LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The only thing I remember re DNA in this case is how vague LE was re whether there was any.

His position at CVS has never been clear to me but what do you think of the LE having collected 10 pairs of gloves from his home?
I mean, I'm not sure what to make of LE having collecting them but if they're all his, that strikes me a lot gloves for one person.
Only exceeded by the number of various pull down beanie hats and scarfs and multiple knives and scabbards all over the place that he had. Did you also see the umpteen mobile phones too? Reminds me of KK and LISK. Creepy as heck. Also, what about the keepsake bullet in a wooden box on his dresser that matches the CS bullet? Reminds me of the GSK and all the stuff he stole and kept from his victims.

He was just a store clerk till he passed the pharmacy qualifications in 2018, I think it was.

And what's this about watching his stock ticker on the bridge? Sounds like BS to me. What stocks would this CVS clerk own, when he cannot even retain or pay for a lawyer?
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That scenario is nothing like what happened in this murder case!
That's an entirely different scenario and I see nothing even remarkable about it.
You don't think that's creepy? A 24 year old man stalking 2 schoolgirls on Snapchat, tracking them down and arranging to meet them, with drugs involved. Suspicious as heck IMO and clearly LE thought so too.

"Delphi Police Chief Nathan LaMar told WIBC News the man is now under investigation, and any details will be sent to the Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office for potential charges."
Only exceeded by the number of various pull down beanie hats and scarfs and multiple knives and scabbards all over the place that he had. Did you also see the umpteen mobile phones too? Reminds me of KK and LISK. Creepy as heck. Also, what about the keepsake bullet in a wooden box on his dresser that matches the CS bullet? Reminds me of the GSK and all the stuff he stole and kept from his victims.

He was just a store clerk till he passed the pharmacy qualifications in 2018, I think it was.

And what's this about watching his stock ticker on the bridge? Sounds like BS to me. What stocks would this CVS clerk own, when he cannot even retain or pay for a lawyer?
Totally agree with first paragraph. RIght now I have three cell phones in my home. One old one I have not got rid of as i want to get contact info off it, the one I use and a new one that I got to have a different number when listing a property. That's a lot imo but I have reasons for such. Also the one I use has a shattered back and if it goes to heck one day, I can go to the new one, I simply don't want to change numbers, it is such a hassle with bills and contacts and all to let everyone know. That is the most I have ever had and all the others through the history of cellp hones and changes from flip phones to keypad phones to smart phones are long gone.

it is said he was a shift supervisor and the tech license was necessary to enter the pharmacy and empty the till and such. I can't prove it but seemed to be fact. I can see him someohow more easily in that position than in the pharmacy. It also just fits with having worked retail, Walmart, CVS and such and stepping into such a position at a point (shift supervisor).

I don't buy his stock ticker talk BUT it wouldn't be unheard of. I've never had a pot to piss in but I've but a share or two here and there or invested in a mutual fund a few times in my life and had an interest for awhile, kind of a hobby, in watching and studying what went up and down and each day's values and so on. It isn't impossible for a poor person to dabble in it a bit. There are places, Capital One has one, you can like put in $10 per week, choose your stocks and over time it purchases for you automatically and so on.

Another possibiity is if there is CVS stock either given to employees who work for years or employees are allowed to invest in. Not a lot of that these days I don't think most places but some may still do such.

My mom worked much of her life for Woolworths and she had stock in them for decades. We weren't rich. Later on she went on to become a nurse. But at some point she sold that stock for a nice increase over all those years. She had it because she was a FT emploiyee there.

Even so, I think RA is full of sh*t. But perhaps a stock ticker app is something he does play with and had on his phone and so he said this? It was said imo to sound like he was jsut there on a nice day looking at his stocks or some such and sounding like a certain type of person or some such. Stupid really. Maybe he even often went there or was known to check such and so he figured it would ring true if checked out with others...?

I thnk this man is a very sick pervert although we know little and all we know is he lived a seemingly somewhat normal life but there are just things that for me stir an insinct. I class him with SKs. Whether he is or was one or would have been one we don't know, but he just hits all those bells with me... I think he was quiet and even seemingly henpecked which some do to make the spouse look that way being silent and passive aggressive to use a term I at least don't use very often. I don't see him as a social type at all unless drinking... I know it is not always beneficial but I can't believe no one from that town that knew him or them as a couple has come out and talked. Delphi though has always been butttoned up about this case, kind of a small town loyalty or some such. I've seen such in my life and do understand it if that is what it is. Prosecution stays silent as they should as well. Only defense wants stuff leaked or gotten out.

I am surprised though NO ONE anywhere they ever lived has talked of RA. It leads me to feeling other than the bar thing he wasn't very social... I know that type as well. And maybe I'm all wrong but things just hit instincts and past experience with such a type... Either drunk and seemingly fun and stupid OR angry or silent and have no clue nor care to communicate.. That's how he stries me. EVEN down to his walk across the bridge, there's just something about it... Quiet and seemingly still waters can hide some pretty disturbing sh*t...Women should never take a quiet guy for seemingly nice, shy or sweet... Be sure to see them angry once or drunk. And that too is here with a call to the cops where I believe he was cut a break and wife backed down too. There's more to these people than we know. This was no perfect marriage. I would bet you dollars to donuts if Kathy lets herself take a CLEAR look she sees things she has forgiven or tried to ignore for years. Unless she is in total denial as she may have been when she hung up the phone when he confessed... And may still be.

Just wandering rumination since I don't get much time and stay out of here mostly.

I honestly think he is a snake and is playing games. He is everything CB in LISK is. I think everything he does and has done since jailed is intentional.

I well could be wrong but we shall see. Maybe we won't see for 20 years, maybe we will see this year or next. Hard to say.

He's a devil and he is not the quiet apparently unassuming why am I here average man with no wheels turning nor evil thoughts kind of guy he wants people to see. He wants to be though of as poor not that smart or interesting average man... That's not who he is though. Imo.

I'll stop. To me it is all just so obvious but I could be wrong of course. It doesn't even come from either side or anything, it is just in what we see and know of him AND what he gets people doing seemingly having not asked for it himself... I lack the words... Diabolical? I haet buzz words but a definite gaslighter.

Well I was due for a few long ones and some time for thoughts... Lol. Sorry.

The girls have been all but forgotten in this and the families as well. It is almost always the case and the antics in this one has ensured it is the RA show only. SAVE RA. The Os did it. SMH.

Iti isn't going to get any better any time soon. The war continues by one side against the other.
You don't think that's creepy? A 24 year old man stalking 2 schoolgirls on Snapchat, tracking them down and arranging to meet them, with drugs involved. Suspicious as heck IMO and clearly LE thought so too.

"Delphi Police Chief Nathan LaMar told WIBC News the man is now under investigation, and any details will be sent to the Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office for potential charges."
It is creepy although more needs to be known. Is it true they were portraying selves as like 19? Even if, it is his responsibility to be sure of that but I did read it and there was no sex was there? And the girls are safe? That isn't to say he wouldn't continue to meet them and have it proceed to something worse. I don't see though that this relates to what happened to L and A other than maybe there is a continued meeting thing with young girls at this bridge/trails/in this area or perhaps the dropbox etc. goes on and he is part of that now? Is that what you are thinking?

I think it is creepy and scary. and not be be ignored. I don't see how it relates to the case ALTHOUGH some are getting a bit wiser out there and saying expect more to come to taint a jury pool and a couple are saying that about RL's ex and her making a thing of it now... So on that thought, isn't this convenient...

Imo that is exactly what defense leaks and filing where public saw before court did the O thing and so on and more is intended to do. Iti s like here is this huge agenda out there that so many are falling right into...

I called the defense bozos clowns and I will again but let me add that I think they know exactly what they are unethically doing and it is all intentional. Maybe they aren't bozos and clowns honestly, they just prefer that is what is really thought.... In every way shape and form though they disgust me. It is my opinion and I will change it should I ever see reason to. The leak was orchestrated and intentional. Most has been. RA's confessions threw them for a loop. They should have left it and let him plead as I suspect he wanted to. Nope.

Yeah I better go get some laundry done and shut up. :D
03/01/2024Order Issued
The Court has received and reviewed 4 Requests for Recording of Court Proceedings by News Media relating to the hearing to be conducted on March 18, 2024. Having reviewed the requests, the Court now denies the requests and notifies counsel by way of this Order.
Judicial Officer:
Gull, Frances -SJ
McLeland, Nicholas Charles
Baldwin, Andrew Joseph
Rozzi, Bradley Anthony
Luttrull, James David JR
Order Signed:
It is creepy although more needs to be known. Is it true they were portraying selves as like 19? Even if, it is his responsibility to be sure of that but I did read it and there was no sex was there? And the girls are safe? That isn't to say he wouldn't continue to meet them and have it proceed to something worse. I don't see though that this relates to what happened to L and A other than maybe there is a continued meeting thing with young girls at this bridge/trails/in this area or perhaps the dropbox etc. goes on and he is part of that now? Is that what you are thinking?

I think it is creepy and scary. and not be be ignored. I don't see how it relates to the case ALTHOUGH some are getting a bit wiser out there and saying expect more to come to taint a jury pool and a couple are saying that about RL's ex and her making a thing of it now... So on that thought, isn't this convenient...

Imo that is exactly what defense leaks and filing where public saw before court did the O thing and so on and more is intended to do. Iti s like here is this huge agenda out there that so many are falling right into...

I called the defense bozos clowns and I will again but let me add that I think they know exactly what they are unethically doing and it is all intentional. Maybe they aren't bozos and clowns honestly, they just prefer that is what is really thought.... In every way shape and form though they disgust me. It is my opinion and I will change it should I ever see reason to. The leak was orchestrated and intentional. Most has been. RA's confessions threw them for a loop. They should have left it and let him plead as I suspect he wanted to. Nope.

Yeah I better go get some laundry done and shut up. :D
No telling what could have happened with the 24Yo and the two 15Yo but luckily someone saw it and alerted LE.
The gloves are interesting, I did not know that but then these days I really don't get to go through all docs. Was BG wearing gloves? He had his hands in his pockets... That is a TON of gloves for one man. I mean my dad and brothers would like buy a ten pack package of work gloves but 8 would remain in their package while dad for instance maybe had a pair in his truck and one in the home. He may grab another pair to say do some dirty job and then toss them. And maybe one pair of winter gloves if they even bothered to ever put such on. I am midwest and the guys in my famly did not wear gloves to like get in the car and drive somewhere on an errand. TEN is a LOT. Now if he emptied a ten pack of say work gloves into a bin and they didn't know which he had worn or used that's one thought. Also maybe with pharm tech and COVID perhaps he had several pair for work IF he was't shift supervisor and WAS pharm tech but maybe even just working iat CVS over and beyond COVID times necessitated gloves?
Ten pair? Wow. But again was he wearing gloves? I can see the BG video in my head, we have all watched it so many times and I only see his hands in his pockets. I will say though that for a midwest man he was overdressed for a day like that. Does anyone see Abby and Libby in coats or hoods? it is almost considered weak to dress so warmly if a male on such a day.
So many good observations there there and good recall about BG's hands in his pockets!
You know, the girls he passed near the Freedom bridge- or I should say, at least one of them- said his hands were in his pockets, same as BG.
This was posted 3 days ago. I'm only one minute in and it appears to be an examination of the evidence so far:

I'm a half hour in and it's actually a deep dive into the Odinism thing. I've been looking for something like this. I don't fully understand the Odinist angle.
Well, this explains the muddy/bloody guy:

Investigators also cite a witness who saw Allen walking with "clothes that were muddy and bloody," according to the probable cause affidavit.

How they were positive it was Allen isn't presented and I have a hard time believing it.
Investigators also cite a witness who saw Allen walking with "clothes that were muddy and bloody," according to the probable cause affidavit.

How they were positive it was Allen isn't presented and I have a hard time believing it.
I thought they just said they saw a man with blood and mud all over him walking? I mean if they knew it was Allen then why wouldn't they know him from CVS? It makes no sense.
Well, this explains the muddy/bloody guy:

Investigators also cite a witness who saw Allen walking with "clothes that were muddy and bloody," according to the probable cause affidavit.

How they were positive it was Allen isn't presented and I have a hard time believing it.
He was the only adult male on the trail and it coincides with when he says he left and his car left on the store video. It will be hard disputing that was him because of that corroborating evidence.
He was the only adult male on the trail and it coincides with when he says he left and his car left on the store video. It will be hard disputing that was him because of that corroborating evidence.

It will be easy to dispute it was him. I have doubts the witness even exists.
It will be easy to dispute it was him. I have doubts the witness even exists.
I think she was named in the documents and her car was on the store video so the time was verified.

Has anyone seen this 194 page document that is referred to in this article? Or watched the MS interview with KK?

"Documents relating to Kline’s connection – tangential as of now – with the murders of German and Williams were “accidentally posted online,” according to Fox News. The Indianapolis-based NBC affiliate WTHR, however, said that the document, a 194-page transcript, had been obtained by way of an open records request filed by a podcast known as “The Murder Sheet.” Regardless of the document’s provenance, it has since been sealed by the court overseeing Kline’s case."
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