LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I dont know how many there are. That whole comment of his and some searches confused me.

I'm talking about what he said. He tied his religious beliefs into that.
So his religious beliefs gave him the ok to kill someone? An eye for an eye sort of thing?

The Southern Poverty Law Center go into all these right wing groups. There are a lot of them.

However, I think it has been debunked in this case just by the phone evidence alone, if there were only 3 phones in that area within a timeframe of 3 hours and 10 minutes, ie. between 12.39 and 15.49, Plus we know the times RA and BG were there, it cannot be difficult for LE to work out whose phones they are surely?
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This is the only reporting I have found so far. Rick Snay got kicked out of the courtroom after a scuffle.

Carroll County Comet
Monday, March 18, 2024

Breaking News:Court or circus

Court or circusFree Access​

'Scuffle' breaks out as court breaks for lunch in contempt hearing for Richard Allen's attorneys

March 18, 2024
Staff Report

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Update to the story in bold below.
Will Richard Alen’s attorneys be held in contempt?
Will the case against Allen be dismissed?
In Carroll County and across the nation, people invested in justice for Abigail Williams and Liberty German wait on bated breath to hear.
What we do know as of now is that Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland has dropped two kidnapping charges against Allen, who is accused of killing Williams and German in February of 2017.
McLeland had filed amended charges against Allen on Jan. 18 to include two counts of murder while attempting to kidnap at force, two counts of murder, and two counts of kidnapping.
In the motion to amend the charges, McLeland wrote, “ … the charges more accurately aligns the Charging Information with the cause’s discovery and probable cause affidavit.”

Special Judge Fran Gull, Allen County
Special Judge Fran Gull, who was assigned to the case with Carroll County Circuit Court Judge Benjamin Diener recused himself, agreed to drop the amended charges, but upheld counts three and four of murder against Allen.
Multiple hearings are scheduled for the case today. Of those motions, Judge Gull is to hear a Motion to Dismiss filed by the defense in February. The motion states the grounds for dismissal destruction of key evidence that could have helped their client.
Also on the docket, is a contempt hearing against Allen’s attorneys, Richard Baldwin and Bradley Rozzi. That hearing was set to begin at 2 p.m. Baldwin and Rozzi’s attorney, David Hennessy Had requested multiple times to have a continuous on the contempt hearing, but those requests were denied by Judge Gull. Hennessy also requested that Gull and McLeland recuse themselves from the contempt hearing, but both said they would be staying on. The contempt hearing began nearly four hours earlier than expected, with Judge Gull moving right into the hearing after dealing with smaller matters in the case.
Of those smaller motions, a request from Baldwin and Rozzi that all hearings be held in Carroll County and not Allen County, Judge Gull’s designated courtroom. Gull agreed to all future hearings between now and the trial, which is set to begin on May 13, be held in Carroll County. It is not known if the jury selection will be done in Allen County, or if potential jurors will be required to drive to Carroll County for jury selection.
As the court dismissed for lunch around 12:30 p.m. today, news stations from around the nation went on air to discuss the happenings of the day.
CourtTV’s producer and journalist Barbara MacDonald shared the following after the morning hearing: “What could have been a short hearing has turned into a full-blown contempt hearing with witnesses being called. So far, the State has called three law enforcement experts, or law enforcement officials, to come in and talk about the leak of crime scene photos as well as some other leaks that are being attributed to the defense team. The defense has their own defense attorney here in court and he is expected to present defense witnesses this afternoon.
“This started as a 9 a.m. hearing today, a second hearing is scheduled at 2 o’clock this afternoon, but it looks like this hearing is going to go all day. The defense attorney for the defense indicated to the judge this morning he would need two days for the contempt hearing. The judge said, ‘I’ve got you scheduled for one day so make it work.’
“One of the witnesses, a YouTuber that the defense’s defense attorney was intending to call this afternoon as a witness, there was some sort of scuffle in the courthouse as we wrapped for lunch, and my understanding is he has booted from the courthouse so we don’t know if he is going to be allowed back in to testify and what that could do to the defense’s defenses attorney’s case trying to fight these of allegations of contempt. It could see Bradley Rozzi and Andrew Baldwin fined, sanctioned, or even jailed if they are found guilty.”
MacDonald said the defense has stated they intend to call multiple witnesses and produce more than 20 exhibits in the contempt hearing. She said Allen is in the courtroom and “ … looks confused by exactly what is going on.” She also said that it appears that Allen is “ … sometimes paying attention and sometimes not.”
The YouTuber who was “booted” from the courthouse the Comet has learned was Rick Snay. Snay, who is often described online as “offensive,” went to YouTube following the incident. He offered a colorful account of the events leading up to his dismissal from the courthouse, using foul language and accusing another YouTuber of egging him on. Snay claims an officer of the court accused him of “being a problem all day.” He said when he left the building from lunch, he was hugging Richard Allen’s mother and that he also approached the man who was allegedly egging him on, and then was thrown out. Snay also admitted to having crime scene photos from the scene. He did not say how he acquired these photos.
Snay commented on Allen’s appearance saying, “He looked good. I got to talk to Cathy (Allens’ wife), I got to talk to his mom. He looks good, he looks like he is holding up.”

Check back with the Comet on Facebook and our website for more on the case throughout the day.
Ok I watched a recap of the days proceedings from defense diaries podcast. Future hearings will be at Carroll County Court. Holeman and Click testified today.

Link below.

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I gave Grizz maybe ten minutes before I saw she, after falling silent like most forever, now with new fodder was going beyond again as was her chat. It was ridiciulous. INot even sure I made it that long. I don't do DD either. Gave them a couple of shots and I don't like them, him particularly.

I'm watching Tom, unsure if I will get through all tonight. He asked why when defense is asking for parity and pay for their helpers, they failed to mention or ask for pay for MW lol. Seriously though same had already crossed my mind and why didn't they?

I'll stick with the most level headed least biased one.

I''m not far in yet, he is more covering the filings and such thus far and not discussing yet.

I have the gist of the day as to what's was handled and where it stands, did that on break.

I read Tresir's articlle about the scuffle.

Here's what I took from that and from the Youtube guy who hugged mom, etc. and that is that Rick's mom and wife are apparently still supporting him after he confessed to them. I assume this as I doubt they are there to see him hanged. I'll be nice and not give my opinion of the two of them if supporting him. It wouldn't be a milk toast one or reserved if I did.

Going back to Tom. Will wait and see how all shakes out but nothing about this is going to get any better, that's entirely obvious but then who ever thought otherwise...

I find a few statements in things filed pretty stupid again already. I'll wait though. And they circle their real issues. The bullet, the confessions and so on. Just ask your client why don't you? Or by what he told doctors and any mental health evaluator and so on.

Something else I'm not sure I know that I've already heard with only a few minutes with Tom it was the defense's two helpers that went to the prison the day he confessed and gave him docs/evidence or whatever, it was not B & R... Neither or not either... Perhaps I did, can't recall. Not surprised though.

One thing remains very clear and obvious to me (imo) and that's that there's something we don't know or more than one thing that they need gone. I've thought so all the way back to the FM where the intent is to get the search warrant eliminated and all that came from it. I see it now in just having heard a few filings, not all of which are even anything about such...

Everything, all they've been doing, ever leak, the FM, the ISC, everything is imo with one intent and that's to derail it all.... I could go into that alone in detail but won't.

Speedy trial is another move of course when they needed to do something but I don't think for one minute they are ready for it IF they can't derail it and IF what should be allowed in is allowed in.

I also don't believe for a minute they believe RA innocent. And I think they are the ones trying to cover their failure to their client, he confessed due to them imo and then they coudln't have that.

Anyhow, back to Tom. I'll wait on the rest until I hear him.

Oh he also asks if defense has even deposedor interviewed the Os themselves or the professor yet. Anyone know? THey go on about all but have they actually talked to them?
Okay. Some may not believe it but I am fair. So two months of interviews were now lost and some that exist have no audio? Of course this comes from defense claims they were told but assuming that's true, that is NOT OKAY. I would keep in mind though that NM did not do this nor the prosecution. April to June was a couple of months after, how many were they interviewing at that point or were ISP or the feds doing it and so on? I am going to take a wait and see on all this as to the facts.

I caught some minutes of Grizz this morn who was already way over the top as was her chat (after weeks on end of silence like most who went there before but then like KNEW they'd better stop their sh*t) but I waited to see tonight what was being talked of.

I know to wait and it's just like when Wieneke etc. claimed NM saw the ex parte thing and filed about it, I said if he did and was given it under the table, I'd have an opinion but in short order also guessed it was not filed right by the defense and nothing at all has ever come about that nor any answer, now of course people forget, let's hear if it was the defense, because new stuff hits, just like the FM and then leak did to the confessions. He'd never easily file something quoting the things in the ex parte like some kind of idiot unless he had legal access on his part.

I'm not okay with LE ineptness but do know to take a wait and see. They had ISP and the feds there for how long? I'd have to look back. And I've never had a single problem saying Doolin needs to be gone with no job at all if he isn't already. Were serious interviews even being held from April to June in these rooms and how many...

In watching more though I've also seen b.s with other defense crap as usual.

That judge that stepped away is having a cocktail watch all and I wouldn't blame him and saying thank you God. Or not watching at all, even wiser.
It seems to be maybe semantics in no phone dump exists of the Pattys. Ploy, public opinion. A phone dump is for the area of all not for some individual's phone isn't it? What I mean is they could have all info from the family's phones but it doesn't mean they did a phone dump geofence on any individual phone, that's to GET info on phones in the area. I think there's a play on words and tech stuff going on with that one by the defense. I have no problem agreeing with anyone who thinks LE should have all their phone data given voluntarily but I don't think that's what is being said here. I think it is intentionally misleading by the defense, but again we will see.

Is Codi the uncle? Because something with him always did bother me if so.
So it looks like MW is considered a consultant now? Both sides are to now offer written arguments for the judge to decide on the contempt issue within 30 days. ie approx mid to late April. So the D will be able to go ahead with the main trial and it looks like they will stay on the case therefore IMO.

From the link -

"The biggest issue of the morning half of Monday’s hearing was the leak of crime scene pictures that were taken by a consultant working for Andy Baldwin, one of Allen’s attorneys. The defense argued the leak was an accident, and that the person shared the pictures without Baldwin’s knowledge.

The prosecutors argued that it was an ongoing leak because Baldwin was giving that case information to that consultant for a while.

Defense argued that is common practice of defense attorney’s to bounce case ideas off of consultants.

The prosecutors also said an email with case info sent by Baldwin to a random person also violated the gag order.

Defense said that was an accident, and it was intended to be sent to Allen’s other attorney.

Once both sides offer other arguments in writing, the judge will have 30 days to decide whether Allen’s attorneys should face contempt of court charges and potential punishment.

In the afternoon, the court hear a motion to dismiss the murder charges against Allen. The request from Allen’s attorneys centers around a taped interview from 2017 done by law enforcement in the early days of the murder investigation. As revealed Monday during the hearing, a technology malfunction essentially recorded over all interviews done in Delphi from Feb 14-20 in 2017. The defense says that constitutes the destruction of evidence that would exonerate Allen.

The defense says the malfunction wasn’t intentional, and that the interviews were memorialized in a written report.

The interview in question was of a person the defense is pointing the finger at as the person who committed the murders.

The morning and afternoon hearings were contentious, and got heated at points over what evidence the judge would and would not allow to be brought into the record.

Allen’s murder trial remained scheduled for May 13 in Carroll County with a jury from Allen County, where Gull serves."
Okay. Some may not believe it but I am fair. So two months of interviews were now lost and some that exist have no audio? Of course this comes from defense claims they were told but assuming that's true, that is NOT OKAY. I would keep in mind though that NM did not do this nor the prosecution. April to June was a couple of months after, how many were they interviewing at that point or were ISP or the feds doing it and so on? I am going to take a wait and see on all this as to the facts.

I caught some minutes of Grizz this morn who was already way over the top as was her chat (after weeks on end of silence like most who went there before but then like KNEW they'd better stop their sh*t) but I waited to see tonight what was being talked of.

I know to wait and it's just like when Wieneke etc. claimed NM saw the ex parte thing and filed about it, I said if he did and was given it under the table, I'd have an opinion but in short order also guessed it was not filed right by the defense and nothing at all has ever come about that nor any answer, now of course people forget, let's hear if it was the defense, because new stuff hits, just like the FM and then leak did to the confessions. He'd never easily file something quoting the things in the ex parte like some kind of idiot unless he had legal access on his part.

I'm not okay with LE ineptness but do know to take a wait and see. They had ISP and the feds there for how long? I'd have to look back. And I've never had a single problem saying Doolin needs to be gone with no job at all if he isn't already. Were serious interviews even being held from April to June in these rooms and how many...

In watching more though I've also seen b.s with other defense crap as usual.

That judge that stepped away is having a cocktail watch all and I wouldn't blame him and saying thank you God. Or not watching at all, even wiser.
It was 14th to the 20th Feb 2017 that was recorded over so not sure of any source regarding two months of interviews. I don't think that is correct. It was just BH interview that was lost and they have it transcribed anyway, I believe.
So it looks like MW is considered a consultant now? Both sides are to now offer written arguments for the judge to decide on the contempt issue within 30 days. ie approx mid to late April. So the D will be able to go ahead with the main trial and it looks like they will stay on the case therefore IMO.

From the link -

"The biggest issue of the morning half of Monday’s hearing was the leak of crime scene pictures that were taken by a consultant working for Andy Baldwin, one of Allen’s attorneys. The defense argued the leak was an accident, and that the person shared the pictures without Baldwin’s knowledge.

The prosecutors argued that it was an ongoing leak because Baldwin was giving that case information to that consultant for a while.

Defense argued that is common practice of defense attorney’s to bounce case ideas off of consultants.

The prosecutors also said an email with case info sent by Baldwin to a random person also violated the gag order.

Defense said that was an accident, and it was intended to be sent to Allen’s other attorney.

Once both sides offer other arguments in writing, the judge will have 30 days to decide whether Allen’s attorneys should face contempt of court charges and potential punishment.

In the afternoon, the court hear a motion to dismiss the murder charges against Allen. The request from Allen’s attorneys centers around a taped interview from 2017 done by law enforcement in the early days of the murder investigation. As revealed Monday during the hearing, a technology malfunction essentially recorded over all interviews done in Delphi from Feb 14-20 in 2017. The defense says that constitutes the destruction of evidence that would exonerate Allen.

The defense says the malfunction wasn’t intentional, and that the interviews were memorialized in a written report.

The interview in question was of a person the defense is pointing the finger at as the person who committed the murders.

The morning and afternoon hearings were contentious, and got heated at points over what evidence the judge would and would not allow to be brought into the record.

Allen’s murder trial remained scheduled for May 13 in Carroll County with a jury from Allen County, where Gull serves."
Yeah, hence why are they not asking for pay for their "consultant".

One has to laugh at the thought that two bona fide bar passing attorneys who have practiced for years are using a man who never passed the bar t all as some "consultant". What's wrong with this picture...? They'd hire or use someone who knows less than they should... Duh.

I've never believed for one moment the bull nor that MW just on his own saw the pics and co-opted them without knowledge of B/R. Not a single moment. Said it before it even came out, that he was "working" for them and then such comes out... It goes against every grain of logic and common sense .

I'm only halfway through Tom's.

An interesting point he made is why is it when RA confessed that it couldn't be with some people that he did it because he really is guilty and did do it, bur rather some immediately look for any reason under the sun he confessed other than the fact he is guilty. So true. However, I recall it as all stunned at first and then defense had nothing for some time that changed much opinion until they came up with the crazy FM and then all who wanted to believe otherwise latched on and ran with all. Those who were going on about him, his treatment, the fact he was held in a prison and so on, just about every single one was at a loss when he confessed and it was some lengthy period of time before defense gave them something to run with and turn tables with although it was a joke imo and a very juvenilely written thing which Tom also refers to. It goes to show the bias and need. I have bias and I'll admit it, in almost every case--pro victim.

And those victims, Abby and Libby, have been totally lost in all this. And that's absolutely disgusting.
It was 14th to the 20th Feb 2017 that was recorded over so not sure of any source regarding two months of interviews. I don't think that is correct. It was just BH interview that was lost and they have it transcribed anyway, I believe.
April to June now is defense claims in addition but I'd bet it was written to sound bigger than it is--it is what Grizz was working everyone on that unthinking bandwagon into a frenzy with yesterday. I used to like her, even promoted her here, but boy has she, and my opinion of her changed. Big time.

It's in a filing. Defense claims NM said interviews from April to June are lost and in addition there are some that only have video and no audio. Of course they say this with no provision to the public at least of more detail of what was asked, responded to and more.
April to June now is defense claims in addition but I'd bet it was written to sound bigger than it is--it is what Grizz was working everyone on that unthinking bandwagon into a frenzy with yesterday. I used to like her, even promoted her here, but boy has she, and my opinion of her changed. Big time.

It's in a filing. Defense claims NM said interviews from April to June are lost and in addition there are some that only have video and no audio. Of course they say this with no provision to the public at least of more detail of what was asked, responded to and more.
Ok, if it is in a filing, where is that filing? Was NM questioned about it yesterday? D claims it but then D claims a lot that isn't true like MW was an ex employee and just a friend. But now suddenly he is a consultant, or did they boot him after the photo leaks? I think they are full of it and are just lying thru their teeth. Is MW going to call R and B in his own trial to say that he was a consultant for them when he leaked the photos?

If it is true that some interviews only have video, perhaps they can employ a lip reader unless they have transcripts. I don't believe it unless I see it in a prosecution filing.
Steve Mullins testified yesterday about this and said summaries of the interviews were provided.

From the link-

"After a full day of courtroom wrangling between Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland and Delphi murder suspect Richard Allen's attorneys, Monday ended with a final hearing on Allen's motion to dismiss, the Allen's attorney, Andrew Baldwin, presented evidence that mirrored the defense team's Sept. 18 memorandum

theorizing that Odinists killed teenagers Libby German and Abby Williams on Feb. 13, 2017, as part of a ritual sacrifice. Baldwin argued that the state's investigators destroyed video and audio interviews with people who might be the teenagers' killers. This lost evidence — including an interview with a suspected Odinist — might clear Allen as the suspect in the case, the attorney claimed.

Former Delphi Police Chief Steve Mullins testified that all of the video and audio recordings of possible suspects in the days after the killings were lost. It was a honest mistake, Mullins said, noting that subsequently, officers created short written summaries of those lost interviews, including the suspected Odinist.

Mullins, who is now the investigator for the Carroll County Prosecutor's Office, said those written summaries all have been provided to Allen's defense team. Mullins also said the summaries include investigators who followed up on the suspected Odinist and learned his car was parked at his place of employment the day the girls were killed.

During his testimony late Monday afternoon, Mullins explained that the DVD used in the police interview room was left on and recording for months. When it filled the large hard drive, it recorded over the police interviews with possible suspects in the days immediately after the killings, Mullin said.

Additionally, Baldwin presented evidence that Indiana State Police investigators did not follow up on Rushville police officers' investigation into Odinists, whom Baldwin claims might be involved in the girls' killings.

The lost evidence and the lack of detectives' followup on incriminating statements made by some Rushville Odinists who had information about the crime scene amounted to withholding evidence that might clear Allen, he said.

As such, Allen is entitled to have the charges dismissed, according to Baldwin's arguments.

Special Judge Frances Gull took the arguments and counterarguments under advisement and will rule at a later date on Allen's motion to dismiss the charges.

Allen is scheduled to go on trial in May.

Jurors will be selected from Allen County, but the trial will be held in Delphi."
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Ok right now let's see them get on with the trial and jury selection. Justice for Libby and Abby.

If the D want to interview, or call as witnesses, the people that Steve Mullins has provided the interview details of, then they can do that.
Here is another article recapping yesterday's court business. I am posting this because it confirms the state can receive the medical and mental health records of RA for a 15 day review. Interesting. Things are slowly moving along now.

"At the end of the second hearing, Gull granted the state’s motion to subpoena third-party records from the Department of Corrections pertaining to Allen’s medical and psychiatric health.
The state will have 15 days to review those records."
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Ok, if it is in a filing, where is that filing? Was NM questioned about it yesterday? D claims it but then D claims a lot that isn't true like MW was an ex employee and just a friend. But now suddenly he is a consultant, or did they boot him after the photo leaks? I think they are full of it and are just lying thru their teeth. Is MW going to call R and B in his own trial to say that he was a consultant for them when he leaked the photos?

If it is true that some interviews only have video, perhaps they can employ a lip reader unless they have transcripts. I don't believe it unless I see it in a prosecution filing.
Watch Tom if you get a chance. He's my fave but that doesn't mean he doesn't forget at times new info if from the defense doesn't mean it's true new info. He gets thrown on occasion as we all do when something new purposely comes about like WOW.

I somehow doubt it is what defense makes out and I even wonder as they got organized if ISP or feds weren't doing a lot of this part. I dont' know. I'll await a response, again it's just defense claims and I take them with a grain of salt even though I prefer salt, I have to go without where they are concerned. Miss cooking, couldn't help it.. Lol.
Steve Mullins testified yesterday about this and said summaries of the interviews were provided.

From the link-

"After a full day of courtroom wrangling between Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland and Delphi murder suspect Richard Allen's attorneys, Monday ended with a final hearing on Allen's motion to dismiss, the Allen's attorney, Andrew Baldwin, presented evidence that mirrored the defense team's Sept. 18 memorandum

theorizing that Odinists killed teenagers Libby German and Abby Williams on Feb. 13, 2017, as part of a ritual sacrifice. Baldwin argued that the state's investigators destroyed video and audio interviews with people who might be the teenagers' killers. This lost evidence — including an interview with a suspected Odinist — might clear Allen as the suspect in the case, the attorney claimed.

Former Delphi Police Chief Steve Mullins testified that all of the video and audio recordings of possible suspects in the days after the killings were lost. It was a honest mistake, Mullins said, noting that subsequently, officers created short written summaries of those lost interviews, including the suspected Odinist.

Mullins, who is now the investigator for the Carroll County Prosecutor's Office, said those written summaries all have been provided to Allen's defense team. Mullins also said the summaries include investigators who followed up on the suspected Odinist and learned his car was parked at his place of employment the day the girls were killed.

During his testimony late Monday afternoon, Mullins explained that the DVD used in the police interview room was left on and recording for months. When it filled the large hard drive, it recorded over the police interviews with possible suspects in the days immediately after the killings, Mullin said.

Additionally, Baldwin presented evidence that Indiana State Police investigators did not follow up on Rushville police officers' investigation into Odinists, whom Baldwin claims might be involved in the girls' killings.

The lost evidence and the lack of detectives' followup on incriminating statements made by some Rushville Odinists who had information about the crime scene amounted to withholding evidence that might clear Allen, he said.

As such, Allen is entitled to have the charges dismissed, according to Baldwin's arguments.

Special Judge Frances Gull took the arguments and counterarguments under advisement and will rule at a later date on Allen's motion to dismiss the charges.

Allen is scheduled to go on trial in May.

Jurors will be selected from Allen County, but the trial will be held in Delphi."
Reading further now. I see you found it. Well no, you didn't as now I see this refers to the days after. This was talking April to June BUT again who was interviewing by then and this was two months after by then. Also it is what defense claims, haven't seen a response yet. If even true, maybe they had like two or something. Who knows with the way facts are skirted and omitted in defense filings.
Here is another article recapping yesterday's court business. I am posting this because it states the defense can receive the medical and mental health records of RA for a 15 day review. Interesting. Things are slowly moving along now.

"At the end of the second hearing, Gull granted the state’s motion to subpoena third-party records from the Department of Corrections pertaining to Allen’s medical and psychiatric health.
The state will have 15 days to review those records."
Only right. They brought up the whole mental health thing and schizo thing and other stuff in their recent filings.

I think you mean the prosecution in the first paragraph don't you?

For any who think little of Gull and think her unfair, imo she had good foundation many a time to provide this access long prior as the defense KEEPS trying to use such but not provide such.
There's a good reminder question at the end of Tom's show someone mentioned and taht's how Kathy Allen has nothing on her FB from like December of 2016 to June of 2017. I find that very interesting when reminded of it. Weight, hair, dress, voice, things she was commenting on on which days as to what was going on in life, I mean WHY/ Most would take ALL DOWN....

I'll make a bet--I bet she also didn't get on there and share that her hub confessed to her.

@Tresir You now how Tom does different backdrops well his backdrop in this show is St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall UK!
Only right. They brought up the whole mental health thing and schizo thing and other stuff in their recent filings.

I think you mean the prosecution in the first paragraph don't you?

For any who think little of Gull and think her unfair, imo she had good foundation many a time to provide this access long prior as the defense KEEPS trying to use such but not provide such.
Yes I did. Oops! I corrected it.

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