that have not been provided here that need to be BUT yeah if it goes quiet people may quit clamoring... I wouldn't count on it though.
gwyneth won gwyneth won gwyneth won i knew she would i toldja so gwyneth won gwenyth won and said: I wish you well, you owe me a dollar.
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