LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I was replying to Tresir, the name should be evidence of that, surely?
As far as your implication, GrandmaBear, that RA changed his story...
where is the audio copy of his first interview with DNR Dulin? It doesn't
exist so far, because Dulin belongs to the 'dog ate my evidence' school
of Indiana policing, as Dulin asserts he can't find the audio recording,
although, hey, it's OK, cause Dulin asserts he records all his other
, so let's just be nodding donkeys and accept every thing LE
says in this... Indiana is surely a magical place, where they should just
abolish the courts, because surely no bloody LE would ever be untruthful!
EDIT: P.S. non-fired bullet scratches = nonsense science, as to the
audio comparisons, well, all that can be said (+ with the recording static)
is that that's in the ear of the beholder... sounds to me like that's a younger
man than RA's age. (Also, phone video isn't visually a clear resolution, e.g.
the hair can't be made out).
Just so you know buyerninety, this is a discussion so anyone can reply to your post regardless of who you are replying to. Of course Tresir can reply to your post but others can as well.
Yes. If she stepped away, it would only cause even more delays that could make it as a year or more.

I also know plenty of people that work through cancer treatment. It all depends on how sick they were from either the cancer or the treatment. Some are just fine. My dad was one of those
It's already a year with the new defence anyway, so if a new judge is needed they can all get up to speed at the same time.
This was intentionally done by the defense, I have no doubt. I'd like to hear what he was doing with those pictures out on a table. If he was working on the case, what was it that required crime scene photos.
Exactly. He's not an investigator. And we haven't heard a word of other docs stolen or leaked so was it the entire file or just the photos. More could have been taken but just not leaked. Or leaked but not FURTHER leaked to the numerous SM channels, etc. Did he just grab the photos from the entire file (located where?) and take them to the conference room? No need whatsoever that I can see. Now if you were pulling a number of things from the file you may need room to spread out... What about notes of conversations with Allen they had (TOTAL atty. client privelege)? Of course they don' DARE leak that as it is a pure TELL. They'd never mention it either. I don't believe for ONE moment he went in there to just look at the physical photos. I'd also like to know how they are SURE these weren't screen shot from a computer screen and cropped, etc. BECAUSE THAT would show access to ALL on the computer, I would about BET YA each file is not passworded. This atty doesn't know what security is. No correct that, he DOES and of course he DOES.

Yep intentional. I will never believe otherwise.

It's interesting staff is never mentioned as to what they saw, why they didn't keep him from the conference room, what they have to say, etc. Does this law firm or any neighboring building have security cams?

I do believe he was likely physically in the office so that there is no electronic trail until AFTER the thief passes them down their route to remove the D from connection and put it multiple steps/people away from them.
So you think he laid them all out on the table and then got a phone call he had to take, leaving them accessible, accidentally on purpose?

No way of knowing at all unless LE spoke to all staff at the office to find out how long this stuff had actually been laid out in there for all to see. Days, weeks?

The date the info went missing was something like between August and October based on Westerman's affidavit IIRC. So had it been laying out on the table for all that time?
If there was even really a phone call. There isn't even a specific date to my knowledge. Although they SHOULD be able to find the relay of photos, to guy one from thief who would be the suicide guy right? Then his transfer to TX guy and then his release to the "masses"... Actually guy #1 is Baldwin (or both attys). I wonder if they have pulled phones and computers, etc. from all these guys including the dead guy...

To be honest, Westerman could have had these for six months and even always had access to all, who the heck knows? And was just waiting for the "go ahead"...

They are bad news. I'm just not going to shake that. Jmo.

GOOD question if it was there for TWO months...

And what ALL was there? Is this where the KEY case they work on is spread out always and the file kept?
Yes. If she stepped away, it would only cause even more delays that could make it as a year or more.

I also know plenty of people that work through cancer treatment. It all depends on how sick they were from either the cancer or the treatment. Some are just fine. My dad was one of those
That's if it is cancer, but yes and many do through many things. I had a boss that did right up til a few days before he died. One of my two brothers did right up to the last few weeks and worked through chemo and all of it with a terminal diagnosis And this job is a big deal and takes commitment or it throws off a lot of cases and lives and so I'm sure many of them try.

She's a pretty accomplished judge, it was good to see that from @Imamazed as a reminder of such and she was appointed because she is imo. Hard to predict what will happen here (though many out there do and try to sway it imo) and it depends on if politics are big time playing in or will as to any decision rendered.

I can't believe it as I liked her and even turned others onto her but Grizzly is entirely turning me off lately. The other night she did a pure click bait sounding as if the SCION agrreed on 80 percent of things against Gull. She changed her title right at the minute she was getting a big "what" over it and then started her live and it was JUST another defense filing AND she used the excuse she is no lawyer, etc. I have watched her long enough it did not fly for me. She was lying and she knows far more than that about how things work.

I really liked her but it happens. That wasn't the first one I wasn't nuts about in recent weeks. You know if there is wrongdoing it is one thing and if so, then so be it (by the judge I mean, I know there is by Old D) but just like in here, many out there are saying things and acting as if the court has responded when they go to do a show, etc. It isn't the normal clickbait of news, it is like thee is some agenda. SO many have jumped on this ship. And yes some are going to go overboard. She did. With me. I unsubscribed.
Exactly. He's not an investigator. And we haven't heard a word of other docs stolen or leaked so was it the entire file or just the photos. More could have been taken but just not leaked. Or leaked but not FURTHER leaked to the numerous SM channels, etc. Did he just grab the photos from the entire file (located where?) and take them to the conference room? No need whatsoever that I can see. Now if you were pulling a number of things from the file you may need room to spread out... What about notes of conversations with Allen they had (TOTAL atty. client privelege)? Of course they don' DARE leak that as it is a pure TELL. They'd never mention it either. I don't believe for ONE moment he went in there to just look at the physical photos. I'd also like to know how they are SURE these weren't screen shot from a computer screen and cropped, etc. BECAUSE THAT would show access to ALL on the computer, I would about BET YA each file is not passworded. This atty doesn't know what security is. No correct that, he DOES and of course he DOES.

Yep intentional. I will never believe otherwise.

It's interesting staff is never mentioned as to what they saw, why they didn't keep him from the conference room, what they have to say, etc. Does this law firm or any neighboring building have security cams?

I do believe he was likely physically in the office so that there is no electronic trail until AFTER the thief passes them down their route to remove the D from connection and put it multiple steps/people away from them.

He used his camera to take pictures of the pictures. Nothing other than digital images left the room.
You are being very rude and condescending. When you post something referencing something someone said. It is a reference. It doesn't seem that comment would be only for them. If that's the case. You want to direct it at one person use @, And their screen name. And that we all believe everything from LE, And "Nodding Donkeys" Huh?. I can think for myself. And I believe by what I see, Hear, And experience. No one tells me what to think. You were, IMO attacking GrandmaBear unnecessarily. She can think for herself too. Believe me.
Thank you and yes I can. I can think very strongly for myself lol. As can you. Even so I am pretty sure I've played nice. And I am not a nodding donkey. The ones on RA's ship are nodding donkeys to all media and much of SM who are eating up this stuff of Os and totally flipped to a defense viewpoint only for the most part. I'd call them sheep but doinkeys is a new one and cute.

I do think both terms insult both sheep and donkeys but then hey I think I was being insulted as well. It is funny because the more common viewpoint these days isn't mine, it is the one the poster espouses. Or it sure seems like it. Of course media loves it, the more trouble caused the better for them...

Anyhow, I'm fine and poster is entitled to opinion but is a bit harsh directing it right at people. We can debate and I still love all. Hopefully poster can too.

I'm too tired to type out an @ and full name.

I do wish the "reply" button would be used though. It's been asked and I was not the first to ask.

Anyhow, thanks for the vote. All are welcome right? But yeah, has a bit of a JT vibe or a real personal thing with this case vibe. I'll change my own mind when I see enough to warrant it.

In lightness, would you mind being a donkey with me for awhile? I don't want to be one alone.

And @buyerninety It is pretty friendly in here and other threads almost always. We don't always agree, @RoundPeg and I don't always understand each other or agree, @Tresir and I have not in other cases, etc. It's a pretty good bunch and a healthy debate imo.

Some other sites, it is the way to get personally nasty. I've never seen that here. Maybe some misunderstandings here and there but then all are right back to discussing. Imo anyhow.
I guess we don't know how serious her illness is so she may step down for that reason.
I don't know if I ever posted to that news with that I just lean towards heart but I could be wrong. It is one thing they do keep you in for, did I post that, until all is good if you've had heart surgery and m FIL did, major, and his first clue anything was wrong was shortness of breath. Just a thought. He was scheduled to come home and then they halted it as some tests weren't where they needed to be. They finally released him and HE didn't feel things were right at that point and he died just a day or two later. Not to go into that but they don't keep you inpatient for just anything these days due to ins. cos. unless they get around the rules, only certain things does it seem they will. Even cancer patients will be sent home before long with a complication, etc.

It could have been Covid as some have surmised too.

We may never know. Maybe I did already post this. Been working so much I don't know which end is coming or going. Just trying to do a bit of catch up tonight and contribute some to the few threads I can.
He used his camera to take pictures of the pictures. Nothing other than digital images left the room.
yes but what I am saying is you could be gong through pictures on a computer screen and do a screen shot of each. they say they were laying on the table. I don't take the word of suspects. They could be screenshots so long as they don't get the top menu, the task bar, etc. in them, we don't know that physical pictures were out. Not saying it is the case, just saying I don't know how they could know unless the table can be seen in the shots...
yes but what I am saying is you could be gong through pictures on a computer screen and do a screen shot of each. they say they were laying on the table. I don't take the word of suspects. They could be screenshots so long as they don't get the top menu, the task bar, etc. in them, we don't know that physical pictures were out. Not saying it is the case, just saying I don't know how they could know unless the table can be seen in the shots...

By the digital photographs imprinting.
Not following. I am no photo person. Wouldn't a camera screenshot or a pic of a picture on a table with the same camera show nothing different regardless of which it is?

If I take a picture with my phone, it has metadata that shows where it came from. I think experts can get it, even from stuff uploaded to the internet.

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