LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The D are requesting stuff they know doesn't exist just to run down the 70 day clock. That's why they want to drag out the contempt hearing. Gull's not going to fall for these shenanigans ( requesting non existence crap ).

Just get the contempt hearing out of the way and get on with the speedy trial FGS. I am sick of the delays now. First the FM, then the leaks then the Supreme Court etc etc

Also FTR neither the P nor LE have leaked anything. And I am convinced they knew about RA the whole time they were investigating KK and that was from the first week when they searched the Canal St residence and warned parents to watch what their children are up to.
Wow. Well said. Seriously! EXACTLY.

I feel the same but couldn't have found the words for it to put it as well as you have.

I've more than had it and can't imagine how the families feel. It's all one big game called a sh*t show. They disgust me. It's not hard to see why Gull would lose it with them, or any judge for that matter. It's also not hard to see why RA should be saved from them and it's my honest opinion. that no one, no ONE, not the worst of the worst should be at the mercy of these guys.

I hope to HE77 their bluff is called--let's get this speedy trial underway. And no last minute delay on the contempt hearing.

Everything has gone too far these days and the entire system is at risk. Worse yet is that people fall for this b.s. when it is all sooooo obvious.

Watching Tom and seeing the motion that all the extra stuff STOP when THEY are the ones who throughout have pulled all the extra stuff and ask for it is just beyond.

I have to step away at times just for my own sanity.

They've had plenty of time and notice of this contempt hearing. It is in two days and bring it on. They can always ask to leave, avoid the press and sneak out the back door like weasels or in fact, withdraw rather than face it like big boys. This is without a doubt the most disgusting behavior in a case I have ever seen. And so blatantly obvious but the blinders out there are darn right scary too. Although honestly, as I've said, most channels have dropped it like a hot potato which also is something I've never seen and shows a lot as to what was really going on.

The only thing I'm torn about is whether they are really buffoons or it is all orchestrated. I truly do believe they are disorganized and not prepared and never have been BUT I also believe the leaks are intentional and so on and they've beem handing stuff off to others for help and to create a mess. I suspect we don't even know the half of it.

I've never used the term FFS but I'm using it now. No defendant should be stuck with these two and no court or system should tolerate this sh*t. And it's all right there in front of everyone's face yet some can't see it and have fallen for what is blatantly obvious.

I hope they get what is coming to them and they have asked for. To anyone that hurts, my apologies and get over it unless they are your lover or buddy or uncle or something. Seriously, the emotions ruling and personal hurt over such just is beyond my understanding. This is our LEGAL SYSTEM and it is a CASE and these are two attorneys who WANT to be ON IT and SO that's what it is and they are fair fodder, especially with their "antics".

With that, I'm stepping out again. Sorry Tresir, I'll add before I leave that these are my words, not yours, I simply stepped from your post.

Some out there have lost their ever loving mind and I sincerely hope they find it again.
I thought this filing was a joke at first. Which it is.

Now their attorney. Is it too much to expect some adult behavior here from the defense in an honest to God real life murder case that they seem to have mixed up with a day out to the circus? One that they'created and brought to town for that matter...

And of course it is an emergency motion.

I'm sorry but this is what their behavior is every single time something is about to happen in the case, they need to do actually their job, or they have to face what they've done or explain it.

They're on speedy trial status at their request as well. No hearing related to this case needs to be delayed without real cause. They've known about this as we all have for some length of time.

Grow up.


And that's a stupidly written joke of a supplement intended to be that way for just another error.
Ok Franks motion number 3 apparently. I have read it and it has some good points in it. It explains there are 3 phones in that circle and that none belong to RA. So whose are they?

It also mentions info about the witnesses.

I think the Prof Turco remarks can be explained. He says that Odinists don't sacrifice people. D are trying to make it look like LE hid the professor's identity. I don't know if that is true or is D spin.

It is about 5 pages but worth reading.

No time to read have to get ready for work but my first question would be shouldn't Rick's be there since he was "allegedly" watching the stock ticker and had it with? By his own statement and placement of self. Of course that's if anyone believe his stock ticker stuff.

Turco has been known about for some time. Odinists don't sacrifice, much less white girls and what is tried to be called exculpatory these days has gotten ridiculous imo.

Hope to read it later.

It would sure be nice if the dead girls and their families got some real justice after all these years. I'm so disgusted that I can't even word it and I can't even imagine how they feel.

I still don't see where one side has acted the same at all but if all have or are, clean the slate. Said before, I have no problem with it. These days though not sure you'd end up with any different if replaced.

I seriously doubt this trial will go off as speedy but if it will and does, awesome and I can't wait to hear the confessions and the other evidence that prosecution will stay tight lipped on and the defense sure isn't going to share in their filings.

I'll also just wait for some Tom.
No time to read have to get ready for work but my first question would be shouldn't Rick's be there since he was "allegedly" watching the stock ticker and had it with? By his own statement and placement of self. Of course that's if anyone believe his stock ticker stuff.

Turco has been known about for some time. Odinists don't sacrifice, much less white girls and what is tried to be called exculpatory these days has gotten ridiculous imo.

Hope to read it later.

It would sure be nice if the dead girls and their families got some real justice after all these years. I'm so disgusted that I can't even word it and I can't even imagine how they feel.

I still don't see where one side has acted the same at all but if all have or are, clean the slate. Said before, I have no problem with it. These days though not sure you'd end up with any different if replaced.

I seriously doubt this trial will go off as speedy but if it will and does, awesome and I can't wait to hear the confessions and the other evidence that prosecution will stay tight lipped on and the defense sure isn't going to share in their filings.

I'll also just wait for some Tom.
Defence said RA phone was not one of the 3 phones. So ??????

I guess he could have put it in a foil crisp bag after he finished watching his stock ticker. His phone had to show up at some point right?

"Just wait for some Tom" LOL.
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Defence said RA phone was not one of the 3 phones. So ??????

I guess he could have put it in a foil crisp bag after he finished watching his stock ticker. His phone had to show up at some point right?
Since it comes from defense who knows... Seriously.

I hope to read it later. Are they talking a certain time frame?

A handful of thoughts. First of all, I found his just there, checking my stocks stuff, likely false as I think you did and even some others. I mean he could have such a hobby but seems unlikely and it sure wasn't his real reason for being there. Second, perps generally leave their phones at home or turn them off believing they can't be traced,, etc. so I wondered if he truly had one with to begin with...

Finally, no way to know the unknown numbers isn't some track phone, old phone, etc. of his.

Also go back to the lack of towers in Delphi and service and that info and consider that with this info.

I'm not sure why but for some reason I think I've heard this before, meaning not new by defense.

I don't often do it but I will be negative about this and that's the loss of what they could have had had RA been followed up on back when with phone data, activities, and a lot more. Even so, they have plenty. But that Doolin, if on his head only, needs to go down if he hasn't. So should anyone who organized something so sloppy at that point in time and let such go interview someone who WAS AT the bridge.

I lean hard one way in this and for very valid reasons about RA's guilt and so on, but that doesn't mean I'm going to say they didn't make some big mistakes early on here because they did.

Back to RA's phone, I've never been sold he had it with, most don't. They leave it home and that itself ends up being obvious or turn it off or put in airplane mode which also has helped in cases show the obvious based on the time they ensured I was off, not with and so on.

I don't know, haven't read it yet but as of now, it doesn't overly concern me.

I'm sure we are going to see a flurry of a new blizzard right now and to come. I truly hope this speedy trial happens but I have serious doubts it will...
Ok Franks motion number 3 apparently. I have read it and it has some good points in it. It explains there are 3 phones in that circle and that none belong to RA. So whose are they?

It also mentions info about the witnesses.

I think the Prof Turco remarks can be explained. He says that Odinists don't sacrifice people. D are trying to make it look like LE hid the professor's identity. I don't know if that is true or is D spin.

It is about 5 pages but worth reading.

I read a comment on Facebook the other day that made me think of this case. There was a discussion about a shortage of police staffing. Some guy pops off with "my Norse religion doesn't require forgiveness before or after if I decide to kill someone". I looked at his profile, he's definitely practicing Norse paganism. I honestly had zero clue how widespread this is. After following rabbit trails from his profile, a lot of people identify themselves as pagan and don't go into the Norse "wording" details.
Not a single thing has placed an Odinist at the scene. Not a single thing has even connected the guards to the ones named and blamed and stated to have done it without evidence. Not a single thing despite the entire FM and all claims has removed RA from the scene, his own placement of himself there, his bullet, nor his gun and so on. Nada, zilch, zero. These were white teen girls on top of it.

I am unaware of a single murder committed by Os and tried and I'd think it would be tried as a hate crime on top of it.

FB and profiles of any type of group or claim alone is a topic in and of itself.

D would be lucky as heck to even create reasonable doubt with this since they can't place a single O there much less cause any real thought os did it. However, considering the impressionable people out there that entertain such, I guess it's possible, if they get jurors like that. I suspect however those stuck on the internet and such rabbit holes aren't serving on juries.Thank God.

That just popped another thought. If this area is so full of Os, what IF one gets on the jury?! What would they do?

I hope the ones named sue the arses of the D off.

This post is at the topic and the topic only.

When I get home I am going to google O convictions of murders of white girls and murders in general. If I remember.

Maybe I'll be surprised and find I'm wrong but I'd think if there were many or any of note or any at all, some of those out there that championed the thought would have been citing them all in every salactious show for click bait that's been done on this.
I read a comment on Facebook the other day that made me think of this case. There was a discussion about a shortage of police staffing. Some guy pops off with "my Norse religion doesn't require forgiveness before or after if I decide to kill someone". I looked at his profile, he's definitely practicing Norse paganism. I honestly had zero clue how widespread this is. After following rabbit trails from his profile, a lot of people identify themselves as pagan and don't go into the Norse "wording" details.
That guy, Prof Turco says that sacrificing victims is not a thing in the O religion. And that is the D reporting that in this recent F memo.

Apparently there were only 3 phones in that circle. None were RA's apparently. So why wasn't his phone near if it is true he had his phone with him? Two were there at times well before and well after. I will paraphrase that bit into this post -

The memo states that one phone was within 60-100 metres of the crime scene at the time the crime was being committed ie 2.15 pm to 3.30 pm?. Could this be Libby's phone? Or have they discounted that and this is the perp's phone? How accurate is this geo fencing?

Two phones were in the vicinity at 12.39.54 pm and 15.49 pm. This is presumably before and after the murders.

So only 3 phones altogether. Apparently, none of them were RA's phone according to the D. However, RA had a lot of different phones listed on the search warrant so I don't know how they can be so sure. I don't even know if the owners have been identified. I certainly hope so. I am thinking the 12.39 one could even be RL going to the waste transfer station.
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Not a single thing has placed an Odinist at the scene. Not a single thing has even connected the guards to the ones named and blamed and stated to have done it without evidence. Not a single thing despite the entire FM and all claims has removed RA from the scene, his own placement of himself there, his bullet, nor his gun and so on. Nada, zilch, zero. These were white teen girls on top of it.

I am unaware of a single murder committed by Os and tried and I'd think it would be tried as a hate crime on top of it.

FB and profiles of any type of group or claim alone is a topic in and of itself.

D would be lucky as heck to even create reasonable doubt with this since they can't place a single O there much less cause any real thought os did it. However, considering the impressionable people out there that entertain such, I guess it's possible, if they get jurors like that. I suspect however those stuck on the internet and such rabbit holes aren't serving on juries.Thank God.

That just popped another thought. If this area is so full of Os, what IF one gets on the jury?! What would they do?

I hope the ones named sue the arses of the D off.

This post is at the topic and the topic only.

When I get home I am going to google O convictions of murders of white girls and murders in general. If I remember.

Maybe I'll be surprised and find I'm wrong but I'd think if there were many or any of note or any at all, some of those out there that championed the thought would have been citing them all in every salactious show for click bait that's been done on this.
Jury will be from Allen County so hopefully none there. Anyway, O's on the jury would want RA convicted presumably. Maybe there will be some jury questions to exclude them.
I would love to know how the contempt hearing is going. I wonder if any journos have tweeted during lunch?
That guy, Prof Turco says that sacrificing victims is not a thing in the O religion. And that is the D reporting that in this recent F memo.

Apparently there were only 3 phones in that circle. None were RA's apparently. So why wasn't his phone near if it is true he had his phone with him? Two were there at times well before and well after. I will paraphrase that bit into this post -

The memo states that one phone was within 60-100 metres of the crime scene at the time the crime was being committed ie 2.15 pm to 3.30 pm?. Could this be Libby's phone? Or have they discounted that and this is the perp's phone? How accurate is this geo fencing?

Two phones were in the vicinity at 12.39.54 pm and 15.49 pm. This is presumably before and after the murders.

So only 3 phones altogether. Apparently, none of them were RA's phone according to the D. However, RA had a lot of different phones listed on the search warrant so I don't know how they can be so sure. I don't even know if the owners have been identified. I certainly hope so. I am thinking the 12.39 one could even be RL going to the waste transfer station.
Odin = Norse. I'm just saying this guy posted he had no issues if he decided to kill someone.
Odin = Norse. I'm just saying this guy posted he had no issues if he decided to kill someone.
Was he a Vinlander, Odinist or Norse? There can't be that many in Indiana can there?

Also what people say they will do and what they actually do are miles apart. People who kill don't usually announce it up front IMO.
Was he a Vinlander, Odinist or Norse? There can't be that many in Indiana can there?

Also what people say they will do and what they actually do are miles apart. People who kill don't usually announce it up front IMO.
I dont know how many there are. That whole comment of his and some searches confused me.

I'm talking about what he said. He tied his religious beliefs into that.

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