LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I think she was named in the documents and her car was on the store video so the time was verified.

Has anyone seen this 194 page document that is referred to in this article? Or watched the MS interview with KK?

"Documents relating to Kline’s connection – tangential as of now – with the murders of German and Williams were “accidentally posted online,” according to Fox News. The Indianapolis-based NBC affiliate WTHR, however, said that the document, a 194-page transcript, had been obtained by way of an open records request filed by a podcast known as “The Murder Sheet.” Regardless of the document’s provenance, it has since been sealed by the court overseeing Kline’s case."

There's a case from years ago here that used an eye witness who'd been driving by a traffic stop. They drove by on the other side of the street. It helped send an innocent man to prison.
Eyewitnesses are not the only evidence in this case. RA places himself there. RA confessed multiple times. His bullet is there. Not every defendant is innocent nor can all cases be compared nor have anything to do with this one. Not all defendants are innocent and in fact a huge majority are not. And no one, much less 12 people unanimously, are going to convict him based on either just one eyewitness or several and NOTHING more and that's in insult to a jury that has not even been seated yet.

This has all be stated many times by many posters and self repeatedly in response to the same thing. So I won't waste my time or breath further repeating those things.

The thought that we know all the evidence at this point these days and before further proceedings and trials is assuming too much.

Enough guilty criminals walk this earth and are free. No one should be wrongly convicted but no one has been in this case and it is not the theme song for the wrongfully convicted.

I'd say again there is a ton we don't know. I have many questions that I know they have answers to that have not been shared and that defense is certainly going to stay away from and don't want heard. Prosecution does as it should and keeps info mum.

I've said it before and will again since others repeat to no end, I'd assume I can as well then, we don't know all and what we do know is significant.

I suppose though it would be okay for a bunch of Odinists who were never there or RL to be convicted and they'd not be an innocent wrongly convicted or accused...?

Some can't say or see a bad thing about RA but they can take RL down and place people there that were never there NOR like RA SAID, he WAS there. AND confessed.

Are all cases going to become this all defendants are wrongfully convicted thing?

I'd also dare say things have changed a lot in that juries EXPECT more than eyewitness testimony and most likely always did but they SURE DO nowadays.

Also perhaps defense didn't do their job in some of these cases you talk of either. It is their job to take down an eyewitness and show if their testimony is questionable or their memory flawed.

Advancement too of science and tech has freed some but it certainly has not found the majority wrongfully convicted and it has also imprisoned many who formerly they didnt' have enough against, like just an eyewitness, that goes both ways and more the other way. There are also too many eyes on things these days and a huge public interest.

Not sure why I'm in here other than few new posts in cases but with a bit of time.

Anyhow the process will play out HOPEFULLY one day and a trial will be held and a JURY will decide. That's our system. Unless his defense let him do as I think he wanted to and got swayed otherwise and cut a deal and confess.

This is a charged case with far more for the arrest than just "an eyewitness", with plenty to proceed.

Defense even have failed to take Allen from the scene and remove his bullet nor were they able to stop his confessions.

Of course some people out there have an explanation for each and everything that can't be explained away and this is when it tells you with a high percentage what is too much coincidence and where too many explanations are needed for each different things, OR a huge distraction, like an gazillion paged O thing and a leak.

Jmo but there certainly is not a single reasont to think or worry RA is going to be convinced because of a single eyewitness and nothing else as in whatever case.

Do you still watch games shows? I'd suggest a bit of a break with that. I sure know I need to take one from this most of the time.

Or is it now all wrongful conviction stuff? Old cases most I am guessing...

Not that I am talking to you of course, I am talking generally.

I don't like a lot of what is going on with early release, light sentences, cases taking eons to get to trial, etc. but I still have faith in a jury and the system in most cases. And that there is real reason and caused most are charged and it meets the bar in most cases.

We have Monkey/Michael Vaughn and Jon Benet where the DAs won't charge the cases/wouldn't. DAs want a slam dunk and not a loss for one thing but in the latter, corruption can go on the other way too.

Personally I still think the DNR officer may have purposely lost RA's info, not recorded it. To BENEFIT Allen and the corruption if any is the other way around. Do you know how many GO FREE because of either who they are (Ramseys) (KC Chiefs son) or someone "helps". Murdaugh and his cronies are still looking for a way and former influence with the right person imo... The list goes on and there's far more of that.

But then this case is not either. RA is not a big somebody nor is he accused without very good cause.

See yas.
There's a case from years ago here that used an eye witness who'd been driving by a traffic stop. They drove by on the other side of the street. It helped send an innocent man to prison.
Her car is on video too so they know the timing is right and matches with the video of him leaving in his car. He would have been walking from approximately the cemetery towards the old Farm Bureau building where he was parked. That Hoosier store video is pretty good and we only found out about it in the PCA - LE never mentioned the video early on that I can remember.

You should wait for all the evidence to come together at trial. Why would he confess if it wasn't him?
Her car is on video too so they know the timing is right and matches with the video of him leaving in his car. He would have been walking from approximately the cemetery towards the old Farm Bureau building where he was parked. That Hoosier store video is pretty good and we only found out about it in the PCA - LE never mentioned the video early on that I can remember.

You should wait for all the evidence to come together at trial. Why would he confess if it wasn't him?
I'd like to know why he hasn't taken a plea, unless he's going to say the confessions were under duress.
I'd like to know why he hasn't taken a plea, unless he's going to say the confessions were under duress.
Probably his lawyers advised him not to and they can get him off with the Odin defence and getting the search warrant thrown out. But that has all gone to pot really now and they have to deal with the contempt accusations.

I read something that explained some of the alleged complaints about the first Correction Centre and most of the allegations were made up. For example, he had plenty of clean T shirts supplied but he decided to go to court in a dirty sweaty one that he had exercised in that day because he didnt want to change.

This was all in a document - in that 180 pager I was reading the other day.
Probably his lawyers advised him not to and they can get him off with the Odin defence and getting the search warrant thrown out. But that has all gone to pot really now and they have to deal with the contempt accusations.

I read something that explained some of the alleged complaints about the first Correction Centre and most of the allegations were made up. For example, he had plenty of clean T shirts supplied but he decided to go to court in a dirty sweaty one that he had exercised in that day because he didnt want to change.

This was all in a document - in that 180 pager I was reading the other day.
I think that's exactly what happened re the confessions and what his lawyers did and I think IF true, it highly unethical if he had decided to confess and was in the process of doing so and they then gave him this song and dance and had to go find something like the O thing and also probably why it was so long, unedited, over the top and unprofessional. Jmo.
Okay this is about the Soto case but it relates here big time because of the constant talk of wrongful convictions. Emu you cite Vinnie and Court TV a lot in cases and appear to even seem to watch most if not all of his but I'd bet you saw this one but won't share it. Go to 19 minutes in, wait a few seconds for a viewer question and listen to Vinnie for the next 3 minutes. I'd suggest everyone listen to this to have a take on the constant framing and wrongful conviction thing we hear all the time on here. I doubt if emu does that he will take in the meat of it, yet Vinnie is HIS guy and is talking about him imo and the overproduction of this stuff and those that consume it to no end. Does he....?

Just saying that he probably won't watch.

Anyhow, there has been no wrongful conviction here and there isn't in Soto where someone is already asking about what about when the defense puts up all this b.s. that is anything but the truth as is being done these days....

It is THREE minutes and is what I think most of us would say about how realistic and the percentage of how often this really happens is.

VInnie himself if he turned and went to make you thinks someone was wrongfully convicted and produced it could make you think so too... I think he should do a show on just this as I think he'd have a lot to say about what really goes on in television and producing. He DOESN'T do that but could convince emu even further if he chose to show how easy it is to do such.

It is just like the defense in this case and all the filings with the trial court and the ISC, they are NOT showing all sides, they pick and choose.

Anyhow if emu can't watch someone he has shown he thinks highly of and comment, well then, I think that says enough.

I've been shown more Vinnie and Court TV by him than anyone here. So I would think he'd give it a listen.

19 to 22 minutes.

The number of these things and shows going on out there is not only because of viewership but it is an agenda if you ask me.

Clearly they've suckered in one or two or so. Just giving a different perspective from someone who knows how production and what you want to show works. if anyone is interested,, and yeah he should do an entire show on this. Worth thinking about and hearing for anyone.

@Cousin Dupree So listen to Vinnie's three minutes and tell me your thoughts? I think he has a lot more to say about it but he is on the Soto case and simply answering viewer questions. This one really does not relate but he still gives it three full minutes...
I should add this is on Vinnie's YT channel which isn't one he's done much on and where he has less than 10K viewers by far. Maybe he will get away from TV at some point... I'd suggest it lol.

TV is still trying to catch up with YT and so on channels and learn it. I'd take his own and leave imo from where they are told what to do, who to have and what to produce.

He is still learning as far as how to get around with it and answer viewers and more and so on.
The entire video can be watched if one wishes but for what applies here, the wrongful conviction stuff is in those three minutes.
I think that's exactly what happened re the confessions and what his lawyers did and I think IF true, it highly unethical if he had decided to confess and was in the process of doing so and they then gave him this song and dance
Lots of people confess and then recant. I see nothing unethical about his lawyers advising him to plead not guilty. I find it highly unethical for lawyers to go ahead and tell their clients to plea when their client is telling them they didn't do it. I think Allen's lawyers are doing the job they are suppose to be doing.

I've said over and over that I think Allen did it. I think he did it. I'm hoping the prosecution has a lot more evidence than has been released. I can certainly understand all the questions about this case.
Lots of people confess and then recant. I see nothing unethical about his lawyers advising him to plead not guilty. I find it highly unethical for lawyers to go ahead and tell their clients to plea when their client is telling them they didn't do it. I think Allen's lawyers are doing the job they are suppose to be doing.

I've said over and over that I think Allen did it. I think he did it. I'm hoping the prosecution has a lot more evidence than has been released. I can certainly understand all the questions about this case.
I think it really depends on how it was done. it is no different imo than a client testifying It needs to be their decision and theirs only and they need to be adised of all things and of course advised but not pressured or convinced. I have my opinion and it IS only an opinion and none of us know but I base it on everything we do know, the timing and a whole lot more.

Advising is a whole lot different than pressure or promises no one can make. Advising it isn't a good idea like with a client taking the stand may be allt right and advising of the possible ptifallsk but it is still up to the client. This client seemed to have made a decision and should have been advised before, represented and it discussed. Prior. I don't think it was. Personally I think they left him hanging in the wind and at that point were giving all the reasons they couldn't travel that far.

I can undersand all the questions too and varying opinions. I also think he did it.

If I didn't work and could, I'd show what happened and on what kind of timeline and how in an instant opinion changed with each thing and a lot more because it is so clear. Imo.

I'm sorry I don't think much of the defense but I don't. I'm not sold on Gulll either don't get me wrong but as far as behaviors and intent, it is the defense that shines to me.

My opinion on some is not exactly unshared. I responded to Tesir here who said as much first as far as his confessions and what his attorneys did and likely promised. It is a very reasonable thought and conclusion for how things came about and what happened.

And I don't know, if Allen confessed to wife and mom and wanted to confess and deal and then when attorneys asked WTH are you doing, if he then confessed to them and said he did it and he wanted to just get this over with and face his guilt, and they talked him out of it, if that isn't unethical and they know he did do it, well then, that's a subject in and of itself... Especially when they then name and blame others who they claim really did it. No?

Finally, their claims they think him innocent I don't believe for a minute. He was confessing and I find it hard to believe he then did not do so to his attorneys as well at that point.

Of course we can't know and may never know but I think it's a far weighted way to lean and what seems pretty clear here. And it may well be known one day when years from now Allen comes back and says so when he claims ineffective counsel or some such. Or when we hear his actual confessions to his wife, mom or they complain in later years about what his attorneys "counseled" or did. Hard to say.

I'm not trying to argue, it is what I see and it is what things show the far most likely. I can think of hardly another case where what we are to take as accidents and comedies of errors happened with the defense and such after their client confessed.

No one has to agree but I'e seen a dead man torn apart, a judge tried to be taken down and called names and diagnosed, and I do think these defense attorneys are well, I will not use the clown name because honestly I think it is intentional anyhow. It's my opinion. And perhaps they've been great before or whatever, I wouldn't know but so was the judge right? And I'ev seen so many sites and CVs of experts, attorneys, etc. that would make one think they are the biggest super lawyer or expert in the world but to those that have really experienced them or know more, nah not so much.
And maybe I'm wrong. All in the case are fair game though aren't they and that's what they sign up for isn't it? It isn't right that can only go one way like towards judges, prosecutors and more and all cases are NOT corrupt or wrongful charging but that can be said, but I'd think I could also then have an opinion of the defense from what I've SEEN no?

Like I've said, it isn't personal to me. I dind't know a single thing about a one of them before this case. Not RA, not the prosecution, not the judge and not the defense. So I am kind of left without understanding when it seems to be taken personally? And only on behalf of the defense and not all other sides or the judge being torn apart as well?

It is definitely a case that ignites passion and I think some intentionally flame that or like to get some in the public that will buy anything to do so (like the O thing) and inflamed even. I'd like to stay in it but don't much because I guess only some things can be said and then one has to listen to to her things that are just repeated and repeated and only one view is allowed or what?

I think he is guilty too and we agree on that. I fail to understand why if I say what I see with he defense though that it upsets you so much. They dish it and throw it out and wanted to stay in it and they took are allowed to be critiqued and have swipes taken at them especially when it is what one sees (and that's how I feels) and not simply some agenda which I believe they have and is out there.


Back to he original point, it really depends on what they did and what Allen wanted and what is his choice or their pressure or influence and so on.

And personally I think he knows exactly what he is doing too. And is smarter than his attys. at least in the evil ways of smart.

I think hearing his confessions would go a long way to solidifying or changing some opinions.

None of us know and we certainly have not heard all as many like to think. The confessions alone are a huge one we have not heard nor even seen nor read.

Of course we can't know, can we but I have various thoughts and questions as to his wife hanging up. I mean it of course could be the obvious reason, she did not want to face or hear he did this and knew it would be recorded. It could be that he was giving way too much detail showing it was the truth and getting into the telling. And I can think of a few other things as well. But don't know of course.

Anyhow, I only formed this view of these attorneys over what they did and happened with them or around them and so on and what can be inferred as well, like with the confessions. It can likely be changed depending on what I see in the future.

ANd every bit of it is based on what we've seen.

I can stay out of here and mostly do. Maybe all those with opposing opinions that can tear down others in the case should as well but I don't expect that.

The girls names are hardly ever even mentioned. That's always the intent too isn't it of even any ehical defense attys. All becomes about the defendant and muddying the waters, creating distractions, leaking, blaming others and more.

RIP Abby and Libby.

They aren't going to say of course but I've mentioned before, I'd also like to know what the girls' families think of what they are seeing and of the defense and the judge and prosecution. I mean they are local and had to know of all of them before unlike I or those of us in other states.

Have a great day. It is just my opinion and I come to it from what I've seen happen and the defense's own actions. And it sure isn't personal. I'm not asking they be strung up. Just saying what I see or seems likely. No different than anyone else.
Lots of people confess and then recant. I see nothing unethical about his lawyers advising him to plead not guilty. I find it highly unethical for lawyers to go ahead and tell their clients to plea when their client is telling them they didn't do it. I think Allen's lawyers are doing the job they are suppose to be doing.

I've said over and over that I think Allen did it. I think he did it. I'm hoping the prosecution has a lot more evidence than has been released. I can certainly understand all the questions about this case.
How can they be doing a good job if they have been thrown off the case once already , and are now in contempt of court for breaching a gag order? Isn't that simply one of the first things they should have learnt in Law school ?- "how to safeguard evidence."

Another thing - didnt RA confess in April '23? Yet R&B went ahead with drafting this Frank's memo in August and September, knowing he had already confessed and leaking the side by side CS photos the following month causing the suicide of one of the leakers.

These lawyers have that death on their watch, as a result of their contemptuous actions and conduct.
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How can they be doing a good job if they have been thrown off the case once already , and are now in contempt of court for breaching a gag order? Isn't that simply one of the first things they should have learnt in Law school ?- "how to safeguard evidence."
They haven't been found in contempt. The outcome of the 3/18 hearing will determine that and their fine.
@Cousin Dupree So listen to Vinnie's three minutes and tell me your thoughts? I think he has a lot more to say about it but he is on the Soto case and simply answering viewer questions. This one really does not relate but he still gives it three full minutes...

I think he's right in MOST cases the prosecution has it right. MOST, but not all. Look at the evidence and tell me the prosecution got it right in the McStay murders. I think an innocent man is behind bars in that one.

MOST, does not mean all. The WM3 were innocent and one was on death row. So how the fact that MOST cases are adjudicated correctly doesn't apply here. This could be one where they've got it wrong. Explain to me how RL's phone pinged around 10pm near the murder site, the night before the bodies were discovered? Explain to me why his alibi is BS and that doesn't matter.

Take a look at this:

They haven't been found in contempt. The outcome of the 3/18 hearing will determine that and their fine.
They leaked crime scene evidence of two young girls that was under a gag order that then caused another death. That's fact, so I cannot see how they are not in contempt. Gull already thought that which is why they took themselves off the case. They knew. This is just a rubber stamp on that IMO. You think they will just be fined for that?
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I think he's right in MOST cases the prosecution has it right. MOST, but not all. Look at the evidence and tell me the prosecution got it right in the McStay murders. I think an innocent man is behind bars in that one.

MOST, does not mean all. The WM3 were innocent and one was on death row. So how the fact that MOST cases are adjudicated correctly doesn't apply here. This could be one where they've got it wrong. Explain to me how RL's phone pinged around 10pm near the murder site, the night before the bodies were discovered? Explain to me why his alibi is BS and that doesn't matter.

Take a look at this:

We have been told that there is only one tower in Delphi so the ping would not be accurate - two towers are needed for accuracy. If RL's phone pinged at 10 pm it is because he lived there. Also if that is true that they could pin point it to the murder scene with accuracy, then it will apply to RA too and his phone will show him there for 2+ hours but no RL there at that time.

Also, if the pings are accurate, why couldn't they find the girls via phone pings?
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We have been told that there is only one tower in Delphi so the ping would not be accurate - two towers are needed for accuracy. If RL's phone pinged at 10 pm it is because he lived there. Also if that is true that they could pin point it to the murder scene with accuracy, then it will apply to RA too and his phone will show him there for 2+ hours but no RL there at that time.

Also, if the pings are accurate, why couldn't they find the girls via phone pings?

IIRC, the battery died. Usually there's more information on a crime than has been given out here.
We have been told that there is only one tower in Delphi so the ping would not be accurate - two towers are needed for accuracy. If RL's phone pinged at 10 pm it is because he lived there. Also if that is true that they could pin point it to the murder scene with accuracy, then it will apply to RA too and his phone will show him there for 2+ hours but no RL there at that time.

Also, if the pings are accurate, why couldn't they find the girls via phone pings?
Yeah, according to info from the Ron Logan search warrant, exact location of cell pings couldn't be determined.

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